COUNTRY_NAME UNIVERSITY_NAME POLICY ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA University of Health Sciences Antigua The University of Health Sciences Antigua School of Medicine recognizes ARGENTINA Escuela Superior Técnica del Ejército Elthe Instituto IB program Superior and accordsdel Ejército special permitirá consideration el ingreso for directo students a las presenting carreras ARGENTINA ArgentinoESEADE - Instituto Universitario Poliacuteticade grado que dese reconocimientocursan en la Escuela acadeacutemico Superior Técnica por ESEADE a los graduados 1. ARGENTINA Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires ReconocimientoESEADE, de equivalencias para el ingreso al primer año en la ARGENTINA Instituto(ITBA) Universitario CEMIC ElEscuela Instituto de Universitario Ingeniería. CEMIC permite el ingreso directo en las carreras ARGENTINA International Buenos Aires Hotel & deIBAHRS grado ofreceque en a ella los seestudiantes cursan a aquelloscon Diploma alumnos del Bachillerato que hayan obtenido el ARGENTINA LincolnRestaurant University School College (IBAHRS LaInternacional Lincoln University el libre yCollege directo ofreceingreso crédito a sus universitariociclos lectivos de de hasta International un año ARGENTINA Ott College Elpara Ott el College título o otorgamaterias la eximiciónaprobadas del del examen BI. La Universidadde inglés del ofrece ingreso los a las ARGENTINA Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina carrerasLa Universidad terciarias Católica de Ott Argentina College y establece la posibilidad a partir de promocionardel ingreso al la curso ARGENTINA Universidad Abierta Interamericana Poliacutetica2005 las siguientes de reconocimiento condiciones acadeacutemicopreferenciales de porUNIVERSIDAD ingreso, a ARGENTINA Universidad Argentina de la Empresa LaABIERTA Universidad INTERAMERICANA Argentina de la (UAI) Empresa otorga la admisión sin examen ARGENTINA Universidad Austral Lade Universidadingreso a los Austral candidatos otorga que ingreso hayan directo obtenido en ellas Diploma carreras del de BI grado en los que ARGENTINA Universidad Blas Pascal Laen Universidadella se cursan Blas a los Pascal graduados otorga del la admisióndiploma deldirecta Bachillerato a los candidatos ARGENTINA Universidad de Belgrano queLa Universidad hayan obtenido de Belgrano el Diploma permitirá del Bachillerato el ingreso Internacional.directo a las carreras En virtud de de ARGENTINA Universidad de San Andrés Todogrado postulante que en ella que se hayacursan rendido a los graduados materias del de Bachillerato la escuela secundaria Internacional a ARGENTINA Universidad del CEMA Laseraacute Universidad eximido del deCEMA rendir permitirá el ingreso el ingreso a la Universidad directo a lasde Sancarreras de ARGENTINA Universidad del Salvador Lagrado Universidad que en ella del se Salvador cursan aotorga los alumnos ingreso que directo hayan en obtenidolas carreras el Diploma de ARGENTINA Universidad del Salvador - Campus gradoLa Universidad que en la delmisma Salvador se cursan otorga a losingreso poseedores directo endel las diploma carreras del de BI, de ARGENTINA Universidad"Nuestra Señora Favaloro del Pilar" gradoLa Universidad que en la Favaloromisma se otorga, cursan a los poseedores del diploma del BI, de ARGENTINA Universidad Maimónides Lapara Universidad las Carreras Maimónides de Ingeniería, otorga admisión la admisión directa, directa previa a losentrevista candidatos ARGENTINA Universidad Siglo 21 queLa Universidad hayan obtenido Siglo el 21 Diploma otorga admisióndel BI en directalos colegios a los autorizados en el ARGENTINA Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Lagraduados Universidad con Torcuatoel Diploma Di delTella Bachillerato (UTDT) consideraraacute Internacional que aprobado reúnan lasel AUSTRALIA Academy of Design Australia DoesExamen the de institute Ingreso recognize a Carreras the de IB GradoDiploma a losas aalumnos senior secondaryde Diploma que AUSTRALIA Australian Catholic University Doesmatriculation the institute award? recognize Yes. the IB Diploma as a senior secondary AUSTRALIA Australian Defence Force Academy Thematriculation University award? College Yes, of Thethe universityUniversity acceptsof New Souththe International Wales is AUSTRALIA Australian National University responsibleDoes the university for conducting recognise academic the IB Diplomacourses asat thea senior Australian secondary Defence AUSTRALIA Billy Blue College of Design Australianmatriculation and award? International Yes, the students award ofmay an apply.IB Diploma Please is seerecognised our website as a AUSTRALIA Blue Mountains Hotel School (Leura Bluefor more Mountains information International on courses Hotel and Management the application School process: welcomes AUSTRALIA BondCampus) University Doesapplication the university from IB Diplomarecognize graduates. the IB Diploma In addition, as a senior IB Diploma secondary graduates AUSTRALIA Campion College Australia Doesmatriculation the institute award? recognize Yes, the the IB IB Diploma Diploma Programme as a senior is secondary recognised as a AUSTRALIA Central Queensland University Doesmatriculation the institute award? recognize Yes the IB Diploma as a senior secondary AUSTRALIA Charles Darwin University Doesmatriculation the institute award? recognize Yes, Central the IB Queensland Diploma as aUniversity senior secondary recognises AUSTRALIA Charles Sturt University (CSU) Doesmatriculation the university award? recognize Yes, Charles the IB Darwin Diploma University as a senior welcomes secondary matriculation award? Yes AUSTRALIA Curtin University Does the institute recognize the IB Diploma as a senior secondary AUSTRALIA Deakin University Doesmatriculation the university award? recognize Yes, IB Diploma the IB Diploma candidates as a are senior welcome secondary to apply to AUSTRALIA Edith Cowan University Doesmatriculation the university award? recognize Yes, Deakin the IBUniversity Diploma accepts as a senior IB Diploma secondary AUSTRALIA Flinders University Doesmatriculation the university award? recognize Yes, ECU the recognises IB Diploma the as award a senior as meetingsecondary the AUSTRALIA Griffith University Doesmatriculation the university award? recognize Yes, applicants the IB Diplomato Flinders as Universitya senior secondary who are the AUSTRALIA International College of Hotel Doesmatriculation the institute award? recognize Yes, Griffith the IB University Diploma aswelcomes a senior applications secondary from AUSTRALIA InternationalManagement College of Management, Doesmatriculation the institute award? recognize YesDetails: the IB ICHM Diploma prepares as a seniorstudents secondary for AUSTRALIA JamesSydney Cook University Doesmatriculation the institute award? recognize Yes the IB Diploma as a senior secondary AUSTRALIA La Trobe University Doesmatriculation the institute award? recognize Yes. James the IB Cook Diploma University as a senior (JCU) secondary accepts AUSTRALIA Macquarie University Doesmatriculation the university award? recognize Yes, the IBthe is IB welcome Diploma and as aaccepted senior secondary at La Trobe AUSTRALIA Melbourne Institute of Business and Doesmatriculation the institute award? recognize Yes, the the IB IB Diploma Diploma Programme as a senior is secondary accepted by AUSTRALIA TechnologyMonash University Doesmatriculation the institute award? recognize Yes, the the IB IB Diploma Diploma Programme as a senior is secondary accepted by the AUSTRALIA Murdoch University Doesmatriculation the institute award? recognize YesMonash the IB University Diploma asis aa globalsenior universitysecondary with AUSTRALIA Queensland Institute of Business and Queenslandmatriculation Instituteaward? ofYesDetails: Business Murdochand Technology University (QIBT) welcomes extend a warm AUSTRALIA TechnologyQueensland University of Technology welcomeDoes the touniversity all International recognize Baccalaureate the IB Diploma (IB) as Diploma a senior Programme secondary AUSTRALIA Raffles College of Design and Commerce Applicationsmatriculation areaward? welcomed YesDetails: from Australian Queensland and University international of Technology students. AUSTRALIA Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology DoesPlease the see institute this website recognize for more the IB information Diploma as on a howsenior to apply:secondary AUSTRALIA S(RMIT) P Jain School of Global Management matriculationDoes the institute award? recognize Yes the IB Diploma as a senior secondary AUSTRALIA SkillsTech Australia SkillsTechmatriculation Australia award? extends Yes a warm welcome to all International AUSTRALIA Southern Cross University DoesBaccalaureate the institute (IB) recognize Diploma Programmethe IB Diploma students as a senior and encourages secondary you to AUSTRALIA Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE Formatriculation entry to all award? Certificate Yes, andSouthern Diploma Cross programs University at the recognises Southern the IB AUSTRALIA Swinburne University of Technology DoesQueensland the university Institute recognize of TAFE, theapplicants IB Diploma must as meet a senior following secondary minimum AUSTRALIA Sydney Institute of Business and SIBTmatriculation accept theaward? IB Diploma Yes graduates with a score of 21 or above to gain AUSTRALIA TAFETechnology Queensland (SIBT) Brisbane TAFEentry intoQueensland the SIBT BrisbaneDiploma. extends a warm welcome to all International AUSTRALIA The Bremer Institute of TAFE ForBaccalaureate entry to all Certificate(IB) Diploma and Programme Diploma programs students atand The encourages Bremer Institute you to AUSTRALIA
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