OVERVIEW Optimal framework conditions allow the ETH Domain to act as a role model in contributing towards Switzerland’s success as an attractive business and science location. The ETH Board, in the presence of Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard and the CEOs of public-sector companies, signed a Letter of Intent to increase the energy efficiency by 25 % by 2020. You will find other highlights of the ETH Domain in 2014 on the SELECTED following page. → p. 8/9 HIGHLIGHTS 6 Annual Report 2014 on the ETH Domain PREVAILING Openness and internationality are important central success factors of Switzerland as a centre for science and technology. The year 2014 has, how- SITUATION ever, shown that favourable political conditions for science and innovation are not something to be taken for granted in Switzerland. → p. 10 ENVIRONMENT & The institutions of the ETH Domain have long been active in endeavours aiming at a friendly and sustaina- ble use of the environment and energy. The activities promoting the environment were again expanded in the year under review. Further impetuses can be ENERGY expected from the participation in the "Action plan for a role model function of the Swiss Federation in the energy sector". → p. 18 ACADEMIC The growing number of students and doctoral students attests to the attractiveness of the two Federal Institutes of Technology. The excel- LIFE lent research output shows the importance of international coop- eration and networking. The num- ber of spin-offs reached a new peak level in 2014. → p. 13 Annual Report 2014 on the ETH Domain 7 OVERVIEW Highlights 1 3 4 6 8 Annual Report 2014 on the ETH Domain OVERVIEW Highlights 1 ETH Domain: exemplary in energy In November 2014, the President of the ETH Board, Fritz Schiesser, in the presence of Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard and the CEOs of public-sector companies, signed a Letter of Intent to increase the energy efficiency by 25 % by 2020. from l. to r.: Daniel Weder (CEO Skyguide), Susanne Ruoff (Group CEO of Swiss Post), Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard, Andreas Meyer (CEO SBB), Urs Schaeppi (CEO Swisscom) and Fritz Schiesser. (Image: Manu Friederich) 2 Translational Research Centre The ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich are founding a research centre at the interface between medicine, 2 natural sciences and engineering sciences, with the aim of bringing findings from fundamental and pre-clinical research more quickly to fruition in practical applications. The Wyss Translational Center Zurich (WTZ) was made possi ble by a donation from Hansjörg Wyss amounting to 120 m USD. From l. to r.: Daniel Wyler (UZH), Roland Siegwart 5 (ETH Zurich), Michael O. Hengartner (UZH), Mäzen Hansjörg Wyss, Lino Guzzella (ETH Zurich), Simon P. Hoerstrup (UZH), Donald Tillman (ETH Zurich Foundation), Christoph Hock (UZH). (Image: ETH Zurich) 3 Renewable energies: Storage of energy is crucial In 2014, the results of EPFL research into hydrogen, batte- ries and compressed air made the headlines: Researchers had succeeded in converting solar energy to produce hydro- gen in an environmentally friendly way (efficiency: 12,3 %). (Image: Alain Herzog / EPFL) 4 Gantry 2 In September 2014, the PSI held the anniversary symposium “Proton Therapy at Gantry 2”: The spot-scanning technique developed at the PSI is now being used for proton therapy in new installations around the world. (Image: Scanderbeg Sauer Photography) 5 Inauguration of the plant protection laboratory WSL Director Konrad Steffen, Federal Councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann and ETH Board President Fritz Schiesser (from l. to r.) inaugurate the new plant protection labora- tory of the WSL on 20 October 2014. (Image: WSL) 6 An artificial moth's eye to capture light To emulate the photosynthesis in plants and so produce synthetic fuels such as hydrogen from sunlight, the Empa researchers found inspiration in the eye of the moth. Doc toral student Florent Boudoire tests the operation of the photoelectrochemical cell using artificial sunlight. (Image: Empa) 7 Study on pesticides attracts great interest In 2014, Eawag published a study in which they had ana- lysed the pesticide residues in Swiss watercourses. Out of 7 300 permitted and detectable substances, more than 100 were found in the water samples. (Image: Eawag) Annual Report 2014 on the ETH Domain 9 OVERVIEW Environment | Political, economic, international Uncertain prospects for Switzerland as a centre for science and technology Openness and internationality are important framework conditions and central success factors of Switzerland as a centre for science and technology, and a precondition for the Swiss strength of innovation to take a world-leading position. The year 2014 has, however, shown that favourable political conditions for science and innovation are not something to be taken for granted in Switzerland. From the standpoint of Switzerland as a centre of research and important recipient of EU funding in Switzerland. Moreover, the science, the year 2014 was marked by the unexpected loss of the “Human Brain Project” led by EPFL is one of two winning projects prospects of an association to the European research group Horizon of the FET flagship programme. Among the funds procured by 2020. Switzerland was associated with the 6th EU research frame- competitive calls, funding from the EU research sponsorship forms work programme (FP) from 2004 onwards, and in 2007-2013 with the second most important source of financing for the ETH Domain, the whole of FP7. Based on these circumstances, in Autumn 2013 after the funds from the SNF. the Federal Councils voted by a clear majority in favour of the dis- The partial association to Horizon 2020 does ensure that Switzer- patch on financing the participation of Switzerland in Horizon land as a place of education and research will not be seriously 2020, and approved an investment of about 4.4 bn CHF for the disadvantaged in the short term. Nonetheless it means it is still years 2014-2020. subject to major restrictions, compared to the full association. However, because the initiative against mass immigration was Switzerland will not receive any EU funding from the second- accepted in February 2014, the EU Commission broke off negoti- pillar programmes “Access to Risk Finance” and “Innovation in ations with Switzerland for the association to Horizon 2020, shortly SMEs” (see fig. right). One consequence of this is that the most before the contract was to be concluded. Switzerland fell back to important direct EU funding option, for the work with industrial the status of a third country entity, and was not able to apply for partners to take innovations to the stage of marketability, is not funding from the Horizon 2020 programme in the short term. What available to Empa because Swiss SMEs are excluded. And despite is more, Swiss researchers were no longer able to take part in the the partial association, Switzerland is still denied EU contributions competition for funding from the European Research Council (ERC from the third-pillar programmes. Grants), or in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Although it was For such applications for funding, the Confederation can direct ly still possible to take part in cooperative projects, these could only arrange the financing, according to the available means. However, be coordinated under certain conditions. the Swiss consortium members are not allowed to join in the stra- Therefore the Federal Council, on 25 June 2014, created the basis tegic decisions about the thematic direction of future calls of the for direct financing of the collaborative projects with EU partners, EU research framework programme. and the financial basis for similar funding instruments of the Because of these restrictions it is still of crucial importance for Swiss National Fund (SNF), so as to compensate for the loss by the ETH Board to secure the full association of Switzerland to Swiss researchers of the Starting Grants and Consolidator Grants Hori zon 2020, both for reasons of science policy and for financial of the ERC. In Autumn 2014, thanks to intense negotiations by the rea­­sons. Researchers from Switzerland, especially young upcoming Federal Council, it was finally possible to reach an agreement with researchers, should be allowed to participate, unrestrictedly and the EU, which allows a partial association to Horizon 2020 until on an equal footing, in all the pillars and programmes of Horizon the end of 2016 (see fig. right). In this way, at least for the time 2020. Only in this way can one ensure that Switzerland’s appeal being it has been ensured that the Swiss researchers can still as a centre of innovation and science is not seriously compromised continue to apply for ERC Advanced Grants. in the coming years. The association of Switzerland with the FP of the EU has been Switzerland still needs to retain the long-term international very successful until now. Thus the net return from FP7 has amoun- framework conditions to maintain its top-level positioning, because ted to approx. 200m EUR to date. The ETH Domain is the most the political environment has become much more unpredictable. 10 Annual Report 2014 on the ETH Domain OVERVIEW Environment | Political, economic, international Fig. 1: Partial association of Switzerland to Horizon 2020 (2014-2016) Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges European Research Council Leadership in enabling and Health Future and Emerging Technologies industrial technologies Food Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Access to Risk Finance Energy Research Infrastructures Innovation in SMEs Transport Sections of Horizon 2020 Horizon Climate Inclusive Societies Security Spreading Excellence Science for Society European Institute of Innovation and Joint Research Centre Euratom Programs and Institutes Technology Participation of Switzerland/ETH Domain as associated country Source: SBFI/European Commission Participation of Switzerland/ETH Domain as third country Switzerland/ETH Domain excluded from participatingn The partial association to Horizon 2020 means that until the end of 2016 Swiss researchers will have unrestricted access only to the first pillar (“Excellent Science”).
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