JANICE CARTER* Treaties and International Agreements under U.S. and International Law: A Selected Bibliographyt Editor's Note: The following selected and partially annotatedbibliography hopefully will assist practicingattorneys, scholars and students, who have frequent or occasional need to research questions about the force and interpretationof treaties. The bibliography lists English language books, articles, Federal and international documents, and other publications on issues regardingthe making, implementation, and terminationof treaties in light of U.S. and international law. With respect to international law, special attention is given to the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and debate over its provisions. Concerning U.S. law, the emphasis is on executive-congressionalrelations in the making and termination of treaties and internationalagreements. The section on treatiesand treaty collections is annotated, and focuses on resources useful in locating information on U.S. treaties throughout the treatymaking process, although a few selected compilations internationalin scope are identified. Guides to treaty collec- tions and treaty research, which may be helpful in identifying additional resources, are also described. An outline of the contents precedes the bibliography. *Formerly, Senior Bibliographer, Foreign Affairs, Library Services Division, Library of Congress. tThis is an abridged and edited version of a bibliography compiled and annotated by Ms. Carter under the title, The Making of Treaties and InternationalAgreements: Congressional- Executive Relations in Light of U.S. and InternationalLaw; A Selective, Annotated Bibliogra- phy, which appeared in CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE OF LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, 98TH CONG., 2D SESS., TREATIES AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS: THE ROLE OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE; A STUDY PREPARED FOR THE SENATE COMM. ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, 185-237 (Comm. Print 1984). 376 INTERNATIONAL LAWYER I. International agreements and international law: A. Overview 1. General 2. Treaties and agreements involving international organiza- tions B. Negotiation and conclusion of treaties and international agree- ments 1. Negotiation and the treatymaking process 2. Amendments, interpretive declarations, and reservations 3. Acceptance, depositary, registration and publication C. Entry into force D. Interpretation E. Modification, suspension, and termination of treaties 1. Overview 2. Questions of treaty validity F. Dispute settlement G. Succession of States II. International agreements and U.S. law: A. General B. Congressional and Presidential roles in the making of treaties and international agreements C. Communication of international agreements to Congress D. U.S. termination of treaties III. Resources on treaties: A. Guides to resources on treaties B. Compilations of treaties, and indexes international in scope C. U.S. treaties and the treatymaking process 1. Sources for treaty information throughout the treatymak- ing process 2. Official treaty series 3. Indexes and retrospective compilations 4. Status of treaties D. Topical collections 1. Diplomatic and national security issues 2. Economic and commercial issues 3. International environmental issues and management of common areas VOL. 19, NO. 1 A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 377 I. International Agreements and International Law A. Overview I. General H. W. Briggs, The Travaux Preparatoiresof the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, AM. J. INT'L L. v. 65, Oct. 1971: 705-712. JX1.A6, v. 65. E. P. Deutsch, Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. N.D. LAW. v. 47, Dec. 1971: 297-303. T. D. Elias, The Modern Law of Treaties. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1974, 272 p. JX4165.E37 R. D. Kearney, and R. E. Dalton, The Treaty on Treaties. AM. J. INT'L L. v. 64, July 1970: 495-561. JX1.A6, v. 64 A. D. McNair, The Law of Treaties. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1961. 789 p. JX4165.M18 F. Morgenstern, InternationalLegislation at the Crossroads.BRITISH YEAR BOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW; V. 49, 1978: 101-117. JX21.B7, v. 49. S. Rosenne, Bilateralismand Community Interest in the Codified Law of Treaties. In Transnational law in a Changing Society; essays in honor of Philip C. Jessup. Edited by Wolfgang Friedman, Louis Henkin, and Oliver Lissitzyn. New York, Columbia University Press, 1972. pp. 202-227. JX3091.T7 1972 -The Law of Treaties;a Guide to the Legislative History of the Vienna Conven- tion. Leyden, A. W. Sijthoff; Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1970. 443 p. JX4165.R65 I. M. Sinclair, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Manchester, Eng., Manchester University Press; Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1973. 150 p. (The Melland Schill lectures) JX4165.$55 J. S. Stanford, The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. U. TORONTO L.J., v. 20, no. 1, 1970: 18-47. United Nations. InternationalLaw Commission. YEARBOOK OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION. New York, 1949 + JX1977.A2 subser United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties, Vienna, 1968-1969. Official Records; Summary Records of the Plenary Meetings and of the Meetings of the Committee of the Whole. New York, United Nations, 1969-71. 3 v. (United Nations. [Document] A/CONF. 39/11 and A/CONF. 39/11/Add. 1-Add. 2) (United Nations publication. Sales no.: E.68.V.7, E.70.V.6, and E.70.V.5.) U.S. President, 1969-1974 (Nixon). Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting the Vienna Conven- tion on the Law of Treaties signed for the United States on April 24, 1970, 92d Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Washington, U.S. Govt. Print. Off., 1971. 40 p. JX234.A23 92d 1st 1971L The Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties: Travaux Preparatories= Die Wiener Vertragsrechtskonvention: Materialien zur Entstehung d. einzelnen Vorschr. Hrsg., Inst. fur Internat. Angelegenheiten d. Univ. Hamburg; Inst. fur Internat. Recht an d. Univ. Kiel; Inst. fur Volkerrecht d. Univ. Gottingen. Compiled by Ralf Gunter Wetzel; edited and prefaced by Dietrich Rauschning. Frankfurt am Main, WINTER 1985 378 INTERNATIONAL LAWYER Metzner, 1978. 543 p. (Dokumente-Institut fur Internationale Angelegenheiten der Universitat Hamburg; v. 44) JX77.H25, v. 44 K. Widdows, What is an Agreement in International Law? BRMSH YEAR BOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, V. 50, 1979: 117-149. JX21.B7, v. 50 R. R. Wilson, The InternationalLaw Standardin Recent Treaties and Agreements of the United States. AM. J. INT'L L., v. 66 July 1972: 526-536. JX1.A6, v. 66 F. M. Wozencraft, United Nations arithmeticand the Vienna Conference on the Law of Treaties. INT'L LAW., v. 6, Apr. 1972: 205-218. JX1.163, v. 6 2. Treaties and Agreements involving International Organizations Agreements of InternationalOrganizations and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Edited by K. Zemanek, assisted by L. R. Behrmann. New York, Springer-Verlag, 1971, 268 p. JX4165.A34 P. Reuter, First Report on the Question of Treaties Concluded Between States and International Organizations. [New York] 1972. 61 p. (United Nations. [Docu- ment] A/CN.4/258) The Question of Treaties Concluded Between States and InternationalOrganizations or Between Two or More InternationalOrganizations. New York, United Nations. International Law Commission, 1970. 116 p. (United Nations. [Document] A/ CN.4/L.161) The Questionof Treaties Concluded Between States and InternationalOrganiztions or Between Two or More International Organizations.[New York] (United Nations [Document] A/CN.4/L.161/Add.1) The Question of Treaties Concluded Between States and InternationalOrganizations or Between Two or More InternationalOrganizations; Possibilities of Participation by the United Nations in InternationalAgreements on Behalf of a Territory. [New York] United Nations, 1974. 56 p. (United Nations. [Document] A/CN.41281) B. Negotiation and Conclusion of Treaties and International Agreements 1. Negotiation and the Treatymaking Process a. General H. Blix, and J. H. Emerson, editors. The Treaty Maker's Handbook. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., Oceana Publications, 1973. 355 p. JX4165.B55 T. Hassan, Good Faith in Treaty Formation. VA. J. INT'L L., v. 21, spring 1981: 443-481. JX1.57, v. 21 R. D. Kearney, InternationalLegislation: the Negotiation Process CAL. W. INT'L L.J. v. 9, summer 1979: 504-513. JX1.C25, v. 9 b. Multilateral Treaties J. K. Gamble, Jr., Multilateral Treaties: the Significance of the Name of the Instru- ment. CAL. W. INT'L L.J. v. 10, winter 1980: 1-24. JX1.C25, v. 10 Review of the MultilateralTreaty-making Process. [New York] United Nations, 1981. 66, 7, 2, 18, 4 p. (United Nations. [Documents] A136/553; A/36/553/Add.1; A/36/553/Add.2) Review of the MultilateralTreaty-making Process. [New York] United Nations, 1980. 37, 41, 54 p. (United Nations. [Documents] A/35/312; A/35/312/Add. 1; A/35/312/ Add.2) VOL. 19, NO. 1 A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 379 2. Amendments, Interpretive Declarations, and Reservations A. 0. Adede, Amendment Proceduresfor Conventions with Technical Annexes: the IMCO Experience. VA. J. INT'L L., v. 17, winter 1977: 201-215. JX1.J57, v. 17 J. K. Gamble, Jr., Reservations to MultilateralTreaties: a MacroscopicView of State Practice. AM. J. INT'L L., v. 74, Apr. 1980: 372-394. JX1.A6, v. 74 W. P. Gormley, The Modification of MultilateralConventions by Means of "Negoti- ated Reservations" and other "Alternatives": a ComparativeStudy of the ILO and Councilof Europe. FORDHAM L. REV. v. 39, Oct. 1970: 59-80; Mar. 1971: 413-446. Inter-AmericanJuridical Committee. Reservation of TheoreticalAdherence to Multi- lateral Treaties. Report Preparedin Accordance with Resolution XI of the Fourth Meeting of the Int'l American Council of Jurists. Washington, Pan American Union, 1961. 5 p. EA/ser.I/VI.2, CIJ-57) F14505.51959.07 OEA/ser.I/VI.2, C1J57 (English) J. K. Koh, Reservations to Multilateral Treaties: How International Legal Doctrine Reflects World Vision. HARV. INT'L L.J., v. 23, spring 1982: 71-116. JX1.H37, v. 23 D. M. McRae, The Legal Effect of Interpretative Declarations. THE BRITISH YEAR BOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, v. 49, 1978: 155-173. JX21.B7, v. 49 M. H. Mendelson, Reservations to the Constitutionsof InternationalOrganizations.
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