DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS Vol. 100: 273–291, 2012 Published September 12 Dis Aquat Org COMBINED AUTHOR AND TITLE INDEX (Volumes 91 to 100, 2010–2012) A Alves Â, see Azevedo C et al. (2011) 93: 235–242 Andersen L, see Nylund S et al. (2011) 94: 41–57 Abbott CL, Gilmore SR, Lowe G, Meyer G, Bower S (2011) Andreou D, Gozlan RE, Stone D, Martin P, Bateman K, Feist Sequence homogeneity of internal transcribed spacer SW (2011) Sphaerothecum destruens pathology in rDNA in Mikrocytos mackini and detection of Mikrocytos cyprinids. 95: 145–151 sp. in a new location. 93: 243–250 Andrieux-Loyer F, see Azandégbé A et al. (2010) 91: 213–221 Abollo E, see Gregori M et al. (2012) 99: 37–47 Angermeier H, Glöckner V, Pawlik JR, Lindquist NL, Abollo E, see Pardo BG et al. (2011) 94: 161–165 Hentschel U (2012) Sponge white patch disease affecting Adams J, see Dennison SE et al. (2011) 94: 83–88 the Caribbean sponge Amphimedon compressa. 99: Adamson ML, see Brown AMV et al. (2010) 91: 35–46 95–102 Aeby GS, Ross M, Williams GJ, Lewis TD, Work TM (2010) Aparicio M, see Labella A et al. (2010) 92: 31–40 Disease dynamics of Montipora white syndrome within Arancibia G, see Tapia-Cammas D et al. (2011) 97: 135–142 Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii: distribution, seasonality, vir- Arango-Gomez JD, see Rivera-Posada JA et al. (2011) 96: ulence, and transmissibility. 91: 1–8 113–123 Aeby GS, see Williams GJ et al. (2011) 94: 89–100 Arango-Gómez JD, see Rivera-Posada JA et al. (2011) 97: Aguilar-Méndez MJ, see Gómez-Gutiérrez J et al. (2012) 99: 85–94 57–78 Aranguren FL, see Tang KFJ et al. (2012) 99: 179–185 Al-Hussinee L, Lumsden JS (2011) Detection of VHSV IVb Aranguren LF, Tang KFJ, Lightner DV (2012) Protection from within the gonads of Great Lakes fish using in situ yellow head virus (YHV) infection in Penaeus vannamei hybridization. 95: 81–86 pre-infected with Taura syndrome virus (TSV). 98: Al-Hussinee L, Lord S, Stevenson RMW, Casey RN, Groocock 185–192 GH, Britt KL, Kohler KH, Wooster GA, Getchell RG, Araujo OGS, see Gründler MC et al. (2012) 97: 173–184 Bowser PR, Lumsden JS (2011) Immunohistochemistry Arbelo M, see Melero M et al. (2011) 97: 167–170 and pathology of multiple Great Lakes fish from mortality Arencibia A, see Orós J et al. (2011) 95: 163–166 events associated with viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus Arias CR, Cai W, Peatman E, Bullard SA (2012) Catfish hybrid type IVb. 93: 117–127 Ictalurus punctatus × I. furcatus exhibits higher resistance Al-Salahy MB, see Ali EH et al. (2011) 94: 17–28 to columnaris disease than the parental species. 100: 77–81 Al-Sayegh H, see Miller AW et al. (2011) 93: 179–190 Arias CR, see Olivares-Fuster O et al. (2011) 96: 221–227 Alarcón M, see Løvoll M et al. (2012) 99: 7–12 Arizcun Arizcun M, see Picón-Camacho SM et al. (2011) 94: Alba A, see Soto S et al. (2011) 96: 187–194 167–172 Albalat A, Gornik SG, Beevers N, Atkinson RJA, Miskin D, Arnesen CE, see Nylund S et al. (2011) 94: 41–57 Neil DM (2012) Hematodinium sp. infection in Norway Arnizaut AB, Hanson LA (2011) Antibody response of channel lobster Nephrops norvegicus and its effects on meat qual- catfish after channel catfish virus infection and following ity. 100: 105–112 dexamethasone treatment. 95: 189–201 Alday-Sanz V, see Corteel M et al. (2012) 100: 211–218 Arnold SJ, see Sellars MJ et al. (2011) 95: 19–30 Aldous S, see Garver KA et al. (2011) 95: 97–112 Atkinson RJA, see Albalat A et al. (2012) 100: 105–112 Alegre F, see Soto S et al. (2011) 96: 187–194 Atkinson RJA, see Beevers ND et al. (2012) 100: 95–104 Alemany F, see Mele S et al. (2012) 97: 219–225 Ault KK, Johnson JE, Pinkart HC, Wagner RS (2012) Genetic Alfaro ME, see Waltzek TB et al. (2012) 98: 41–56 comparison of water molds from embryos of amphibians Alford RA, see Hauselberger KF & Alford RA (2012) 100: Rana cascadae, Bufo boreas and Pseudacris regilla. 99: 191–200 127–137 Ali EH, Hashem M, Al-Salahy MB (2011) Pathogenicity and Austin J, see Hyatt A et al. (2012) 100: 1 oxidative stress in Nile tilapia caused by Aphanomyces Avendaño-Herrera R, see Tapia-Cammas D et al. (2011) 97: laevis and Phoma herbarum isolated from farmed fish. 94: 135–142 17–28 Avendaño-Herrera R, see Yañez AJ et al. (2012) 97: 197–205 Allaire DG, see Schock DM et al. (2010) 92: 231–240 Azandégbé A, Garnier M, Andrieux-Loyer F, Kérouel R, Allen JL, see Jones MEB et al. (2012) 99: 243–249 Philippon X, Nicolas JL (2010) Occurrence and seasonality Aller-Gancedo JM, see Carbajal-González MT et al. (2011) of Vibrio aestuarianus in sediment and Crassostrea gigas 96: 125–135 haemolymph at two oyster farms in France. 91: 213–221 Altabet MA, see Bethoney ND et al. (2011) 95: 1–8 Azevedo C, Casal G, Matos P, Alves Â, Matos E (2011) Hen- Altinok I (2011) Multiplex PCR assay for detection of four neguya torpedo sp. nov. (Myxozoa), a parasite from the major bacterial pathogens causing rainbow trout disease. nervous system of the Amazonian teleost Brachyhypopo- 93: 199–206 mus pinnicaudatus (Hypopomidae). 93: 235–242 Alvarez-Pellitero P, see Estensoro I et al. (2010) 92: 51–58 Aznar FJ, see Gregori M et al. (2012) 99: 37–47 © Inter-Research 2012 · www.int-res.com 274 Dis Aquat Org 90: 273–2xx, 2012 B Treatment of chytridiomycosis requires urgent clinical trials. 92: 165–174 Baban J, see Dalvin S et al. (2011) 94: 211–224 Berger L, see Garland S et al. (2011) 97: 1–9 Bacci B, see Sirri R et al. (2010) 92: 83–88 Berger L, see Phillott AD et al. (2010) 92: 175–185 Bahadir Koca S, see Svoboda J et al. (2012) 98: 255–259 Berger L, see Shaw SD et al. (2010) 92: 159–163 Baker A, see Garland S et al. (2010) 92: 113–116 Berger L, see Skerratt LF et al. (2010) 92: 117–129 Balasubramanian V, see Immanuel G et al. (2012) 99: 187–196 Berger L, see Voyles J et al. (2010) 92: 109–112 Balasundaram C, see Harikrishnan R et al. (2010) 92: 41–49 Berger L, see Webb R et al. (2012) 99: 119–125 Bambir SH, see Eydal M et al. (2010) 91: 83–88 Berger L, see Young S et al. (2012) 98: 1–10 Bandín I, see López-Vázquez C et al. (2011) 93: 111–116 Bergmann SM, see Ohlemeyer S et al. (2011) 96: 195–207 Bang Jensen B, see Kahns S et al. (2012) 99: 23–35 Beringer J, see Bodinof CM et al. (2011) 96: 1–7 Bang Jensen B, see Løvoll M et al. (2012) 99: 7–12 Bermúdez MB, see Farto R et al. (2011) 95: 167–173 Bang Jensen B, see Wiik-Nielsen CR et al. (2012) 97: 255–258 Bermúdez R, see Vigliano FA et al. (2011) 96: 61–68 Barakos J, see Bonn WV et al. (2011) 96: 89–96 Berx B, see Murray AG et al. (2010) 91: 189–200 Barakos J, see Montie EW et al. (2010) 91: 243–256 Best AM, see Duncan Pullen K et al. (2010) 91: 9–16 Barco SG, see Cassoff RM et al. (2011) 96: 175–185 Bethoney ND, Stokesbury KDE, Stevens BG, Altabet MA Bardeau JF, see Trinkler N et al. (2011) 93: 149–162 (2011) Bait and the susceptibility of American lobsters Baretto E, see Snow M et al. (2010) 91: 177–188 Homarus americanus to epizootic shell disease. 95: 1–8 Barja JL, see Castro N et al. (2011) 95: 253–258 Bettge K, see Schmidt-Posthaus H et al. (2012) 97: 207–218 Barja JL, see López-Vázquez C et al. (2011) 93: 111–116 Bishop PJ, see Herbert SM et al. (2011) 96: 169–174 Barker DE, see Jakob E et al. (2011) 97: 155–165 Bishop PJ, see Shaw SD et al. (2010) 92: 159–163 Barradas-Ortiz C, see Briones-Fourzán P et al. (2012) 100: Bjørland MA, see Jørgensen A et al. (2011) 97: 57–63 135–148 Black J, see Snow M et al. (2010) 91: 177–188 Barradas-Ortiz C, see Candia-Zulbarán RI et al. (2012) 100: Blackwelder P, see Miller AW et al. (2011) 93: 179–190 125–133 Blair D, see Garland S et al. (2011) 97: 1–9 Barron MG, see Fournie JW et al. (2012) 99: 85–93 Blanco MM, see Olmeda AS et al. (2011) 94: 77–81 Barskaya Y, see Ozerov MY et al. (2010) 91: 129–136 Bodinof CM, Briggler JT, Duncan MC, Beringer J, Millspaugh Bartholomew JL, see Ray RA et al. (2010) 93: 63–70 JJ (2011) Historic occurrence of the amphibian chytrid Bassos-Hull K, see Burdett Hart L et al. (2011) 95: 49–56 fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in hellbender Bastardo A, Bohle H, Ravelo C, Toranzo AE, Romalde JL Cryptobranchus alleganiensis populations from Missouri. (2011) Serological and molecular heterogeneity among 96: 1–7 Yersinia ruckeri strains isolated from farmed Atlantic Boeger WA, see Pie MR et al. (2011) 94: 73–75 salmon Salmo salar in Chile. 93: 207–214 Boehme W, see Bourke J et al. (2010) 92: 217–221 Bastardo A, see Castro N et al.
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