SECRETARY-GENERAL’S PEACEBUILDING FUND PROJECT DOCUMENT TEMPLATE PBF PROJECT DOCUMENT (Length : Max. 12 pages plus cover page and annexes) Country (ies): Sri Lanka Project Title: Young Women as Drivers of Peace: Providing 360° Support to Emerging Women Leaders Project Number from MPTF-O Gateway (if existing project): N/A PBF project modality: If funding is disbursed into a national or regional trust fund x IRF (instead of into individual recipient agency accounts): ☐ PRF ☐ Country Trust Fund ☐ Regional Trust Fund Name of Recipient Fund: List all direct project recipient organizations (starting with Convening Agency), followed by type of organization (UN, CSO etc): Search for Common Ground (International CSO) List additional implementing partners, Governmental and non-Governmental: The Women’s Resource Center, a CSO based in Kurunegala Muslim Women’s Development Trust ( MWDT), a CSO based in Puttalam Sarvodaya Shanthi Sena, a CSO based in Batticaloa The Muslim Women's Research and Action Forum (MWRAF), a CSO based in Ampara Expected project commencement date1: 1 January 2020 Project duration in months:2 18 months Geographic zones (within the country) for project implementation: The initiative will target the Northwestern districts Kurunegala and Puttalam and the Eastern districts Ampara and Batticaloa. Does the project fall under one of the specific PBF priority windows below: x Gender promotion initiative ☐ Youth promotion initiative ☐ Transition from UN or regional peacekeeping or special political missions ☐ Cross-border or regional project Total PBF approved project budget* (by recipient organization): Search for Common Ground: $439,906.83 Total: $439,906.83 *The overall approved budget and the release of the second and any subsequent tranche are conditional and subject to PBSO’s approval and subject to availability of funds in the PBF account. For payment of second and subsequent tranches the Coordinating agency needs to demonstrate expenditure/commitment of at least 75% of the previous tranche and provision of any PBF reports due in the period elapsed. Any other existing funding for the project (amount and source): 1 Note: actual commencement date will be the date of first funds transfer. 2 Maximum project duration for IRF projects is 18 months, for PRF projects – 36 months. 1 PBF 1st tranche (35%): PBF 2nd tranche* (35%): PBF 3rd tranche* (30%): Search: $153,967.39 Search: $153,967.39 Search: $131,972.05 Total: $153,967.39 Total: $153,967.39 Total: $131,972.05 Two-three sentences with a brief project description and succinct explanation of how the project is time sensitive, catalytic and risk-tolerant/ innovative: In the aftermath of the Easter Sunday attacks, the project addresses unresolved peace and security challenges that have strongly re-emerged, specifically relating to limited representation and participation of women, youth, and ethnic minorities in peacebuilding and governance. The project is innovative both in its choice of target groups, informal grassroots youth groups that are often overlooked, and in its methods of engagement, i.e. the Youth 360 methodology, a new and innovative approach developed by Search for Common Ground. With this project, we aim to support emerging women leaders by reversing traditional power dynamics and putting the power to determine resource allocation and define success metrics in the hands of young women leaders. We engage the overlooked majority of grassroots youth groups that are often relatively small and informal but make critical contributions to peace and security. Through the Youth 360 methodology, we provide them access to a tailored mentorship and small grants program that puts the power to determine peacebuilding outcomes in their hands. The aim is to create a new culture of engagement between the international community and young people in the context of peace and security. Our capacity building and mentorship approach leverages digital technologies to ensure we meet these groups where they are, using online platforms such as WhatsApp, to provide mentorship and learning for emerging women leaders. The project will enable collaboration across ethnic and religious divides through collaborative context analysis and collective decision-making. We intend to learn and iterate throughout the process, through ongoing reflection and analysis with the participants to ensure we improve field-wide understanding of good practice in supporting young women’s contributions to peace and security. Summarize the in-country project consultation and endorsement process prior to submission to PBSO, including through any PBF Steering Committee where it exists, including whether civil society and target communities were consulted and how: Search has conducted extensive consultations with all implementing partners (MWRAF, Sarvodaya Shanthi Sena, MWF, and WRC), with national partners, the Office of National Unity and Reconciliation (ONUR), a unit within the Ministry of National Integration and Reconciliation, and local level stakeholders such as the national Youth, Peace, and Security Coalition, youth activists, and gender experts. The concept idea emerged as a result of conversations with PBSO colleagues in NY within the Global Coalition on Youth, Peace, and Security, which has been co-chaired by Search since its inception in 2012. Intensive consultations have happened during the localization of the concept idea, which determined the core issue and identified needs at the national and local levels based on which each partner’s role was defined. During the development of the full proposal, endorsement was gained from national level stakeholders (ONUR), the UNPBF Secretariat in country, including the UN RC, and the Sri Lanka’s President’s Office, who is part of the UNPBF Steering Committee. Respective signatures collected from the main stakeholders cement their endorsement of the proposal. Project Gender Marker score: GM33 Specify % and $ of total project budget allocated to activities in direct pursuit of gender equality and women’s empowerment: $362,896.59 i.e 82,49% of the total budget 3 Score 3 for projects that have gender equality as a principal objective and allocate at least 80% of the total project budget to Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) Score 2 for projects that have gender equality as a significant objective and allocate at least 30% of the total project budget to GEWE Score 1 for projects that contribute in some way to gender equality, but not significantly (less than 30% of the total budget for GEWE) 2 Project Risk Marker score: 14 Select PBF Focus Areas which best summarizes the focus of the project (select ONLY one):5 This project contributes to focus area 2: National reconciliation, democratic governance and conflict prevention/ management; and supports the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and 2250. If applicable, UNDAF outcome(s) to which the project contributes: Outcome 2: Good Governance, rule of law, human rights, and gender equality. If applicable, Sustainable Development Goal to which the project contributes: SDG5 (gender equality), SDG 10 (reduced inequalities), SDG 16 (peace, justice, and strong institutions), SDG17 If applicable, National Strategic Goal to which the project contributes: Reconciliation of Sri Lanka’s Peacebuilding Priority Plan, 2016. i.e. Sri Lankan society with peaceful co-existence and a sense of belonging. Type of submission: If it is a project amendment, select all changes that apply and provide a brief justification: X New project ☐ Project amendment Extension of duration: ☐ Additional duration in months (number of months and new end date): Change of project outcome/ scope: ☐ Change of budget allocation between outcomes or budget categories of more than 15%: ☐ Additional PBF budget: ☐ Additional amount by recipient organization: USD XXXXX Brief justification for amendment: Note: If this is an amendment, show any changes to the project document in RED colour or in TRACKED CHANGES, ensuring a new result framework and budget tables are included with clearly visible changes. Any parts of the document which are not affected, should remain the same. New project signatures are required. 4 Risk marker 0 = low risk to achieving outcomes Risk marker 1 = medium risk to achieving outcomes Risk marker 2 = high risk to achieving outcomes 5 PBF Focus Areas are: (1.1) SSR, (1.2) Rule of Law; (1.3) DDR; (1.4) Political Dialogue; (2.1) National reconciliation; (2.2) Democratic Governance; (2.3) Conflict prevention/management; (3.1) Employment; (3.2) Equitable access to social services (4.1) Strengthening of essential national state capacity; (4.2) extension of state authority/local administration; (4.3) Governance of peacebuilding resources (including PBF Secretariats) 3 PROJECT SIGNATURES: Oscar Fernandez-Taranco 19 November 2019 4 I. Peacebuilding Context and Rationale for PBF support (4 pages max) a) A brief summary of conflict analysis findings as they relate to this project, focusing on the driving factors of tensions/conflict that the project aims to address and an analysis of the main actors/ stakeholders that have an impact on or are impacted by the driving factors, which the project will aim to engage. This analysis must be gender- and age- sensitive. Decades of war have created deep divisions and mistrust among Sri Lankan communities. Despite major peacebuilding gains in recent years, including institutional strengthening, commencing a transitional justice process and fast-tracking resettlement, the underlying issues and causes
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