THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16TH FEBRUARY, 1991 LEGAL SUPPLEMENT - B NOTICE GIVEN UNDER THE NATIONAL REGISTRATION (RESIDENTS) REGULATIONS (CHAPI'ER 19_108) ADDRESSES OF REGISTRATION • OFFICES ,• In accordance with regulation 4(2} of the National Registration (Residents) Regulations, Ch�pter 19:08, the Commissioner of Registration has aopointed the places mentioned in the third column of the schedule hereunder to be registration offices with reference to the Registration Districts shown op,osite thereto in the second column of the schedule. The names of the registrars and deputy registrars are set out in the first column opposite such places respectively. Office hours .shall be as follows:- Monday to Saturday - 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sunday - 10:00 a.m. to 12:vO noon. 14 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE LEGAL SUPPLEMENT- 8 16TH FEB .• _1991 S�HEDULE Registrar and o� Registration District or Add=css of the Office Deputy Registrar Part of Registration of the Registrar and or District Deputy nciistrar. Registrar i::gan Bazilio The Registration District JJistrict Administration for Region No. 1 or the Office, Mabnruma, Barima/Waini Region, N. :·I. i), Deputy Registrars Leroy :noy Moruca and surrounding Administration Office areas - part of the Kumaka, r-:oruca, i·I, W.D. Registration District for Rogion No, 1 Ken Jones Matthew's Ridge and Hatarkai Office, Matthew's surrounding aree.o - part of Ridge, N, W, D. the Registration District for Region No, 1· Henry Smith MEb aruma and surrounding Kumaka I•'.arketing Centre, areas - part of the Moruca. Registration District for Region No. 1 Registrar Gene Amsterdam The Registration District for Re�ional Democratic Region No, 2 or the Pomeroon/ Cou�cil Office, Anna Supenaam Region •. Re.zina. Deputy Registrars Agriculture Extension Pomeroon River, Moruca, Gloria Beun Centre, Charity. Manawarin - part of the Registration District for Region No. 2. Indarjeet Balram Essequibo Coast from Evergreen Regional Democratic to Three Friends - part of the Council Office, Anna Registration District for Regina. Region No. 2, Kenneth 'Johnson Essequibo Coast from Aberdeen Regional Democratic to Supenaam - part of the Council Office, Suddie. Registration District for Region No, 2, Registrar Calvin Benn Th� Registration District fo r Department of Education, Region No. 3 or the Essequibo Hiniatry of Works Islands/West Demerara Region. Compound, Vreed-en-HoopJ W,B,D. 16TH FEB. 1991 THE OFFICIAL GAZETIE LEGAL SUPPLEMENT - B 15 Registra,r and or Registration District or Address of the Office Deputy Registrar Part of Registration of tQe Registrar and or District Dep:.ty Hegistrar. Deputy Registrars Bibi Sulaiman Leguan Island - part of the Leguan District Council Registration District for Office. Region No. 3 Syecl Ahamad Wakenaam and small Islands - Sans Souci Primary School, part of the �egistration ';/ akenaam, District for Region No. 3. Hasie Sobers Bonasika to Vergenoegen East Greenwich Park Primary Ba11k, Essequibo - part of the School, East Bank, 3ssequibo, Registration District for Region llo. 3, }lohamed N ezam Tuschen, East Bank, Essequ;bo Magistrate's Courtroom, to Blankenburg, West Coast, Leonora, iv est Coast, Demerara - part of the Decerara, Registrat .on �istrict for Region No. 3. Grace :latson La Jalousie, West Coast, kegional Administration Demerara to La Grange, West Office, 'Horka Building Bank, Demerara - part of the (Bottom Flat), Vreed-en- Registration District for Hoop, W.B.D. Region No. 3, Oslen King Bagotville, West Bank, Good-i�-tent Community Demerara to the left be.nk of Centre, Good-in-tent, the Arabaio River - part of the W,B.D. Registration District for H.eeion No. 3. Registrar The Registration District for Kingston Community High Ramraj Jagnandan Region No. 4 or the Demerara/ School, Barrack Street, Mahaica. Region, Kingston. Deouty Registrars Mohamed Haniff Noblissa Demerara River to Regional Administrative Grove, East Bank, Demerara - Building, Soesdyke, part of the Registration E.B.D. District for Region No, 4. Latchman Sammy Diamond to Eccles, East Bank, Providence Primary Demerara - part of the School, Providence, Registration District for E,B.D,, Region No. 4. �rrol iraser Agricola, Houston/l·'.eedov Bank, North Ruimveldt Multilate Mc Doom, Ruimveldt Industrial School, North Ruimveldt Estate and South Ruimveldt - part of the Registration District for Region No. 4. 16 THE OFFICIAL GAZETIE LEGAL SUPPLEMENT - B 16TH FEB .. 1991 Reeistrar and or Registration District or Address of the Office Deputy Registrar ?art of ac.;istration District of the �cgistrnr nnd or Deouty Repistrer Peter .·.ontfort River View, Yarrow Dam, East nuimveldt Secondary Alexander Village, �ast, School, l,;ast kuimveldt. ,lest and North Ruimveld t - part of the Registration District for Region No. 4. 1 Cecil J. Pollydore La Penitence, Tucville, Guyhoc 'l'ucville t rimar:r School, Park-cum annexi.s - part of 1'ucville. the Registration District for Region No. 4. Joseph Gilgeous Charlestown, Albouystown, Dolohin Community nigh - pa.ct of the Registration School, Broad Street. District for Region No, 4. P.icford Greene Stabroek, 'ilortmanville, Newburg, St. Sidwell's Pricary ',/erk-en-Rust, Botanic Gardens, School, '/lissengen Road D'Jrban Backlands, Lodge, Lodge. Meadow Brook - part of the Registration District for Region No. 4. Dawn ·wharton Robbstown, Bourda, Stabroek South Road Nursery Central, Lacytown - part of School, South Road) the Registration District fer Bourda. Region No. 4. Albert Henry Non Pariel Park, Thomas Lands, Christ Church Secondary Cummingsburg, Alberttovn, ·school, liiddle Street. Queenstown, Kingston - pa.rt of the Registration District for Region No. 4. Richard Persico Campbellville - Lamaha Gardens, Campbellville Secondary ?rashad Nagar - part of the School, Sheriff Street. Registration District fnr Re�ion No. 4. Deouty Registrars Randolph Paton Newtom, Kitty to Cummines Kitty Community Centre, Lodge, Greater George�own Alexander and Barr - part of the Registration Streets, "Kitty. District for Region No. 4. Cad A. Wills Industry to Triumph, East Plaisance/Industry Coast, Demerara - part of District Council the Regiet:cation District Office, Plaisance, E.C.D. for Region ?fo. 41. Jlric H. Phillips Mon Repos to Helanie, Bas.t }'oulis/Buxton, Coast, Demerara - part of District Council the negistration District Office, Friendship, for Region No. 4. Enst Coast, Demerars. 16TH FEB.. 1991 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE LEGAL SUPPLEMENT - B 17 Re3istrar and or Registration District or Address of the Office Deputy Registrar tart of Registration of Registrar and or District Deputy Registr"ar l4aureen David Bachelor's Adventure to Doch­ Grove/Haslington four, �est Coast, Demerara District Council part of the 1l2gistxation Office, !!abaclis, !!.est District for Region No. 4. Coast, Demerara. Chaitram Y.anoram Two Friends, East Coast, Clonbrook Primary Demerara to the Mahaica River School, Clonbrook, - part of the Registration East Coast, Demerara, District for Region No. 4. Registrar Gerard Rutherford The Registration District for Hegional 0emocratic Region No. 5 or the l-Iahaica/ Council vffice, Fort Berbice Region. Wellington, West Coast, Berbice, Deouty Registrars 'laraine Nanku Bushy Perk to Posts, right bank Zealand Primaxy School, Mahaica River, including Posts, Zealand, East Coast, to Kubiserabu - part of the Demerara, Registration District for Region No. 5. Tickaram Dhan?aul Cape Clarie to Bara Bara to Mortice Primary School,· Cook Tom, including St. Francis Mortice, �ast Coast, hiseion, Perth to Esau and Jacob, Demerara. including both banks of the l�aheicony River - part of the Registration District for Hegion No. 5, Esme Rockiliffe Now or Never to Broomlands, \o/est Mahaicony, Park to Adventure, including Champagne and the Local Authority Cffice, Burma - l)art of East Coast, Demerara, Registration District for Region No. 5, Deputy Registrars Albertha Carmichael Right Bank Abary/Pln Profitt Nr!listigheid lJpion to U aarst1gh�!lid1 I We.s't' Coast, District Council Office, l:!eroice - part of the Reeistration Bush Lot, West Coast, District for Reeion No, 5. Berbice, Montgomery Ma:_ks Bath, West Coast,· Berb�ce to' ?lo, 5 Primary School, Stanvastigheid including Fenrn No, 5 Village, West - part of the Registration Coast, Berbice. District for Region ,fo, 5. 18 THE OFFICIAL GAZETIE LEGALSUPPLEMENT - B 16TH FEB., 1991 Registrar and or Registration District or Address of the Office Deputy fiegistrar Part of Registration District of the Registrar and or Deputy Registrar Registrar Rupan Jlamnarayan The Registration District for J, C, Chandisingh Region No, 6 or the East Berbice/ Secondary School, Corentyne Region. Rose Hall, Corentyne, Deputy Registrars Kate Archer Catherina to Edinburg Berbice Magistrate's Courtroom River - part of the Registration Sisters, East Bank, District for Region No, 6. Berbice, Francis P.qrk Long Hook, Canje to the source Bara Cara Primary of the Canje - part of the School, Canje River, F.egistration District for Region No,. 6. J evan Chandan Canje Bridge, including Caracas, Guyana Teachers' Union to Rising Sun, to Glasgow, East Hall, Vryman's Erven, Bank, Berbice - part of the Nev Amsterdam, Registration District for Region No, 6, Rosaline Garrett Borlam to New Forest, Canje - Canje Secondary School, part of the Registration District Cumberland. for Region No, 6, Kenneth Mui:ray Gibraltar, �:ast Canje, Berbice Magistrate's Courtroom, to Hamshire, Corentyne - part Albion, Corentyne. of the Registra tion District for Region No. 6. Samuel Archer Williamsburg to Whim, Corentyne­ Port lt.ourant,
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