Temple Beth Or Library Item Listing by Author All Author(s) Title : Subtitle (Series) Call#1 Call#2 Call#3 Aaron, David Endless Light : The Ancient Path of Kabbalah 150 Aar Aaron, David Seeing God : ten life-changing lessons of the Kabbalah 162.3 Aar Abe, Masao / Borowitz, Buddhist-Jewish Dialogue 661 Abe Eugene B. Abraham, Michelle Shapiro Good Night (Lilah Tov) Abr Abraham, Michelle Shapiro My Cousin Tamar Lives in Israel Abr Abraham, Pearl Romance Reader 560 Abr Abramovitsh, S.Y. / Miron, Tales of Mendele the Book Peddler : Fishke the Lame and Benjamin 190 Abr Dan. / Frieden, Ken , 1955 the Third (Library of Yiddish classics) Abramowitz, Yosef / Jewish Family and Life : traditions, holidays, and values for today's T 220 Abr Silverman, Susan parents and children Abrams, Judith Z. Rosh Hashanah (A Family Service) Abr Abrams, Judith Z. The Talmud for Beginners : Prayer (Volume 1) 102.1 Abr Abramson, Glenda, ed. Oxford Book of Hebrew Short Stories 550.3 Oxf Ackerman, Diane Zookeeper's Wife : A War Story 738.30 ZAB Ack 9 Address, Richard and That You May Live Long: Caring for Our Aging Parents, Caring for 653 Add Person, Hara / Address, Ri Ourselves : Caring for Our Aging Parents, Caring for Ourselves Address, Richard F. time to prepare, A : a practical guide for individuals and families in 222.5 Add determining one's wishes for extraordinary medical treatment and fi Address, Richard F. / To Honor and Respect : A Program and Resource Guide for 653 Add Rosenkranz, Andrew L. Congregations on Sacred Aging Adelman, Peninah J Girl's Guide YA 619.9 Ade Adelson, Leone Mystery Bear: A Purim Story Ade Adelson, Leone , 1908- / mystery bear, The : a Purim story J 249.5 Ade Howland, Naomi , ill. Adler, David Chanukah In Chelm Adl Adler, David Kids' Catalog of Jewish Holidays YA 236 Adl Adler, David Our Golda: The Story of Golda Meir YA 799.8 MEI Adl Adler, David We Remember the Holocaust YA 738.30 Adl 9 Adler, David A. Picture Book of Anne Frank FRA Adl Adler, David A. Picture Book of Hanukkah Adl Adler, Steve Holocaust Survivor: Steve Adler 965.73 Adler 6 AEP Babaga News (Dec 2005, Vol.5 , No. 3 ) YA 580 AEP AEP Babaga News (Feb 2006, Vol. 5, No. 5) YA 580 AEP Printed on: October 7, 2015 8:39 PM Page: 1 of 87 Item Listing by Author All Author(s) Title : Subtitle (Series) Call#1 Call#2 Call#3 AEP Babaga News (Jan 2005, Vol.4 , No. 4 ) YA 580 AEP AEP Babaga News (June 2005, Vol.4 , No. 9 ) YA 580 AEP AEP Babaga News (Mar 2005, Vol.4 , No. 6 ) YA 580 AEP AEP Babaga News (Mar 2006, Vol. 5, No. 6) YA 580 AEP AEP Babaga News (May 2006, Vol. 5, No. 3) YA 580 AEP AEP Babaga News (Nov 2005, Vol.5 , No. 2 ) YA 580 AEP Agnon, S.Y. / Mintz, Alan Book That Was Lost : and Other Stories 563 Agn L. / Hoffman, Anne Golom Agnon, S.Y. Two Tales 550.3 Agn Agnon, S.Y., Editor Days of Awe 238 Agn Agnon, S.Y., Halkin, Hillel Simple Story 560.3 Agn (Hal) trans. AIPAC Communicating With the Media 848.95 Com (AIP) Albom, Mitch Tuesdays with Morrie : an old man, a young man, and life's greatest 799.77 SCH Alb lesson Alcala, Kathleen Desert Remembers My Name : On Family and Writing (Camino del 564 Alc Sol) Aldouby, Zwi and Shattered Silence: Eli Cohen affair 849.4 Ald Ballinger, Jerrold Aldouby, Zwi and Shattered Silence: Eli Cohen affair 849.4 Ald Ballinger, Jerrold Aleichem, Sholom Song of Songs YA 560 Ale Aleichem, Sholom When the Chickens Went On Strike - A Rosh Hashanah Tale Sil Alexander, Edward Resonance of Dust: essays on Holocaust Literature and Jewish fate : 738.8 Ale Essays on Holocaust Literature and Jewish Fate Alexy, Trudi Mezuzah in the Madonna's Foot : Marranos and Other Secret Jews-- 660.9 Ale A Woman Discovers Her Spiritual Heritage Ali, Tariq Book of Saladin : A Novel 592.3 Ali Allard, Peter Little Taste of Torah All Allen, William Nazi Seizure of Power : the experience of a single German town, 736.1 All 1922-1945 Allen, William S Nazi: Seizure of Power 736.1 All Allen, Woody Wthout Feathers 567 All Allon, Hagit / Zehavi, Mystery of the Dead Sea Scrolls YA J 010.5 All Lena Almagor, Gila Under the Domim Tree YA 560 Alm Alpert and Staub Exploring Judaism: A Reconstructionist Approach 181.1 Alp Altman, Linda Jacobs Legend of Freedom Hill Alt Altshuler, David Precious Legacy 738.53 Alt Printed on: October 7, 2015 8:39 PM Page: 2 of 87 Item Listing by Author All Author(s) Title : Subtitle (Series) Call#1 Call#2 Call#3 Altshuler, David Precious Legacy : Judaic treasures from the Czechoslovak state 738.53 Alt collections Altshuler, David A. Hitler's War Against the Jews YA 736.1 Alt American Conference of American Conference of Cantors at Fifty 965.3 Ame Cantors, pub. American Conference of Gates of Song: Music for Shabbat C1 : Shaarei Shira 686 Gat C1 Cantors, pub. American Conference of Gates of Song: Music for Shabbat C2 : Shaarei Shira 686 Gat C2 Cantors, pub. American Conference of Songs and Hymns: Musical Supplement to Gates of Prayer : A 686 Son (ACC) Cantors, pub. / David, Ism Musical Supplement to Gates of Prayer Amery, Haron and First Thousand Words In Hebrew H-E Ame Cartwright Amler, Jane Frances Christopher Columbus's Jewish Roots 755.3 Aml Anderson et al Human Rights A Case Study Through the Holocaust 736 And Anderson/Motzkin/Rubenst Prayerbook Hebrew The Easy Way T 230.3 And ein/Wiseman Andy Statman Quartet. Between Heaven and Earth : music of the Jewish mystics 965.7 Sta Anissimov, Myriam Primo Levii : Tragedy of an Optimist 799.76 LEV Ani 5 Anonymous Teenager It Happened to Nancy (Aids) YA 650 Ano Anti-Defamation League Danger: Extremism (Major Vehicles and Voices on America's Far 662.77 Dan (ADL) Right Fringe) Antler, Joyce, ed. America And I: Short Story American Jewish Women 550.3 Ame Anton, Maggie Rashi's Daughters : Joheved 560.3 Ant Antonelli, Judith S. In The Image of God : a feminist commentary on the Torah 016.3 Ant Antonelli, Judith S. In The Image of God : a feminist commentary on the Torah 016.3 Ant Appleman-Jurman, Alicia Alicia: My Story 738.30 Jur 9 Appleman-Jurman, Alicia Six Cherry Blossoms YA 738.30 APP App 9 Appleman-Jurman, Alicia Six Cherry Blossoms YA 738.30 APP App 9 Arazy, Abraham Our Jewish Woman: Do you know her image in our H 400 619.7 Ara sources?/Ha'Isah Shelanu Arbel, Ili Maimonides : a spiritual biography (Lives & legacies series) 173 MAI Arb Arendt, Hannah Antisemitism : Part One of The Origins of Totalitarianism 662 Are Arendt, Hannah Eichmann in Jerusalem C.1 : a report on the banality of evil 933 738.21 Are (<<A>> Penguin book) Arendt, Hannah Eichmann in Jerusalem C.2 : a report on the banality of evil 933 738.21 Are (<<A>> Penguin book) Arendt, Hannah , 1906- Human Condition 600 Are 1975. Aretha, David, ed. / Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Pictures REF 736 Hol (Are) Aretha, David / Harran, Ma Ariel, Shlomo and My Dictionary/ The Book of Genesis H-E Ari Eizenber, R. Yehudah Printed on: October 7, 2015 8:39 PM Page: 3 of 87 Item Listing by Author All Author(s) Title : Subtitle (Series) Call#1 Call#2 Call#3 Armstrong, Karen Battle for God 290.8 Arm Armstrong, Karen God at 2000 (Trinity Institute Conference): God of All Faiths 961.1 Arm Armstrong, Karen History of God 290 Arm Aron, Isa, ed. Congregation of Learners: Transforming the synagogue into a 301 Con learning community Arrick, Fran Chernowitz YA 560 Arr Arteaga, Violet Mae I Wish Art Artson, Bradley It's a Mitzvah: Step-by-Step to Jewish Living YA 222.3 Art Artson, Rabbi Bradley Bedside Torah : wisdom, visions, and dreams 017.3 Art Shavit / Glazer, Miriyam , Asher, Sandy, ed With all my Heart, with all my Mind: Thirteen Stories about Growing YA 557.3 Ash Up Jewish Asheri, Michael Living Jewish: Lore and Law of the Practicing Jew 220 Ash Associated Press Lightning Out of Israel 828.33 Ass Atlas, Susan. Passover Passage YA 560 Atl Aunt Fanny Junior Jewish Cookbook YA 699.4 Aun Auslander, Shalom Foreskin's Lament: A Memoir : A Memoir 560.79 AUS Aus 9 Ausubel, Nathan Book of Jewish Knowledge : An Encyclopedia of Judaism and the 900 Aus Jewish People, Covering All Elements of Jewish Life from Biblical Tim Ausubel, Nathan Treasury of Jewish Humor 550.7 Aus Ausubel, Nathan, ed. Treasury Of Jewish Humor 550.7 Tre Avner, Jane and Buttnick, Historic Jewish Seattle: A Tour Guide 777.4 Avn Meta BabagaNewz, pub. Songs of Community 965.7 Bab Bach, Alice and Exum, J. Miriam's Well : stories about women in the Bible 008.3 Bac Cheryl / Exum, J. Cheryl. / Bader, Gershom Encyclopedia of Talmudic Sages 103.7 Bad Bader, Gershom / Katz, Encyclopedia of Talmudic Sages REF 103.7 Bad Solomon Bahar, Zillah / Mayr, Kosher Light : Your Traditional Jewish Favorites Cooked Healthy 699 Bah Maria / Landau, Joel Bailey, Randall C. David in Love and War : The Pursuit of Pursuit of Power in 2 Samuel 031.28 Bai 10-12 (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies) Balint, Judy Lash Jerusalem Diaries: In Tense Times : In Tense Times 890 Bal Balka and Rose, Ed. Twice Blessed: On Being Lesbian or Gay and Jewish Bal Bamberger, David Judaism and the World's Religions YA 290 Bam Bamberger, David Young Person's History of Israel YA 820.7 Bam Banks, Lynn Reid Moses in Egypt : a novel inspired by the Prince of Egypt and the YA 008.2 MOS Ban book of Exodus Printed on: October 7, 2015 8:39 PM Page: 4 of 87 Item Listing by Author All Author(s) Title : Subtitle (Series) Call#1 Call#2 Call#3 Banks, Lynne Reid Broken Bridge YA 560 Ban Banks, Lynne Reid Moses in Eygpt YA Ban Banks, Lynne Reid One More River YA 560 Ban Barden, Doug Fighting the Flight of Men: Modern Day Crisis for the Reform 636.8 Bar Movement Barnavi, Eli Historical Atlas of the Jewish People : From the Time of the REF 708 Bar Patriarchs to the Present YA Barnavi, Eli Historical Atlas of the Jewish People 708 Bar Barr, Roseanne Roseanne : My Life As a Woman 792 799.77 BAR Bar Barry, Francis Story of Chanukah J-B 247 Bar Bart, Michael and Until Our Last Breath : A Holocaust Story of Love and Partisan 736.5 Bar Corona, Laurel / Corona, L Resistance Baruch, Bernard M.
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