CtiConservation andd restorationttioff hbitthabitat iin HtHaut‐RhiRhin Historically, the department du Haut‐Rhin presented many areas with alluvial dynamics, due to the slope change between the Vosges mountainsti andd ththe AlAlsace plainsli . ThiThis offeredff d fblfavourable hbitthabitats ffor salmonsl reproductiondti andd jiljuvenile fifish h growthth. HHowever, ththe precocious industrialization and the considerable density of population led to an alteration of those areas. Some reaches have been preservedd sincei ththe 70s. NNow, ththe CilConseil dédépartemental t t l ddu HtHaut‐RhiRhin establishedtblihda restorationttididynamic off ththe erodibledibl corridorsid . Integrated program for rivers restoration in the HautHt‐RhinRhi Weiss Historical evolution The Conseil départemental du Haut‐RhinRhin, in partnership with the Agence de l’EaulEau Rhin‐MeuseMeuse, applies an integrated The Fecht river at TurckheimTurckheim, an exemple of program to restore its rivers at a good ecological status, to historical mobile reach… reach the aims set by the European Water Framework HiHistorical i l bdbed lilocation off the h FhFecht riveri at TkhiTurckheim Directive. The restoration program aims at restoring river ecosystemy functionalities,, includingg the lateral ecologicalg continuityy and an optimalp bottom and bed varietyy. It enables the re‐establishment of favourable environment for salmons. An other work lead is the longitudinal continuity restoration, which enables the access for fish to those areas. In order to reach this goal, erodible corridors are mapping, as follows : COLMAR ‐ Potentially mobile reaches are delimited, taking into consideration a theoritical width (10 x bed width at full capacity), analysing historical bed locations and topography, and taking in account main pressures (urbanized area, main roadsd , bdbridges…) … damaged by urbanization and industrialization Fecht ‐ Then, mobile reaches to restore are defined (step done for Current rectified bed of the Fecht river at Turckheim the Doller, Lauch and Fecht rivers). In those areas, banks will MUNSTER bbe no more protectedd. OhOther pressures are takingki iinto considerationid ti andd weiri removall possibilitiesibiliti are studiedtdidtot restore the lateral bed shifting. Ill ThThen, an ittimportant workk off consultationlt ti iis realisedli d, withith ththe different players in the territoryterritory, especially the farmers. This phase is made in the framework of the Schémas d’AménagementdAménagement et de Gestion des Eaux (SAGEs) in he process of being created for the Doller and Lauch rivers. Finally,Finally the erodible corridor restoration needs a significant work of land acquisitions. On reaches where alluvial dynamic can’tcan t be restoredrestored, other hydromorphological layout will be plannedplanned, if necessarynecessary, in order to restore an optimal bottom and bed variety. Lauch Other restored or conserved areas GUEBWILLER Politic of Espacep Naturel Sensible The tool “Espace Naturel Sensible" allows the Thur creation by the Department of preemption area for the purpose of preserving the environment. Its implementation allowed to purchase land to restore and sustainably manage key sectors of hdhydraulic li andd ecologicallilpointi off viewi . CERNAY The Ill river at REGUISHEIM protected by natural reserve. 81,1781 17 ha MULHOUSE Doller The Fecht river in AMMERSCHWIHR 3,95 ha The Ill river at BALDERSHEIM preservedp and restored byy land developmentp . 36 ha ThThe ThThur riveri iin CERNAY and d VIEUX‐THANN Preserved 5858,9 9 ha out of 106106,5 5 ha protected by biotope protection prefectural decree ALTKIRCH SAINT‐LOUIS Ill ThThe DllDoller riveri in i SCHWEIGHOUSE‐THANN 26 ha Réalisation : Cd68 ‐ DEVI – Septembre 2015 Sources : BDTopo® 2011 ©IGN Paris BDOrtho® 2012 ©IGN Paris SScan25® 25® 2011 ©IGN PiParis Carte historiqueq 1840® ©IGN Paris DEVI ‐ SRB.
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