Supplementary Table S5

Supplementary Table S5

Supplementary Table S5 - Genes upregulated by anti-MYCN PNA ProbeID Symbol Description RH30ctrl_SignalRH30mut__SignalRH30pna_Signalpna vs mut pna vs ctrl 206884_s_at SCEL sciellin 2.4 3.3 51.4 3.961 4.421 208266_at C8orf17 chromosome 8 open reading frame 17 16.9 4.1 52.1 3.668 1.624 217462_at C11orf9 chromosome 11 open reading frame 9 2.9 10.9 108.9 3.321 5.231 202175_at CHPF 215 123.9 939 2.922 2.127 210271_at NEUROD2 neurogenic differentiation 2 2.4 13.1 84.6 2.691 5.140 216058_s_at CYP2C19 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily C, polypeptide 19 4.8 12.8 78.2 2.611 4.026 205556_at MSX2 msh homeobox homolog 2 (Drosophila) 18.7 9 52.6 2.547 1.492 217500_at TIAL1 TIA1 cytotoxic granule-associated RNA binding protein-like 1 15.3 16.2 91.3 2.495 2.577 217124_at IQCE IQ motif containing E 25.8 22.3 116.7 2.388 2.177 213929_at 8.3 14 66.5 2.248 3.002 221159_at 33.4 19.1 81.5 2.093 1.287 207498_s_at CYP2D6 cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily D, polypeptide 6 60.8 28.7 110.9 1.950 0.867 210881_s_at IGF2 insulin-like growth factor 2 (somatomedin A) 1556.7 1187.4 4274.8 1.848 1.457 219315_s_at C16orf30 chromosome 16 open reading frame 30 83 61.2 213 1.799 1.360 202410_x_at IGF2 insulin-like growth factor 2 (somatomedin A) 2587.4 1916.7 6376.5 1.734 1.301 220748_s_at ZNF580 zinc finger protein 580 298.5 218.7 722.9 1.725 1.276 221063_x_at RNF123 ring finger protein 123 148.5 84.9 277.3 1.708 0.901 210280_at MPZ myelin protein zero (Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy 1B) 48.7 49.5 160.5 1.697 1.721 205236_x_at SOD3 superoxide dismutase 3, extracellular 49.6 65.8 203.4 1.628 2.036 202328_s_at PKD1 polycystic kidney disease 1 (autosomal dominant) 146.5 88.3 269.7 1.611 0.880 203546_at IPO13 importin 13 190.2 130.2 386 1.568 1.021 221866_at TFEB transcription factor EB 19.4 78.4 230.9 1.558 3.573 205717_x_at PCDHGC3 protocadherin gamma subfamily C, 3 566.7 480.9 1404.2 1.546 1.309 206724_at CBX4 chromobox homolog 4 (Pc class homolog, Drosophila) 136.7 133.1 379.3 1.511 1.472 209383_at DDIT3 DNA-damage-inducible transcript 3 1671.7 1158.9 3225.8 1.477 0.948 40489_at ATN1 atrophin 1 185.3 198.2 548.1 1.467 1.565 220740_s_at SLC12A6 solute carrier family 12 (potassium/chloride transporters), member 6 19.1 34.6 92.9 1.425 2.282 212682_s_at BC002942 266.8 205.5 549.2 1.418 1.042 200623_s_at CALM3 calmodulin 3 (phosphorylase kinase, delta) 931.6 913.6 2418.2 1.404 1.376 203183_s_at SMARCD1 SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily266.1 d, member 197.61 500.9 1.342 0.913 218245_at LRRC54 leucine rich repeat containing 54 211.3 148.1 373.4 1.334 0.821 206327_s_at CDH15 cadherin 15, M-cadherin (myotubule) 492.2 378.7 943.2 1.317 0.938 220155_s_at BRD9 bromodomain containing 9 447.9 342.8 853.7 1.316 0.931 208831_x_at SUPT6H suppressor of Ty 6 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 490.6 386.7 958.9 1.310 0.967 217419_x_at AGRN agrin 214.9 239.2 589.9 1.302 1.457 204538_x_at NPIP nuclear pore complex interacting protein 1547.1 1344.9 3207.5 1.254 1.052 209370_s_at SH3BP2 SH3-domain binding protein 2 241.8 179.7 426.6 1.247 0.819 221577_x_at GDF15 growth differentiation factor 15 395.3 271.9 638 1.230 0.691 218629_at SMO smoothened homolog (Drosophila) 201.8 160.2 374.7 1.226 0.893 212252_at CAMKK2 calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase 2, beta 118.7 112 261.5 1.223 1.139 221828_s_at C9orf28 chromosome 9 open reading frame 28 127.9 119.2 278.2 1.223 1.121 210443_x_at OGFR opioid growth factor receptor 237.2 230.7 534.1 1.211 1.171 32094_at CHST3 carbohydrate (chondroitin 6) sulfotransferase 3 88.6 95.3 218.3 1.196 1.301 212811_x_at SLC1A4 solute carrier family 1 (glutamate/neutral amino acid transporter), member 4 53.1 64.1 146.6 1.193 1.465 216041_x_at GRN granulin 468.5 321.5 731.2 1.185 0.642 212285_s_at AGRN agrin 313.7 298.1 676.9 1.183 1.110 201168_x_at ARHGDIA Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) alpha 1998.1 1648.5 3662 1.151 0.874 218965_s_at RBM21 RNA binding motif protein 21 121.9 103.6 229 1.144 0.910 202725_at POLR2A polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide A, 220kDa 442.2 467.4 1030.1 1.140 1.220 212576_at MGRN1 mahogunin, ring finger 1 334.8 325.9 717.3 1.138 1.099 209299_x_at PPIL2 peptidylprolyl isomerase (cyclophilin)-like 2 186.1 138.7 304.2 1.133 0.709 212081_x_at BAT2 HLA-B associated transcript 2 542.2 521.6 1136.4 1.123 1.068 209414_at FZR1 fizzy/cell division cycle 20 related 1 (Drosophila) 97.8 94.4 205 1.119 1.068 201382_at CACYBP calcyclin binding protein 41.6 46.9 101.8 1.118 1.291 215836_s_at PCDHGC3 protocadherin gamma subfamily C, 3 707.5 645 1398.1 1.116 0.983 37028_at PPP1R15A protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 15A 182.1 223.8 481.3 1.105 1.402 202947_s_at GYPC glycophorin C (Gerbich blood group) 462.6 359.3 769.9 1.099 0.735 200808_s_at ZYX zyxin 671.3 530.6 1136.2 1.099 0.759 208704_x_at APLP2 amyloid beta (A4) precursor-like protein 2 838.6 799 1705.5 1.094 1.024 41386_i_at JMJD3 jumonji domain containing 3 305.1 224.6 478.4 1.091 0.649 212156_at VPS39 vacuolar protein sorting 39 (yeast) 203.6 188 399.5 1.087 0.972 206649_s_at TFE3 transcription factor binding to IGHM enhancer 3 111.5 108.3 228.4 1.077 1.035 211905_s_at ITGB4 integrin, beta 4 23.1 43.3 91.2 1.075 1.981 202284_s_at CDKN1A cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (p21, Cip1) 1082.4 694.7 1455.6 1.067 0.427 201348_at GPX3 glutathione peroxidase 3 (plasma) 83.2 117.3 245.6 1.066 1.562 36084_at CUL7 cullin 7 272 216.8 448 1.047 0.720 200035_at DULLARD dullard homolog (Xenopus laevis) 658.6 688.1 1419.6 1.045 1.108 203792_x_at PCGF2 polycomb group ring finger 2 240.6 210 432.6 1.043 0.846 203238_s_at NOTCH3 Notch homolog 3 (Drosophila) 675.5 735.4 1511.7 1.040 1.162 200601_at ACTN4 actinin, alpha 4 737.8 534.2 1094.1 1.034 0.568 49051_g_at DTX3 deltex 3 homolog (Drosophila) 111.5 135.3 277 1.034 1.313 204947_at E2F1 E2F transcription factor 1 464.4 496.3 1012.3 1.028 1.124 209079_x_at PCDHGA1 protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 1 625.8 600.3 1222.9 1.027 0.967 202102_s_at BRD4 bromodomain containing 4 1272.7 1227.7 2497.1 1.024 0.972 34260_at KIAA0683 173.7 166.1 336.4 1.018 0.954 35179_at B3GAT3 beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (glucuronosyltransferase I) 105.5 83.3 168.3 1.015 0.674 212670_at ELN elastin (supravalvular aortic stenosis, Williams-Beuren syndrome) 591.5 660.2 1333.5 1.014 1.173 202275_at G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 436.7 413.4 830.7 1.007 0.928 202775_s_at SFRS8 splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 8 (suppressor-of-white-apricot homolog, Drosophila)227.7 272.7 547.5 1.006 1.266 216105_x_at PPP2R4 protein phosphatase 2A, regulatory subunit B' (PR 53) 399.8 307.1 609.8 0.990 0.609 208874_x_at PPP2R4 protein phosphatase 2A, regulatory subunit B' (PR 53) 488.4 407.9 807.4 0.985 0.725 200021_at CFL1 cofilin 1 (non-muscle) 17656.7 14663.8 29014.9 0.985 0.717 216071_x_at MED12 mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription, subunit 12 homolog (yeast) 603.3 559.2 1103.6 0.981 0.871 211056_s_at SRD5A1 steroid-5-alpha-reductase, alpha polypeptide 1 (3-oxo-5 alpha-steroid delta 4-dehydrogenase131.2 alpha136.5 1) 269.1 0.979 1.036 91952_at LOC90379 276.7 258.3 506.5 0.972 0.872 211066_x_at PCDHGC3 protocadherin gamma subfamily C, 3 716.1 867.6 1696.8 0.968 1.245 216952_s_at LMNB2 lamin B2 1146.5 1018.5 1990 0.966 0.796 204384_at GOLGA2 golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily a, 2 142.5 170.5 332.8 0.965 1.224 221938_x_at THRAP5 thyroid hormone receptor associated protein 5 266.5 280.2 545.4 0.961 1.033 208829_at TAPBP TAP binding protein (tapasin) 136.5 141.9 275 0.955 1.011 204998_s_at ATF5 activating transcription factor 5 200 183.9 356 0.953 0.832 217297_s_at MYO9B myosin IXB 267.1 255.6 494.5 0.952 0.889 202812_at GAA glucosidase, alpha, acid (Pompe disease, glycogen storage disease type II) 149.8 156.2 301.5 0.949 1.009 201794_s_at SMG7 Smg-7 homolog, nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor (C. elegans) 469.9 394.1 754.9 0.938 0.684 45749_at FAM65A family with sequence similarity 65, member A 528.9 494.4 945.8 0.936 0.839 210142_x_at FLOT1 flotillin 1 1874 1539.8 2938.8 0.932 0.649 209344_at TPM4 tropomyosin 4 1188.6 1403.8 2677.6 0.932 1.172 218010_x_at C20orf149 chromosome 20 open reading frame 149 1172.9 1414.9 2697.9 0.931 1.202 219223_at C9orf7 chromosome 9 open reading frame 7 162 123.2 234.9 0.931 0.536 201087_at PXN paxillin 241.5 244.1 464.6 0.929 0.944 61297_at CASKIN2 CASK interacting protein 2 117.4 111.3 211.2 0.924 0.847 217891_at C16orf58 chromosome 16 open reading frame 58 188.8 189.9 357.5 0.913 0.921 204999_s_at ATF5 activating transcription factor 5 61.6 92.2 173.5 0.912 1.494 213422_s_at MXRA8 matrix-remodelling associated 8 182.4 153.1 287.7 0.910 0.657 200859_x_at FLNA filamin A, alpha (actin binding protein 280) 742.4 632.9 1189.2 0.910 0.680 206452_x_at PPP2R4 protein phosphatase 2A, regulatory subunit B' (PR 53) 367.2 351.3 659.5 0.909 0.845 212032_s_at PTOV1 prostate tumor overexpressed gene 1 962.5 935.5 1754.3 0.907 0.866 33768_at DMWD dystrophia myotonica-containing WD repeat motif 271.6 334.7 625.6 0.902 1.204 208806_at CHD3 chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 3 372.5 385.4 718.4 0.898 0.948 214911_s_at BRD2 bromodomain containing 2 1394.8 1409.7 2621.6 0.895 0.910 211600_at PTPRO protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, O 6614.5 6892.2 12787 0.892 0.951 201050_at PLD3 phospholipase D family, member 3 1614.3 1470.4 2727.2 0.891 0.757 212275_s_at SRCAP 98.5 110.1 203.8 0.888 1.049 211950_at ZUBR1 zinc finger, UBR1 type 1 1585.5 1384.8 2562 0.888 0.692 201908_at DVL3 dishevelled, dsh homolog 3 (Drosophila) 656.9 590.7 1090.7 0.885 0.732 212090_at GRINA glutamate receptor, ionotropic, N-methyl D-asparate-associated protein 1 (glutamate binding)303.7 301.2 555.2 0.882 0.870 212567_s_at MAP4 microtubule-associated protein 4 197.7 302.1 556.8 0.882 1.494 201439_at GBF1 golgi-specific brefeldin A resistance factor 1 875.8 831.4 1523.3 0.874 0.799 219180_s_at PEX26 peroxisome biogenesis factor 26 111.2 138 252.6 0.872 1.184 217912_at DUS1L dihydrouridine synthase 1-like (S.

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