M BBHBHBHBBBBBHBHHHHBI - -•,•-.• . • •.. _s OHIO STATE MUSEUM LI3RARJ 15TH A HIQH ST. AlPRoads Lead To Dayton This Weekend For Annual Golf Tourney COLUMBUS. OHIO By FINNIS BREEDLOVE working hours of Monday morn members depend on he» when ron tournament lost weekend, dent of midwest district UGA, ACCORDING TO THE old- le­ ing. lt comes to getting a program among the men J. Earle Cleve­ The Ohio Sentinel and the col­ gend, "All roads lead to Rome", No tournament is complete over. She is also secretary of land was medalist and champ, umn the Ole Divoter has car­ living It Up' Caused Joe Rainy's Downfall but as far as golf is concerned without "Shanghai" Webb being midwest district ot VGA. She Bob Williams and C. Brown, ried the past several months: this weekend, all roads lead to present and Myron B. Coleman carried home from Louisville Cleveland, first and second "Of all the press relations that Story On Page 2 Dayton where Fairway golfers and Alyce Lucas are sure to be third place trophy In the champ­ flight winners. For the seniors, have come out of the midwest, and Golferettes play host to mentioned when golf is the word. ionship flight. W. B. Malloy and Bob Murphy none have surpassed nor come more than 250-enthusiasts from According to ADV Crosby, Clarence (Shanghai) Webb Is of the same area were winners. up to the level we have had ln all over the nation. midwest tournament director, one of those individuals who is the past year and therefore I Someone called and asked, Coleman ia one of- the pioneers For the ladies, Hazel Bibbs of an attraction everywhere he Detroit was champ and medalist am grateful to The Ohio Senti­ "What has Dayton got that Co­ of golf in the Miami Valley. He nel and the things they art do* plays (which is all over the coun­ and Bessie Slanback of Cleve­ lumbus hasn't?" was instrumental in helping form try) and is usually in the focus ing to promote golf through. Only answer that I could give UGA and has served in most of the camera bugs. land first flight champ. Capi­ Finnis Breedlove who was ap­ waa they have harmony between capacities on the national body. tol City-Mid Iron club has been pointed by me because I thought Fairway golfers "and the Golf­ At present he is assistant tour­ This is also the time for golf in the spotlight and other clubs fans to see Elizabeth Stanficld tho job he has been and Is still erettes and several municipal nament director of the midwest have been getting "seconds" as doing is just the thing we have courses op which to play and district. of Indianapolis and Myrtice Mc­ lver of Dayton tangle on Mc- far as news is concerned. Again needed." So to keep abreast of they are able to get a starting ... I appeal to the golfing public, the news and to be sure your time for Sunday play so they Ivor's home course. In the CC ALYCE LUCAS OF Fairway MI tournament in Columbus, regardless to club affiliation, club receives the publicity it la are able to finish at a reason­ Golferettes is a natural organi­ the Ole Divoter is a member of able time to allow participants Mclver tied Standi ield for due, write Finnis Breedlove, 689 zer. Having been president of championship honors only to the midwest district press rela­ Miller av., Columbus 3, CI. 3-2170, to be on their way before the the Golferettes so long, all the —' lose in nudden death play. tions committee and everything or The Ohio Sentinel, BOK 823 ... he is able to do to promote golf Columbus 16. There are also WITH SUCH PLAYERS as he has tried to do so. Accord­ Sentinel offices in Cincinnati VOL. 10, No. 8 SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1958 20 CENTS COLUMBUS, OHIO Mae Swain. Detroit; Aleesc ing U> Howard Anderson, presi­ and Doyton. Thornton, Los Angeles, and Te rcsa Taber of Detroit in the wo­ men's championship flight, the ASA FEATHERSTONE'S Dayton tournament should be the tournament of the year. ... nOOKS AND SLICES — When SPORTS DESK results were all in from the Ak SPARKLING PERFORMANCES wera rendered by locals last weekend on Colum­ REAL ESTATE OUTFIT BIAS Weinland Doll Show bus amateur baseball diamonds. Weinland Pk. playground, un­ Spartan AC, behind the sturdy and sta­ der direction of Jene Jared, as­ ble pitching and hitting of Jim Estcs, sisted by Harold Horton and edged Egan-Ryan, 3-2, at Maryland pk. last Pat Parker, held the annual Saturday. Estes, a stylish lefthander, after playground doli show last week. giving up two runs in tho third Inning on Taking honors were Narie three hits, settled down to hold the Egan- Deare, prettiest, with second Ryan boys scoreless the remainder of the place to Sandra Losly. | battle, on two hits, while retiring 13 bats- IN HEART OF TAN GHETTO Largest doll honors went to men-via the strikeout route. Erwin Stcw- Story On Page 2 Patricia Dickey and second ;_ art led the winners in the hitting depart­ place, Pat Owens. ASA ment with three, followed by Estes with Karl and Anna Lee Lorbach two: took top honors for the smallest Royal AC found out that playing catch-up Isn't easy as was doll while second place also evident last Saturday at Wolfe pk. when Allen Milks tallied for Columbusites Mourn The Death Of A Youngster They Never Knew went to Anna Lee. four runs In the first, three In the second and one In the third , Cuu>st doll honors went lo Pa­ Inning to cam Bobby Koerner his third victory in four derisions. tricia Dickey and second place The Royal-Men in their catch-up endeavor fell one run shy, 8-7, to Sandra Losly. Bennie Bennett of the losers banged out four of their 11 hits, Dorric Roberts had the most while Phil Robinson gave spectacular performances at first unusual doli while Wanda and base and in the outfield. Rocky Rash, besides giving a very Kathy McClusky took second fine performance on the hill, also rontribnted two hits. with their twin dolls. • » • MEANWHILE, AT SOUTUVIEW PK.. DAN RUOYANS- WAS cinching the Nat'l Division title of the Mark Stephens Memorial Moore Elected Prexy League by downing Columbus AC, 5-3. Bob Salmans; ex-East High Ace Moore was elected presi­ star in the days of Magnus Lewis, was battered for 10 hits, but dent of the newly organized llth kept them fairly well scattered while opposing hurler Al Buccilla Av. Playground AC. The club yielded only four hits, but needed help from former Aquinas star will assist playground leaders Charlie Mentel in the ninth, lo preserve the win. Jimmy Mentel, Leo Morgan and Judy Behmcr. brother of Charlie and another ex-Aquinas star, had three hits and J. Young, vice president; J. Parker Brigner, West High grad, chipped in with two for Rhoyans. GEORGE STEWART Bowman, recording secretary, ... and D. Young make up remain­ CAPITAL CITY POST NO. 698 IS STILL HAVING ITS share ing officers of the club. of bumps and bruises. The scrappy Eastsiders have yet to win a game, but Coach-.Mgr. Art Coleman still maintains the boys Stewart, ATA Champion, win come through with a few victories before the American Jr. Leonard Av. Awards Legion baseball season comes to a close. Tbe Capltalltes now In Ihe Leonard Av. play­ own an 0-1 record. Stages Walkout During ground dress' up parade awards ... were mode to Hugh Coles, the ON THE SOFTBALL SCENE, THE REBELS SET A record in funniest; Donna Mickcns, best their 39-9 shellacking of the Old Yankees at St. Dominic last FrU dressed, and Brenda St. Clair, day before a small crowd of 80. James Durroh, Bobby Davis, Connecticut Tournament prettiest. Next special event Morris Dean, Al Washington and Earl Cox (the latter two are WILBERFORCE.—George Stewart, ATA national senior cham­ coming up will be a bubble gum stars on Rosory High's basketball team) each blasted out nine contest. hits apiece. Durroh and Washington both hit three home runs pion, walked off the t^r.nis court before a startled crowd of N. Ha­ apiece. The series now stands at 2-1, ths Rebels ahead. ven, Ccnn., tennis fans who were watching the quarter final lound ... of the N. England tennis tournament. Stewart, many times winner of American Tennis Ass'n tour­ Helpers Co-Captains HORSESHOE PITCHING IS NOW QUITE THE THING AT nament, had just finished the first set in the quarter finals of the St. Dominic, since basketball action Is temporarily at a halt. i N. England Tennis Ass'n matches, winning it 8-6. When his op­ Carl Russell and Candy,Pra­ Avery Gilchrist~ the old master, Bobby Love, Henry Goodwin ponent, Whirlwind Johnson. Jr.. began to hit his stride in the sec­ ter have been elected co-cap­ and Willie Johnson are the top five in ths horseshoe pitching ond sot, Stewart complained that Johnson was not playing fast tains of 2nd Av. Playground competition there. • • • enough and in a brief argument with his opponent decided to leave Helpers team'. Helpers main­ ths court. tain a clean playground and as­ GEORGE MACKEY, JIM WILSON AND BILLY JOE BANKS The NETA did nol say what recommendation it would make sist playground leaders. Mem­ are thinking seriously of attending Bluffton college next fall . at the national tennis tournament Aug. 16-23 here at Central State bers of the group are Valerie Al Jordan will ba eligible for football next fall at East, which Milter, Connie Woods, Phyllis makes Coach Jackie Moore very happy.
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