fh.a..c,4,r" tt.c. ~ . .I lw~ jOWL ~u/f ~"Z;, ( A. ., 0 ",l O'¥U.. ! ) ~ rt.c. J #f 6 7 8; t, / ,;.y>y'7. / - +~~ OLD EUGLISHBIBLIOGRAPHY ."' :.~1968 . ,, l will be grateful if re aders -will call my at tention _to .any omissions or inaccurACies thP.y .mliy notice in the , biblioe;Ta.P1:-J~_·_:· r . Respectfully submitted, r:~·q:. R~~~-:i Fred C ~ .Robinson, Chairman !lesearch and Bibliography Committee . HISCELLANEOUS Bessinger ·, J. B. (with -S. J. Kahrl). OE Newsletter, Vol. II, no. 1 (December, 1968). [Prepared and mimeographed at New York _University.] . Kpssick,' -Shirley. ".An Introductory Note to the study of OE, II UNISA Erw:lish ·· Studies [ Bulletin_of the Dept. of Engli~h, Univ. of South . Africa, Praetoria], I (1968), 72-75. LElementary .remarks about beginning the study of OE-.] Ogilvy, J. ·n. ·A. Books Known to the En lish 9'7-1066 (Cambridge, f.1ass., 1967). REV: I\fortoi:i W. Bloomfield, Speculum 63 1968 , .529-30. · • . Or:rick, Allan H.; ed. Nordica et .Anglica: Studies in Hondr of Stefan Einarsson (The Hague, 1968). LCited below as "Nordica et An.dica. "] · · Robins .on, Fred C. "OE Rese arch i n .Progress, ·1967-1968,°" NM, -69 '(1968), 472- 487. Thrupp, Sylvia L., ed. Early i'Ied~ieval Society (New York, 1967). [Reprints of various essay~ including ·'some touching -on Anglo-Saxon society. 260 pp.] Tinkler, John. "OE in Rohan," Tolk i en and the Critics, ed. Neil D. Isaacs and Rose A Zimbado (Notre Danie, 1968), pp. 164-69. · \'liley, Raymond A. "Four Unpublfshed Letters . of Jakob Grimm to John Mitchell Kemble, 1832-1840," JEGP, 67 (·1968), 475-84, MISCELLANEOUSLITERARY · Bessinger, J.B. (withs. J ;: Kahrl) • .Essential Articles for the ) Study of OE Poe tr:v (Hamden, c·onn. , 1968). : - · . Brodeur, Arthur G. "A Study of Dict:ion and Style in Three Anglo-Saxon Narrative Poems," inNordica et Anglica, pp. 98-114. fAndrea~, Judith, and -~xodus.] Bullard, I/Ja.rcia. "Some Objections to the Formulaic · Theb!'y of the Coniposition of Anglo-Saxon Nar'rative Poetry," Bulletin of the Roqky Mountain MLA,- 21 (1967), 11-16. · · Fry, Donald K. "OE Formulaic Themes and Type-Scenes~" Ne.ophil., 52 (1968), 48- 54. Robinson, Fred c. ''The Significance of . Names in OE Literature," An,glia, ' 86 (1968), 14-58. --- .. -----· "Some Uses of Name-meanings in OE Poetry, 11 NM, 69 (1968), ~161.:.7i~ Schirmer, Walter F. Geschichte der ·'englischen und amerikanischen Litcr at i1r von ~ --- ­ - ~-- OE BIBLIOGRAPHY1968 den Anfan e:q_'l2j,~ zur Gegenwart. 5th rev. ed.,in collaboration with Arno Esch Tubingen, 1968). LOElit. discussed pp. 3-44.] Stando p, Ewald. "Alt- und mittelenglische Literatur," in Endfache Liter atur­ ,geschichte by Ewald Standop and Edgar Mertne:t (Heidelberg, 1967-); pp. 11-60 • . Suzuki, Shigetake. OE Poetry: Elegy (Tokyo, 1967). Pp. 117. REV: Martin Lehnert, ZAA, 16 (1968), 291. HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL Andersen, Per Sveaas. "England, Norrnannerne og Europe: Nyforskning omkrin g et klassisk problem," Historisk tidsskrift, 46 (1967), 308-22. [Discus ses recent books by Barlow, lG:h:ner,' Whitelock, et al. on the Norman Conquest.] Barb, ·Alphons Augustinus. "Die Blutsegen von Fulda und London," in Fachliteratur des Nittelalters: Fest schrift fur Gerhard Eis (Stuttgart, 1968), pp. 485-93. Bersu, Gerhard. "The Vikin gs in the Isle of Nan," Jour. of the I•1a.nx Museum, 7, no. 84 (1968), 83-88. Biddle, Nartin. "Archaeology and the History of British Towns," Antiquity, 42 ( 1968), 109-16. Bruce- Mitford, R.L.S. "Sutton Hoo Excavations, 1965-7," Antiq uity, 42 (1968), · 36-39 • • "Sutt op Hoo Revisited," Illus. L~ndon ifows, 4 Nov. 1967, 26-28. · -----. The Sutton Hoo Ship . Burial, A Handbook . Rev. ed. (British Nuse~, 1968) • Pp. 85 • • Burford, J. W. "A Saxon Wall at Brixworth, 11 Jour. of .the British Archaeol. Associ.', 30 (1967 ) , 47~ . _C.haney, -Wi ll i am-A~__l!_.T-hee-&eya-l- Role -1.-n- t he- Conversion <:>f- Errglllfid, 11-Jour. ~-of-Cnur ch and Sta.te, 9 (1967) ;· 317-31. Chapl ais, Pier r e. "Some Early Anglo-Saxon Diplomas on Single Sheets: Origi nal s or Copie s? " .J our. pf t he Soc. of Antiqu aries, 3 (1968), 315-36. Chelini, Jean. His t cire reli gieuse de l'occident Nedi 6val (Paris, 1968). (Anglo- Saxons discus sed p·p. 69-70, 85-86, 89, 120-25, et passim. J Cooper, Janet. "The Dates of the Bishops of Durham in ·the First Half of the Elev enth Century," DUJ, 60 (1968), 131-37. Crawford, Jane. "St. Bertellin of Stafford," Downside Review, 86 (1968 ), 56- 67. Derol ez, Rene. "La divination chez les Gerrnains," in La divination. Etu des recueillies par A. Caquot et M. Lubovici (Paris, 1968), pp. 257-302. [I nclu des disc ussion of OE ~aldor, heller'l.!!12,. hlot, witega, etc. J Dolley, R. H. M. "A Case of Die-Theft at or about t he J\'Jill enium," §pi nk ' s Numis­ matic Cir cular, 76 (1968), 36. Evison, Vera I. "The Dover Ring-Sword and other Sword-R:i,;ngsan d Beads, 11 Archaeolo ,gi a , 101 (1967), 63-188, with 8 plates. 11 11 ----,--· A Sword f r om the Thames at Wallingford Bridge, Archaeol. Jcu r ., 124 (1967), 160-89. - Finberg, H.P. R. 11Some Crediton Documents re-examined, with some obser.vatio ns on the criticism of Anglo-Saxon Charters, 11 Antiquaries Jour., 48 (1968), 59-86 . Forbes, K. G. "The Codford Saxon Carving," Wiltshire Archae ol. and Natural HH1t~ Soc. Magazi ne, 62 ( 1967), 34-37. · ·--- Gil be rt, Edwar d. "The Church of St. Laurence, Bradford-on-Avon," Wiltsh:! .re Arehaeol. and Natural Hist. Soc. Magazine, 62 (1967), 38-50. -.------ .--- Gneuss, Helmut. · See below under "Hymns." · · -3- OLD ENGLISH BIBLIOGRAPHY J.968 Hill, D. "The Burghal Hidage," Proc. of the Somersetshire Archaeol. and Nat ural Hist. Soc., 111 (1967), 64-66. Hollister~ C. Warren. "1066: The 'Feudal Revolution,'" AHR,. 73 (1968 ) , 70'3-23~ Jones, Gwyn. A Histo~ of the Vikings (London ;· 1968). Pp.504. [Anglo-S axon Engl and discussed passim. J . · . Katzenellenbogen, Adolf; "The Image of Christ in the Early ~,iddle Ages," in 1if e .sDcs!. ( Thought in the Early Middle Ages, ed. Robert S. Hqyt ('Minneapolis, 1967), pp. 66-84. Knocker, G.' M. "Excavations at ·Red Castle, Thetford LNorfolk], 11 Norfolk Archaeolo ;:,;y 34 (1967), 119-86. Lauer, Hans Hugo. 11Zur Beurteilung . tles Arabismus in der Medizin des mittelalterlic hen Engiands," Sudhoff' s Archiv fur Geschichte der FJedizin, 51 (1967), 326-48. Loyn, H. R. The Norman Conquest. 2nd rev. ed. (Hutchinson -Univ. Library, 1968.) [Also available in paperback. 212pp., .2 maps, tables.] . Pearson, K. A_• ."The Church in England before the Norman _Conquest," Battle and Dis tr i ~i Hist Soc. Trans., 16 (1966-67), 6-13. Porter, H. M. 'The Saxon Conquest .of Somerset and Devon (Bath and Somerset, 1967). Prestwich, J. O. "King ,Ethelhere and the Battle of Winwarl, 11 EHR, 83 (196-8), 89- 95. Raw, Barbara. "The Archer, the Eagle and the Lamb," Jour. of th e Warburg and Courtauld 30 ( 1967), 391-94 • . , t Rice, David Talbot. "The Iconography of the Langforc;l Rood," in Melanges offerts a Rene Crozet, ed. Pierre : Gallais and Yves-Jean Riou, I (Poitiers, 1966), pp. 169- 71. LUnusual depiction of Christ with long-sleeved robe said to be copied fro m Ottonian, ultimately ·Syrian, . models.] Richardson, H. G. and G. O. Sayles. Law and Legislation from £thelbert to Magna Carta. 0 Edinbu:rgh UI].iv. Publications, History, Philosophy and Economics, No• . 20 (Edinburh, 1966)! Lsee .esp. pp. 1-29, 157-69.] . Savelb, K. F. "[Anglo-Saxon Royal Power and the Tendency for it to Gain Strength in the Epoch of King Alfred}," in Vestnik Leningrads k ogo Univer si teta, 1967, no. 8 . Istoriia , Iazyk, Literatura, Vypusk 2, pp. 67-:,;5. [In Rus s ian, with English sum.:-i12.r y . ~ Sawyer; PeterH~ Anglo-Saxon Charters: An Annotated List and Bibliogra h. Royal Hi s torical Soc. Guides and HandbooNs, No. 8 London, 1968. Pp. xii+ 538. [Lists all charters purporting to be pre-.Conquest which grant land or secular ri ghts over land.] REV: TLS, 9 May 1968, p. 482. · ', · • ·· · · Schne~der, _Karl. "Six OE Runic Inscriptions Reconsidered, 11 !:fordica et · Apglic~, pp. · 37-52. LDeals with scanoinodu-coin, the Chessel Down and Gilton inscription s , t he Derbyshire Bone-Plate, the Coquet Island Ring, and the British Museum_iEoered Ri ng . J -----· "Runische Inschriftzeugnisse zum Stieropferkult der Angelsachse: n , ';' Festschrift fur Edgar Nertner, ed. B. Fabian and U. ~uerbaum (.Munich, 1963) , pp. 9-54 (t 4 plates). LDeals with the Thames ~fe, Sandwich B. inscription, the n .n~.n rings of Greymoor Hill/Kingmoor, Bramham Moor, and Westengland, and the Tha~e s Bronze Mount.] Smart, V• . J. "Moneyers of the Late Anglo-Saxon Coinage _ 973-1016, ~' Comment3 tio ne:9-_Q.f:.. nummis Saeculorum IX - XI in Suecia reporti~ . Kungl. Vett. Akad8mi. hand l u..11.gaT Antikv. Ser. 19, pp. 193-276. Talbot, C. H. Medicine in Medieva L England . ( Oxford, 1968). Turner, Ralph V. "The Origins of the 1'1edieval English Jury; Frankish, English, o:::­ Scandinavian?" Jour. of British Studies, 7 (1968), 1-10. Vierck, "Bemerkungen zum Verlaufsweg firmisch-angelsachsischer Bezie hungen im sechsten Jahrhundert, 11 Suomen Museo, 74 (1967), 54-63. Whitelock, Dorothy. "Wulfstan Cantor and Anglo-Saxon Law," Nordica et .Anglic <'o, ~np . 33- 92. ·---· - - Wilson, David M. "The Vikings' Relationship with Christianity in Northern Engl a...-1d ," Jour. of the British Archaeol. As soc., 30 (1967), 37-46. · Zupko, Ronald Edward. A Dictionary of English _ Weights and Mea sures fro m- A'.'.'.gl 0- ~c,.X_Qg ~ (Madison, Wisc., 1968).
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