Factors controlling the evolution of fluvial systems in C-E Europe during the last cold stage (60-8 ka BP) Leszek Starkel12 , Danuta J. Michczyńska,, Piotr Gębica3 Timea Kiss 456 , Andrei Panin , Ioana Persoiu 1Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences, Cracow, Św. Jana 22, 31-018 Krakow, Poland, [email protected] 2Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Physics– CSE, GADAM Centre of Excellence, Krzywoustego 2, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland, [email protected] 3University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Department of Geography, Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszów, Poland, [email protected] 4Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Szeged, Egyetem u. 2-6, H-6722, Szeged, Hungary, [email protected] 5Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geography Faculty, Lengory 1, Moscow, 119991, Russia, [email protected] 6Ştefan cel Mare University, Department of Geography, Universităţii 13, 720229, Suceava, Romania, [email protected] Location 20° 30° 40° Sea level fluctuations Present time 2500 m Legend (distance from the Scandinavian ice Area of interest Dvina (Baltic and Black Seas) ice sheet Atlantic Ocean ) sheet Baltic 0 m tundra and arctic desert Sea Neman Late Glacial 2500 m park tundra Vistula Vertical crustal CEE fluvial 50° Permafrost 0 m forest tundra movements system LGM 2500 m Od r Dnieper boreal forest Legend e Rivers = Dniester deciduous forest Sea 0 m = Mountain = rising subsiding forest steppe = = Increase of 2500 m ranges = 34 - 44 ka cal BP == Tisza= Vegetation cover = mountains basins State borders = continentality steppe = Maros = = = Subsiding = = = = Black areas = 0 m boundary of permafrost = = = Sea 70° 60° 50° 40°j N Research = glacioisostatic areas = = = Danube movments Changes in the vertical zonality of the vegetation cover during the last CLIMATE 44 ka cal BP (simplified). Global and regional factors influencing the evolution of the fluvial systems in C-E Europe. LGM 20° 30° 40° Legend Dvina The evolution of fluvial systems in Central-Eastern Europe reflects in general a sequence of climatic changes registered on Greenland Present Rivers 18 Baltic in ice cores and the isotopicd O curve. But in C-E Europe region we observe several deviations connected with different factors. Present Sea Sea Neman The C-14 and TL/OSL data helped to recognize the role of the second order climatic fluctuations in the mountains and their Mountain ranges forelands, change in longitudinal valley profiles and superposition of other factors – like tectonic component uplift or subsidence, State borders blocking by Scandinavian ice sheet (or crossing of interfluves), marine regression or transgression as well as connected with Subsiding areas Maximum extent Vistula diachronous expansion of forest vegetation and change in temperature and humidity in north-south and east-west transects. of the Ice Sheet 50° Polish Carpathians Maros Fan Tisza Valley Nemunas Teleorman Someº ul Mic Valley Danube Delta N-Sandomierz Basin N-Poland Glaciated W-Dvina S-Sandomierz Basin Vistula Delta Upper Dnieper Middle Dnieper Basin Mountain glaciers Central Poland The long Interpleniglacial (58-28 ka cal BP) is represented in the mountains and plateaus by thick slope deposits interfingering with Permafrost limit Dnieper 8.2 ka event Od r SM + 0m alluvia rich in organic remains (peat layers). Large alluvial fans are extending at the outlet from the mountains. In these fans, 2-3 cuts Ice margin e 9.3 ka event streamways SM SM SM = Dniester 10 = - 100 10 and fills were registered at several localities. They are especially well recognized in the Sandomierz Basin (S Poland).Rapid cooling Transfer of glacial SM LM SM meltwaters M and the increase of continentality caused expansion of permafrost and a distinct change to incission, which preceded the maximum = LM LM Dunes GS-1 LM LM + -40 = advance of Scandinavian ice sheet and caused the covering of the interpleniglacial alluvial plains by thick younger loess. That = = GI-1b Tundra = LM == Tisza= LATE GI-1d M = LM M Interpleniglacial period, with frequent climatic fluctuations, was the time of deposition of deluvial and colluvial silts and sands up to 20 m Park tundra = 15 GLACIAL LM 15 = thick, and in smaller valleys dissecting loess plateaus. Only in the subsiding Pannonian Basin we observe permanent trend to Steppe Maros = = = Deciduous forest = = Black aggradation. = LM steppe = = = Sea LM = = LM During maximum extend of the ice sheet, ice-dammed lakes and ice-marginal valleys were formed. Also glaciofluvial fills were = = Danube GS-2 formed during the transfluence into the Black Sea (area). Braided rivers at the mountain forelands formed incised lower alluvial fans. 20 SM 20 Strong eolian activity caused the formation of dune fields, especially extensive in the western elevated part of the Pannonian Basin = -120 GS-1 / Holocene 20° 30° 40° (Transdanubia) build of sands probably blown out from glaciofluvial fan of Danube at its outlet from theAlps. Wind activity was very high + + + Legend Dvina +++ in some intramountain depression (like Jasło-Sanok Doły) where deflation eroded shallow depressions and coarser Carpathian loess + + + BR Present Rivers + has filled some valley floors. + + 25 25 Baltic +++ GS-3 Present Sea Neman + + During the ice-sheet recession, there has been gradual downcutting, supported by glacioisostatic uplift. The erosion was going Sea limit Sea + during GS-1 + ka cal BP down several tens meters below the present-day Baltic Sea level, and it was stopped by the Littorina transgression in the mid- Mountain ranges + + GS-4 + + + Holocene. From about 18 ka cal BP,a gradual expansion of boreal trees from the East and the reduction of the sediment load started. State borders + + Vistula Only the greatest rivers, as the Danube and Tisza in the subsiding depressions far from supplying mountain areas preserved Subsiding areas 30 GS-5 30 = = 50° meandering channels during the whole time. In most river valleys gradual change from braided channel to meandering ones was + + Uplifting areas typical. There were two warmer phases when followed formation of great palaeomeanders: 19-17 ka cal BP (Sagvar – Lascaux Tundra Dnieper GS-6 Od r BR BR Forest tundra e GS-7 interstadial) and 14.7 – 11.7ka cal BP (Bølling – Allerød – Young er Dryas. The large palaeomeanders of the older phase are developed = Dniester 35 35 over boreal forests-steppes of northern Ukraine and southern Russia, along tributaries of Tisza, and very rare in other regions. After Boreal forest GS-8 Deciduous forest = next cool phase (equivalent of Pomeranian glacial advance) followed second warmer phase of Late Glacial, when great meanders = Legend Forests teppe = = = developed, which are better expressed north of the Carpathians where advance of forest stabilized the outflow. That system was == Tisza= fluvial aggradation erosional phase Steppe = GS-9 = INTERPLENIGLACIAL UPPER PLENIGLACIALBR braided HOLOCENE river transition (erosional) abandoned during Younger Dryas and changed to stable discharges reflected in small scale palaeomeanders. = Maros = 40 M icemarginstream40 = = GS-10 meandering river Much greater diversity has been registered after Upper Pleniglacial on the extensive alluvial fan of Maros River surrounded by = = Black transfluent meltwaters = LM / SM large / small meanders = = = Sea GS-11 sea transgresion permanently subsiding areas. Here frequent channel avulsions reflected the changes in hydrological regime of the headwater area. = glaciofluvial deposits + = = = LM organic deposits = sea regresion During the early Holocene, under dense forest, which climbed up to 1500-2000 m a.s.l., relatively low discharge and sediment load Danube GS-12 colluvia - solifluction eolian activity was characteristic of rivers, especially in the Pannonian Basin, still occupied partly by steppe vegetation. 45 45 The climate has changed about 9.5 ka cal BP when followed the phase of frequent floods and expansion of deciduous trees, Palaeogeographic maps during LGM and GS-1/ Holocene -44 -40 -36 reflected in minerogenic layers in peatbogs and avulsions of river channels even with local tendency to braiding. transition (simplified). Data from different river valleys: 40 A 20 V LV H ? 1 H2 m a.s.l. V 0 V LV H LV 20 300 1 H3 B V V V ? 0 VISTULA. Fluctuations of H res LV the channel level during the Cracow -20 Dunajec last cold stage along Vistula 200 LV C H1-H3 10 River (after Starkel et al. ? San 2007, changed). Grey Wieprz -10 rectangles show the main 10 D phases of climatically 100 V LV m a.s.l. H H 200 controlled erosion in most E -10 V regions of the former LV H- H 10 1 2 periglacial zone in southern ? LV 20 and middle Poland. A. The H1 H2 -10 F Lower Vistula valley in Warsaw Bug-Narew 100 0 theToruń Basin B. The Brda Delta ? H2 Vistula valley in the Warsaw res transgr. Basin, C. Middle course of MAROS. Paleochannel generations and their channel TISZA. Channel generations in the Middle Tisza and Sajó-Hernád H1 -20 LG G 10 the Prosna valley, D. The pattern on the Maros alluvial fan. 1–– paleochannel, 2 alluvial fan region (after Gábris et al., 2012, changed). 1– LGM Gulf 1 2 3 4 5 meandering, 3–– anastomosing, 4 braided pattern, 5 –braided paleochannel, 2– paleochannel from the last interstadial of 6 7 8 9 10 0 Mroga valley on the Łódź -10 20 OSL age (ka) of the point- or mid-channel bars (after the Upper Pleniglacial, 3–– braided Oldest Dryas paleochannel, 4 km Plateau, E. Belnianka valley 500 400 300 200 100 0 H Sümeghy et al., 2013, changed). ? (after Ludwikowska-Kędzia Bøø lling/Aller d paleochannel, 5 – Preboreal meanders, 6 – Subboreal 0 2000) and Bierawka valley, meanders, 7–– unidentified age, 8 settlements. VISTULA. Longitudinal profile and schematic transversal F. The Vistula gap through 10 profiles of the Vistula River valley (after Starkel 2007, I uplands, G. Middle course of Sea level changes (m) ? STRATIGRAPHY DANUBE DELTA -100 -50 0 50 changed): 1–– longitudinal channel profile, 2 fluvial ? the Wieprz valley on Lublin -10 J 20 terraces, 3- glaciofluvial terraces, 4– Vistulian terrace with Plateau, H.
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