22434 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 29, 1973 H.R. 9126. A blll to amend the Public revenues from outer Continental Shelf By Mr. CONTE: Health Services Act to provide for the pro­ lands; and for other purposes; to the Com­ H.R. 9140. A bill to divorce the businesses tection of the public health from unneces­ mittee on the Judiciary. of production, refining, and transporting of sary medical exposure to ionizing radiation; By Mr. PICKLE (for himself, Mr. BELL, petroleum products from that of marketing to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Mr. BROWN of California, Mr. CRo­ petroleum products; to the Committee on the Commerce. NIN, Mr. GUNTER, Mr. MARTIN of Judiciary. By Mr. KOCH (for himself and Mr. North Carolina, Mr. RoE, Mr. ByMr.MACDONALD: BURTON): THORNTON, and Mr. WINN): H.R. 9141. A bill to require the Secretary H.R . 9127. A bill to amend the Immigra­ H.R. 9133. A bill to authorize the Na4 of Transportation to prescribe regulations tion and Nationality Act with respect to the tional Science Foundation to designate cer­ governing the humane treatment of animals waiver of certain grounds for exclusion and tain institutions of higher education as na­ transported in air commerce; to the Com­ deportation; to the Committee on the Judi­ tional energy research centers; to the Com­ mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ciary. mittee on Science and Astronautics. By Mr. LEGGETT: By Mr. SHOUP: By Mr. PRICE of Texas: H.R. 9142. A bill to restore, support, and H.R. 9128. A bill to amend title 38, United H.R. 9134. A bill to amend the Economic States Code, in order to authorize the Ad­ maintain modern, efficient, rail service in the Stab11ization Act of 1970; to the Committee Northeast region of the United States, to ministrator of Veterans' Affairs to contract on Banking and Currency. for hospital care and medical services for designate e. system of esse-ntial rail lines in By Mr. SEIBERLING: the Northeast region, to provide financial veterans with service-connected disabilities; H.R. 9135. A bill to provide for the regula­ t'o the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. assistance to rail carriers in the Northeast tion of surface coal mining for the region, to improve competitive equity among By Mr. MA~AZITI: conservation, acquisition, and reclamation of H.R. 9129. A bil.l to amend title 18 of the surface transportation modes, to improve the surface areas affected by the coal mining process of Government regulation and for United States Code to provide penalties for activities, and for other purposes; to the · the murder, manslaughter, or attempted other purposes; to the Committee on Inter­ Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. state and Foreign Commerce. murder or manslaughter of Federal law en­ By Mr. STUDDS (for himself, Mr. forcement officers, members of federally as­ . By Mr. ANNUNZIO. O'NEILL, Mr. COHEN, Mr. FORSYTHE, H.J. Res. 649. Joint resolution to provide sisted law enforcement agencies and Fed­ Mr. KYROS, Mr. ROONEY of Pennsyl­ eral employees; to the Committee on the for the issuance of a special postage stamp vania, Mr. SARBANES, Mr. YOUNG of in commemoration of Guglielmo Marconi; Judiciary. Alaska, Mr. BuRKE of Massachusetts, By Mr MELCHER (for himself, Mr. to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Mr. BOLAND, Mr. CONT~, Mr. CRONIN, RONCALIO of Wyoming, Mr. JOHN­ Service. Mr. DE LUGO, Mr. DERWINSKI, Mr. By Mr.' DRINAN (for himself, Mr. SON of California, Mr. TAYLOR Of DONOHUE, Mr. DRINAN, Mr. EILBERG, North Carolina, Mr. RuNNELS, Mr. ANDERSON of California, Mr. BROWN Mrs. GRASSO, Mrs. HANSEN of Wash­ of California, Mr. GREEN of Penn- YOUNG of Alaska, Mr. STEIGER Of ington, Mr. HARRINGTON, Mrs. HECK­ Arizona, Mr. KAZEN, . Mr. WoN . sylvania, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. OWENS, LER of Massachusetts, Mr. HEINz, Mr. Mr. POWELL, Mr. RIEGLE, . Mrs. PAT, Mr. VIGORITO, Mr. DON H. CLAU­ HowARD, Mr. LEHMAN, and Mr. SEN, Mr. HOSMER, Mr. STEPHENS, Mr. SCHROEDER, Mr. TIERNAN, Mr. YOUNG LENT): of Georgia and Mr. KASTENMEIER): ToWELL of Nevada, Mr. CAMP, Mr. H.R. 9136. A bill to extend on an interim JoNES of Oklahoma, Mr. DE LuGo, H.J. Res. 650. Joint resolution proposing basis the jurisdiction of the United States -amendmt:nt to the Constitution .of the . Mr. LUJAN, Mr. MARTIN of North over certain ocean areas and fish' in order'to an United States lowering the ~e require- . Carolina, Mr. KETCHUM~ and Mr. protect the domestic fishing-industry, and for CRONIN): ments for membership in the Houses of other purposes; to the Committee on Mer­ Congress; to the Committee on ~he J~dici­ H.R. 9130. A bill to amend section 28 of chant Marine and Fisheries. the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, ana to au­ ary. By Mr. STUDDS (for himself, Mr. Mc­ . ByMr.PUQUA: thorize a trans-Alaska oil and gas pipeline, CORMACK, Mr.- McKINNEY, Mr. MAC• and for other purposes; to .the Committee DONALD, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. REES, Mr. H.J. Res. 651. Joint resolution relating to the taking of the 1974 Census of. Agricul­ on Interior and Insular Affairs. RINALDO, Mr. ROSE, Mr. STARK, ¥!• By ~r. MINISH: . TIERNAN, Mr. WHITEHURST, and Mr. tp.re; to the Committee on Post Office and H.R. 9131. A bill to provide for the con­ WON PAT): Civil Service. servation protection and propagation of spe­ By Mr. KEATING: . H.R. 9137. A bill to extend on an interim cies or subspecies of fish and wildlife that H.J. Res. 652. Joint resolution. · desi~nat­ are threatened with extinction or likely basis the jurisdiction . of the United States over certain ocean areas and fish in order to ing certain election days as legal public within the foreseeable future to become holidays, and for other purposes; to the threatened with extinction, and for other protect the domestic fishing industry, and for other purposes; to the Comnii1Jtee on Mer­ Committee on the Judiciary. purposes; to the Committee on Merchant . By Mr. ASPIN: Marine and Fisheries. chant Marine and Fisheries. By Mr. YOUNG of South Carolina: . _ H. Con. Res. 261. Concurrent _resolution By Mr. O'NEILL (for himself, Mr. H.R. 9138. A bill to amend the Agricultural expressing the sense Qf. the Congress that a DRINAN, Mr. BOLAND, Mr. CRONIN, Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, to pro­ moratorium be declared on any further Ms. GRAsso, Mr. CoTTER, Mr. BuRKE vide for emergency allotment lease and trans­ abandonment o:( rail services or facilities of Massachusetts, Mr. KYRos, Mr-r fer of certain tobacco allotments or quotas within the rural nonmetropolitan regions of HARRINGTON, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. in disaster areas; to the Committee on Agri­ the United States until such time that ap­ TIERNAN, Mr. COHEN, Mr. CLEVE­ culture. propriate investigations can be conducted LAND, Mr. CONTE, Mr. SARASIN, Mr. By Mr. CLAY: to determine what might be done to con­ DONOHUE, Mr. MCKINNEY, Mr. ST tinue such service where it is determined GERMAIN, Ms. HECKLER Of Massachu­ H.R. 9139. A bill to amend title 5, United to be essential to the continued growth and setts, Mr. STEELE, Mr. MACDONALD, States Code, to restore-the survivor annuities development of communities and industries and Mr. STUDDS) : of certain remarried spouses whose remar­ located within such regions. This mora­ . H.R. 9132. A bi11 to create a Marine Re­ riages have terminated, and for other pur­ torium shall remain in effect until at least sources Conservation and Development poses; to the Committee on Post Office and June 30, 1974; to the Committee on Inter­ Fund, to provide for the distribution of Civil Service. state and Foreign Comm~rce. EXTENSIONS- OF- REMARKS FRANK KELLOGG· RECEIVES awarded the medalliol). of the Hebrew ·- At this time I enter into the RECORD AWARD · University. Mr. Kellogg's acce:Jtance speech: This ·presentation was made _in recog­ REMARKS MADE BY THE· HONORABLE FRANCIS nition of his work in helping Russian L. KELLOGG HON. JOSHUA EI_LBERG Jews during their trip from the Soviet . Excellencies, President Harman, Distin· OF PENNSYLVANIA guished Faculty and Staff, Friends new and Union to Israel. old: I am pleased and honored to accept this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I also believe that Frank Kellogg award, the Medallion of the Hebrew Univer­ Thursday, June 28, 1973 deserves recognition for the help he gave sity. me in getting the funds appropriated by But, Mr. President, in accepting it, I receive Mr. EILBERG. Mr. Speaker, recently it not for myself but for the American people. the Honorable Francis L. Kellogg, Spe­ Congress to help resettle Russian Jews in Our nation, like yours, has a time-honored cial Assistant to the Secretary of State Israel released and turned over to the tradition of concern for immigrants and for Refugee and Migration Affairs, was agencies which work with the emigrants. refugees. Since our earliest history refugees June 29, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22435 and migrants have been welcomed to our days the House of Representatives will Deputy Ho Ngoc Nhuan of your National As­ shores, as Thomas Jefferson said, "to enjoy find itself without the valuable services sembly disclosed a new version of what we the blessings of liberty." of Frank Battaglia who, for 30 years, knew previously as Operation Phoenix? Is it The American people respop.d to humani­ not true that under this plan anyone with tarian causes quickly and compassio!lately. has served the House so faithfully as an allegiances to the opposition is subject to ar­ Annually they give over $600,000,000 to the Official Reporter. rest and indefinite imprisonment? voluntary agencies of their choice for good Frank now is dean of the Official Re­ There is widespread belief in this country works overseas-more than two dollars for porters corps.
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