Tribal Profile at a Glance May 2014 1. Demographic features Scheduled Tribe population and decadal change by residence : 2011 Scheduled Tribe population2011 Decadal change2001-2011 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) INDIA 104,281,034 93,819,162 10,461,872 23.7 21.3 49.7 Scheduled Tribe population by sex and residence : Census 2011 MALE FEMALE TOTAL RURAL URBAN TOTAL RURAL URBAN (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) INDIA 5,24,09,823 4,71,26,341 52,83,482 5,18,71,211 4,66,92,821 51,78,390 Sex Ratio among Scheduled Tribes by residence : 2001 - 2011 Sex Ratio 2001 Sex Ratio 2011 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 INDIA 978 981 944 990 991 980 Percentage of Scheduled Tribes to total population : 2001-2011 Percentage of Scheduled Tribes 2001 Percentage of Scheduled Tribes 2011 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 INDIA 8.2 10.4 2.4 8.6 11.3 2.8 2 State wise Scheduled Tribe population and decadal change by residence : Census 2011 State/ India/ State/ Union Scheduled Tribe population 2011 Decadal change 2001- UT Territory 2011 Code Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban INDIA 104,281,034 93,819,162 10,461,872 23.7 21.3 49.7 1 Jammu & Kashmir 1,493,299 1,406,833 86,466 35 33.4 67.9 2 Himachal Pradesh 392,126 374,392 17,734 60.3 57.9 135.6 3 Punjab NST NST NST NST NST NST 4 Chandigarh # NST NST NST NST NST NST 5 Uttarakhand 291,903 264,819 27,084 14 10.2 70.1 6 Haryana NST NST NST NST NST NST 7 NCT of Delhi # NST NST NST NST NST NST 8 Rajasthan 9,238,534 8,693,123 545,411 30.2 29.4 43.6 9 Uttar Pradesh 1,134,273 1,031,076 103,197 950.6 976 750.4 10 Bihar 1,336,573 1,270,851 65,722 76.2 77.1 61.7 11 Sikkim 206,360 167,146 39,214 85.2 64 313 12 Arunachal Pradesh 951,821 789,846 161,975 35 30.3 63.8 13 Nagaland 1,710,973 1,306,838 404,135 -3.6 -15.4 75.7 14 Manipur 902,740 791,126 111,614 21.8 12.1 216.8 15 Mizoram 1,036,115 507,467 528,648 23.4 17.8 29.4 16 Tripura 1,166,813 1,117,566 49,247 17.5 15.5 93.7 17 Meghalaya 2,555,861 2,136,891 418,970 28.3 27 35.1 18 Assam 3,884,371 3,665,405 218,966 17.4 16.2 42.2 19 West Bengal 5,296,953 4,855,115 441,838 20.2 17.4 63.4 20 Jharkhand 8,645,042 7,868,150 776,892 22 21 32.3 21 Odisha 9,590,756 8,994,967 595,789 17.7 16.8 33.4 22 Chhattisgarh 7,822,902 7,231,082 591,820 18.2 15.4 68.2 23 Madhya Pradesh 15,316,784 14,276,874 1,039,910 25.2 24.7 32.1 24 Gujarat 8,917,174 8,021,848 895,326 19.2 16.8 45.7 25 Daman & Diu # 15,363 7,617 7,746 9.8 -31.9 175.8 26 D & N Haveli # 178,564 150,944 27,620 30.1 18.5 181.4 27 Maharashtra 10,510,213 9,006,077 1,504,136 22.5 20.3 37.9 28 Andhra Pradesh 5,918,073 5,232,129 685,944 17.8 12.6 81.9 29 Karnataka 4,248,987 3,429,791 819,196 22.7 16.9 54.7 30 Goa 149,275 87,639 61,636 - - - 31 Lakshadweep # 61,120 13,463 47,657 6.6 -58.2 89.8 32 Kerala 484,839 433,092 51,747 33.1 23.7 265.2 33 Tamil Nadu 794,697 660,280 134,417 22 19.8 34.2 34 Puducherry # NST NST NST NST NST NST 35 A & N Islands # 28,530 26,715 1,815 -3.2 -6.1 79.2 #: Union Teritories 3 List of Tribe with more than 5lakh of population and their usual place of habitation per Census 2001 Tribe Name Population Usual Place of Habitation (State Name) Person Male Female BHIL Tripura , Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Adhya 12689952 6428757 6261195 Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra , Karnataka GOND Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand , Orissa, Chhattisgarh, 10859422 5441476 5417946 Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka SANTAL 5838016 2945209 2892807 Bihar , Tripura , West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand MINA 3800002 1976425 1823577 Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh NAIKDA etc. Karnataka, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Daman & Diu , Dadra & Nagar 3344954 1696530 1648424 Haveli , Maharashtra , Goa ORAON Bihar , West Bengal, Jharkhand , Orissa , Chhattisgarh, 3142145 1580607 1561538 Madhya Pradesh , Maharashtra SUGALIS etc. 2077947 1071589 1006358 Andhra Pradesh MUNDA Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya 1918218 966070 952148 Pradesh , Tripura, Orissa NAGA etc. * 1820965 937444 883521 Nagaland, KHOND 1397384 689330 708054 Bihar , West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa BORO etc. 1352771 682710 670061 Assam KOLI MAHADEV Maharashtra 1227562 625019 602543 etc. KHASI etc. 1138356 564412 573944 Mizoram , Meghalaya, Assam KOL 991400 508920 482480 Orissa , Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh , Maharashtra VARLI Gujarat, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli , Maharashtra, 974916 484893 490023 Karnataka , Goa KOKNA Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra , 926763 466087 460676 Karnataka KAWAR 812770 405524 407246 Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh , Maharashtra HO 806921 401913 405008 Bihar , West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa GUJJAR 799344 418655 380689 Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh KORKU etc. 774196 395334 378862 Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra BHUMIJ 765909 387336 378573 West Bengal, Jharkhand, Orissa GARO Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, West Bengal, 725502 366629 358873 Tripura KOYA 692435 345040 347395 Orissa , Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka ANY MIZO Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam (LUSHAI) TRIBES 667764 334983 332781 etc. HALBA etc. 639094 319254 319840 Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra DHARUA Gujarat , Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Maharashtra, 630469 316877 313592 Karnataka, Goa DUBLA etc. Gujarat , Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Maharashtra , 627599 316502 311097 Goa MISING/MIRI 587310 299790 287520 Assam , Arunachal Pradesh TRIPURI etc. 543848 275784 268064 Tripura RATHAWA 536135 273754 262381 Gujarat , Maharashtra, Karnataka SAHARIA etc. 527015 271471 255544 Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh , Rajasthan 4 5 6 State wise no. of district where the ST population is more than 50% and between 25% to 50 percent as per Census 2011 State Name Total ST Percentage more than Between 25% Population Population of ST 50% ST to 50% ST Popln. Popln. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 01 Jammu & Kashmir 12541302 1493299 11.9 2 3 02 Himachal Pradesh 6864602 392126 5.7 2 1 08 Rajasthan 68548437 9238534 13.5 3 3 11 Sikkim 610577 206360 33.8 1 3 12 Arunachal Pradesh 1383727 951821 68.8 13 3 13 Nagaland 1978502 1710973 86.5 11 0 14 MANIPUR (Excl. 3 2570390 902740 35.1 5 0 Sub-Divisions of Senapati Distt.) 15 Mizoram 1097206 1036115 94.4 8 0 16 Tripura 3673917 1166813 31.8 1 3 17 Meghalaya 2966889 2555861 86.1 7 0 18 Assam 31205576 3884371 12.4 2 5 20 Jharkhand 32988134 8645042 26.2 5 8 21 Odisha 41974218 9590756 22.8 8 6 22 Chhattisgarh 25545198 7822902 30.6 7 6 23 Madhya Pradesh 72626809 15316784 21.1 6 13 24 Gujarat 60439692 8917174 14.8 5 4 26 Dadra & Nagar 343709 178564 52.0 1 0 Haveli 27 Maharashtra 112374333 10510213 9.4 1 3 28 Andhra Pradesh 84580777 5918073 7.0 0 1 31 Lakshadweep 64473 61120 94.8 1 0 35 Andaman & Nicobar 380581 28530 7.5 1 0 Islands Total 90 62 7 2. Basic Amenities Housing Condition (Census – 2011) Total houses Good % having latrine % having houses facility within the separate kitchen premises inside All social groups 246,692,667 53.1 46.9 61.3 ST 23,329,105 40.6 22.6 53.7 Percentage of household having latrine and bathing facility within premises Total Number of Night Number Open Number of Waste number of households soil of defecation households water households having removed household having outlet latrine by s not bathing connected facility human having facility to (Closed within the latrine within the drainage) premises facility premises within the premises All social 246,692,667 46.9 0.3 53.1 49.8 42.0 18.1 groups ST 23,329,105 22.6 0.1 77.4 74.7 17.3 6.1 Households Cooking inside house and the type of fuel used Type of Fuel used for Type of Fuel used for Cooking smoke emanating Cooking non smoke Total number fuel emanating fuel of households Fire-wood/Crop residue/ Kerosene/LPG/PNG/ Cowdung cake/Coal, Lighite, Electricity/No cooking Charcoal (ALL INDIA) (ALL INDIA) All social group 215,412,336 63.99 35.58 ST 20,472,827 87.50 12.00 Percentage of ST households having Bank Account and possessing few durable assets- a comparative picture of ST and All social group Household Tele- Bi- Computer Mobil Both Two Four Households Does'nt s availing vision cycle / Laptop e only (land line wheeler wheeler with TV, have any banking and Computer/ services mobile) Telephone/ mobile phone and Scooter/ Car All social 58.7 47.2 44.8 6.3 53.2 6.0 21.0 4.7 4.6 17.8 group ST 44.98 21.9 36.4 4.4 31.1 1.8 9.0 1.6 1.3 37.3 8 HOUSEHOLDS BY LOCATION OF THE MAIN SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER (Census 2011) Within the premises Near the premises Away All social group 46.6 35.8 17.6 ST 19.7 46.7 33.6 HOUSEHOLDS BY MAIN SOURCE OF DRINKING WATER (Census 2011) Total Number perceived perceived partial perceived non of Households full intervention intervention (Un-covered intervention (untreated tap water, well, Spring, (treated tap covered well, Tube- River/Canal,Tank/ Pond/ water, hand well/ Borehole etc.) Lake, Other sources pump etc.) etc.) All social 246,692,667 65.46 21.62 12.92 group ST 23,329,105 53.82 19.58 26.60 9 3.
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