American Mineralogist, Volume 88, pages i–x, 2003 2003 Author Index Akaogi, M., see Sugawara and Akaogi, 1020 Baron, D., see Drouet et al., 1949 crystal-chemical characterization, 464 Alberti, A., Fois, E., and Gamba, A.: A mo- Barrès, O., see Pelletier et al., 1801 Bindi, L., see Bonazzi et al., 223 lecular dynamics study of the behavior of Barrett, S., see Bickmore et al., 709 Bindi, L., see Bonazzi et al., 1796 sodium in low albite, 1 Barron, L.M.: A simple model for the pres- Binu-Lal, S.S., see Santosh et al., 1689 Alcock, J., Myer, K., and Muller, P.D.: Three- sure preservation index of inclusions in Bird, D.K., see Fridriksson et al., 277 dimensional model of heat flow in the diamond, 1615 Bird, D.K., see Fridriksson et al., 1060 aureole of the Marcy anorthosite, Adiron- Barrón, V., Torrent, J., and Grave, E.: Hydroma- Bird, D.K., see Neuhoff et al., 410 dack Highlands, New York: Implications ghemite, an intermediate in the hydrother- Bish, D.L., see Dera et al., 1428 for depth of emplacement, 474 mal transformation of 2-line ferrihydrite Bish, D.L., see Fridriksson et al., 277 Allan, N.L., see Lavrentiev et al., 1522 into hematite, 1679 Bish, D.L., see Fridriksson et al., 1060 Allwardt, J.R., Lee, S.K., and Stebbins, J.F.: Bass, J.D., see Wang et al., 1608 Bish, D.L., see Hou et al., 167 Bonding preferences of non-bridging O at- Baxter, G., see Lesher et al., 1181 Bish, D.L., Vaniman, D.T., Chipera, S.J., and oms: Evidence from 17O MAS and 3QMAS Beane, R.J., see Bostick et al., 1709 Carey, J.W.: The distribution of zeolites and NMR on calcium aluminate and low-silica Beard, J.S., see Tracy and Beard, 740 their effects on the performance of a nuclear Ca-aluminosilicate glasses, 949 Beaufort, D., see Fialips et al., 837 waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Ne- Alves, M.C.M., see Carvalho-e-Silva et al., Becker, U., Jambor, J., Lumpkin, G., and Pas- vada, U.S.A., 1889 876 teris, J.: Introduction to the Environmental Bismayer, U., see Shi et al., 1866 Amonette, J.E., see Wang et al., 398 Mineralogy Special Issue, 1843 Blum, J.D., see Utsunomiya et al., 1844 Amthauer, G., see Grodzicki et al., 481 Behrens, H., see Fechtelkord et al., 1046 Blundy, J.D., see McDade et al., 1825 Anand, M., see Taylor et al., 912 Behrens, H., see Fechtelkord et al., 47 Bodnar, R.J.: Presentation of the Mineralogical Anderson, I.M., see Hiraga et al., 1015 Behrens, H. and Schulze, F.: Pressure de- Society of America Dana Medal for 2002 Andrault, D., Angel, R.J., Mosenfelder, J.L., pendence of melt viscosity in the system to Michael F. Hochella Jr., 945 and Le Bihan, T.: Equation of state of NaAlSi3O8-CaMgSi2O6,1351 Boerio-Goates, J., see Majzlan et al., 846 stishovite to lower mantle pressures, 301 Benedetti, M., see Juillot et al., 509 Bohic, S., see Sanchez-Valle et al., 978 Angel, R.J., see Andrault et al., 301 Benna, P. and Bruno, E.: Single-crystal in Bonazzi, P., Bindi, L., and Parodi, G.: Gatelite- Argoul, P., see Muñoz et al., 694 situ high-temperature structural investi- (Ce), a new REE-bearing mineral from Tri- – Arletti, R., Ferro, O., Quartieri, S., Sani, A., gation of the I1-I2/c phase transition in mouns, French Pyrenees: Crystal structure Tabacchi, G., and Vezzalin, G.: Structural Ca0.2Sr0.8Al2Si2O8 feldspar, 1532 and polysomatic relationships with epidote deformation mechanisms of zeolites under Benvenuti, M., see Costagliola et al., 1345 and törnebohmite-(Ce), 223 pressure, 1416 Berlepsch, P., Armbruster, T., Makovicky, Bonazzi, P., Bindi, L., Popova, V., Pratesi, Armbruster, T., see Berlepsch et al., 450 E., and Topa, D.: Another step toward G., and Menchetti, S.: Alacranite, As8S9: Armbruster, T., see Di Pierro et al., 1817 understanding the true nature of sartorite: structural study of the holotype and re-as- Armbruster, T., see Döbelin and Armbruster, Determination and refinement of a ninefold signment of the original chemical formula, 527 superstructure, 450 1796 Armbruster, T., see Gnos et al., 189 Bermanec, V., Furić, K., Rajić, M., and Borda, M.J., Strongin, D.R., and Schoonen, Artioli, G., Geiger, C.A., and Dapiaggi, M.: Kniewald, G.: Thermal stability and vibra- M.A.: A vibrational spectroscopic study The crystal chemistry of julgoldite-Fe3+ tional spectra of the sheet borate tuzlaite, of the oxidation of pyrite by ferric iron, from Bombay, India, studied using syn- NaCa[B5O8(OH)2]·3H2O, 271 1318 chrotron X-ray powder diffraction and Bern, A.M., see Meeker et al., 1955 Bosbach, D., see Tournassat et al., 1989 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy, 1084 Bernardini, G.P., see Costagliola et al., 1345 Bostick, B.C., Jones, R.E., Ernst, W.G., Chen, Aubourg, C., see Cairanne et al., 1385 Bernasconi, S.M., see Di Pierro et al., 1817 C., Leech, M.L., and Beane, R.J.: Low-tem- Ayers, J.C., DeLaCruz, K., Miller, C., and Berry, A.J., OʼNeill, H.St.C., Jayasuriya, K.D., perature microdiamond aggregates in the Switzer, O.: Experimental study of zir- Campbell, S.J., and Foran, G.J.: XANES Maksyutov Metamorphic Complex, South con coarsening in quartzite ±H2O at 1.0 calibrations for the oxidation state of iron Ural Mountains, Russia, 1709 GPa and 1000 °C, with implications for in a silicate glass, 967 Botella, V., see Timón et al., 1788 geochronological studies of high-grade Besson, P., see Cairanne et al., 1385 Bown, P.R., see Henriksen et al., 2040 metamorphism, 365 Bickmore, B.R., Rufe, E., Barrett, S., and Bozhilov, K.N., Green II, H.W., and Dobrzhi- Baier, M., see Okrusch et al., 986 Hochella Jr., M.F.: Measuring discrete netskaya, L.F.: Quantitative 3D measure- Balan, E., Mauri, F., Pickard, C.J., Farnan, feature dimensions in AFM images with ment of ilmenite abundance in Alpe Arami I., and Calas, G.: The aperiodic states of image SXM, 709 olivine by confocal microscopy: Confirma- zircon: an ab initio molecular dynamics Bindi, L., Safonov, O.G., Yapaskurt, V.O., tion of high-pressure origin, 596 study, 1769 Perchuk, L.L., and Menchetti, S.: Ultrapo- Bozhilov, K.N., Jenkins et al., 1104 Balan, E., see Farnan et al., 1663 tassic clinopyroxene from the Kumdy-Kol Bracco, R., see Hughes et al., 1324 Bancroft, G.M., see Jackson et al., 890 microdiamond mine, Kokchetav Complex, Bradbury, S.E. and Williams, Q.: Contrasting Bancroft, G.M., see Nesbitt et al., 1279 Kazakhstan: Occurrence, composition and bonding behavior of two hydroxyl-bear- i ii 2003 AUTHOR INDEX 2003 AUTHOR INDEX iii ing metamorphic minerals under pressure: Calas, G., see Juillot et al., 509 and evaluation of thermodynamic data clinozoisite and topaz, 1460 Cámara, F., Carpenter, M.A., Domeneghetti, for morenosite-retgersite equilibria at 0.1 Brady, J.B., Cheney, J.T., Rhodes, A.L., M.C., and Tazzoli, V.: Coupling between MPa, 1943 Vasquez, A., Green, C., Duvall, M., non-convergent ordering and transition Choudary, B.M., see Parthasarathy et al., Kogut, A., Kaufman, L., and Kovaric, temperature in the C2/c × P21/c phase 1983 D.: Isotope geochemistry of Proterozoic transition in pigeonite, 1115 Cipriani, C., see Costagliola et al., 1345 talc occurrences in Archean marbles of Cámara, F., see Iezzi et al., 955 Cipriani, C., see Pratesi et al., 1778 the Ruby Mountains, southwest Montana, Campbell, S.J., see Berry et al., 967 Clark, S.B., see Utsunomiya et al., 159 U.S.A., 246 Candela, P.A., see Simon et al., 1644 Cody, G.D., see Mysen et al., 1668 Brantley, S.L., see Tsomaia et al., 54 Caporuscio, F., The 22nd edition of the Cohen, R.E., see Gramsch et al., 257 Breit, U., see Hovis et al., 547 manual of mineral science, by Cornelis Conticelli, S., see Melluso et al., 1287 Brenker, F.E., Meibom, A., and Frei, R.: On Klein, 1400 Cornelius, S., see Gunter et al., 1970 the formation of peridotite-derived Os-rich Caporuscio, F.: Emeralds of the World, Ex- Costagliola, P., Di Benedetto, F., Benvenuti, M., PGE alloys, 1731 tralapis English #2: The Legendary Green Bernardini, G.P., Cipriani, C., Lattanzi, P.F., Brenker, F.E., Müller, W.F., and Brey, G.P.: Beryl. Alfredo Petrov and Günter Neumeier and Romanelli, M.: Chemical speciation of Variation of antiphase domain size in (translators). Christian Weise Verlag, Mu- Ag in galena by EPR spectroscopy, 1345 omphacite: A tool to determine the tem- nich, and Lapis International, East Hamp- Couch, S: Experimental investigation of perature–time history of eclogites revis- ton, Connecticut, 2002, 1841 crystallization kinetics in a haplogranite ited, 1300 Carey, J.W., see Bish et al., 1889 system, 1471 Bretherton, J.L., see Fechtelkord et al., 1046 Carey, J.W., see Fridriksson et al., 1060 Crowley, J.L., Ghent, E.D., Carr, S.D., Si- Brey, G.P., see Brenker et al., 1300 Carleton, L.E., see Gieré et al., 1853 mony, P.S., and Hamilton M.A.: Multiple Brigatti, M.F., Guggenheim, S.G., and Poppi, Carlson, S., see Dinnebier et al., 996 thermotectonic events in a continuous M.: Crystal chemistry of the 1M mica poly- Carlson, W.D., see Hirsch et al., 131 metamorphic sequence, Mica Creek area, type: The octahedral sheet, 667 Carlson, W.D., see Hirsch et al., 1173 southeastern Canadian Cordillera, 930 Bromiley, G.D. and Pawley, A.R.: The stabil- Carpenter, M.A., Meyer, H.-W., Sondergeld, Cruciani, G., see Cesare et al., 583 ity of antigorite in the systems MgO-SiO2- P., Marion, S., and Knight, K.S.: Spon- Cultrone, G., see Rodriguez-Navarro et al., H2O (MSH) and MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O taneous strain variations through the low 713 (MASH): The effects of Al3+ substitution temperature phase transitions of deuterated DʼAntonio, M., see Melluso et al., 1287 on high-pressure stability, 99 lawsonite, 534 dʼEspinose de la Caillerie, J.-B., see Pelletier Brouwer,
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