SPRING/SUMMER 2016 www.rts.edu Dr. Derek Thomas and his church respond to the flooding in South Carolina. PagePage 1110 Why Bother With Church History? 6 • Tony Wang’s Journey From China 14 • T4G Leaders on the Conference Phenomenon 16 Chancellor’s Message by Dr. Ligon Duncan hristians tend to be encour- though, disasters like the Columbia aged about their justifica- flooding become opportunities tion (if they understand it), to, by God’s grace, become more but sometimes discouraged of what He created them to be. In about their sanctification (or seem- addition, they become opportunities ing lack thereof). Consequently, they to testify of His grace to the hurting miss out on something intended to world around them. In other words, be a blessing from God for them for natural disasters often become a their good and His glory. Sometimes means of sanctifying those who preaching on sanctification ends up belong to the family of God and sounding like “be good, do better, justifying those who previously had try harder,” or like “stop trying to been His enemies. do what you can’t do and rest in His In preparing the next generation grace.” Both approaches are wrong of gospel ministers for a lifetime of and unbiblical. In sanctification, it’s faithful, fruitful service, we at RTS neither “try harder” nor “stop try- do not endeavor to “be good, do bet- ing,” but “by grace, grow,” or “by ter, try harder,” nor do we “stop try- grace, become who God created/re- ing to do what we can’t do and rest in deemed you to be.” His grace.” Our students and gradu- Contents By His grace, as we continue to cel- ates, whether current enrollees like 3 RTS AT WORK ebrate 50 years as a seminary, RTS is Tony Wang (see “A Fisher of Men” 4 THE DARKNESS DOES NOT WIN becoming more of what He created on page 14) or seasoned veterans like by Kevin DeYoung us to be. Even as we do, we see re- Ron McKinney (see “Creating a Mas- minders all around us that we live in terpiece” on page 8), demonstrate “A 6 WHY BOTHER WITH CHURCH HISTORY? by Dr. Sean Michael Lucas a fallen world corrupted by sin, even Mind for Truth, a Heart for God” as in the natural order. We saw this on they apply the gospel to their own CREATING A MASTERPIECE 8 full display this past October when lives and those of others. An early RTS graduate continues to fulfill his calling to preach the gospel. 20 inches of rain descended on Co- God is faithful to sanctify His own, lumbia, South Carolina, causing riv- as I was reminded of in a fresh way 10 WHEN DISASTER STRIKES ers and lakes to overflow, and (more at the recent Together for the Gos- Dr. Derek Thomas and his church respond to devastatingly) dams to fail, leading pel gathering in Louisville, Ken- the flooding in South Carolina. to the worst flooding that area had tucky (see page 16). May we at RTS, 14 A FISHER OF MEN seen in more than a century. in partnership with like-minded and Tony Wang’s journey has taken him from a As RTS-Atlanta professor Dr. Derek like-hearted organizations like those Chinese fishing village to RTS. Thomas and his First Presbyterian we linked arms with at T4G, be faith- 16 THE CONFERENCE PHENOMENON Church congregation observed (see ful to cooperate with our Lord in His Interview with Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever, “When Disaster Strikes” on page 10), sanctification process. Albert Mohler and Kevin DeYoung the floodwaters engulfed believer 20 WISDOM WEDNESDAY and nonbeliever alike. For believers, Lyn Perez, Editor in Chief Copyright 2016 Reformed Theological Seminary. WHO WE ARE All rights reserved. For reprint permission, please call Paul Schwarz, Managing Editor 407-366-9493 or e-mail [email protected]. Reformed Theological Seminary exists to serve the church by Bill Henderson Design, Graphic Design preparing its leaders through a globally accessible program of All Scripture references from the theological education based on the authority of the inerrant Word of Stephanie Hartley, Sheleah Fletcher, Editorial Assistants English Standard Version except where noted. God and committed to the Reformed faith. This program promotes Visit us online at www.rts.edu/m-and-l. biblical fidelity, confessional integrity and academic excellence, and Ministry & Leadership promotes RTS through articles designed to edify its seeks to prepare students marked by “A mind for truth. A heart for readers through solid biblical instruction, and through reports that focus Reformed Theological Seminary God.” primarily on the national and global impact of RTS students, faculty and alumni. Atlanta • Charlotte • Houston • Jackson • Memphis Our goal is that readers will become partners with RTS through prayer, financial New York City • Orlando • Washington, D.C. • Global As such, Ministry & Leadership exists to show how God is working giving, educational experience and student referral, as well as providing through the ministries of its graduates, faculty members and students. placement opportunities. 1-800-543-2703 • [email protected] • www.rts.edu 2 MINISTRY & LEADERSHIP RTS at Work ... TRAVEL PUBLICATIONS Dr. Benjamin Dr. Douglas Kelly has contributed Gladd has the chapter “Creation, Mankind and the Dr. Chuck Hill gave five lectures on co-authored a book Image of God” to Reformation Theology, the Canon of the New Testament at the with Dr. Matthew ed. Matthew Barrett (Crossway) and the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Harmon, Making All chapter “Calvin as Pastor, Seen Through Theology, Grand Rapids, Mich., April 15-17. Things New: the Consistory Minutes of Geneva” to Eschatology in the Daily Life of the Church Evangelical Calvinism, eds. Myk Habets and Dr. Jim Hurley conducted a marriage (Baker, March). Bobby Grow (Wipf and Stock). conference, Healing Wounds – Maintaining RTS faculty members have contributed to Unity, at Westminster Church, Atlanta, April two new volumes on biblical theology. Dr. Howard 15-16. Dr. Miles Van Pelt has edited A Biblical- Griffith has ANNOUNCEMENTS Theological Introduction to the Old published the book Dr. Michael Kruger spoke at the Testament: The Gospel Promised and Spreading the Feast: Dr. Douglas Kelly T4G pre-conference for The Council on Dr. Michael J. Kruger has edited A Instruction and Retiring Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, April Biblical-Theological Introduction to the Meditations for With deep appreciation 11-12, Louisville, Ky., and will be a plenary New Testament: The Gospel Realized. Ministry at the Lord’s Table (P&R) and has for his labors in speaker at the 2016 Philadelphia (Pa.) Both volumes, containing submissions by reviewed Dr. Gregg Allison’s book Roman training ministers of Conference on Reformed Theology, other RTS faculty, are set to be released Catholic Theology and Practice: An the gospel, his many April 29-May 1. by Crossway in May. Evangelical Assessment (Crossway) for the years of faithful teaching and preaching, May issue of the Westminster Theological and his invaluable commitments to the Dr. Don Sweeting will speak at Dr. Michael Allen and Journal. advancement of Reformed theology in the Hawthorne (N.J.) Gospel Church’s Summer Dr. Scott Swain have world today, RTS announces that Bible Conference, Aug. 21. co-edited the book Dr. Donald Fortson and Rollin Grams Dr. Douglas Kelly will retire from his Christian Dogmatics: have co-authored the now-available position as the Richard Jordan professor Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn gave the Reformed Theology for book Unchanging Witness: The Consistent of theology, effective May 31. Dr. Kelly lecture “Post-Reformation Trinitarian the Church Catholic (Baker Academic, May), Christian Teaching on Homosexuality in began teaching systematic theology at Perspectives” at Westminster Seminary a systematic theology textbook with Scripture and Tradition (B&H Academic). RTS in 1983 at the Jackson campus, and California, March 17. contributions from 12 theologians in the has taught at the Charlotte campus since Reformed world. Dr. Allen has also Dr. Chuck Hill has contributed the 1991. In addition to teaching all the core contributed the essay “Confessions” to chapter “Rightly Dividing the Word: theology courses, Dr. Kelly has taught TRAVEL (INTERNATIONAL) The Cambridge Companion to Reformed Uncovering an Early Template for Textual electives on a wide range of subjects such Theology (Cambridge University Press), Division in John’s Gospel” to Studies on as Puritan theology, Scottish theology, Dr. Miles Van Pelt taught the D.Min edited by David Fergusson and Paul the Text of the New Testament and Early medieval theology, and the doctrine of course “The Use of the Old Testament Nimmo. Christianity in Honor of Michael W. Holmes the Trinity. in the New Testament” in Brazil, (Brill Academic Publications) and wrote March 7-11. Dr. James Anderson contributed the a review of John Behr’s book Irenaeus Rev. Blair Smith has been appointed article “Islam Today” to the April issue of of Lyons: Identifying Christianity for the as professor of systematic theology at RTS- Dr. Guy Waters will lecture at the Tabletalk. Journal of Ecclesiastical History. Charlotte as of June 1. He is an ordained New Zealand Chinese Methodist Churches’ minister in the PCA and served over seven Mission Conference, May 20-21, and at the Dr. John Frame wrote the book Mr. Greg Lanier contributed “The years as the pastor of adult education Reformed Pastors Fellowship, May 24, both Selected Shorter Writings, Vol. 3 (P&R Curious Case of tsemach and anatole: An at Fourth Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, in Auckland. Publishers, March) and a forthcoming Inquiry Into Septuagint Translation Patterns” Md. Currently he is the associate pastor review of Anthony Thiselton’s book to the December 2015 volume of the at Michiana Covenant Presbyterian Church Systematic Theology for the Westminster Journal of Biblical Literature.
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