February 24, 1972 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 5491 ness, heretofore known as the South The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without close of morning business tomorrow, the Absaroka Wilderness, Shoshone National objection, it is so ordered. Chair lay before the Senate the unfinish­ Forest, in the State of Wyoming, and ed business. for other purposes, disagreed to by the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senate; agreed to the conference asked ORDER OF BUSINESS objection, it is so ordered. by the Senate on the disagreeing votes Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi­ of the two Houses thereon, and that Mr. ident, I yield time on behalf of the dis­ dent, the pending question at the time JoHNSON of California, Mr. UDALL, Mr. tinguished majority leader to the able morning business is closed tomorrow and RONCALIO, Mr. KYL, and Mr. LLOYD were senator from Wisconsin <Mr. PROXMIRE). the unfinished business is laid before the appointed managers on the part of the How much time does the Senator re­ Senate, will be on the adoption of the House at the conference. quire? amendment by the Senator from Min­ The message also announced that the Mr. PROXMIRE. One minute. nesota (Mr. MONDALE) as amended by House insisted upon its amendments to Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. I yield 1 the amendment of the Senator from the bill (S. 1893) to restore the golden minute to the Senator from Wisconsin Montana <Mr. MANSFIELD) and the Sen­ eagle program to the Land and Water and then I will yield to the able Senator ator from Pennsylvania <Mr. ScoTT). Conservation Fund Act, provide for an from Alaska <Mr. GRAVEL>. All time has expired on that amend­ annual camping permit, and for other ment. purposes, disagreed to by the Senate; It should be stated that perfecting agreed to the conference asked by the REMOVAL OF COSPONSORS FROM amendments to that amendment will still Senate on the disagreeing votes of the s. 2818 be in order. Whether such will be offered, two Houses thereon, and that Mr. I cannot say, but if such is offered, there ASPINALL, Mr. TAYLOR, Mr. JOHNSON Of Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, I ask would be a limitation of 2 hours on any California, Mr. SAYLOR, and Mr. SKUBITZ unanimous consent that the names of the such perfecting amendment. were appointed managers on the part of Senator from South Dakota (Mr. Mc­ So Senators are on notice that there the House at the conference. GoVERN) and the Senator from Indiana will be rollcall votes tomorrow. There is The message further announced that <Mr. BAYH) be removed as cosponsors of certain to be a rollcall vote on the amend­ the House had agreed to the report of B. 2818, amendment of the Federal Food, ment of the Senator from Minnesota (Mr. the committee on conference on the dis­ Drug, and Cosmetic Act. MoNDALE) . If any perfecting amendment agreeing votes of the two Houses on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without thereto is offered, I assume there will be amendments of the Senate to the bill objection, it is so ordered. a rollcall vote on such perfecting amend­ <H.R. 12067) making appropriations for ment. If such perfecting amendment is or foreign assistance and related programs 1s not adopted, it is my understanding for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972, ORDER FOR TRANSACTION OF ROU­ that further perfecting amendments and for other purposes; that the House TINE MORNING BUSINESS TO­ would still be in order. receded from its disagreement to the MORROW I should like to ask the Chair if I am amendments of the Senate numbered 5, Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Pres­ correct in that understanding? 23, 27, and 40 to the bill and concurred ident, I ask unanimous consent, following The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. therein, severally with an amendment, in recognition of the two leaders on tomor­ STEVENSON). The Senator's understand­ which it requested the concurrence of row, that there be a period for the trans­ ing is correct. the Senate. action of routine morning business, not Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. I thank to exceed 30 minutes, with statements the distinguished Presiding Officer. QUORUM CALL therein limited to 3 minutes. So, there will be rollcall votes tomor­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without row. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I sug­ objection, it 1s so ordered. Senators are alerted to the fact that gest the absence of a quorum. a busy day is in the offing. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. STAF­ FORD) . The clerk will call the roll. The assistant legislative clerk pro­ PROGRAM ceeded to call the roll. Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi­ ADJOURNMENT TO 10 A.M. Mr. CHILES. Mr. President, I ask dent, if no Senator wishes to speak fur­ TOMORROW unanimous consent that the order for the ther this afternoon, the program for Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Presi­ quorum call be rescinded. tomorrow is as follows: dent, if there be no further business to The Senate will convene at 10 a.m. come before the Senate, I move, in ac­ After the two leaders have been recogn­ cordance with the previous order, that STAR PRINT OF AN AMENDMENT ized under the standing order, there will the Senate stand in adjoumament until Mr. CHILES. Mr. President, I ask be a period for the transaction of routine 10 a.m. tomorrow. unanimous consent for a star print of morning business for not to exceed 30 The motion was agreed to; and at my amendment No. 894 to H.R. 1. This minutes, with statements therein limited 5:08 p.m. the Senate adjourned until 1s required because of a misprint in the to 3 minutes. tomorrow, Friday, February 25, 1972, at amendment. I ask unanimous consent that, at the 10a.m. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, February 24, 1972 The House met at 12 o'clock. mourning the forceful loss of their in­ Without objection the Journal stands Rev. Max E. Saar, Estonian Evan­ dependence and are suffering under a approved. gelical Lutheran Church, Bergen County, foreign power, oppressed by alien doc­ There was no objection. N.J., offered the following prayer: trine and religious persecution. We beseech Thee, Creator of nations Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, big and small, equally dear to Thee, re­ MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE we give Thee thanks for the wonderful store freedom to all captive nations and blessings Thou hast bestowed upon the give us strength to preserve this free­ A message from the Senate by Mr. people of the United States, whose repre­ dom for our and future generations. Arrington one of its clerks annoWlced sentatives are gathered here. Amen. that the Senate insists upon its amend­ Guide with Thy Holy Spirit our Presi­ ment to the bill (H.R. 1746) entitled "An dent and Congress in their efforts to act to further promote equal em­ preserve Thy most precious gifts--free­ ployment opportunities for American dom and justice. THE JOURNAL workers," disagreed to by the House; Make us mindful today, on Estonian The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ agrees to the conference asked by the Independence Day, of the sorrowful fact amined the Journal of the last day's House on the disagreeing votes of tne two that Estonians, whose history goes back proceedings and announces to the House Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. WIL­ to the dawn of civilization, are stlll his approval thereof. LIAMs, Mr. RANDOLPH, Mr. PELL, Mr. 5492 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE February 24, 1972 NELSON, Mr. EAGLETON, Mr. STEVENSON, Civil Action File No. 72-548, filed against W. insist on the House amendment, and Mr. HuGHES, Mr. JAVITS, Mr. ScHWEICKER, Pat Jennings, Clerk of the U.S. House of agree to the conference asked by the Representatives and the Comptroller Gen­ Senate. Mr. PACKWOOD, Mr. TAFT, and Mr STAF­ eral of the United States, in the United FORD to be the conferees on the part of the States District Court for the Southern Dis­ Mr. SPEAKER. Is there objection to Senate. trict of New York and served upon me on the request of the gentleman from Colo­ February 22, 1972. rado? The Chair hears none, and ap­ In accordance with 2 U.S.C. 118, I have points the following conferees: Messrs. A COMMUNICATION FROM THE sent a copy of the summons and complaint JOHNSON Of California, UDALL, RoNCALIO, - CLERK-PICHLER ET AL. VERSUS in this action to the U.S. Attomey for the KYL, and LLOYD. JENNINGS District of Columbia requesting that he take The SPEAKER laid before the House appropriate action under the supervision and direction of the Attorney General. I am also the following communication from the sen ding you a copy of the letter I forwarded REV. MAX E. SAAR, ESTONIAN EVAN­ Clerk of the House of Representatives: this date to the U.S. Attorney. GELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH WASHINGTON, D.C., Sincerely yours, <Mr. PATTEN asked and was given February 23, 1972. w. PAT JENNINGS, permission to address the House for 1 The Honorable the SPEAKER, Clerk, House of Representatives. House of Representatives. minute and to revise and extend his re­ DEAR SIR: The Clerk of the House of Rep­ marks.) resentatives received on February 22, 1972, WASHINGTON, D.C., Mr. PATTEN. Mr. Speaker, I take February 23, 1972. from the U.S. Marshal, a copy of the sum­ Hon. WHITNEY N. SEYMOUR, Jr., pleasure in telling my colleagues that the mons in a Civil Action together with the com­ Reverend Max E. Saar, who gave us his plaint filed by Marie Pichler, Donald J. Walsh U.S. Attorney for the Southern Distr ict of New York, U.S.
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