Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 133 2013 GENERAL INDEX Illustrations are denoted by page numbers in italics BA Bronze Age sheep/goat 62-3, 305, 314 EBA Early Bronze Age wild boar 62 ERB Early Romano-British Ashford, IA 299, 305 IA Iron Age Brasted 311 LIA Late Iron Age Canterbury 36, 38, 62-3 MBA Middle Bronze Age Wainscott, MBA 291 RB Romano-British Wye 313, 314 antiquarianism, and antiquarian views Aberystwyth (Ceredigion), gatehouse of Folkestone 215-34 275 anti-slavery movement, on the Isle of Abingdon 98 Thanet 1-32 Adams, William, painter 15, 17 Antonine Itinerary 220, 315 Adisham, Bekesbourne Mill 277 Archaeology South-East 235, 308, 311 Ælfric of Eynsham 98 arrowhead, Neolithic flint 294-5 Æthelberht (Ethelbert), King 74, 89, Ashford, St Mary the Virgin Church 90, 93, 94, 101, 227 misericords 188, 189, 193, 194, Æthelred 90 199, 207, 210, 211 Æthelstan the ætheling 97, 112n.140 Ashford, Park Farm (excavations SE Æthelwulf, King 91 of) 295-307 Aird and Sons 135 BA 295, 297, 305 Aldington, St Martin’s Church miser- IA animal bone 299, 305 icords 188, 190, 191, 193, 211 coin 299 Allhallows 132, 150 crucibles (melting copper alloys) Andrews, Colin, book review by 346-8 301, 304, 306 Anglo-Saxon/Saxon four-post structure 301 Brasted 308 metalworking furnace 301, 304, Canterbury 35, 36, 40, 44, 281 306 Dover, and placenames 316, 320, 321, plant remains 299, 303, 305 323 roundhouses ring gullies 295, 297- Folkestone 222, 223, 229, 230 300, 301, 303, 305, 306 St Eanswythe minster 215, 225-6 shrine 299 lathes of East Kent, origins of 83- trackways 299-300 113 LIA-ERB landscape 303-5, 306 placename spellings in charters 329 ditches 304-5, 306 sceattas 293 fence-lines 305 Wainscott Saxon settlement 291, 293 four-post granaries 305 Wye 311 hearths 304, 306 see also pottery pottery 303, 304, 305, 306 animal bone Roman/RB 295, 301, 305, 306 cattle 62-3, 305, 314 coins 303 chicken 314 Astell, Mary 72, 77-8 dog 62 Astell, Ralph, curate 72 horse 62, 314 Atkinson, George 19 pig 62, 63, 314 Audley, Sir Hugh de 236 377 GENERAL INDEX Austen, Charles and Nathaniel 286 well, 19th-century 310 Austen, John 286 wood 308, 311 Aver, William, preacher 16 Brennan, Mr 177 Avery, Elizabeth 72 Bridge, mill 277 Aylesford Brisley Farm 305 bridge 119 Bristowe, John Syer 170, 178 lathe 83, 84, 85, 86, 94, 95-7, 98, Bronze Age 100, 101, 102, 103 Dover boat 322 flint 37 Babington, Gervase, Bishop of Worc- see also Ashford, Park Farm; pottery; ester 70 Wainscott Bagborough 97 brooches, Roman 39, 40, 59 Balderstone, Samuel 46 Brooks, Miss 48 Barham, mills 277 Brown, James, & Co. 8 Barrow, Francis, minister 16, 18 Buck, engraving of Tonbridge 238 Battely, John, archdeacon 230 buckle and buckle plate, copper alloy Battle Abbey 92-3, 311 59 Baylay, Revd W.F. 13, 18, 19 Burham 96 Beard, Samuel, miller 287-8 burials Beckett, St Thomas 119, 196, 330 Roman, Canterbury 35, 280 Bede, Venerable 87, 89, 221 7th century 90, 91, 93 belt mount 313 Folkestone 222 belt stiffener, copper-alloy 60 see also Maidstone, St Peter’s Wharf Benstede, Andrew, vicar 192, 197 Burmarsh 109 n.66 Berkeley, Revd M. 16, 18 Burrows, Vince, ‘An arrowhead from Bertha, queen of Kent 74, 93 Pineham, near Dover’ 294-5 Bestiary 195, 203, 204, 205, 208-9 Bury, Elizabeth 68, 71 Beyond the Horizon: Societies of the Channel and North Sea 3,500 Years Cadby, Charles 16 Ago, reviewed 341-2 Caerphilly Castle, gatehouse 235, 245, Black Death, and plague 118-19 258, 267, 269, 272, 273-5 Blaxland family 192, 204 Caesar, Julius 316 Blean, mill 277 Calvel, William, reeve 45 Bligh, E.V. 176-7 Camden, William 217, 219, 220-1, 223, Bligh, L.E. 176 224, 226, 228, 230 Boncey, Charles, hotel owner 16 Canterbury bone objects, Canterbury 60-1 Abbott’s Mill 277 Boniface, archbishop 117, 118 Barnacle Cross 45 Boxley 96 Barton Mill 277 Abbey 119 Black Mill, St Martin’s Hill 277-90 Bradegare, Robert de 117 Anglo-Saxon 281 Brasted, The Millworks 308-11 archaeological investigations 279- animal bone 311 86 medieval clay tobacco pipes 283, 284 ditches (drainage and field bound- coin, George III 283 aries) 308-10 documentary evidence 286-8 mill 308, 310 glass 283, 284 pottery 311 medieval timber buildings 281 refuse pits/clay quarries 310 post-medieval quarries and pottery plant remains 308, 311 281, 283, 284 tile 311 Roman 280, 281 378 GENERAL INDEX Canterbury (cont.) Roman 35, 36, 37-40, 38, 39 Blean New Mill 288 animal bone 38, 62-3 Burgate 278 brooch 39, 40, 59 Castle 34, 35, 44, 46, 331 burial ground 35 Castle Street 34, 46, 47 finds 59, 60, 61 Cathedral glass 61 Becket shrine 186 pottery 38, 40, 49-52, 50, 53 clergy 77 structures? 40 fire (1174) 186 Anglo-Saxon suburb 35, 36, 40, 44 Henry IV’s tomb 201 medieval 35, 36, 40-2, 41, 42, 52 misericords 187 animal bone 63 St Thomas Beckett 119 boundary/fence line 40-1 The Cedars 35, 47-8 finds 59 Christ Church Priory 44, 45, 46, 97 pottery 40, 41, 52-6, 55 Dane John mound post-mill 277, post-medieval 42-4, 43 278 animal bone 63 Eastbridge Hospital 212, 278 building 16th-century 36, 42-4, Franciscan Gardens mill 277, 278 43 Gordon Road 35 cess tank 43-4 Harbledown Black Mill 277, 278 finds 44, 59-60 Holy Cross Church 212 glass 44, 62 lathe 87, 88, 91, 93, 94, 99, 103 pottery 44, 53, 56-8 Little Foxmould mill 278 Wincheap Gate 35, 46 9 Littlebourne Road, burial 280 Wincheap Green 34, 45, 46, 47 malthouse 286 Wincheap Grove 46, 47 Mill public house/Mill House Tavern Wincheap Street 35, 36, 41, 42, 45, 279, 288 46 St Augustine’s Abbey 188, 191, 280 6 Windmill Close, Lower Palaeolithic St Augustine’s lathe 84, 86, 99 handaxe 280 St Augustine’s survey 98, 112 n.163 Worthgate 35, 36, 44, 46 St James’ leper hospital 44 Wye-men’s gate 83 St John’s Hospital 119 Canterbury Archaeological Trust 33, St Lawrence’s Hospital 278 279 St Lawrence Mill 277, 278 Canterbury, archbishop of 330 St Martin’s Church 280, 281 Carthew, John, tavern owner 16, 19 St Martin’s tower mill (Querns Mill) Carthew, Thomas, boot maker 17, 20 277, 278, 286, 288 Castell, William, boot maker 17 St Nicholas’ Hospital 119 castles, in the Pipe Rolls 330-2; see St Sepulchre Church 278 also Tonbridge Castle gatehouse St Thomas’ Hill mill 277, 278 Cawdell, William, silversmith 313 St Thomas’ Hospital 119 Ceolnoth, Archbishop 91 see of 330 Chambers, Barlett 48 Sessions House, Longport 280 chapels 10 Wincheap, Roman and medieval Folkestone, St Botolph’s 228, 234 development at land adjoining n.44 33-65 Maidstone 115, 118, 121 documentary evidence 44-9 Tonbridge Castle 244-5, 262 prehistoric, pits and soils 35, 36- Chatham 7, 37 anti-slavery 3, 9 BA flint 37 ring fortress 149, 159 IA pottery 37, 49 Chauntler, Henry, minister 70 379 GENERAL INDEX Chepstow Castle (Gwent) 269 Charles V of Spain, 16th century 59 Chilham George III 283 Castle 331-2 Cold War 160 lathe 87, 88, 91, 93 Coles Finch, William 277 chintun 102 Coode, Samuel 16, 17 Chislet 89 Cooke, Nicholas, and Rachael Seager churches see misericords; see also Smith, ‘Prehistoric and Romano- chapels British activity and Saxon settle- Civil War ment at Hoo Road, Wainscott’ 291- destruction in churches 187 3 Folkestone 221, 227 copper-alloy melting 306 Tonbridge 238, 243, 268 copper-alloy objects de Clare family 235, 236, 238 Canterbury 59-60 Clare, Gilbert de 236, 272, 275 Wye 313 Clare, Richard de, Earl of Gloucester Copt Point 230 271, 272, 274 Costigan, Thomas 16 Clarke, Edward, barrister 171, 172, 179- counters, ceramic, Roman 40, 61 80 Coupere, John, woodmonger 45 clay tobacco pipes Courtenay, Archbishop 119 Canterbury 283, 284 de Courtney family 192 Wye 313 Courtney, William de, archbishop 189, clerical families, 17th-century female 192, 210 literacy 67-81 Cowell, J. & G., of Camberwell 8 clerical marriage 68-9 Cramp, Revd John 15, 16, 18 Cliffe at Hoo, St Helen’s Church Cramp, Thomas 19 misericords 188, 192-3, 200, 202, Crofts, John, corn chandler 17 203, 211 Crow, Garton, ironmonger 17 Cliffe Creek 132 crucibles, for copper alloy, IA 301, Cliffe Fort 150, 161 304, 306 Clynton, Lord 228 Curteys, John, priest 190, 192, 197 Coalhouse Fort 132, 150, 159, 161 Coast Brigade 147 Dadds, James, builder 48 Cobb family, of Margate 1-32 Dartford 103 Cobb, Francis I 5, 6-8, 6 Davis, Roger, carpenter 187 Cobb, Francis II 1, 5, 6, 6, 9, 13, 18-19, Deal, foying 3 21, 22, 23 Denge Marsh 87, 91 Cobb, Francis William 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, Denge Wood 87-8, 91, 102 13-14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22-4, 25, Dengi 87 26 Denne, James, bookseller 16 Cobb, Thomas Francis 5, 9, 11, 20, 21 Denne, William, printer 12, 13 Cobb, William Francis 5 denu-ge 87-8, 90, 91, 94, 102 Cobbett, William 3 Deptford 132 Cobham, St Mary Magdalene Church Dere, Thomas 46 misericords 187, 188, 189 Detling 96 de Cobham family 330 die, bracteate 293 Cobham, John de 189 Dodd, C.T. 238-9, 268 Coenwulf 85 Domesday Book coins Brasted 308 IA, potin 299 dover 318, 323 Roman/RB 226, 229, 293, 303 lathes 83, 85-6, 88, 89, 92, 94, 95, Saxon sceattas 293 98, 99 380 GENERAL INDEX Domesday Book (cont.) Elstob, Elizabeth 67, 70, 71, 72, 73-8 mills 277 Elstob, Matilda 74 Pipe Rolls 329 Ethelbert (see Æthelberht) Domesday Monachorum 98 evangelicalism 1, 2, 5, 6, 15, 18, 21-6 Domneva, Queen of Mercia 205 Eyhorne hundred 96-7, 112 n.140 door furniture, iron 60 Dour river 323, 324 Fagg, John, clock-maker 17 Dove, Lt Henry 15, 16, 18 Fairhegne, Wimarca and Gleduse 45 Dover Fallon, David, and Dan Swift, ‘Excav- Anglo-Saxon 316, 320, 321, 323 ations at The Millworks, Brasted’ anti-slavery 9 308-11 BA boat 322 Faversham 85, 86, 103 Castle 331, 332 Holy Saviour Abbey 191 Castle Street 324 St Mary of Charity Church miseri- foying 3 cords 188,
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