
ffffi 35 August 27, 1965 Problems of Strotegy in Guerrillo e& Wor Agoinst Jopon by Mao Tse-tung The theory of o people's wor expounded in this 4. orticle, which hos been republished in the lotest issue of Hongqi, is todoy of vitol proctico! irnportonce for the Chinese people ond for the people of the whole world in their struggle ogoinst U.S. imperiolism ond its Iockeys ond, in porticulor, for the oppressed notions in Asio, {^ Africo ond Lotin Americo in their struggle for liberotion. ,W U. S. Bacteriological and Chemical Warfiare Exposed S elected Tf/0rks of MAO TSE - TI-]NG Volume I En glish, Langr.tage Editiort, This volume contoins seventeen of Comrode Moc Tse-tung's importont writings of the First Revolutionory Civil Wor Period (1924-19?7) ond the Second Revolutionory Civil Wor Period (1927-1937). 348 pages 22,2X75.2 cm. Clath or pliable cardboard. couer u;itlt dust-jacket The following orticles in this volume ore olso ovoiloble in pomphlet form, in English: Anolysis of the Closses in Chinese Society Report of on lnvestigotion ol the Peosont Movement in Hunon Why ls lt Thot Red Politicsl Power Con Exist in Chinq? On Correcting Mistoken ldeos in the Porty A Single Spcrk Con Stort o Proirie Fire Be Concerned with the Well-Eeing of the Mosses, Poy Attention to Methods ol Work On Toctics Agoinst Joponese lnnperiolism Froblems oI Strotegy in Chins's Revolutionory Wor The Tosks ol the Chinese Camnrunist Pcrty !n the Period cl Resistonce tc Jopcn Gn Proctice Cn Controdiction I8,5 X 13 ct1'l. Cloth ar papet ccrer Published by: FGREION IANGUAGES PRESS, Peking, Chino Distributed by: GUOZI SHUDIAN (Chino Publicotions Cenrre), peking, Chino Order lrom ytur local dealer or writ.e direct to lhe Moil Order Deportrnent, GUOZI SHUDIAN, P.O. Box 399, peking, Chino PEKING THE WEEK REVIEW South Yietnamese Leader ists and their lackeys, they *'iil Writes to Ghairrnan fllao never succeed in subduing tite 14 ,A 4.[^.{k million patriotic south Vietnamese The nation's leading ne\n,spapers people or r.r,eakening their deter- (BEIJING ZHOUBAO) gave frontpage prominence to a let- mination to fight and win. A WEEKLY MAGAZINE OF CHINESE ter from Nguyen Huu Tho, President NEWS AND ViEWS of the Presicii.um of the Central Com- "With the fuil sympaihy and sup- rnittee of the South Viet Nam Na- port of the 650 million great Chinese Augirst 27,1965 \Iol. YIII No. 35 tional Front for Liberation. to people, of tire peopie of olher sociai- Chairman Mao Tse-tung. The south ist countries and of all peace-loving Vietnamese leader sent similar let- peoples of the rvorld, tve south Viet- ters to Chairman Liu Shao-chi, namese people are determined to Chairman Chu Teh and Premier hold our guns lii'miy and fight to CONTENTS Chou En-lai. Ali the letters were the last drop of our blood to drive personally handed to Premier Chou U.S. imperialism out of south Viet onrAugust 12 by Tran Van Thanh, Nam, liberate scurth Viet Nam and TIIE WEEK head of the Front's permanent dele- leunify the fatherlanci by peaceful gation in China. tneans, thereby making oul contribu- ARTICLES & DOCUMENTS tion to the national-liberation Thanking people the Chinese for struggle and to the defence of peace south Problems of Stlategy in their support to the Vietna- in Southeast Asia and the u,or'ld." Guerrilla War Against mese people's struggle against U.S. Japan impcrialist aggression, Presidcnt Another Unmanned U,S. Spy Mao Tse-tung Nguyen Huu Tho in his letter to - Chairman N{ao said: "In their pa- Plane llowned Are Helpfui, Open Polemics triotic and just rvar to resist the Dis- An unmanned U.S. high-altitude They lVlust Not Be U.S. imperialist aggressors and tlieir continued reconnaissance rnilitary plane was running dogs and win national in- shot dolvn by a Chinese Navy air D.N. Aidit ZC people south - dependeuce, the of force unit on August 21 o..,ei: Hainan Chinese and Japanese Viet Nam are infiniteiy inspired by Island in south China. 'Ihis blatant Youth at Peking Ren- the unreserved and invaluable sym- and provocative intrusion follolvs re- dezvous pathy and suppori they have the one on April I u.hen eight U.S. Our Correspondent 24 ceived from the Chinese Communist militaly planes intruded over Hai- - peo- Par:ty and the brotherly Chinese nan Island and one rvas knocked out Strengthen Our Friendship statement of ple. Your historic of the sky by one of iis partners. and Struggle Together August 29, 1963, concerning the south - Renmin Riboo Editorial 25 Viet Nam question is of great signif- Lin Fiao, Vice-Premier and Minis- American Negroes' Nerv icance for the revolutionary cause ter of National Defence, issued an Revolutionary Storm of the south Vietnamese people. It older commending the air force unit Rerunlin Ribao Editorial 26 once again demonstrated the ciose for its victory. The order said that - friendship and militant solidarity this served as a polA'Ierful bloru to Stop the Bloodless Murder between the Chinese and the south the U.S. imperialists rvho were norv by U.S. Imperialism Vietnamese people, and has enhanced expanding their rvar of aggression Renmin Ribao Com- - stiil more ottr great strength to de- in Viet Nam and intensifying their mentator AO feat the U.S. aggressors." reconnaissance activities and prov- ocatious agait-rst Hainan Island. It BOUND THE WOELD 9q Presideirt Nguyen Huu Tho de- called on all commanders and fight- nounced U.S. irnperialism's "Ltncon- .ACROSS THE LAND 31 ers to continue to heightei-r their ditional discussions" swindle aimed vigilance, maintait-l combat readi- at misleading rvor'ld opinion lvhile ness, and strike resolutelY at anY stepping up its aggression in Viet enelny plane that dared to jntrude is belief t1-re south Nam. "It the of into China's air sPace. Vietnan'rese people that in spite of Published every Fridoy by PEKING REVIEW U S'-n-rade Poi VJon Chuong, Peking (37), Chinq the frenzied scheming, deceitlul talk The rvreckage of foul' No.2-922 Post OIfice Registroticn and up-to-date weapons ar:d modern- U-2 planes of the Chiang Kai-shek Cobie Address: Peking 2t10 at the Uliii- Printed in the Pecple's Republic of Chino ized armies of the U.S. imperial- gang is l-Iow oi-r dispiay August 27, 7965 tary Museum of the Chinese Peo- socialism and expressed the hope betlveen the fraternal peoples of the p).e's Revolution in Peking. Thou- that the fraternal ties between the trvo countries. sands of people, including foreign Chinese and Rumaniau peoples diplomatic envoys and military at- wouid continue to develop. Ghaifman MaO MeetS Zambian laches, have flocked to see the re- GUeStS mains of these American spy planes. RUmanian LibefatiOn AnniVerSary Chairman Ma-o Tse-tung and Chair- mair Liu Shao-chi received Zambian Tibet to Become Autonomout *f,ntff,l""_rj#,t'",TtJ:::".^,t:'tiT Region Minister of Agriculture E.H.K. Teh anci Chou En-lai on August 22 M,-tder-rda and members of the Zam- greetings The establishment of the Auton- sent to Rumanian leaders bian government delegation he led omous Region of Tibct on Septem- Nicolae Ceausescu' Chivu Stoica on August 22. The Chinese leaders ber 1 was decided on at a ple.rury and lon Gheorghe Maurer on the had a cordial talk with their guests, meeting of the state council .^ 21st at-rniversary of Rumania's liber- and gif ts from Zambian President August 23. ation' Kenneth Kaunda were presented to them by Minister Mudenda. The State Council dlscussed at the The Chinesc leaders congratulated people meeting a report on the su'bject by the F,umanian rvho, "under Premier Chou En-lai had met and the Preparatory Committee for the the leadership of the Ruma.nian C.P. feted the distinguished Zambian policy Tibet Autonomous Region. It agreed and Go.,'ernment, ad-here to a guests three days earlier. that the first session of the First of independence and, imbued r'vith great r'vork Pcople's Congress of the Tibet Auton- zeal and unlted as one, The delegation, the first sent by the omous shor-rld take place on industriously and have made big Zambian Govei:nment since Zarrlbia ,Region agricul- proclaimed September 1 and tl-rat the Attton- achie-r,ements in industr;.. independence in October Region of Tibet be foi'n"rally ture. science, curlture and other 1964, arrived in Peking on August omous paid established. This resolution 'tt'ill i:e fields," They also tribute to 18. That evening. Vice-Premier Li Rumanian Socia,list Repr-rb1ic and gave submitted to tl.re Standing Cornmittee the Hsien-nien a banquet in its Rumanian people im- of the National People's Congress for the for their hoi-rour. ratiiication. portant contributions to the cause of opposing the U.S. irnperialist poii- Extending his welcome to the t,isi- Elections al the countY level in cies of aggression and r,l'ar. suppoi't- tors, the Vice-Plemier paid tribute to Tibet have been cotlPleted, anrl ing the liberation struggle of the the Zambian people for their glcrious many counties har;e aiready electecl pecple^s and defending rvorld peacc. tradition in opposing imperialism and deputies to the region's First People's "The Rumanian Communist Party colonialism and their untiring efforts Congress. and Government have made great to eiiminate colonial influence and effolts in upholding the unity of the build up their country. "The Repub- sociaiist and defending the lic of Zambia," he said, "follows a Congratulating Bumanian Leaders camp principles guiding the relations be- foreign policy of non-alignment, op- Re-election 0n Their tween the fraternal Parties and fra- poses imperialism and old and nelv colonialism and upholds African and Chinese lcaders Liu Shro-chi, Chu ternal countries." The Chinese lead- Afro-Asian solidarity.
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