Published l% ice All theiHomefNews Each Week. Latest .'Styles' in established 1866, UCHANAN Job Printing. VOLUME XXXVIII. BUCHANAN, BERRIEN CO.. MICH., FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1904. PART 2, NUMBER 24. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. ROBBERS PREPARED A PICNIC LUNCH. FATAL FLOODS WEST om Brown Burned at the Axle Works Wednesday. Spread Contents of Pantry on Lawn at Special Sale For July Skelley Home. Seven Persons Drowned by the Tom Brown was the victim of a Good Citizens of New Jersey T a lk Overflow of Kansas and painful accident at the Lee & Porter of Taking Vengeance on Some burglars have started an in­ LACE CURTAINS DRESS GOODS and SILKS Oklahoma Rivers. Axle Works, Wednesday morning. Negro Brutes. novation in Benton Harbor in the We offer five hundred pairs Lace We offer one table full of §1.00 He had filled a piece ®f gas pipe way of novel house breaking parties. quality fancy silks in remnants for Curtains at 35e to §5—very much THOUS ANDS DRIVEN FROM HOME with sand to make it solid so that it FOUR WRETCHES ARE CAUGHT Monday night- the home o f Henry nuder price. There is most every 39e. could be bent into a circle. The ends Skelley on Garfield avenue was singled kind of curtain in this lot. Wool Dress Goods, black and of the pipe were closed and it was out after the family had retired and colors, §1.00 quality at 35c. Our annual sale of Lace Curtains Most off the Inhabitants of the Ar­ put into a forge t® heat preparatory Authorities B ope to Prevent a Lynch- entrance was effected through the One lot $1.50 quality, 50c. mour dale Have to Seek Safe ^ ing by Adopting the Railroad­ for June has become one of the feat­ to the bending operation. The sup­ kitchen window by taking off the 15c Fancy Lawns, 8c. Places — Heavy Prop­ ing Process. ures of our business. position is, that the sand was moist, screen. While we sell curtains all the year 20c Fancy Lawns, 10c. erty Loss. 25c India Linen, black and colors., thus forming steam in the closed pipe The robbers made no search for round for less money than any one Philadelphia, July S.—Through the else, this sale will put every other 10c. causing it to explode. money or valuables. No, no that one in the shade for prices and 25c black India Linen remnants- Oklahoma City, O. T., July 8.'— A Mr. Brown was standing at the good work of the New Jersey and was not in theii line, instead they quality. 5c. waterspout, accompanied by terrific forge when the explosion occurred, Pennsylvania authorities, coupled with went to the pantry, depleted the wind, "passed through Clinton, O. T., fortunate circumstances, all the ne­ RIBBONS and LACES 10c White goods, 5c. the steam and hot cinders being blown shelves of their good things to eat, 12Xc White goods, 7Xe. and vicinity at midnight Wednesday groes implicated in the rape of Mrs. We offer one lot of Yal. Laces, night, in which six persons were killed into his face, burning bim quite bad* Charles Biddle at her home near Bur­ spread a table cloth on the lawn in about the 5c quality, for leper yard; MILLINERY and seveml injured. The dead are: y. One of his eyes was |torn by a lington, N. J., last Tuesday are now he back yard and started to have a other lots at 2c, 3c, 5c, 10c per yard The season has been backward— Mrs. Baker and three children, Mr. ami cinder in sucb a manner that it was under arrest Aaron Timbers, the lead­ picnic supper. and upwards. we have not sold as many hats as we Mrs. John Flenner. All were drowned. necessary to take two stitches in the er of the attacking party, and Joseph When everything had been nicely We offer all kinds of laces very anticipated. We offer §5.00 Ladies’ Reports from Araphaie, Weatherford, eyeball. Sims are in the Lancaster county jail, arranged Mr. Skelley was awakened much under value during this sale. trimmed and street hats at half the Geary, Cordell, Anadarco and other price they were made to sell at.. Dr, Emmons was called and dress- having been captured in Columbia near by the ck^Jle of the thieves and We offer at special prices a great points in western Oklahoma tell of / Yon might be interested in buying ed 'the wounds. The doctor informs Lancaster; William Austin is in Moya- they were frightened away at his ap­ variety of fancy and plain Ribbons great damage by flood. two when you can get them for the us that he looks for no serious results mensing prison here, and Thomas pearance. The kitchen lamp was at 10c, 15c and 25e per yard. price of one. Rive Thousand Driven from Home. Jones is in the Burlington county Jail from the accident. found at full blaze without a chim- Kansas City, Mo., July 8.—Armour- at Mount Holly. The machinery of dale, the packing house suburb of <♦ ❖ *1* the law for the transfer of the three key and the side board was in a state ■ • COME AMD SEE US Kansas City, Kan., has been practical­ The Famous Story of “ Mrs. Wiggs” and: men in Penns3rlvania Jails to New Jer­ of topsy turveyness. ly deserted, most of its 5,000 citizens sey has already been set in motion. Nothing was found missing.—News- having been driven from their homes “ Lovey Mary” to be Seen on the by the overflow of the Kaw river for Stage at the Grand Opera Public Cbunor for Vengeance. Palladium. ’ \ GEO.WYMAN&C2. the second time in thirteen months. House, Chicago. For fear that the citizens of Bur­ ♦> *2* lington county might take the law into West and southwest of here, in Kan­ What promises to be one of the BOGUS GREENBACKS. SOUTH BEND, 1ND. sas and Oklahoma, serious- conditions their own hands the authorities of exist. A t Wichita, Emporia and Win­ quaintest and oddest of all this sea­ that county have promised a speedy ---------- -Closed evenings except Saturday---------- field the Cottonwood, the Neosho and son’s theatrical offerings—a play nov­ trial for the accused men. Public This Secteou Has Plenty of Spurious the Arkansas rivers are cansing the elty that comes heralded as the laugh­ clamor for vengeance was increased Money. when it became known that Mrs. Bid­ most disastrous flood in the history of ing hit of the season—is soon to be those places, and it is believed that dle has collapsed under the strain. She the worst is yet to come. seen by Chicago playgoers on the lapsed into semi-consciousness, coming Examine your $10 notes and $5 sil­ Losses Reach an Immense Sum. stage of the Grand Opera House, to her senses only to go into a series ver certificates carefully before ac­ All Kansas streams are high, and where dear, delightful Mrs. Wiggs of spasms. The family physician was cepting them, for counterfeits, said thousands of acres of rich farming land (that now national favorite, whose in attendance most of the day. At one time her condition was so serious that to be good imitations, are in circula­ has already been inundated, causing unfailing eheerfullness and deep hu­ losses to crops tbat -will run into the it was deemed best to send for all the tion, is the warning Just sent out. IBANAHRS, IIIICH, LEMS hundreds of thousands of dollars. man sympathy have made her every­ relatives of the family. She has some­ There are two forms of the spur­ V We have the largest stock of Groceries to select from in Buchanan. Farmers at a dozen different points body’s friend, and who bids fair to what improved. ious $10 notes. One is o f the series “ We sell more, and are able to give you better prices. We can give you have been forced to flee from their become an immortal creation of Still Danger of Trouble. of 1901, check letter “ C” with J. W. good, fresh goods at the bottom prices. homes, driving their cattle before them American realism and humor) is to There is no denying the fact that Lyons register, and Ellis H. Roberts and taking their horses and what there is still danger of trouble if Tim­ make her bow before the footlights treasurer. It is a lithographic pro­ ‘S lbs rice for . » ..................... — 25c Large size wash pan for ---- -: ___ 10c household goods could be gotten to­ bers and his companions are soon taken »4 lbs rice for .......................... ... 25c Dish drainers just what you want 10c gether quickly to higher ground. on Sunda'y evening, July 10. Madge to Burlington. Expressions are heard duction, apparently the work of per­ :3 lbs of the best rice on the market, 25c Egg beaters....... ........................... 10c Seven Lives Have Been Lost. Carr Cook, the expert comedienne, on all sides that the farmers of the sons responsible for previous count­ ’"“^ “iSQJbs granulated sugar....... ........1.00 Double chopping knives .................10c As far as known seven lives have who has so distinguished herself in a county and citizens of Burlington erfeits, and is printed on two pieces i\ lbs pruiies'iCx .. w . , ---- -— 35c Basting spoons ....................5 and 10c been lost—one at Wichita, Kan., and wide range of character roles, is said should not wait for the slow moving of thin paper of good quality, between Six at Clinton, O. T. The wife and two of the law. The county authorities, (i Always use Goshen Flour for good French shoe blacking....................... 5c to give the half-humorous, half-touch­ which silk threads have been distri­ '* ^reacl, Pies and Cakes.
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