SAINT BRIDGET OF SWEDEN PARISH WHERE CHRIST IS OUR LIGHT ———————–————————————- SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2020 ———–———————————————— singing! This one hurts Father Fed- erico and myself since we are always trying to encourage more participa- tion, but it has been proven that sing- ing and loud speech expel more ex- Letter from the Pastor cessive water droplets raising the po- tential for transmitting the virus. The Reverend Jeffrey V. Romans, KCHS Therefore all hymnals have been re- moved for the time being. 9. At communion time, come forward single file, maintaining six feet with the person in front of you, put out your hands to receive Holy Commun- Dear Friends in Christ: out fine for weekday Masses but it will be ion, step to the side where the blue X It was a phenomenal feeling last week- ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY that the has been put on the floor, lower your end to be able to welcome home those Signup Genius be used for weekend mask and consume the consecrated who came to Mass. Since March 15th we Masses since the numbers will be that host, then put your mask back on, had not been together for Sunday Mass. I much greater. If we all do our part to and return to your pew by the side have to tell you what an amazing feeling it register ahead of time it will work out just aisle. fine. was to have a schedule of Masses WITH We promise you that we will be responsi- PEOPLE!!! If I am honest I was a bit I remind you as I did last weekend of oth- ble, diligent, and cautious as we begin to tired Sunday afternoon but it was worth it. er items for your consideration: reopen to ensure the safety and well-being I am so 1. The dispensation from the Sunday of all of us, clergy and laity. While we are excited that obligation has been extended through doing our best, it should be noted, that we are re- September 6th, and we will continue any gathering of people carries a risk, turning to to livestream Mass (at 10AM now) and we CANNOT provide an absolute somewhat for those who are uncomfortable guarantee of your safety. Please contin- o f a returning just yet. Those in high- ue to be united in prayer and trust in “ n o r m a l ” risk categories are encouraged to con- God’s wisdom and God’s time as we schedule. As you know I am very struc- tinue staying home, even as others begin to see a reopening of our parish for tured and for the past almost four months begin to return to Mass. The decision Public Masses. it has been a struggle to not have a regular to attend is yours. Please use pru- schedule. dence and good judgement in consid- ering if you should attend a public THANK YOU to the Saint Bridget of Mass at this time. Sweden Parish Pastoral Council and 2. Registration IS REQUIRED for both the countless volunteers who are wel- weekday and weekend Masses due to coming our parishioners as they arrive, the limit of 100 people per worship ensuring that those who enter our spiritual service at this time. PARISH OFFICE IS OPEN…we are home are familiar with the safety proto- 3. Please familiarize yourself with the back! Our office never fully closed but cols and guidelines of the Archdiocese, Guidelines issued by the Archdiocese certainly it has been nothing close to nor- and then after Mass assist in sanitizing the by visiting their website mal with many people working at home church so we are ready for the next Mass. www.archdioceseofhartford.org. and very few people calling or coming to It really has been an experience to see (and 4. Remember the government is recom- the door. Our staff is back in their offices sometimes hear) people reconnecting after mending the following persons to and gearing up for the fall. We are plan- all these weeks. It warms the heart to see stay home and stay safe: anyone who ning events and programs that will be able how excited people are to be back in the has underlying health risks, anyone to be altered depending on the current church and, once again, to receive the who feels sick, or has a cough or fe- situation with the virus. Our parish staff Eucharist. ver, those caring for an elderly or sick is also available to you daily Monday I am grateful to all those who have been person, and those feeling anxious or through Friday, 8:30-4:30. PLEASE UN- coming to daily Mass and those who came fearful for their own health. DERSTAND that we are not permitting last weekend for Sunday Mass for the co- 5. If you do come to Mass, please bring people into the rectory at this time. We operation and understanding of all that is your own hand sanitizer and a mask, are available by phone or email, and if you involved in our celebrations. We are do- arrive early, and maintain 6 feet of need a Mass card we are asking for the ing EVERYTHING possible to ensure we social distancing when moving about information ahead of time, the card will are being attentive to the well-being and the church. then be filled out, and we will place it in safety of all who enter our church. 6. The front entrance, and the south one of the mailboxes next to the rectory YOUR COOPERATION IS STILL entrance, will continue to be the ON- facing the church. This is the same pro- NEEDED…Masses ARE limited to LY entrances utilized at this time. cess for anyone wishing to pick some- 100 persons as of the time of this writ- 7. Please remember there is to be NO thing up or drop something off. Please ing. One MUST sign-up to attend the gatherings in the church or the park- call the office to inform us when you drop Mass using the SignUp Genius found on ing lot at this time. I know many will something off. Thank you for your un- our parish website at be tempted to want to catch up but derstanding. We are protecting your www.stbridgetcheshire.org. If you do not please do so by calling one another health and well-being as well as that of our use a computer please contact the parish on the telephone. staff. office to sign-up. The process has worked 8. There will be NO congregational 2 THANK YOU to the Connecticut area with a new roof in faith development, math, language arts, State Council of the Knights of Colum- and then installing a social studies, geography, science, Spanish bus who graciously donated the ban- complete Fleece (grades K-8), music, art, and physical edu- ner that hangs in front of Saint Bridget Back TPO Mem- cation. Our curriculum includes the use Church. As you may recall on May 27th, brance Roof System of state-of-the-art computer and science 2020, Pope Francis approved the miracle over the entire exist- labs as well as an extensive library. attributed to the intercession of Father ing roof. This new Even in the midst of a pandemic our Michael J. McGivney founder of the roof will have a 20- students continued their learning pro- Knights of Columbus and a parish priest year Warranty. Fol- cess. I am beyond thrilled and grateful to of the Archdiocese of Hartford. He will lowing these meet- our extraordinary faculty who met with be officially named a Blessed in the life of ings permission was sought from the their students on various platforms such the church at a ceremony expected to take Archbishop’s Office to proceed and was as, Google Meet or ZOOM, and contin- place in the fall somewhere here in Con- granted in late June. The work has begun ued the learning process, challenging our necticut. We are very excited about this this week on the church roof. This past students daily, and helping them grow in announcement and want all the world to week they had a company come to vacu- knowledge. We did not miss a beat and know, at least those who drive by, that um the pea stone from the roof surface that is thanks to our phenomenal faculty. one of our own, someone from Connecti- and they have begun the repairs. This cut, will now be a Blessed in the eyes of project is costing $124,929.00 and is com- We still have room at all grade levels the Church and is on their way to being pletely funded by the 2019 Annual Family for the upcoming school year 2020- canonized a Saint. Beatification is an act Commitment. Thank you, once again, for 2021, and I hope you will consider by which the Pope allows a candidate for your tremendous generosity to our parish Saint Bridget School for your child or sainthood to be venerated publicly. An- family which makes these special projects children, grandchild or grandchildren. I would love for all families to consider other miracle attributed to their interces- possible. coming in for a tour. sion is needed to be declared a Saint. CALLING ALL PARENTS! These Venerable Servant of God Father Michael weeks of summer may provide some res- Please contact our Admissions Director, J. McGivney, soon to be Blessed, pray for pite and relaxation, albeit differently this Mrs. Christina Cummings, or our Princi- us! year, but for those with children it also pal, Dr.
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