HOSPITAL MUSI[ NEWSLETTER Published by the [ommittee on Music in Hospitals of the National Music [ouncil Ray Green, Editor and Acting Chairman 11 East 10th Street, New York, N . Y. Volume 1 May, 1948 Number 1 Introducing the NEWSLETTER information on special projects established for purposes We hope the few items of information which are in- of exploring the use of hospital music or music research; cluded in this first issue of the HOSPITAL MUSIC announcements of hospital music clinics and training NEWSLETTER will be of gener:!l !.'1terest tc the reader. seminars; other information of a general or specialized Volume 1, No. 1, is a trial balloon that we hope will interest that may be found useful in a hospital music stimulate interest in future issues. We want and invite program. Additional features and sections of the NEWS- your comment and interest. The purpose of the NEWS- LETTER may be added as a need for them arises a.c.d LETTER is the exchange of information between hospi- mterest in them develops. Suggestions from contributors tals on their use of music with patients. We hope that and readers are invited. the pages of the NEWSLETTER will be used frequently by hospitals for this purpose. The Executive Committee of the National Music Exchange of lnformt1tion Council established the National Music Council Music in Hospitals Committee as a means of voluntary co- Hospitals of all types are invited to ordination of the cooperative efforts of member organ- participate in the exchange of information izations in hospital music programs throughout the coun- through the medium of the HOSPITAL try. The distribution of information on the use of music MUSIC NEWSLETTER. Hospitals under in hospitals is also an important function of the com- the jurisdiction of the Army, Navy, Air mittee. Through the medium of the NEWSLETTER the Force, Veterans Administration, state, Music in Hospitals Committee will attempt to facilitate county and city administrations, as well the exchange and distribution of information that offers as educational and private organizations hospitals the most direct and valuable assistance in music are included in this invitation. Please ad- program planning and operation. dress all news items to Ray Green, Editor, Helpful information might include narrative accounts HOSPITAL MUS IC NEWSLETTER, of program operation at a hospital; program aids, such 11 East 10th Street, New York, N. Y. as bibliography and source material; reports er descripfr:e Hospitals Employing Full-Time Music Specialists ,f Dr. Roy Underwood, Head of the Department of Music Hill Crest Sanitarium, Birmingham, Ala. at Michigan State College and Chairman of the Music Arizona State Hospital, Phoenix, Ariz. Teachers National Association Committee on Music in VA Hospital, North Little Rock, Ark. Agnew State Hospital, Agnew, Cal. Hospitals, has recently completed a survey on music spe- Carmari llo State Hospital, Camarillo, Cal. cialists employed at hospitals all over the country. Dr. Compton Sanitorium, Compton, Cal. Underwood has submitted the following list of hospitals VA Hospital, Wilshire and ~Sawtelle, Los Angeles n, Cal. employing music specialists for publication in the NEWS- Los Angeles County General Hospital, Los Angeles 33, Cal. LETTER. Additional VA hospitals have been added to Norwalk State Hospital, Norwalk, Cal. Langley Porter Clinic, San Francisco, Cal. the list, bringing the total to 117 hospitals employing Patton State Hospital, Patton, Cal. full-time music specialists: Sonoma State Home, Eldridge, Cal. VA Hospital, Palo Alto, Cal. New Hampshire State Hospital, Concord, N. H . VA Hospital, Fort Lyon, Col. Greystone Park State Hospital, Greystone Park, N. J. Connecticut State Hospital, Middletown, Conn. VA Hospital, Lyons, N . J. Fairfield State Hospital, Newtown, Conn. New Jersey State Hospital, Trenton, N . J. Institute of Living, 200 Retreat Ave., Hartford 2, Conn. VA Hospital, Bath, N . Y. Norwich State Hospital, Norwich, Conn. VA Hospital, Bronx, N. Y. Alton State Hospital, Alton, Ill. Brooklyn State Hospital, 681 Clarkson Ave., Brooklyn 3, N. Y. Anna State Hospital, Anna, Ill. Buffalo State Hospital, Buffalo, N. Y. Chicago State Hospital, 6500 W. Irving Park Rd., Chicago, Ill. VA Hospital, Canandaigua, N. Y. Dixon State Hospital, Dixon, Ill. VA Hospital, Castle Point, N. Y. Jacksonville State Hospital, Jacksonville, Ill. VA Hospital, Halloran, Staten Island, New York City, N . Y. Manteno State Hospital, Manteno, Ill. Marcy State Hospital, Marcy, N . Y. Peoria State Hospital, Peoria, Ill. Montefiore Hospital, Gunhill Road, New York City, N. Y. VA Hospital, Danville, Ill. VA Hospital, Northport, Long Island, N . Y. VA Hospital, Downey, Ill. Rockland State Hospital, Orangeburg, N. Y. Evansville State Hospital, Evansville, Ind. New York Hospital, Westchester Div., White Plains, N. Y. Indiana State Hospital, Logansport, Ind. Willard State Hospital, Willard, N. Y. Madison State Hospital, North Madison, Ind. Grasslands Hospital, Valhalla, N. Y. VA Hospital, Marion, Ind. VA Hospital, Fayetteville, N. C. Cherokee State Hospital, Cherokee, Ia. Cambridge State Hospital, Cambridge, 0 . VA Hospital, Knoxville;, Ia. Longview State Hospital, Cincinnati 16, 0 . Menninger Foundation, Topeka, Kans. VA Hospital, Cleveland, 0. VA Hospital (Winter), Topeka, Kans. Columbus State Hospital, 1960 W . Broad St., Columbus 15, 0. VA Hospital, Wichita, Kans. Dayton State Hospital, Dayton, 0 . VA Hospital, Fort Thomas, Ky. Hawthornden State Hospital, Macedonia, 0. Augusta State Hospital, Augusta, Me. Orient State School, Orient, 0. VA Hospital, Togus, Me. Toledo State Hospital, Toledo, 0. Spring Grove State Hospital, Catonsville, Md. Massillon State Hospital, Massillon, 0. VA Hospital, Perry Point, Md. Central State Hospital, Norman, Okla. Springfield State Hospital, Sykesville, Md. VA Hospital, Portland, Ore. Sheppard Enoch Pratt Hospital, Towson, Md. Oregon State Hospital, Salem, Ore. VA Hospital, Bedford, Mass. VA Hospital, Vancouver, Ore. Boston Psychopathic Hospital, 74 Fenwood Rd., Boston, Mass. Allentown State Hospital, Allentown, Pa. Bournewood Hospital, 300 Sou th St., Brookline, Mass. Philadelphia State Hospital, Byberry, Pa. Foxborough State Hospital, Foxborough, Mass. VA Hospital, Coatesville, Pa. Taunton State Hospital, Taunton, Mass. Danville State Hospital, Danville, Pa. Metropolitan State Hospital, Waltham 54, Mass. Norristown State Hospital, Norristown, Pa. Mclean Hospital, Waverley 79, Mass. Torrance State Hospital, Torrance, Pa. Westborough State Hospital, Westborough, Mass. State Hospital, Woodville, Pa. Caro State Hospital for Epileptics, Caro, Mich. VA Hospital, San Juan, Puerto Rico Pontiac State Hospital, Pontiac, Mich. State Hospital for Mental Diseases, Howard, R. I. Traverse City State Hospital, Traverse City, Mich. VA Hospital, Columbia, S. C. Ypsilanti State Hospital, Ypsilanti, Mich. VA Hospital, Fort Meade, S. Dak. Fergus Falls State Hospital, Fergus Falls, Minn. VA Hospital, Murfreesboro, Tenn. VA Hospital, Minneapolis, Minn. VA Hospital, Nashville, Tenn. VA Hospital, St. Cloud, Minn. Terrell State Hospital, Terrell, Tex. St. Peter State Hospital, St. Peter, Minn. VA Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah VA Hospital, Biloxi, Miss. Northern State Hospital, Sedro Woolley, Wash. VA Hospital, Jefferson Barracks, Mo. Hospital for Mental Diseases, Milwaukee County, Milw:rnkee, Wis. Hastings State Hospital, Ingleside, Neb. Milwaukee Sanitorium, Milwaukee, Wis. Lincoln State Hospital, Lincoln, Neb. Central State Hospital, Waupun, Wis. VA Hospital, Lincoln, Neb. VA Hospital, Sheridan, Wyo. Norfolk State Hospital, Norfolk, Neb. Bibliography on Hospital Music A complete and comprehensive bibliography on hos- be issued separately if this is found more desirable. Fur- pital music is in the process of completion by the Editor ther information on this will appear in a later issue of of the NEWSLETfER. This material may be found suit- the NEWSLETTER able for release through the NEWSLETTER or it may Veterans Administration Hospital Music The music program in the Recreation Service, Special "In addition to the parhopations above, December Services, in the Veterans Administration is probably the 1947 had 83,121 patient participations in ward sings and most comprehensive single hospital music program in op- community sings. Instrumental and vocal instruction eration today. Detailed information on the VA hospital showed a decided increase during 1947. As contrasted to music program has appeared in a number of newspapers 2,928 participations in December 1946, the latest report and magazines and has been presented at national meet- shows 13,110 participations of which 4,467 were con- ings and conventions. The following summary of a spe- ducted on the specific recommendation of the medical cial report presents information which indicates the extent authorities. In addition, the 1,800 patient participations and scope of the program: in creative music activities, such as song writing, arrang- "A Special Report of Music Activities at 126 VA ing, and harmony were almost a six-fold increase over hospitals and centers has been prepared covering such the total recorded in 1946. activities between December 15, 1947, and January 15, "An indication of the passive participation side of the 1948, (referred to below as December 1947). A similar program can be noted by the fact that the latest report report for December 1946 from 122 VA hospitals and shows approximately 700,000 patients in attendance at centers allows a comparison of the progress in music music activities
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