The storytelling approach for the Population Health Facility considers a ­ and curated art. These layers create a rich experience—offering a range of opportunities for connection. ­ a user experience, this document focuses on the layering of ­ ­ ART & STORYTELLING SUMMARY THE HANS ROSLING CENTER FOR POPULATION HEALTH UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON JULY 23, 2020 STORYTELLING SUMMARY Dr. Lisa Lisa D. FreimanD. Freiman The storytelling approach for the Population Health Facility considers a ­ and curated art. These layers create a rich experience—offering a range of opportunities for connection. ­ a user experience, this document focuses on the layering of ­ ­ STORYTELLING PROCESS & INTEGRATION STORYTELLING SUMMARY Dr. Lisa Lisa D. FreimanD. Freiman The Tstorytellinghe storytelling approach approach for thefor thePopulation Population Health Health Facility Facility considers considers a a ­ holisticThe approach storytelling for approach architecture, for theidentity, Population wayfinding, Health interpretive Facility considers elements a ­and andcurated curated art. Theseart. These layers layers create create a rich a richexperience experience—offering —offering a range a range of of opportunitiesopportunitiesand curated for artconnection.for. Tconnection.hese layers create a rich experience—offering a range of opportunities for connection. While the building architecture, interior finishes, and furniture selection ­ greatly influence a usera user experience, experienc thise, this document document focuses focuses on onthe the layering layering of of ­ wayfinding, interpretationa user and experienc curatede, thisart. document focuses on the layering of ­ Architecture,Architecture, UW PHFUW PHF Materials ­ Identity Materials Identity & Furniture&Architecture, Furniture UW PHF Materials Identity Connection Wayfinding & Furniture Connection to Initiativeto Initiative Connection to Initiative ­ ­ Interpretation Interpretation Social Social Interpretation ConnectionsConnections StoryStory Social Connections Story Curated Curated SenseSense Art Art of Purposeof Purpose Curated Sense Art of Purpose Supports TenantTenant Supports IdentityIdentity / Branding / Branding WellnessWellness & Wayfinding Supports Tenant TenantTenant Identity / Branding Art &Art Artifacts & Artifacts Wellness Tenant Art & Artifacts STORYTELLINGSTORYTELLING SUMMARY SUMMARY STORYTELLING SUMMARY UW UPopulationW PopulTHEat iHealthHANSon H ROSLINGeal Facilityth Fa CENTERcilit | y FOR Storytelling | POPULATION Storyte llinApproach HEALTHg Approa |c h Apr | Dr. Lisa Lisa D. FreimanD. Freiman THE HANS ROSLING CENTER FOR POPULATION HEALTH UW Population Health Facility | Storytelling Approach | Dr. Lisa D. Freiman THE HANS ROSLING CENTER FOR POPULATION HEALTH The UniversityTheThe UniversityUniversity of Washington's ofof WWashington'sashington's Population PopulationPopulation Health HealthInitiativeHealth InitiativeInitiative (PHI) strives (PHI)(PHI) to strivesstrives create toto ccrreateeate a worldaa whe worldworldre allwhewhe peoplerree allall peoplepeople live healthier livelive healthierhealthier and mo andandre fulfilling momorree fulfillingfulfilling lives by liveslives byby The storytelling approach forempowering the Populationempoweringempowering Health capabilities Facility capabilities capabilitiesconsiders and a opportunities andand opportunitiesopportunities at UW atatand UWUW beyond andand beyondbeyond to add r tesstooaddadd rressess ­the mostthethe persistent mostmost persistentpersistent and emerging andand emergingemerging challenges challengeschallenges in human inin humanhuman health health healthand andand and curated art. These layerswell-being, create awell-being, well-being,rich experience—offering environmental envienvirr onmentalaonmental range resilience, of rresilience,esilience, and social andand and socialsocial economic andand economiceconomic equity .equitequit yy.. opportunities for connection. PHI VISIOPPNHHI IV VISISIOIONN WHAT ISWWHHAATT I SIS LOCAL TOLOCALLOCAL GLOBAL TO TO GLOBAL GLOBAL THE WORKTHETHE / WORK THEWORK IM / P /THE ACTHET IM IMPPACACTTHANS ROSLINGHANSHANS ROSLING ROSLING POPULATIONPOPULPOPUL HEAAATIONTIONLTH? HEA HEALLTH?TH? PARNTERNSHIPPPARNTERNSHIPARNTERNSHIP ­ Improving populationImpImprovingroving populationhealth population worldwide health health worldwide worldwidePopulationa user experienc PopulationhealthPopulation is ae b,health rhealththisoad conceptdocument is is a a b broadr oad concept conceptfocuses Thonrough the layeringpartnershipsThThroughrough of partnerships partnerships with UW local, with with UW UW local, local, Significant impSignificantSignificantrovements imp imp inrovementsrovements in in Hans RoslingHansHans was Rosling Roslingan instrumental was was an an instrumental instrumental figure figu figurere is a moral imperative,isis a a moral moral imperative, drivenimperative, by UW's driven driven by by UW's UW'sencompassing encompassingencompassing not only the not not elimination only only the the elimination ofelimination national of of andnationalnational global communities,and and global global communities, communities, PHI PHI PHI population populationhealthpopulation have health healthbeen madehave have been been made made in explaininginin positiveexplaining explaining for positiveces positive in health fo forcesrces and in in health health and and mission of publicmissionmission service of of public public to all. service service to to all. all. diseases anddiseasesdiseases injuries, and and but injuries, injuries,also but but also also supports development,supportssupports development, development, implementation implementation implementation and will continueandand will will to continue becontinue realized to to be be r ealizedrealized development.development.development. ­ Architecture, intersectingintersecting intersectingand overlapping and and overlapping overlappingfactors that factors factors that thatand disseminationandand dissemination dissemination of transformative of of transformative transformative through tenacious,ththroughrough disciplined,tenacious, tenacious, disciplined, disciplined,UW PHF Materials • PHI is a groundb••PHIPHI ris eakingis a a g groundbroundb collaborationreakingreaking collaboration collaborationthat that thatinfluence health.influenceinfluence health. health. knowledge knowledgetoknowledge help resea to tor chers,help help r esearesearchers,rchers, creative andcc rinteeativereativerdisciplinary and and inte interdisciplinary rdisciplinaryIdentity • Utilized& Furniture data••Utilized visualizationsUtilized data data visualizations visualizationstied to story tied tied to to story story will advance willthewill advancehealth advance and the the well-being health health and and of well-being well-being of of practitionerspractitionerspractitioners and government and and gove gove leadersrrnmentnment leaders leaders r esearch, serviceresearesea randch,rch, service teaching.service and and teaching. teaching. telling to challengetellingtelling to biasto challenge challenge in world bias leadersbias in in world worldand leaders leaders and and Connection people aroundpeoplepeople the world. a aroundround the the world. world. • Population• health•PopulationPopulation is defined health health by is this defined rdefinedee major by by th threeree major majormake informedmakemake p rinformed ograminformed and p pr ogramrpolicyogram and and policy policy the world population.thethe world world population. population. to Initiative pillars — humanpillarspillars health, — — human human envir onmentalhealth, health, envi environmentalronmental decisions. decisions.decisions. • Credible evidence••CCredibleredible comes evidence evidence from rigocomes comesrous f rfomrom rigo rigorousrous • The Hans Rosling••TheThe Hans CenterHans Rosling Rosling for Population Center Center for for Population Populationresilience andresiliencer socialesilience and and and economic social social and and equity economic economic — equity equity — — measurementmeasumeasu and evaluationrementrement and and and evaluation evaluation and and • Believes data••Believes Believesis grounded data data inis is g rgealroundedrounded lives and in in r ealreal lives lives and and Health representsHealthHealth ­ a rbold eprepresentsr esentsvision a toa bold boldbring vision vision to to bring bring that affect thethatthat lives a affect foffect billions the the lives lives of of peopleof billions billions of of people people • A multi-campus••AA multi-campus multi-campus university with university university locations with with locations locationsadherence toadhe adhethe rprinciplesencerence to to the theof principlesscientific principles of of scientific scientificpeople. people.people. together IHME,togethertogether DGH, IHME,and IHME, selected DGH, DGH, and portionsand selected selected portions portionsaround the world,aaroundround including the the world, world, those including including in our thoseown those in in our our own ownin Seattle, Tacomainin Seattle, Seattle, and TBothell, acomaTacoma andr eseaand Bothell, rBothell,ch at r esearesearchrch at atinquiry, generatedinquirinquir yby,y ,generated generateda scientific by byp ra ocessa scientific scientific p processrocess of SPH in a physicalofof SPH SPH inconvening in a a physical physical space convening
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