Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10974-2 - Literature and the Politics of Post-Victorian Decadence Kristin Mahoney Index More information Index Aberdeen Standard, The, 89, 100 Beerbohm, Max, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, Acton, Harold, 9 58, 82, 83, 195, 198, 199 Adam, Kenneth, 52 and camp, 28–29, 36, 53–54 Adams, Jad, 226 and cosmopolitanism, 17, 36 Adorno, Theodor, 204 and Decadence, 29–30 Aesthetic Movement, 59 and detachment, 53 aestheticism, 4, 5, 16, 72–73 and Kipling, 31–32 Agathocleous, Tanya, 205 and modernism, 45–49 Alcock, Caterina Bower, 22, 155, 170, 172–75 and nostalgia, 26–27, 34, 36, 39, 40, 41, 53–54 influence on Beresford Egan, 155, 175, 177, and pacifism, 44 185 and post-Victorian Decadence, 18–19, 27–29, works: Baudelaire, 173 54 De Sade, 173–75 and the Boer War, 30–31 Policeman of the Lord, The, 172 and World War I, 32–34, 41–42 “Satirist Among Us, A”, 172 BBC broadcasts, 19, 27–28, 49–54 Sink of Solitude, The, 162–64, 169–70 politics, 44–45 Alford, Norman, 220 popularity in the twentieth century, 43–44, Allan, Maud, 6 54–56 Allen, Paul, 188 works: “Advertisements”, 51–52 Allison, Jonathan, 224 Christmas Garland, A, 32 Anderson, Amanda, 13–14, 77 “Dandies and Dandies”, 33 Anstruther-Thomson, Clementina, 72 “Defence of Cosmetics”, 29 Antonielli, Arianna, 225 “Enoch Soames”, 27, 41, 42 Arnold, Matthew, 14, 77 “Ghosts” exhibition, 1 Arthur of Brittany, 93 Happy Hypocrite, The, 30 “Letter to the Editor”, 30 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 79 “London Revisited”, 50 Baker, Michael, 164 Mainly on the Air, 28, 54 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 45 Mirror of the Past, The, 27, 28, 36–41 Barnes, G. R., 52 “Peep into the Past, A”, 30 Barres,´ Maurice, 75 Poets’ Corner, The, 32 Baudelaire, Charles, 157, 158, 173, 186 Rossetti and His Circle, 25–26, 34–36, 42–43 Bax, Clifford, 123, 146, 147 Second Childhood of John Bull, The, 30–31 Beardsley, Aubrey, 1, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 120, “Small Boy Seeing Giants, A”, 27 148, 151, 156, 186, 199 Some Persons of the Nineties, 1–3 influence on Beresford Egan, 21, 153, 154, “Speed”, 52 158–61, 166–68, 173, 174, 179–82, 184 Survey, A, 44 Beardsley, Mabel, 148 Zuleika Dobson, 29, 46 Beaumont, Matthew, 120 Behling, Laura, 162, 230 Beer, Gillian, 63, 213 Behrman, S. N., 39 253 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10974-2 - Literature and the Politics of Post-Victorian Decadence Kristin Mahoney Index More information 254 Index Bell, Clive, 55 and ephebophilia, 89, 90, 95 Bell, Vanessa, 49 and post-Victorian Decadence, 88–89, 90, Benkovitz, Miriam, 96, 99, 100 116–17 Bennett, Arnold, 42 and socialism, 90, 91–92, 99–101, 106, 113 Benson, Robert Hugh, 96 class politics, 85, 86–90, 91–99, 105, 116, 117 Billiani, Francesca, 82, 216 poverty, 95–97, 104, 105 Billing, Noel Pemberton, 6 reception, 88–89, 97, 102–03, 113–14, 116–17 Billyard-Leake, Edward Whaley, 113 style, 106 Blaikie-Murdoch, W. G., 2 works: Desire and Pursuit of the Whole, The, Bland, Hubert, 90, 101 98 Blavatsky, Helena, 122 Don Renato, 116 Boer War, 30 Hadrian the Seventh, 88, 90–92, 98–99, Boni, Albert, 11 100–01, 103, 115 Book-Collector’s Quarterly, The, 106, 108 Hubert’s Arthur, 88, 93–94, 95, 102 Borst, William, 55 Nicholas Crabbe, 101 Bowser, Rhoda, 139 photography, 85, 89, 94 Breen, Margaret, 168 Toto stories, 92 Bridges, Robert, 141, 142 Towards Aristocracy, 89, 93, 96 Bristow, Joseph, 17, 196, 198 “Unforgettable Experience, An”, 100 Brittain, Vera, 163 Venice letters, 87, 90, 95, 97–98, 114, 115–16 Brockington, Grace, 213 Weird of the Wanderer, The, 102 Bronsman, Catharine, 177 Cravan, Arthur, 6 Brophy, Brigid, 10 Crook, Paul, 63 Brown, Horatio, 96 Cross, Victoria, 189 Bruce, Kathleen, 54 Crowell, Ellen, 195, 220 Burdett, Osbert, 2, 13 Crowley, Aleister, 118–19, 123 Burger,¨ Peter, 204 Cullen, Tom, 110, 112 Burgh, Hubert de, 93 “Cult of the Clitoris” trial, 6, 170 Burke’s Landed Gentry, 111 Butler, Judith, 199 dandyism, 4, 9, 11, 17, 22 Butts, Mary, 85, 86–87, 88, 104, 105 Danson, Lawrence, 14, 29, 34, 36, 39, 45 Darwin, Charles, 71–72 Cambridge Heretic Society, 84 Deane, Seamus, 128 camp, 4, 16, 17, 19, 28–29, 198–99 Debelius, Margaret, 202 Campbell, Lady Gertrude Elizabeth (Blood), 139 Decadence, 3, 4–5, 10, 13, 16, 59, 87, 88, 89, 98, Canning, Richard, 202 103, 108, 117 Cape, Jonathan, 162 and cosmopolitanism, 13–14 Carpenter, Edward, 89, 90, 93, 94, 99 and detachment, 4, 16–18, 22, 76, 154 Caton, R. A., 172, 173, 179 and femininity, 166, 182, 184 Cecil, David, 30, 32 and queer theory, 200 Champion, Henry Hyde, 90, 99–101, 114 post-Victorian, 3–4, 5, 6, 11, 22–23, 24, 156, Churchill, Winston, 55 194–95, 197, 198, 200 Cloud, Yvonne, 43 Deer, Patrick, 230 Cohen, Ed, 199 Dellamora, Richard, 67, 82, 95, 168, 230, 235 Colby, Vineta, 66, 217 Denisoff, Dennis, 28, 29, 166, 201 Constable, Liz, 201 detachment, 77, 135 Corvine Society, 20, 88–89, 99, 102–03, 109, Devereux, Felicity, 192 113–14 Dick, F. J., 122 and conservatism, 102–03, 114, 116–17 Dickens, Charles, 103 Corvo, Baron (Frederick Rolfe), 4, 12, 15, 17, 20, Dickinson, G. Lowes, 66 85–86 Dixon, Joy, 129 and altruism, 98–99 Doan, Laura, 168, 230, 231 and Catholicism, 85, 100 Dollimore, Jonathan, 199 and collaboration, 101–02, 105 Douglas, James, 162, 164, 169, 170 and Decadence, 87, 90, 92, 106 Douglas, Lord Alfred, 6, 10, 107, 148, 177, 196 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10974-2 - Literature and the Politics of Post-Victorian Decadence Kristin Mahoney Index More information Index 255 Douglas, Sholto, 109 Fox, Charles Masson, 87, 95, 97 Dowling, Linda, 223 Franke, Damon, 217 Dowson, Ernest, 139 Fraser, Hilary, 62 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 141 Freedman, Jonathan, 4, 75 Freud, Sigmund, 61, 66 Eagleton, Terry, 224 Fry, Roger, 45 Earle, David, 178 Eastham, Andrew, 203, 204 Gagel, Mandy, 211 Egan, Beresford, 15, 17, 21–22, 23, 200 Gagnier, Regenia, 87, 88, 89, 95, 98, 117, 156, and “sexual inversion”, 162, 164–70, 184, 193 220, 230 and cosmopolitanism, 156–58, 162, 193 Galsworthy, John, 42 and post-Victorian Decadence, 153–55, 156, George, Lloyd, 112 161, 162, 174, 177, 182 Gide, Andre,´ 178 and same-sex desire, 175, 179, 182, 184, 193 Gielgud, John, 195 and South Africa, 155, 156–61, 188, 189–92 Gloeden, Wilhelm von, 94 and the female dandy, 184–85, 186, 187, 188, Goodrich, Lloyd, 43 189–91 Gosse, Edmund, 42 and World War I, 188–89 Gould, Warwick, 136, 152, 225, 226 and World War II, 192 Grayson, Victor, 112 collaboration with Caterina Bower Alcock, Green, Martin, 9 155, 162–75, 193 Greene, Graham, 55 works: Baudelaire, 173 Gregory, Lady Augusta, 138 But the Sinners Triumph, 153, 154, 177, 184–85, Gregory, Maundy, 110–13, 114, 116 187–92 and class identity, 110–13 cartoons for the Rand Daily Mail, 158–59 and conservatism, 111–12 Courtesan, 166 and the Corvine Society, 88–89 De Sade, 153, 172, 173, 175 Grossman, Alan, 123 Epilogue, 192 Gwynn, Stephen, 44 Epitaph, 157 Gyles, Althea, 15, 17, 20–21 illustrations for the works of Pierre Louys,¨ and animal rights, 143–44 177–84 and Ireland, 140–41 John Bull and the Muse, 171 and Irish Decadence, 120, 135, 146, 152 Policeman of the Lord, The, 154, 162, 172 and Leonard Smithers, 119, 133, 136–39, 145, Pollen, 154, 177, 184–87 146 Sink of Solitude, The, 154, 155–56, 161–71, 178 and occultism, 121–31, 135, 144 South African tourism advertisements, 158–61 and post-Victorian Decadence, 120, 121, 136, Eliot, George, 77 152 Eliot, T. S., 45, 195 and socialism, 143 Ellis, Edith Lees, 135 and the concept of martyrdom, 119–20, 121, Ellis, Havelock, 172 123, 129, 131, 132, 135, 136, 138, 140, 141, English Review, The, 83 142–43, 145–46, 152 Equinox, The, 118 and World War I, 141–43, 145, 152 Evangelista, Stefano, 82, 216 belief in reincarnation, 126–28 representation in the works of Fabian Society, 90 twentieth-century women writers, 119, 120, Farjeon, Eleanor, 21, 132, 147–48, 151 121, 147–51 Farr, Florence, 146 reputation at the turn of the century, 119, 146 Feldman, Jessica, 204 works: “Child’s Christmas Carol, A”, 144 Fennelly,L.W.,224 cover for Yeats’s Poems, 119 Firbank, Ronald, 9–11, 17, 196, 197–98, 199 cover for Yeats’s The Secret Rose, 119, 123–25, First Edition Club, 104, 114 129, 130, 140 Fletcher, Ian, 146, 152 cover for Yeats’s The Wind among the Reeds, Forster,E.M.,10, 195 119 Foster,A.E.Manning,141 Deirdre, 126, 140 Foster, John Wilson, 131 “Farm Hand, The”, 142–43 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-10974-2 - Literature and the Politics of Post-Victorian Decadence Kristin Mahoney Index More information 256 Index Gyles, Althea (cont.) Jerome, Jerome K., 100 “From Rosamor Dead to Favonius for Whom John, Augustus, 55 She Died”, 145 John, King, 93, 94 “Holy War, The”, 141–42 Johnson, Pamela, 87 “How the Prince of Peace Came Back”, Joyce, Simon, 204, 206 144–45 Joynson-Hicks, William, 154, 161, 162, 164, 168, illustrations for Wilde’s “The Harlot’s 169, 170, 172 House”, 119, 136–38 Knight upon the Grave of His Lady, The, Kandola, Sondeep, 213 126 Kaye, Richard, 134 Letters to Children about Drawing, Painting, Kearney, Richard, 121, 142 and Something More, 143 Keen-Hargreaves, Harry and Jack, 111 “Love-Child, The”, 145 Khan, Noshee, 141 “Mary Magdalene”, 145 Kiely, Declan, 123 Pilgrimage, 127–28, 143 Kipling, Rudyard, 31–32, 141 “The Song of the Seine: To the Court of Kirchknopf, Andrea, 206 Kings”, 145 Kitchin, George, 45 “To Ireland”, 140 Kohlke, Marie-Luise, 206 “Winter”, 144 Kronenberger, Louis, 33, 54 Woman without a Soul, A, 133–34 Kucich, John, 206 Halberstam, Judith (Jack), 199, 231 Labour Party, 88, 90, 100, 103, 116 Haldane, J.
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