RESEARCHES IN LANDSCAPE AND ORNAMENTAL PLANTS EDITOR PROF.DR. MURAT ZENCİRKIRAN Researches In Landscape And Ornamental Plants • 2 Ġmtiyaz Sahibi / Publisher • Gece Kitaplığı Genel Yayın Yönetmeni / Editor in Chief • Doç. Dr. Atilla ATİK Kapak & İç Tasarım / Cover & Interior Design • Didem Semra KORKUT Sosyal Medya / Social Media • Arzu Betül ÇUHACIOĞLU Birinci Basım / First Edition • © Aralık 2019 Yayıncı Sertifika No: 15476 ISBN • 978-625-7958-27-1 © copyright Bu kitabın yayın hakkı Gece Kitaplığı’na aittir. Kaynak gösterilmeden alıntı yapılamaz, izin almadan hiç bir yolla çoğaltılamaz. Gece Akademi Gece Kitaplığının yan kuruluşudur. Copyright © 2019 by Gece Kitaplığı All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission from the publisher. Gece Akademi is a subsidiary of Gece Kitaplığı. Gece Kitaplığı / Gece Publishing ABD Adres / USA Address: 387 Park Avenue South, 5th Floor, New York, 10016, USA Telefon / Phone: +1 347 355 10 70 Türkiye Adres / Turkey Address: Kocatepe Mah. Mithatpaşa Caddesi No: 44/C Çankaya / Ankara / TR Telefon / Phone: +90 312 431 34 84 +90 555 888 24 26 web: www.gecekitapligi.com e-mail: [email protected] Baskı & Cilt / Printing & Volume Sertifika / Certificate No: 42539 3 • Murat Zencirkıran, Elvan Ender Altay, Gamze Altun Researches In Landscape And Ornamental Plants • 4 RESEARCHES IN LANDSCAPE AND ORNAMENTAL PLANTS EDITOR PROF.DR. MURAT ZENCİRKIRAN CONTENTS PREFACE ........................................................................................................ 7 CHAPTER: 1 A RESEARCH ON ATTRACTIVE FLOWERED EXOTIC WOODY LANDSCAPE PLANT SPECIES USED IN URBAN GREEN SPACES IN BURSA ........................................................................ 9 Murat ZENCĠRKIRAN, Elvan Ender ALTAY, Gamze ALTUN ................. 9 CHAPTER: 2 DEVELOPMENT OF NEW VARIETIES FROM TURKEYS ENDEMIC SPECIES – Fritillaria michailovskyi FOMIN ..... 27 Meral ASLAY, H. Murat ÜNLÜ, Zakine KADIOĞLU, Serdar TUNCER, Erdal KAYA ............................................................................................... 27 CHAPTER: 3 UNUSUAL AESTHETIC: CHANGING THE CRITERIA FOR ORNAMENTAL PLANTS SELECTION IN LANDSCAPE .......... 49 Mohammad Mehrabani GOLZAR, Feran AġUR, ġevket ALP .................. 49 CHAPTER: 4 EVALUATION OF BESIKTAS ABBASAGA PARK PLANTS IN THE CONTEXT OF ECOLOGICAL TOLERANCE CRITERIA .................................................................................................... 63 Doğanay YENER, Mesut GÜZEL .............................................................. 63 CHAPTER: 5 USAGE OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS FOR PHYTOREMEDIATION ............................................................................. 83 Betül GÜMÜġ, Makbule BAYRAK, Hakan ÇELĠK .................................. 83 Researches In Landscape And Ornamental Plants • 6 CHAPTER: 6 SOIL DRENCH OF FLURPRIMIDOL AND ANCYMIDOL TREATMENTS AFFECT PLANT HEIGHT OF TULIP (Tulipa cv. ‘Saigon’) ................................................................................... 109 Sevim DEMĠR, Fisun Gürsel ÇELĠKEL .................................................. 109 CHAPTER: 7 MINERAL ANALYSIS OF COMMERCIALIZED HERBAL TEAS IN TURKEY .................................................................. 131 Hacer Sibel KARAPINAR, Fevzi KILIÇEL ............................................ 131 CHAPTER: 8 EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT PGPR FORMULATIONS ON COMPACT FORM OF POINSETTIA (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch.) .................................................................................... 139 Fazilet PARLAKOVA KARAGÖZ, Atilla DURSUN ............................. 139 CHAPTER: 9 DETERMINATION BY USING DIFFERENT EQUATIONS OF CHLOROPHYLL CONTENTS OF NATURALLY GROWN OLD GARDEN ROSES (ROSA ssp.) IN VAN, TURKEY ..... 167 Füsun GÜLSER, ġevket ALP .................................................................. 167 CHAPTER: 10 THE EFFECTS OF EPIBRASSINOLIDE AND SOME OTHER PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS ON MICROPROPAGATION OF Limonium sinuatum (L.) Mill. ................ 179 Leyla EKEN, Merve KABAKCI, Ismail DAYAR, Uğur ġĠRĠN, Mustafa Ercan ÖZZAMBAK ................................................................................. 179 CHAPTER: 11 NATURAL GARDEN DESIGN ..................................... 197 Doğanay YENER, Nilüfer SEYĠDOĞLU AKDENĠZ ............................. 197 7• Murat Zencirkıran, Elvan Ender Altay, Gamze Altun PREFACE In recent years, landscape and ornamental plants trade and their used reached great economic value and started to be named as a sector. In parallel with the increase in the acceleration of this sector, scientific researches, congresses and dissemination tools have been developed in the same direction. In our country, a large number of studies are carried out and finalized in the fields of landscape and ornamental plants, especially universities and research institutes. It is of utmost importance that the studies carried out and the projects finalized are shared internationally and communicated to those concerned. In this context, in order to enable the sharing of the results obtained from the studies, an international book study named ―RESEARCHES IN LANDSCAPE AND ORNAMENTAL PLANTS― was put forward and a platform was created where all researchers could come together. This book series, which is thought to be published once a year, has a total of 11 chapters in which researchers from different countries are present as authors. I wish the work will be useful to all stakeholders. Prof.Dr. Murat Zencirkıran CHAPTER: 6 SOIL DRENCH OF FLURPRIMIDOL AND ANCYMIDOL TREATMENTS AFFECT PLANT HEIGHT OF TULIP (Tulipa cv. ‘Saigon’) Sevim Demir*1, Fisun Gürsel Çelikel1 ABSTRACT In this study, the effect of flurprimidol and ancymidol as soil drench on plant height of tulip (Tulipa cv. ‗Saigon‘) grown in pots were investigated. When plants were 7-10 cm tall, 0, 1, 2 mg/pot flurprimidol and 0, 0.5, 1 mg/pot ancymidol were applied as soil drench. Effect of gibberellin inhibitor treatments on the time of flowering, leaf length, plant height, flower life and diameter, chlorophyll content of leaves were determined. In addition, after tulips were grown in pots in the greenhouse arrived at the sales stage to determine the changes that occur in the plant height, plants were taken to the laboratory which was temperature held constant at 20°C. The shortest plant height was obtained from the 1 mg/pot ancymidol treatment with 13.9 cm and were 34% shorter than control (21.1 cm). Flurprimidol and ancymdiol shortened leaf lenght and there was no difference among applications for flower life. The gibberellin inhibitor treatments were resulted higher chlorophyll content per unit area in the leaves. The highest chlorophyll contetnt was obtained from the 1 mg/pot ancymidol treatment with 80.98 CCI, while the control was 59.33 CCI. The effects of treatments on plant height has been preserved in conditions laboratuary (home-office). Keywords: Ancymidol, flurprimidol, plant height, soil drench, tulip * [email protected] 1 Ondokuz Mayis University, Agricultural Faculty, Department of Horticulture, Ata- kum, Samsun-TURKEY Researches In Landscape And Ornamental Plants • 110 TOPRAK ISLATMA ġEKLĠNDE FLURPRĠMĠDOL VE ANYCMĠDOL UYGULAMALARININ LALE (Tulipa cv. ‘Saigon’) ÇĠÇEĞĠNDE BĠTKĠ BOYUNA ETKĠLERĠ ÖZET Bu çalıĢmada kültür çeĢidi (Tulipa cv. ‗Saigon‘) lale çiçeğinin saksıda yetiĢtiriciliğinde toprak ıslatma Ģeklinde uygulanan flurprimidol ve ancymidolün bitki boyu üzerine olan etkileri incelenmiĢtir. Serada saksılı olarak yetiĢtiriciliği yapılan ‗Saigon‘ çiçeklerine bitki boyunun yaklaĢık 7-10 cm olduğu dönemde 0, 1, 2 mg/saksı dozlarında flurprimidol ve 0, 0.5, 1 mg/saksı dozlarında ancymidol uygulamaları toprak ıslatma Ģeklinde yapılmıĢtır. Uygulanan giberellin inhibitörlerinin çiçeklenme zamanı, bitki boyu, yaprak boyu, çiçek ömrü ve çapı ile yaprakların klorofil içeriği üzerine olan etkileri incelenmiĢtir. Ayrıca yapılan uygulamaların üretim sonrası (ev-ofis) koĢullardaki etkisini belirleyebilmek amacıyla, serada yetiĢtirilen laleler satıĢ aĢamasına geldikleri dönemde sıcaklığı 20°C‘de olan laboratuvar ortamına alınıp burada ölçümlere devam edilmiĢtir. Yapılan uygulamalar sonucunda en kısa bitki boyu 1 mg/saksı ancymidol uygulamasından elde edilmiĢ, bitki boyu 13.9 cm ile kontrole (21.1 cm) göre %34 oranında daha kısa olmuĢtur. Flurprimidol ve ancymidol uygulamalarının yapıldığı bitkilerden daha kısa yaprak boyu elde edildiği, çiçek ömrü açısından ise uygulamalar arasında bir fark olmadığı tespit edilmiĢtir. Ayrıca giberellin inhibitörlerinin yapraklarda birim alandaki klorofil miktarını arttırdığı belirlenmiĢtir. En yüksek klorofil içeriği 80.98 CCI ile 1 mg/saksı ancymidol uygulamasında tespit edilmiĢ, kontrol bitkilerinde ise 59.33 CCI olarak saptanmıĢtır. Uygulamaların üretim sonrası (ev-ofis) koĢullardaki etkisi devam etmiĢtir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ancymidol, bitki boyu, flurprimidol, lale, toprak ıslatma 111• Sevim Demir, Fisun Gürsel Çelikel INTRODUCTION Tulipa species are from the Liliaceae family (Van Raamsdonk and De Vries, 1995), very important ornamental plants (McDaniel, 1990). Tulipa flowers are used as cut flowers due to their long flower stems and outdoor ornamental plants. In addition, Tulipa species are also used as potted plants for indoors. However, it is important to have knowledge about growing techniques of indoor plants such as plant height control especi-
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