DOCUMENT RESUME ED 090 408 CE 001 275 AUTHOR Blanton, Harriet; And Others TITLE Clothing and Textiles II. Semester Course. Draft. INSTITUTION Clemson Univ., S.C. Vocational Education Media Center.; South Caroliria State Dept. of Education, Columbia. Office of Vocational Education. PUB DATE 73 NOTE 64p.; For other guides in the unit, see CE 001 266-274 and CE 001 276 and 277 EDRS PRICE MP-$0.75 HC-$3.15 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Behavioral Objectives; Clothing Design; *Clothing Instruction; Consumer Education; Curriculum Development; *Curriculum Guides; Educational Resources; Evaluation Methods; *High School Curriculum; Homemaking Education; *Secondary Grades; Teacher Developed Materials; *Textiles Instruction IDENTIFIERS Fashion Models; South Carolina ABSTRACT The clothing and textiles guide for a second level semester course for grades 10-12 identifies objectives and learning experiences with basic reference to developmental tasks, needs, interests, capacities, and prior learning experiences of students. It was developed for use with students who exhibited skill and a high degree of satisfaction from projects constructed in Clothing and Textiles 1. The concepts presented in the guide are: custom tailoring and fashion design, tailored clothing, fashion design, and modeling techniques. Under each concept, three columns list behavioral objectives, learning and evaluation experiences, and teaching resources. (AO 411 t 1 '.22.,1.. Draft ClothingSemester and TextilesCourse II ConsumerOfficeState and PreparedDepartment ofHomemaking Vocational by: of Education EducationEducation Section VocationalColumbia, InEducation CooperationSouth CarolinaMedia with: Center29201 Clemson,Clemson So 1973"th UniversityCarolina 29631 Acknowledgements seriesof theGratefulThe ofguide. guideSaturday appreciation for writingClothing issessions and extended Textiles and to individual II,the afollowing second work level personsfrom semesterDecember who contributed course,1972 to wasMay to developed 20,the 1973.development in a Mr.andMrs.for EvansMrs. theHarriet curriculum MaryProctor, Blanton,Long, writingPrincipal, Keenan Florence; sessions.High Chapin School,Miss HighJane Columbia School,Hendrix, whofor Aiken wroteproviding High the School, guide.the Home Schofield Economics Campus, Department Aiken; whoMrs.Personnelversity gave Susan of support ofArizona,Wright, the andState whoInstructor encouragement reviewedDepartment ofthe Textiles ofguirl,.!.in Education,the developmentand Clothing, especially of Schoolthe the guide. ofOffice Home ofEconomics, Vocational The Education, Uni- j Contents Page UseEstimated of the TimeGuide in Weeks for Instructional Units 7 Concepts:ConceptualRationale Framework 119 TailoredCustom Tailoring Clothing and Fashion Design 1518 ResourcesModelingFashion DesignTechniques 635949 //v Use of the Guide curriculumdevelopmentalThe identified resource tasks, materials objectivesneeds, interests, serve and learningas thecapacities, instructional experiences and prior haveprogram learningbeen for developed all experiences students with basicandof students.are referencea beginningThe to fornorm,point learningWith forand athewho varietybased teacheras individuals upon of in studentsa planningprior will assessmentin forreflecta classroom, the learningaof range the it performance includingseemsof students imperative both status who sides may forof asofstudentsthe athe teachergroup norm. 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cri-Success a 3Iy experiencesonlyLearning throughA learning Experiences: in learner these experience materialsexperience is theare and activitywritten through with engagedreflection this in premise byupon the theinlearner mind.experience. to Thelearn. teacherThe Learningselected can look occurslearning at the whichTheoftheylearning tailoredteacher's mayrepresent learn.experiences garments. responsibility qualitiesFor example,and determinethe isstudentthe to learning provideher will role lookcustomexperience as facilitatorfor tailored in readsorder garments of "Examineto the differentiate students' and a dressmakerdressmaker experiences between tailoredtailored the sotwo garment..."garmentsthat types ESTIMATED TIME IN WEEKS FOR INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS Area Grades 9CONSUMER or 10 AND GradesHOMEMAKING Secondary10 or EDUCATION 11 SchoolSemester Courses10, 11,12 ClothingCareerChild DevelopmentOpportunities and Textiles 682 -38 Clothing I 18 FamilyConsumer Health Education 34 Clothing II 18 HousingFoodsFurnishings and and Nutrition Home 58 68 18 PersonalHumanRelationships Sexuality and Family 7 4 18 TOTAL WEEKS 36 36 18 Rationale use withClothing students and whoTextiles exhibited II, askill curriculum and a highguide degree for a ofsecond satisfaction level semester from projects course, constructedwas deviloped in for experiencesandClothing customTucreasing and tailoringin Textiles the prices guide. have I. of influencedready-to-wear the coupledconceptual with framework, the creative be!;avioral outlet offered objectives, through and fashion learning design alternativetheskillsstudents, useThe inof guidethe tailoring patternis teacher thecontains concentratedpieres and has garmenta severalfromwide avarietystudy alteration numberalternatives. of of offashion learningcommercialand renovation designStudents experiences. patterns which withmay will betoemphasis guidedBased achieveprovide ononin aabilitiesstudents patternthedesired development modification,withdesign.and interestsadequate ofA superiorsecond that of is, semestersuccessfulpreparationClothing course, completionto constructiondesign can be stylishof used Clothing skills asfashions. an andofindication
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