ABBOTT NORTHWESTERN HOSPITAL Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Radiation Proctitis and Enteritis Clinical Benefits Mechanisms of Action Journal References Indications Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Radiation Proctitis and Enteritis Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is an adjunctive therapy used to treat various conditions including radiation proctitis and enteritis. During treatment, patients breathe 100 percent oxygen while inside a treatment chamber that has been pressurized. This results in hyperoxygenation of blood and tissues which promotes angiogenesis, collagen synthesis, epithelization and improves leukocyte function. The course of a hyperbaric treatment typically lasts six–eight weeks (Monday–Friday) depending on the severity of the condition, as well as the patient’s individualized progress. Patients can expect each treatment to last approximately two hours. Near the 20th treatment, patients are evaluated to review their progress and consider the need for additional treatments. During treatment, patients can expect the following to ensure a pleasant experience: Patients may sleep, listen to the radio, or watch television or movies A hyperbaric technician is available chamber-side at all times Patients will be evaluated by a hyperbaric-trained physician prior to and following all treatments. RADIATION PROCTITIS AND ENTERITIS INDICATIONS All patients with a history of pelvic radiation with documented radiation proctitis and enteritis are candidates for HBOT. CONTACT INFORMATION: Abbott Northwestern Hospital Wound and Hyperbaric Clinic, W4300 800 E. 28th Street Minneapolis, MN 55407 612-863-9774 HYPERBARICHYPERBARICHYPERBARIC MEDICINE MEDICINE MEDICINE AT BEAUMONT AT BEAUMONT AT BEAUMONT HYPERBARICHYPERBARICHYPERBARIC OXYGEN OXYGEN OXYGENTHERAPY THERAPY THERAPY FOR FOROSTEORADIONECROSIS FOROSTEORADIONECROSIS OSTEORADIONECROSIS Michigan’sMichigan’s Michigan’sLargest Largest Multi-Place Largest Multi-Place Multi-PlaceChamber Chamber Chamber ■ Accommodates■ Accommodates■ Accommodates up to13 up patients to13 up patients at to13 a time patients at a time at a time Mechanisms of Action ■ Physician■ Physician attendance■ Physician attendance during attendance treatmentduring treatmentduring treatment ■ A certified■ A certified technologist■ A certified technologist remains technologist remains inside theremains inside chamber the inside chamber the chamber at all timesat all timesat all times Angiogenesis Collagen Synthesis ■ Comfortable,■ Comfortable,■ uprightComfortable, uprightseating uprightseating seating ■ Non-claustrophobic■ Non-claustrophobic■ Non-claustrophobic treatment treatment environment treatment environment environment RadiatedRadiated tissueRadiated demonstrates tissue demonstratestissue tissue demonstrates shallow demonstrates shallow oxygen shallow shallow oxygen gradients oxygen oxygen gradients withingradients gradients the within within radiated the within the radiated radiatedfield. the radiated field. field. field. Low oxygen gradients prevent revascularization. HBOT creates steep ■ Patients■ Pwatchatients■ movies Pwatchatients movieson watch a plasma onmovies a plasmascreen on a plasmatelevisionscreen televisionscreen television Low oxygenLow oxygen gradientsLow oxygen gradients prevent gradients prevent revascularization. prevent revascularization. revascularization. HBO2 creates HBO2 creates steepHBO2 oxygen createssteep oxygen steep oxygen gradientsgradients whichoxygengradients stimulates which gradients stimulates which vascular whichstimulates vascular endothelial stimulates vascular endothelial vascular growth endothelial endothelial growthfactor (VEGF) growthfactor growth (VEGF) andfactor factor platelet (VEGF) and platelet and platelet ■ Patients■ Pamaytients ■also Pamay tientsread, also maylisten read, also to listenCD’s, read, to and listenCD’s, socialize to and CD’s, socialize and socialize (VEGF) release and induces the appearance of platelet-derived growth derivedderived growthfactorderived growthfactor (PDGF) (PDGF) growthfactor receptors. (PDGF) receptorfactor (PDGF)This receptor appearance results receptor appearance in the is promotion appearance induced. is induced. of This capillary is results induced. This budding inresults the This inresults the in the promotionpromotion of capillaryandpromotion ofcollagen capillary budding of synthesis. capillary budding and collagen budding and collagen synthesis. and collagen synthesis. synthesis. HyperbaricHyperbaric OxygenHyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Oxygen Therapy (HBO 2Therapy )(HBO is an 2adjunctive) (HBO is an 2adjunctive) is therapy an adjunctive therapy used to therapy usedtreat tovarious usedtreat varioustoconditions treat variousconditions including conditions including including osteoradionecrosisosteoradionecrosisosteoradionecrosis of the mandible. of the mandible. of Duringthe mandible. Duringtreatment treatmentDuring patients treatment patients breathe patients breathe 100% breatheoxygen 100% oxygen 100%intermittently oxygen intermittently intermittently while insidewhile a inside treatmentwhile a inside treatment chamber a treatment chamber that has chamber that been has pressurized that been has pressurized been up pressurizedto 2 upatmospheres to 2 upatmospheres to 2or atmospheres greater. or greater. This orresults greater. This results This results in hyperoxygenationin hyperoxygenationin hyperoxygenation of blood of and blood tissue of and blood (7–13 tissue and times(7–13 tissue normal times(7–13 normallevels) times whichnormallevels) promotes whichlevels) promotes which angiogenesis, promotes angiogenesis, angiogenesis, collagencollagen synthesis,collagen synthesis, epithelialization synthesis, epithelialization epithelialization and improves and improves leukocyte and improves leukocyte function. leukocyte function. function. PRIOR TOPRIOR HBOT: TOPRIOR HBOT: TO HBOT:DURINGDURING HBOT:DURING HBOT: HBOT:AFTER 20AFTER – 30 20 AFTERHBOT: – 30 20 HBOT: – 30 HBOT: BeaumontBeaumont Hospital’sBeaumont Hospital’s Hyperbaric Hospital’s Hyperbaric Medicine Hyperbaric Medicine Center Medicine Centeris a state-of-the-art Centeris a state-of-the-art is a multi-patientstate-of-the-art multi-patient chamber, multi-patient chamber, which chamber, which which Low oxygenLow gradientoxygenLowLow gradient oxygen gradientRaises oxygenRaisesRaises gradientoxygenoxygenRaises gradient oxygen gradientOxygenOxygen benefitsOxygenbenefits Oxygenbenefits benefits in tissue surroundingin tissue insurroundingin tissue tissue surroundingsurrounding in tissue,in inpromoting tissue, tissue, promotingin tissue, promoting continue continueneovascularization,continue continueneovascularization, neovascularization, accommodatesaccommodatesaccommodates up to 13 up patients to 13 up patients at to a 13 time patients at and a time is at the and a timelargest is the and inlargest isthe the state inlargest the of stateMichigan. in the of stateMichigan. Each of Michigan. treatment Each treatment Each treatment at irradiatedat irradiated site.atat irradiatedirradiated site. site.angiogenesisangiogenesis angiogenesisin wound.angiogenesis in wound. in wound.neovascularization,healing wound.healing wound.healing wound. in wound. healing wound. is supervisedis supervised byis a supervised highly by a experienced highly by a experienced highly hyperbaric experienced hyperbaric physician. hyperbaric physician. A certified physician. A certified hyperbaric A certified hyperbaric technologist hyperbaric technologist remains technologist remains remains Graphic source:Graphic Hyperbaric source:Graphic MedicineHyperbaric source: Practice. Medicine Hyperbaric Eric Practice. P. MedicineKindwall, Eric Practice. M.D.P. Kindwall, and Eric Harry M.D. P. Kindwall, T. andWhelan, Harry M.D. M.D. T. andWhelan, Best Harry Publishing M.D. T. Whelan, Best Company Publishing M.D. Best Company Publishing Company in the chamberin the chamberin during the chamber eachduring treatment eachduring treatment each to observe treatment to observe and to assist observe and the assist patients and the assist patients at allthe times. patients at all times. at all times. Graphic source: Hyperbaric Medicine Practice. Eric P. Kindwall, M.D. and Harry T. Whelan, M.D. Best Publishing Company During theDuring treatment theDuring treatment (generally the treatment (generally 6 –12 (generally weeks), 6 –12 weeks), 6 –12 weeks), OsteoradionecrosisOsteoradionecrosisOsteoradionecrosis Indications Indications Indications Beaumont’sBeaumont’sBeaumont’s Multi-Patient Multi-Patient Multi-Patient Chamber Chamber Chamber status reportsstatus onreportsstatus your onreports patient’s your on patient’s progress your patient’s progress will progress will will ProphylaxisProphylaxis –ProphylaxisHBO 2–givenHBO prior2–givenHBO to prior2toothgiven to extraction priortooth toextraction tooth in irradiated extraction in irradiated jaws in irradiatedreduces jaws reduces the jaws incidence reduces the incidence of the osteora- incidence of osteora- of osteora- be sent beto you.sent beDuringto you.sent thisDuringto you. time, thisDuring your time, patient this your time, patient your patient dionecrosis.dionecrosis. Patientsdionecrosis. Patients are usually Patients are usuallygiven are 20 usuallygiven treatments 20 given treatments before20 treatments extractionbefore extractionbefore and extraction 10 andtreatments 10 andtreatments afterwards. 10 treatments afterwards. afterwards. JOURNAL ARTICLES will continuewill continue to willfollow continue to up follow with to up you.follow with upyou. with you. TreatmentTreatment – HBOTreatment
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