Table S1. Primers Used for Amplification and Sequencing of DNA Fragments Used in Phylogenetic Analyses

Table S1. Primers Used for Amplification and Sequencing of DNA Fragments Used in Phylogenetic Analyses

Title Evidence of Vent-Adaptation in Sponges Living at the Periphery of Hydrothermal Vent Environments: Ecological and Evolutionary Implications Authors Georgieva, MN; Taboada, Sergio; Riesgo, A; Díez-Vives, C; De Leo, FC; Jeffreys, RM; Copley, JT; Little, Crispin; Ríos, P; Cristobo, J; Hestetun, JT; Glover, AG Date Submitted 2020-08-05 Table S1. Primers used for amplification and sequencing of DNA fragments used in phylogenetic analyses. Genus Gene Primer Sequence (5'-3') Cladorhiza COI LCO1490-Neg TTT CAA CAA ATC ATA AGG ATA TAG G HCO2198-Cla TAA ACC TCC GGG TGG CCA AAA AAC CA COX1-D2-Cla AAC ACA GCT TTT TTT GAT CCT GCG GG COX1-R1 TGT TGR GGG AAA AAR GTT AAA TT 28S Ep1b' GTG GCC GGG AGA GGC AGC D2 TCC GTG TTT CAA GAC GGG ALG11 ALG11-D1 TTY CAY CCN TAY TGY AAY GCN GGN GG ALG11-R1 ATN CCR AAR TGY TCR TTC CAC AT ALG11-D2 TGY AAY GCN GGN GGN GGN GGN GA ALG11-R2 CCR AAR TGY TCR TTC CAC ATN GTR TG Spinularia COI PolyHCO GAYTATWTTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG PolyLCO TAMACTTCWGGGTGACCAAARAATCA 28S Por28S-15F GCG AGA TCA CCY GCT GAA T Por28S-878R CAC TCC TTG GTC CGT GTT TC Por28S-830F CAT CCG ACC CGT CTT GAA Por28S-1520R GCT AGT TGA TTC GGC AGG TG Por28S-1490F AAC TCA CCT GCC GAA TCA AC Por28S-2170R CCA ATC CTT TTC CCA ARG TT References Belinky, F., Szitenberg, A., Goldfarb, I., Feldstein, T., Wörheide, G., Ilan, M. & Huchon, D. (2012) ALG11 – A new variable DNA marker for sponge phylogeny: Comparison of phylogenetic performances with the 18S rDNA and the COI gene. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 63, 702–713. Carr, C.M., Hardy, S.M., Brown, T.M., Macdonald, T.A. & Hebert, P.D.N. (2011) A tri-oceanic perspective: DNA barcoding reveals geographic structure and cryptic diversity in Canadian polychaetes. PLoS One 6, e22232. Chombard, C., Boury-Esnault, N., Tillier, A. & Vacelet, J. (1997) Polyphyly of ‘‘sclerosponges” (Porifera, Demospongiae) supported by 28S ribosomal sequences. Biological Bulletin 193, 359–367. Hestetun, J.T., Vacelet, J., Boury-Esnault, N., Borchiellini, C., Kelly, M., Ríos, P., Cristobo, J. & Rapp, H.T. (2016) The systematics of carnivorous sponges. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 94, 327–345. Morrow, C.C., Picton, B.E., Erpenbeck, D., Boury-Esnault, N., Maggs, C.A. & Allcock, A.L. (2012) Congruence between nuclear and mitochondrial genes in Demospongiae: A new hypothesis for relationships within the G4 clade (Porifera: Demospongiae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62, 174–190. Rot, C., Goldfarb, I., Ilan, M. & Huchon, D. (2006) Putative cross-kingdom horizontal gene transfer in sponge (Porifera) mitochondria. BMC Evolutionary Biology 6, 71. Table S1. Primers used for amplification and sequencing of DNA fragments used in phylogenetic analyses. Reference Hestetun et al. (2016) Hestetun et al. (2016) Hestetun et al. (2016) Rot et al. (2006) Chombard et al. (1997) Chombard et al. (1997) Belinky et al. (2012) Belinky et al. (2012) Belinky et al. (2012) Belinky et al. (2012) Carr et al. (2011) Carr et al. (2011) Morrow et al. (2012) Morrow et al. (2012) Morrow et al. (2012) Morrow et al. (2012) Morrow et al. (2012) Morrow et al. (2012) References Belinky, F., Szitenberg, A., Goldfarb, I., Feldstein, T., Wörheide, G., Ilan, M. & Huchon, D. (2012) ALG11 – A new variable DNA marker for sponge phylogeny: Comparison of phylogenetic performances with the 18S rDNA and the COI gene. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 63, 702–713. Carr, C.M., Hardy, S.M., Brown, T.M., Macdonald, T.A. & Hebert, P.D.N. (2011) A tri-oceanic perspective: DNA barcoding reveals geographic structure and cryptic diversity in Canadian polychaetes. PLoS One 6, e22232. Chombard, C., Boury-Esnault, N., Tillier, A. & Vacelet, J. (1997) Polyphyly of ‘‘sclerosponges” (Porifera, Demospongiae) supported by 28S ribosomal sequences. Biological Bulletin 193, 359–367. Hestetun, J.T., Vacelet, J., Boury-Esnault, N., Borchiellini, C., Kelly, M., Ríos, P., Cristobo, J. & Rapp, H.T. (2016) The systematics of carnivorous sponges. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 94, 327–345. Morrow, C.C., Picton, B.E., Erpenbeck, D., Boury-Esnault, N., Maggs, C.A. & Allcock, A.L. (2012) Congruence between nuclear and mitochondrial genes in Demospongiae: A new hypothesis for relationships within the G4 clade (Porifera: Demospongiae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 62, 174–190. Rot, C., Goldfarb, I., Ilan, M. & Huchon, D. (2006) Putative cross-kingdom horizontal gene transfer in sponge (Porifera) mitochondria. BMC Evolutionary Biology 6, 71. Table S2. Genbank sequence codes of specimens used in phylogenetic analyses of Cladorhizidae. Species Voucher COI 28S Abyssocladia boletiphora BMNH 2016.1.13.7 KU728114 KU728110 Asbestopluma bihamatifera Lar2012-003Con75 KX266207 KX266191 Chondrocladia gigantea NTNU15204a LN870482 LN870618 Chondrocladia gigantea NTNU15204b LN870483 LN870619 Chondrocladia grandis Gulf of Maine KX950009 KX950007 Chondrocladia grandis Baffin Bay MG193131 MG193129 Chondrocladia grandis PAA2013008021 Davis KX266218S KX266202 Chondrocladia grandis HUD2007-025-1058-032KX266213 KX266198 Chondrocladia robertballardi MNHN.D.CL.4110 GorriLN870493 LN870627 Chondrocladia sp. PAT-1208 46DR5 LN870488 LN870624 Chondrocladia verticillata 19-IX-11-1-3 KU950333 KU950334 Cladorhiza abyssicola ZMA POR 19500 LN870497 LN870629 Cladorhiza abyssicola ZMA POR 19732 LN870498 LN870630 Cladorhiza abyssicola ZMBN103470 LN870499 LN870631 Cladorhiza cf. gelida SMF 11753 HE611584 - Cladorhiza corallophila SMF11492 KU508386 KU508392 Cladorhiza corallophila SMF11491 KU508387 KU508393 Cladorhiza corallophila Sam-ID 1430 KU508388 KU508394 Cladorhiza corticocancellata ZMBN103471 LN870500 LN870632 Cladorhiza gelida ZMBN103472 LN870501 LN870633 Cladorhiza gelida ZMBN103473 LN870502 LN870634 Cladorhiza gelida ZMBN103474 LN870503 LN870635 Cladorhiza kenchingtonae CMNI2016-0014 KX266208 - Cladorhiza methanophila J2-633-5 KX815332 KX815331 Cladorhiza methanophila J2-633-4 KX815333 - Cladorhiza oxeata PAA2012007030 KX266209 KX266192 Cladorhiza oxeata PAA2010009147 KX266221 - Cladorhiza sp. SMF11751 HE611585 - Cladorhiza sp. JC42 F-0135A (MG98) MT521889 MT521913 Cladorhiza sp. JC42 F-0135B (MG70) MT521890 MT521914 Cladorhiza sp. JC42 F-0146 (MG71) MT521891 MT521915 Cladorhiza sp. PS119-46D (MG159) MT521892 MT521916 Cladorhiza tenuisigma ZMBN103475 LN870504 LN870636 Cladorhiza tenuisigma ZMBN103476 LN870505 LN870637 Note: newly generated sequences as part of this study are higlighted. Table S2. Genbank sequence codes of specimens used in phylogenetic analyses of Cladorhizidae. Table S3. Genbank sequence codes of specimens used in phylogenetic analyses of Polymastiidae. ALG11 Species KU728117 Suberites ficus KX266224 Tethya citrina - Polymastia andrica LN870559 Polymastia andrica KX950008 Polymastia arctica MG193130 Polymastia arctica KX266228 Polymastia bartletti KX266227 Polymastia boletiformis LN870567 Polymastia boletiformis LN870564 Polymastia cf. conigera - Polymastia corticata LN870548 Polymastia euplectella LN870549 Polymastia euplectella LN870550 Polymastia grimaldii - Polymastia hemisphaerica KU508389 Polymastia hemisphaerica KU508390 Polymastia hemisphaerica KU508391 Polymastia invaginata LN870551 Polymastia invaginata LN870552 Polymastia littoralis LN870553 Polymastia mamillaris LN870554 Polymastia penicillus - Polymastia sp. 1 KX815334 Polymastia sp. 2 KX815335 Polymastia sp. 3 KX266225 Polymastia thielei - Polymastia uberrima - Quasillina brevis MT521886 Quasillina brevis - Sphaerotylus antarcticus MT521887 Sphaerotylus borealis MT521888 Sphaerotylus capitatus LN870555 Sphaerotylus sp. LN870556 Spinularia cf. sarsii Spinularia njordi Spinularia njordi Spinularia njordi Spinularia sarsii Spinularia sarsii Spinularia sp. Spinularia sp. Spinularia sp. Spinularia sp. Spinularia sp. Spinularia sp. Spinularia sp. Spinularia sp. Spinularia sp. Spinularia sp. Spinularia sp. Spinularia spinularia Spinularia spinularia Spinularia spinularia Spinularia spinularia Spinularia spinularia Tentorium papillatum Tentorium papillatum Tentorium cf. semisuberites Tentorium semisuberites Tentorium semisuberites Weberella bursa Note: newly generated sequences as part of this study are higlighted. Table S3. Genbank sequence codes of specimens used in phylogenetic analyses of Polymastiidae. Voucher COI 28S D1-D2 28S D3-D5 28S D6-D8 BELUM MC4322 HQ379429 HQ379247 HQ379322 HQ379389 BELUM MC5113 HQ379427 HQ379237 HQ379312 HQ379378 ZMBN98055 LN606449 - - - ZMBN98074 LN606453 LN873415 LN873428 LN873473 ZMBN98062 HG423705 HG423734 HG423764 HG423794 ZMBN98068 HG423706 HG423735 HG423765 HG423795 ZMBN98111 LN606468 LN606505 LN606535 LN606565 ZMBN98047 HG423708 LN606491 LN606521 LN606551 ZMBN98089 HG423709 - - - BELUM MC3722 HG423827 HG423828 HG423829 HG423830 ZMBN98097 LN606456 LN873417 LN873430 LN873445 ZMBN98044 HG423710 - - - ZMBN98085 LN606457 LN606497 LN606527 LN606557 ZMBN98064 LN606459 - - - ZMBN98043 HG423719 HG423807 HG423777 HG423747 ZMBN98056 HG423720 HG423808 HG423778 HG423748 ZMBN98069 LN606478 LN606571 LN606541 LN606511 ZMBN98046 HG423712 HG423740 HG423770 HG423800 ZMBN98094 HG423711 - - - KJ129611 KJ129611 - - - ZMBN98078 HG423713 HG423741 HG423771 HG423801 BELUM

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