Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-68756-1 - The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium: Fourth Edition Jay M. Pasachoff and Alex Filippenko Index More information INDEX References to illustrations, either photographs or drawings, are in italics. Signifi cant initial numbers followed by letters are alphabetized under their spellings; for example, 21 cm is alphabetized as twenty one . M4 appears at the beginning of the Ms. Greek letters are alphabetized under their English equivalents. 0957+561 A and B quasars, 470 Naming the Rings of Neptune, 192 α Orionis (Betelgeuse), 8 , 9 , 287 , 289 , Aquila (constellation), 9 , 290 , 352 , 370, Newton’s Law of Universal 289 , 304 , 304 , 338 , 339 Appendix 7 A0620-00 (binary star, black hole), 369 Gravitation, 110 alpha particle, 317 , 321 , 331 , 339 arcs, blue, 508 AAT (Anglo-Australian 4-m A Night at Mauna Kea, 59–60 Alpher, Ralph, 511 , 512–513 Arcturus (star), 10 , 287 , 333, telescope), 436 Photographing the Stars, 80 Amalthea satellite (Jupiter), 176–177 Appendix 4 Abell, George, 426 Planck Maps the Cosmic Background American Association of Variable Star Arecibo radio telescope (Puerto Rico), Abell 2199 cluster, 426 Radiation, 518 Observers (AAVSO), 299 55 , 142 , 548 , 548 , 549 , 550 Abell 2218 cluster, 432 Proxima Centauri: Th e Nearest Star American Gravity Recovery and Interior Aristarchus of Samos, 98–99 absolute magnitude, 285–288 , 287 , 288 Beyond the Sun, 289 Laboratory (GRAIL) satellites, Aristotle, 38 , 39 , 97 , 98 , 99 , 99 , absorption (dark) nebulae, 313 , 386 , 408 Ptolemaic Terms, 98 133–135 106–107 , 108 absorption (Fraunhofer) lines, 259 Saturn’s Rings and Moons from American Museum of Natural Armstrong, Neil (astronaut), 131t , 135 blueshift/redshift of, 369 Cassini, 183 History, 216 Arp, Halton, 463 coronal spectrum, 263–264 Saturn’s Satellites in Mythology, 181 amino acids, 543 , 543 , 551 , 556 ASCA x-ray telescope (Japan), 460 description, 21–22 , 25 , 27 , 28 , 32–33 Searching for Supernovae, 344 ammonia (NH3 ), 184 , 193 , 205 , 235 , asterisms, 6–7 , 9 , 18 helium, 260 A Sense of Mass: Weighing 403 , 543 , 551 asteroid belt, 204 , 213 , 215 , 219 , 221 , hydrogen, 28 Stars, 297 ammonia-ice clouds, 171 222–224 Lyman-alpha, 347 A Sense of Scale: Measuring Andromeda (constellation), asteroids solar chromosphere, prominence, 270 Distances, 12–14 7, Appendix 7 Annefrank, 213 solar photosphere, 259 Solar Eclipses of 2013, 277 Andromeda Galaxy (M31, NGC 224), Ceres, 202 , 204 , 206 , 221 stars, 281–282 , 293 , 297 Star Clusters in Our Galaxy, 302 8 , 212 , 302 , 372 , 372 , 414–416 , Chiron, 207 absorption lines, 359 , 400 , 401 , 434 , 436 Uranus and Neptune in 417 , 418 , 419 , 421–422 , 423 , defi ned, 197 absorption-line spectrum, 26 , 27 Mythology, 185 425 , 442 dinosaur extinction theory and, 11 accretion disks, 330 , 336–337 , 337 , 339 , Using Absolute Magnitudes, 286 Anglo-Australian 4-m telescope, 436 Eros, 219 , 224 , 224 , 225 355–356 , 357 , 360–361 , 368 , active galactic nuclei, 452 , 452–454 , 454 Ångstrom, A. J., 22 Gaspra, 150 , 222 459–460 , 460 , 464 , 468 Centaurus A (NGC 5128), 453 angstrom measurement units, 22 greenhouse gases created by, 146 black holes, 355 , 360 , 366 , defi ned, 452 , 472 angular momentum, 111–112 , 113 , 136 , Lutetia, 213 , 222 366–367 , 368 , 369 , 370 , 371 , quasars and, 454 , 458–460 , 463 , 144 , 234 , 315 , 365 , 375 Moon collisions by, 132 372–373 , 377 464 , 469 angular resolution, of telescopes, 57 , 63 Near-Earth, 48 , 217 , 224 , 224 cross-sectional view, 460 radio maps anisotropy, 513 Pan-STARRS program, 48 , 62 , 387 hot accretion disks, 367–368 Cygnus A, 452 Annefrank (asteroid), 213 Pasachoff (5100), 219 A Closer Look NGC 6251, 453 Antarctic ice, 543 potential damage caused by, 12 Colors in the Sky, 74 spectra of, 367 , 454 Antarctic rock, 551 , 551 Psyche, 219 Comparative Data for the Major supermassive black holes in, 367 Antares (star), 313 Stardust spacecraft studies, 213 Worlds, 168 “active” galaxies, 372 Th e Antennae (spiral galaxies, NGC Steins, 213 , 222 Comparative Data for the Terrestrial Adams, Fred, 503 4038 and 4039), 61 , 423 , 442 Sun orbit by, 97 Planets and Th eir Moons, 120 Adams, John C., 187 , 187 anthropic principle, 535 , 536 telescopic observation of, 46 , Deep Impact, 213 Adams ring (Neptune), 191 antigravity, 510 , 531–533 , 559 . 55 , 210 Density, 122 adaptive optics (of telescopes), 44 , 50 , See also cosmic antigravity Vesta, xii , 202 , 221 , 222–223 , 223 Dwarf Planets, 202 51 , 57 , 62 , 63 , 66 , 97 , 110 , 142 , Antila (constellation), Appendix 7 astrobiology, 541 , 542 , 556 Extinction of Dinosaurs, Th e, 220 257 , 266 , 284 , 383 , 393 , 395 antimatter, 322 , 459 , 498 , 523–524 , astrology, 16–17 February 15, 2013 – An Exploding Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS, on 524 , 529 , 532 astrometric binaries, 296 , 296–297 Meteor; A Nearby Asteroid, 216 the Hubble Space Telescope), 50 , antineutrinos, 524 , 524 , 529 astrometric method, of exoplanet Finite Flat and Hyperbolic 420 , 423 , 425 , 438 , 438 , 439 , antiparticles, 322 , 376 , 376 , 498 , 500 , discovery, 237 , 285 , Universes, 495 442 , 446 , 499 505 , 522–524 , 532 , 532–533 296–297 , 306 First People on the Moon, 130 Advanced Satellite for Cosmology Antu Unit Telescope, 43t , 45 , 186 Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica (Tycho How We Measure Basic Stellar and Astrophysics (Japan), 355 , Apollo program (NASA) Brahe), 101 Parameters, 305 360 , 368 astronaut experiments, 131–132 Th e Astronomical Almanac, 8 3 Images from Curiosity on Mars, 231 Advanced Technology Solar Telescope moon landings, 130 Astronomical Observatories, 43t Jupiter and Its Satellites in (ATST), viii, 5 1 rock collection, analysis, 131 Astronomical Unit (au), 106 , 113, Mythology, 176 Albrecht, Andreas, 527 apparent brightness, xxiv , 11 , 40 , 78 , Appendix 2 Kepler’s Laws, 104 Aldebaran (star), 79 , 97 , 287 , 333 285–286 , 287 , 289 , 299 , 299 , astronomy, value of, 11–16 Mars Exploration Rovers, Mars Aldrin, Buzz (astronaut), 131t , 135 306 , 341 , 397 , 416 , 431 , 434 , Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Phoenix, and Mars Science Lab’s ALH84001 meteorite, 158 452 , 456 , 462 , 465 , 484 , Survey (2010), 48 Rover Curiosity, 155 ALICE (A L arge I on C ollider 489 , 494 Astrophysical Institute of the Canary Meteor Showers, 218 E xperiment), 523 , 526 apparent magnitude, 78 , 79 , 91 , Islands, 44 Most Common Elements in the Sun’s ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter 285–286 , 287 , 288 , 300 , 418 Atacama Large Millimeter Array Photosphere, Th e, 258 Array), 56 , 58 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 64 , Apus (constellation), Appendix 7 (ALMA), 56 , 58 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 64 , Naming the Features of Mercury, 139 243 , 393 , 407 , 407 , 521 , 521 Aquarius (constellation), Appendix 7 243 , 393 , 407 , 407 , 521 , 521 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-68756-1 - The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium: Fourth Edition Jay M. Pasachoff and Alex Filippenko Index More information 586 Index atmosphere. See also atmosphere of Earth BepiColombo Mercury mission stellar-mass, 355 , 360 , 397 carbon monoxide (CO), 397 , 403–404 , comparative planetology, 120t (2014), 143 Cygnus X-1, 355 , 360 , 368 , 408 , 543 Earth, 67 , 124–127 BeppoSax satellite (Italy), 374 , 397 368–369 carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) cycle, jovian planets, 167 Betelgeuse (α Orionis), 8 , 9 , 287 , formation, 362 320–321 , 331 Jupiter, 169 , 170 , 171 , 172 , 172 , 174 289 , 289 , 304 , 304 , 338 , 339 , supermassive, 367 , 371–373 , 378 , Carnegie Observatories, 44 , 46 , 485 Mars, 120t , 152 , 154 , 157 Appendix 4 382 , 383 , 392–393 , 394 , 395 , Cartwheel Galaxy, 424 M e r c u r y , 1 2 0 t , 141 Bethe, Hans, 320 396 , 398 Cassegrain telescope, 41 , 62 , 63 Neptune, 188–190 , 189 , 192 , 235 BHR 71 nebula, 5 “virtual particles” in or near, 376 Cassini (spacecraft), xxi , 96 , 120 , Pluto, 55 , 200–201 big bang model of the Universe, 2 , 246 , wormholes, 365–366 , 367 , 367 , 377 144 , 544 Saturn, 179 , 181 , 182 , 235 426 , 428 , 429 , 430 , 437 , 439 , blink (transit) method, of exoplanet Jupiter, 38 , 168 , 170 , 171 , 172 , 239 Sun, 256 , 257 , 260 , 263 , 264 , 480 , 483 , 484 , 490–491 , 492 , discovery, 239 , 240–241 , 241 , Saturn, 68 , 166 , 170 , 174 , 177 , 179 , 269–270 , 278 494 , 502 , 504 , 509 , 510–512 , 242 , 244 180 , 183 terrestrial planets, 235 513 , 514 , 516 , 518 , 520 , 522 , blue, irregular galaxies, 441 , 441 Cassini, Jean-Dominique, 178 Venus, 120t , 144 , 146–147 525 , 529–532 , 535 blue arcs, 508 Cassini’s division, 169 , 178 , 193 atmosphere of Earth problems with original model, blueshifts, 30–31 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 238 , 292 , Cassiopeia (constellation), 6 , 7 , 7 , 10 , bending of sunlight by, 85 526–528 292 , 293 , 306 , 363 , 434 , 454 , 425, Appendix 7 blue-sky explanation, 74 Big Bear (Ursa Major) (constellation), 7 , 456 , 502 , 513 cataclysmic variable stars, 300 , 337 causes of temperature, 126 11 , 176, Appendix 7 blue skies (“Why is the sky blue?”), 74 Cat’s Eye Nebula, 332 electromagnetic-spectrum penetration, big crunch, 491 , 492 , 493 , 503 , 504 blue supergiant stars, 344–345 , 347 , CCDs (charge-coupled devices), 286 , 22 , 23 Big Dipper asterism, 6 , 8 , 10 , 18 , 80 368 , 368 305 , 344 , 348 , 349 , 415 , 415 ionosphere, troposphere of, 125 , 126 binary pulsars, 352–355 , 353 B main-sequence stars, 397 celestial coordinates oxygen component, 26 binary stars, 110 , 237 , 293 , 294 , 368– Bohr, Margrethe, 26 celestial equator, 81–83 , 82 , 84 , primordial/present atmosphere, 3 369
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