Staff Report to the M P L 2 0 1 6 - 0 0 0 4 2 Municipal Planning Board I TEM # 1 0 October 18, 2016 COUNTRY PLACE APARTMENTS Location Map Subject Site S UMMARY Owners Property Location: The property is located at Staff’s Recommendation: 2407 S Bumby Ave., on the east side of Bumby Staff recommends approval of the Master Plan Frederick Scarola, Manag- Ave., west of Peel Ave., south of E Grant Ave, application subject to the conditions in this report. ing Partner north of E Jersey Ave., (+11.77 acres, District Southeast Orlando Multi- 4). family Partners Applicant Applicant’s Request: Public Comment Master plan application for the approval to con- Courtesy notices were mailed to property owners Scott Stuart struct 39 new apartment units, between 13 build- within 300 ft. of the subject property the week of KCG Engineering ings, in an existing apartment complex for a total October 3rd, 2016. As of the published date of Project Planner of 239 apartment units. this report, staff has not received any comments from the public concerning this request. Jacques Coulon Updated: October 12, 2016 Page 2 F UTURE LAND USE MAP RES-LOW RES-LOW Z ONING MAP Page 3 P ROJECT ANALYS IS Project Description The subject property is located on the southeast corner of S. Bumby Ave. and E. Grant Ave.. The applicant is seeking master plan approval to construct 39 new apartment units, between 13 buildings, in an existing apartment complex for a total of 239 apartment units. The applicant is also proposing additional site improvements including parking and a new clubhouse. Previous Actions: 1971: Property annexed into the City of Orlando 1972: Property Platted as Haystack Apartments as recorded in Book 4, Page 77 1972: Existing 200 unit apartment community constructed. 02/17/2016: Property acquired by the current owner. Project Context The subject property is located on the east side of S. Bumby Ave. south of E. Grant Ave., north of E Crystal Lake Ave. with each of these roads acting as a border for the property. The site currently contains 200 1-bedroom units spread out between 25 2-story build- ings. Across each of the bordering streets as well as to the east are single—family homes. The applicant is proposing additional 2- story buildings which will be consistent with the prevailing character of the neighborhood. The proposed development will be com- patible with the surrounding uses. (See Table 1) Table 1—Project Context Future Land Use Zoning Surrounding Use North Low-Medium Density Residential R-1A & R-2 (County) Single family residential LMDR (County) East LMDR (County) R-1A & R-2 (County) Single family residential South LMDR (County) R-1A & R-3 (County) Single family residential West LMDR (County) R-3 (County) Single family residential Conformance with the GMP Located in the Lake Terrace neighborhood, the +/-11.77 acre developed subject site is generally located north of Crystal Lake Ave., south of E. Grant St., east of S. Bumby Ave., and west of Peel Ave. The applicant is requesting a Master Plan to allow the addition of 13 buildings comprised of 39 new apartment units, for a project total of 239 units. Surrounding uses include single family residential to the north, south, east and to the west, across Bumby Ave. To the south and west there are a couple properties which have been converted to commercial uses. Surrounding future land use designations include Orange County LMDR to the north, south, east and west and associated County zoning of R-2 and R-1A to the north, R-3 and R-1A to the south, R-2 and R-1A to the east and R-3 to the west. Annexed in 1971, the subject property has City Residential Medium In- tensity future land use and R-3B zoning. As detailed in Future Land Use Element Figure LU-1, the Residential Medium Intensity future land use designation allows for resi- dential and public, recreational and institutional uses. Residential Medium Intensity future land use has a maximum FAR of 0.30 and a maximum density of 30 du/ac. and a minimum of 12 du/ac. and no minimum FAR. The site has a current density of 192 units or 16.3 du/ac. The proposal will increase the density to a total of 231 dwelling units or 19.6 du/ac. The Comprehensive Planning studio defers to Land Development to address the siting of the stormwater ponds in relationship to the new buildings, reconfiguring of parking areas and pedestrian within the site. Conformance with the LDC The subject site is zoned R-3B (Medium Intensity Development Districts). The R-3B and R-3C districts are intended to provide for flexibility in building and site design in locations where residential development or redevelopment is desired at a medium intensity. The proposed multi-family development is consistent with the LDC except as noted in this report. The Municipal Planning Board and City Council shall consider the following factors in their review of Master Plan applications: 1. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of the use and all other requirements of the LDC. 2. Growth Management Plan (GMP). The consistency of the proposal with all applicable policies of the City's adopted GMP. Page 4 3. Use and District Requirements. The proposal must conform to the requirements of the zoning district(s) in which it is located and, where applicable, to the requirements of Chapter 58 for the particular use or activity under consideration. 4. Performance and Design Regulations. The proposal must conform to all applicable performance and design regulations of LDC Chapters 58, 60, 61, and 62 and the proposed use must be compatible with surrounding land uses and general character of the neighborhood, including building height, bulk, scale, intensity, traffic, noise, drainage, dust, lighting and general appearance. 5. Public Facilities and Services. Will necessary public facilities (both on- and off-site), such as transportation, sanitation, water, sewer, drainage, emergency services, education, recreation, etc. be adequate to serve the proposed use. Development Standards: ISR, Height, and Density Table 2 (below) details the required Density, Impervious Surface Ratio (ISR), building height. The applicant’s proposal meets ISR, Height, and Density requirements of code. Table 2—Development Standards—R3-B Phase Acreage Use Dwelling Density Building Height ISR Units (dwelling units per acre) (impervious surface ratio) Minimum / Proposed Minimum / Proposed Maximum Proposed Maximum Maximum Existing 11.438 Multi-Family 200 12 / 21 17.49 No Min./ 0.60 0.374 30 ft. 35 ft. Proposed same Multi-Family 39 12 / 21 21 No Min./ 28.5 ft. 0.60 0.503 35 ft. Total same - - - 239 12 / 21 21 No Min./ 30 ft. 0.60 0.503 35 ft. Setbacks and Bufferyards The proposed plan meets or exceeds all setback requirements with the exception of the rear yard setback. There is currently a build- ing set back 30.6 ft. from the rear setback and the applicant is proposing one new building at 30 ft. LDC Sec. Sec. 65.302 provides for a Modification of Standards of up to 20% for certain land development standards, including setbacks. Up to a 20% Modification of Standards may be granted through the master plan process. In regards to this case the applicant is seeking to place a single build- ing set back 30 ft. from the rear property line where 35 ft. is required (14% closer than code permits). In terms of the bufferyards, the applicant details a 7 ft. wide buffer yard along the rear and a portion of the Grant St. street-side; bufferyard A is required for all property lines. Table 3 provides details on setbacks and bufferyards. Table 3—Setback and Landscaping Requirements R-3B Building Setbacks Landscaping/Buffers Use or Phase Yard Minimum / Proposed Required* Proposed Maximum Front– S. Bumby Ave. (west) 25 ft./ no max. 28.5 A (7 ft. or 5 ft. w/wall) Street-side– E Grant St. (north) 25 ft./ no max. 25 A (7 ft. or 5 ft. w/wall) Portion A Multi-Family ( 7 ft. –no wall) (under 75 ft. in height) Street Side– E Crystal Lake Ave. 25 ft./ no max. 25 A (7 ft. or 5 ft. w/wall) ROW (south) Rear (East) 35 ft./ no max. 30 A (7 ft. or 5 ft. w/wall) A ( 7 ft. –no wall) * Dimensions refer to range of acceptable buffer depth; each requires plantings and/or screen wall Transportation Streets and Site Access Access to the development will be provided via two gated entrances, one off of S. Bumby Ave, and one off of E Grant St. Internal circulation is maintained through a series of drives that run throughout the site and connect the two entrances. Page 55 Sidewalks The applicant has provided details of interconnected sidewalks throughout the development. Pedestrian access from S. Bumby and E Grant St. into the site via clearly marked sidewalks is required as are pedestrian gates at both entrances. While the applicant has pro- vided details of new sidewalks within the apartment community there is no indication of crosswalks; the applicant will be required to provide crosswalks at key intersections throughout the property to ensure clear pedestrian paths across more highly traveled vehicu- lar paths. Parking According to the proposed unit mix this development will require a total of 368 parking spaces at time of full-development, as de- tailed in Table 4. The plan as submitted include the correct overall number of parking stalls. However, only 4 ADA accessible stalls are shown. A facility with between 301 and 400 total stalls is required to have a minimum of 8 Table 4—Parking Requirements ADA compliant spaces.
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