SLAC-409 UC-414 (E/I) STRANGE MESON SPECTROSCOPY IN Km AND K$ AT 11 GeV/c AND CHERENKOV RING IMAGING AT SLD * Youngjoon Kwon Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Stanford University Stanford, CA 94309 January 1993 Prepared for the Department of Energy uncer contract number DE-AC03-76SF005 15 Printed in the United States of America. Available from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. * Ph.D. thesis ii Abstract This thesis consists of two independent parts; development of Cherenkov Ring Imaging Detector (GRID) system and analysis of high-statistics data of strange meson reactions from the LASS spectrometer. Part I: The CIUD system is devoted to charged particle identification in the SLAC Large Detector (SLD) to study e+e- collisions at ,/Z = mzo. By measuring the angles of emission of the Cherenkov photons inside liquid and gaseous radiators, r/K/p separation will be achieved up to N 30 GeV/c. The signals from CRID are read in three coordinates, one of which is measured by charge-division technique. To obtain a N 1% spatial resolution in the charge- division, low-noise CRID preamplifier prototypes were developed and tested re- sulting in < 1000 electrons noise for an average photoelectron signal with 2 x lo5 gain. To help ensure the long-term stability of CRID operation at high efficiency, a comprehensive monitoring and control system was developed. This system contin- uously monitors and/or controls various operating quantities such as temperatures, pressures, and flows, mixing and purity of the various fluids. The results from the engineering run and initial physics run of the CRID in the SLD experiment show that the CRID hardware performs well and produces Cherenkov rings. Part II: Results from the partial wave analysis of strange meson final states in the reactions K-p + K-wp and K-p + rc$n are presented. The analyses are based on data from a 4.1 event/rib exposure of the LASS spectrometer in K-p interactions at 11 GeV/c. The data sample of K-wp final state contains N lo5 events, which is at least 25 times larger than in any other experiments. F’rom the partial wave analysis, . 111 resonance structures of Jp = 2-, 3- and 2+ amplitudes are observed in the Kw system. The analysis of 2- amplitudes provides an evidence for two strange meson states in the mass region around 1.75 GeV/c2. The 3- signal corresponding to Kj(1780) is observed to decay into Kw for the first time. A clear signal of the K;(1430) -+ Kw decay is also observed. The appropriate branching fractions are calculated and compared with the SU(3) predictions. The partial wave analysis of K’4 system favors Jp = l- and 2+ states in the 1.9 - 2.0 GeV/c2 region, but due to low statistics, the interpretation of partial waves in terms of resonance parameters is inconclusive. iv Acknowledgments For all this, I thank God, my Lord; only He has been, is, and will be the true source of my strength and inspiration. Although this thesis bears my name, it is essentially the work of many people. First and foremost, I would like to thank David Leith, my advisor, for all the helps that he provided me. When I first arrived at Stanford without knowing at all what detectors and accelerators are made of, he was kind enough to give me an opportunity to work in the SLAC Group B. Ever since, he has always been willing to offer me help and advice. He has always encouraged me to transcend the myoptic view of a graduate student and look deeply into and broadly over the fundamental problems of physics in whatever works I might be doing. He is certainly one of the models that I want to follow as a physicist, a teacher and a person. Blair Ratcliff first introduced me to the strange meson spectorscopy and sug- gested me to look into the Kw system regarding the unnatural spin-parity states. Bill Dunwoodie spent countless hours with me providing helps with all his insights on meson spectroscopy and analysis ideas. Dave Aston has always been willing to answer whatever silly questions I asked in computing and programming. Dick Bierce provided precisous help in managing data tapes. I am greatly indebted to Paschal Coyle and Greg Hallewell who guided me through many stages of my involvement in the SLD CRID project. Considering almost no experience in experimental physics that I had when I first arrived here, it is only an understatement that their helps were tremendously important for me to learn many aspects of R&D in building a detector system. I enjoyed observing all the ideas that Greg Hallewell provided to overcome the technical problems coming through. I learned a lot from Hideaki Kawahara with his expertise in electronics and hardware design. Don McShurley, Gerard Oxoby, Bob Reif and many other people provided me with technical assistances. I also received a lot of direct and indirect helps from former and current grad- uate students in SLAC Group B. Tim Bienz and Paul Rensing were very patient V and kind to teach me the basic techniques of programming and helped me over- come the threshold of a beginner. Tom Pave1 helped me a lot in the CRID project. Their enthusiasm, energy, and insights were something I can only envy. I feel very fortunate to have worked with them. I am also greatly indebted to Pekka Sinervo and Fred Bird, both former graduate students in Group B. Their experiences in analyzing the humongous data set of E-135, excellently documented in their dis- sertations, were invaluable assets throughout my analysis. I was lucky to have chances to meet them in person, whenever I had very crucial questions, which only they could answer. Lillian Vasillian and Eileen Brennan, Group B administrative assistants, have been very kind and very helpful in dealing with administrative materials, especially with the University. Without their helps, I should have had a lot more trouble in finishing this thesis. I appreciate the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS) as they par- tially supported my graduate study. Being a KFAS fellow provided me with op- portunities to meet many good friends through KFAS fellows’ meetings. If it were not for my parents, it would have been absolutely impossbile for me even to start this thesis, not to mention finish it. I feel very sorry for my father being no longer with us to see this work finished. I hope that now he can feel happier for his son, even in heaven. And, special thanks be to my mother. Her consistent support and prayer are something I can always count on. I am also grateful to my parent-in-laws for their support during the final year of my study. Although I mention it last, the contribution of Seungmin, my wife, to this thesis is at least as great as mine. She stopped her brilliant career in Korea as a reasearcher in psychology and education to become my wife and gave her heart and soul to support and encourage me to finish this work. Whatever she has done for me is something that I should remember and reward throughout my life. Therefore, it is only appropriate to dedicate this thesis to my mother and my wife. Contents Signature Abstract ii Acknowledgments iv 1 Introduction 1 2 Principles of Cherenkov Ring Imaging 5 2.1 Cherenkov Radiation . 5 2.2 Ring Imaging Devices . 8 2.2.1 Mirror Focusing . 8 2.2.2 Proximity Focusing . 9 3 SLD Cherenkov Ring Imaging Detector 12 3.1 SLD Overview. 12 3.2 Motivation for CRID . 15 3.3 Components of CRID . 17 3.3.1 Cherenkov Radiator ...................... 17 3.3.2 Drift Box ............................ 20 3.3.3 Mirrors ............................. 25 3.3.4 Electron Detector ........................ 25 3.3.5 Data Acquisition ........................ 26 3.3.6 Monitoring and Control .................... 28 vi CONTENTS 4 Low-noise Preamplifier for CRID 31 4.1 Low-noise Requirement for CRID Preamplifier ............ 31 4.2 FET amplifier noise model ....................... 33 4.2.1 Thermal noise .......................... 34 4.2.2 Shot noise ............................ 34 4.2.3 l/f noise ............................ 35 4.2.4 Total noise. ........................... 35 4.3 Noise Performance Test ......................... 36 4.3.1 Interchannel Crosstalk ..................... 36 4.3.2 Test system setup and results ................. 38 5 Monitor and Control Systems for CRID 49 5.1 Data acquisition for Monitor and control ............... 49 5.2 Monitoring and control of operating temperature .......... 50 5.3 Gas Delivery system and Pressure Control .............. 55 5.3.1 Pressure Control Tests on the Two-Cell Simulator. ..... 62 5.3.2 Pressure Control Tests on the CRID Prototype ....... 68 5.4 Binary Gas Mixture Monitoring using Sonar ............. 73 6 First Results from the SLD CRID 80 6.1 Commissioning of CRID . 80 6.2 Observation of the Cherenkov rings . 85 7 Introduction to Part II 90 8 The LASS Spectrometer 96 8.1 The Beamline .............................. 98 8.2 TheTarget ............................... 101 8.3 The Solenoid Region .......................... 102 8.3.1 The Cylindrical Chambers ................... 102 8.3.2 The Planar Chambers ..................... 103 8.3.3 The Cherenkov Counter Ci .................. 104 . CONTENTS Vlll 8.3.4 The Time of Flight System ................... 108 8.4 The Dipole Region ........................... 108 8.4.1 The Magnetostrictive Chambers ................ 111 8.4.2 The Proportional Chambers .................. 112 8.4.3 The Scintillator hodoscopes .................. 112 8.4.4 The Cherenkov Counter C2 .................. 113 8.5 The Event Trigger ........................... 113 8.5.1 The Beam Trigger Logic .................... 114 8.5.2 The Cluster Logic .......................
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