INDEX. ^Ethelstan, law of, enacted at Synod of A. Greatley, 183. „ over-struck coin of, 32. A and Q on early Anglo-Saxon coins, 61- ^Ethelwald Moll, Archiepiscopal coins 62. struck in reign of, 9. Aberffraw, 3S. ^Ethelwlf, coins of, 76, 77. Addedomaros, gold coin of, 455. ^Ethehvulf, coins of, 480. Addingham, 18. ,, „ ,, with moneyer Torh- ^Elfwald I., sceattas of, 11. tulf, 411, 412. y£lla, defeated and slain at York, 17. „ forgeries of, 405, 407, 409. Jithelbald, Archbishop of York, 19. A. F. H. Stage Coach token, 472. ,, find of a styca of, at Hex- Alchred, Archiepiscopal coins struck in ham, 19. reign of, 9. ,, styca of, 19. Alcuin, the scholar, 8. ^Ethelbald of Wessex, alleged coins of, Alexandra, Her Majesty Queen, letter with moneyer accepting Royal Membership from, Torhtulf, 411. 4SJ> 452. ,, ,, ,, coins of, 480. Alfonso III. of Portugal, coins of, 65. „ „ „ forgeries of, 405, Alfred the Great, Canterbury mint of, 24. 407, 409, 411, 1, JJ >J coins of, 25, 28, 29, 30, 470. 465-466. ^Ethelbearht, coins of, 480. j, J, jj coins of, London and „ coins of, with moneyer Canterbury, imitation Torhtulf, 411, 412. of, 23. ^Ethelbercta, 7, 8. JJ JJ JJ Exeter mint of, 23, 25. ^Ethelberht, Archbishop of York, 10. JJ JJ JJ find of coins of, at „ King of Kent, 7. Cuerdale, 466. ^Ethelflaed, Lady of the Mercians, 35. JJ JJ JJ find of coins of, at ^Ethelheard, Archbishop of Canterbury, Hexham, 21. 10. JJ JJ JJ forgeries of, 405. ,, . forgeries of, 404. JJ JJ JJ halfpennies of, 29, 30, ^Ethelred, King of Mercia, forgery of, 89, 466. 4°3- JJ JJ JJ "pall" types of, 21, 22, ^Ethelred II., coins of, 118. 23- „ „ „ „ of Danish origin, JJ JJ JJ The Oxford mint in the 4i3- reign of, 21-30, 467. ,, „ find of coins of, in City JJ JJ JJ to Henry III., cut coins of London, 1872, 109- in existence from, 89. 110. JJ JJ JJ Winchester mint of, 23, „ „ forgeries of, 406. 25- „ „ number of mints of, 183. Allectus, Claudius Gothicus to, find of ^Ethelstan, 24, 26, 35, 36, 39-41. coins of, at Crondall, Hants, 427. 2 M 2 5 Index. Alpha and Omega on the early coinage, Annulet on coins, 63. 61. ,, J, ,, of William I., 64, 133, „ as the prototype of some of the i34- designs on the Anglo-Norman Antioch, coins of, 70. coins, 467. Antwerp, Real d'Or of Philip II. of Spain, „ on coins of Dagobert, 73, 75, 84. 461-462. Altar Slab, Guildhall Museum, 65, 79. Apostle spoon, siege piece, the bowl of " Alteration of genuine coins " to produce an, 307, 446-447. a forgery, 401. Appleby, F. H., Dr., coins of, 314 et seq., American two-cent piece of 1792, 460, 316, 357- 461. Aquitaine, coins of, 59, 60, 64, 80, 82, 83. Anaraud, 34, 35. Archbishop of York, The Sceatta and ANDREW, W. J., F.S.A., Ho?i. Sec.:— Styca Coinage of the early, 7. Buried Treasure, some Traditions, Archbishops of Canterbury and York, Records and Facts, of, ref. to, 22, 23, coin money, 7. 101. Arnott and Co., John, token of, 443. Numismatic History of the Reign of Art on the British coinage, 2, 3. Henry I., "A," ref. to, 55, 128, 137, „ „ „ Greek coinage, 2, 3. 185, 476. „ treasures, sale of Charles I.'s, 259-260. Reviews by, 427, 427-429, 429-430. Arundel, Otho Fitz Otho's charter granted Andrew, W. J., and the attribution of the at, 128. Devittm coins, 53-54. Athelstan, see /Ethelstan. „ „ „ exhibits by, 29c, 492. Athens, coins of Dukes of, 70. „ „ „ on the value of the Atherton Moor, battle of, 292. Norman penny, 90. Atkins, James, 371. Angel and the King's Evil, 288. Auden, G. A., M.D., donation of book Angevin coins, 64, 65, 71. by, 470. Anglesey tokens, 386. Aula Regis, 182. " Anglo-Norman Coinage," Concerning Australian pattern for a five-pound piece, the Evolution of some Reverse Types struck at Adelaide, 460. of the, 57-85, 466-467. Avignon, type of coins issued at, 81. Anglo-Norman coins, comparison of Danish and Scandinavian coins with, 68. Anglo-Saxon coins, illustrations of forgeries B. of, 401-409. „ „ influence of the coin- Badges, Portraiture of the Stuarts on the age of Charlemagne Royalist, 243-290, 492-493. on the, 78. ,, in lead and pewter, 247. „ „ the crescent on early, „ of Charles I., by Rawlins, 260, 73, 77, 85. 261. „ moneyer Torhtulf and „ „ „ „ in falling lace characteristics of Die- collar, 254, 255. sinking, The, 411-416, ,, ,, ,, ,, to commemorate 480, 481. the Declaration, Angouleme, coins of, 59, 83. 261. Anjou, coins of, 81, 82. „ ,, ,, ,, with lock of hair, Anlaf, 33, 38. 265, 483- ,, forgeries of, 405. 33 33 33 3 J and II., 487, 488, Anne, find of coins of, at Burnley, 426. 49°, 49 ,, gold coins of, 420. „ „ „ „ and Henrietta ,, medals of, 485. Maria, 254,256, „ touching for King's Evil ceases 487, 488, 490, with reign of, 288. 491. Index. 5 Badges of Henrietta Maria, 483. 484. Beaworth hoard, coins for Wales in, 41. 487, 488, „ ,, " uncertain coins " in the, 49°, 491- 49. in Medici „ „ the Conqueror's bequest collar, 254. to the Church at Bain, R. Donald, exhibits by, 495- Winchester, 428. Baldwin, A. H., exhibits by, 31Q> 442, ,, table showing number of speci- 450, 456, 462, 463, 474) 495- mens recorded, 103-104. „ P. J. D., exhibits by, 475- Bedford mint, of William I, 103, 106, 130, „ the Chamberlain, 194. 134. !39> J43> Ballard, William, penny, 490. 148, 152, 165. Bamborough, Ealdred of, 36. ,, ,, „ 11,112,113,170, Bandon Bridge (Bandon), 350. 174, 179. „ siege money struck at, 349, 350. ,, „ of Henry II., and moneyers Bank of England five shilling dollar, of, 187, 1804, forgery of, 197. 496. ,, ,, ,, notes on, „ „ „ issues tokens, 4. in Pipe „ „ „ tokens, over-struck Rolls, 187. on Spanish dollars, Bedfordshire moneyers of Henry II., 197, 138. 208, 210, 211, 232. Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, badge Bedwin mint of William I., 130, 134. given to, 265, 483. Beeston Castle, siege money struck at, Barker, George, F.R.S., 381, 382. 297, 3°3-3°6, 445. „ „ „ tokens of, 382- 446, 447. 385- „ „ the gateway of, 305. „ „ Hollington, token of, 380. „ „ uncertain siege piece Barnstaple mint of William I., 52, 103, attributed to, 307. T39. iS2> iS6> l65. i69- „ Hill and Castle, view of, 304. Barron, T. W., exhibits by, 489, 490. ,, no documentary evidence for Bartlet, Benjamin and Ruding's plates, assigning such siege coins, 147. 3°4- Bath mint of Edward the Elder, 23. Belesme, Robert de, 54. „ „ William I., 103, 143, 152, Belgians, H.M. the King of the, letter 165, 169. accepting Royal Membership, from Battenberg, H.R.H. the Princess Henry 437. 43s- of, letter accepting Royal Membership Bellasis, Colonel defeated, 262. from, 468, 469. Bengal, pattern, two-anna piece for, 460. Bayeux, Odo. Bishop of, 158. Beornwulf, forgeries of, 404. ,, Tapestry, the star on the, 153. Bermondsey, Surrey, find of coins, temp. B.B. for Bandon Bridge, 350. William II. and Henry I. at, 100, 118, Beaworth find, description and illustrations 174, 179. of the leaden vessel Bermuda penny, unpublished variety, which contained the, 454- 101, 102. Bernard, Bishop of St. Davids, 54. „ ,, notes on some coins in, Berney-Ficklin, badges in cabinet of, 263, 47, 48. 265, 276, 289. „ „ of coins, temp. William I. „ „ exhibits by, 483-486, at, 41, 47 et seq., 93, 100- 105, 117, 118, 152, 156, 5°3- 160, 164, 166. Bernini, bust of Charles I. by, 251. ,, halfpennies of William I. dis- Berri, coin of, 73, 84. covered at, 88, 101 et seq., Berwick mint, 480. 169. „ „ concerning the dies, 45, 414. 54 Index. Berwick mint, coins of Edward I. and Bristol-Coventry mules of Edward IV., II. struck at, 45. 415, 480-481. Birmingham private tokens, 374-378, „ taken by the Royalists, 292. 379' 38o> 382-389- Bristow, for Bristol mint, 25, 187. ,, sixpence in copper, forgery British, gold coins, early, 455. of, 496. Brittany and the coins of William I. and ,, Tokens, "New," issues of, II., 81. 389- ,, coins of, 60, 73, 81-82, 84, 85. Bishophill, find of coins, temp. William I. „ William I.'s invasion of, 154. at, 115, 118, Brunesburgh, battle of, 36. Bisset, James, 376-378. Buckingham, not in list of mints of „ tokens of, 374-378. William I. and II., 184. Bisset's token without pictures, 376, „ mint of Henry II. and 470. moneyers of, 187, 197. Black, Sir Robert, Knight of the Privy „ mint of Henry II., notes Seal of Lascey, Medal of, 443. on, from Pipe Rolls, Blacksmith's Half-crowns of Charles I., 187. 331! 332, 349; 442, 445- „ debased shillings of, 281. Blois, coins of, 69, 84. Buckinghamshire, moneyers of Henry II., Blondeau and the mill and screw, 272. 197, 208, 210, 211, 232. Blything Hundred token, 386. Bungay token, 372. Bointon, Sir Mathew, and Scarborough Burgred, forgery of, 404. Castle, 307. Burgundy, coins of, 59, 82, 83. Boldon Book, extract from, 190, 191. Burh, meaning of, 184 "Borough," the suffix, meaning of, 184. Buried Treasure, reference to W. J. Boscobel halfpenny of Charles II., 490. Andrew's paper on, 428, Boulogne, Count of, see Alfonso III., 65. Burnley, Find of seventeenth and early Brecknock, capture of, by iEthelflaed, 35. eighteenth century coins at, 425, 426, Bren, 42. 493- Brerton, Sir William, and Beeston Castle, Bury, Bishop de, of Durham, 415, 416. 3°4- " Bury," the suffix, meaning of, 184. Bretuill and the Rhuddlan mint, 43. Busby, W. and D., Liverpool, City Bridport mint of William I., 103, 165. omnibus token, 472. ,, „ „. „ H., 170, 174.
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