SOURCE ABBREVIaTIONs Archives CZA Central Zionist Archive ISA Israel State Archives LA Lavon Institute for Labour Research Daily Newspapers AH Al HaMishmar CS Chicago Sentinel DA Davar DH Doar Hayom HB Haboker HD Hed Hamizrah HH Hapoel HaTzair HM Ha’mizrachi HS Hamashkif HZ Hazfira PB Palestine Bulletin PP Palestine Post Reports 19ZC 19th Zionist Congress Report, 1937 CE22 Census of Palestine 1922 CE26 2nd Jewish Workers Census 1926 CE37 Census of Jewish Employees (2 March 1937) CEN Census of Palestine 1931 CJE Census of Jewish Employees (Workers and Officials), March 1930 CW40 Report of the Committee on Development and Welfare Services, 1940 HIS3 Minutes of the 3rd Histadrut Convention, 1927 © The Author(s) 2018 287 S.A. 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