NYE COUNTY AGENDA INFORMATION FORM IX] Action (J Presentation 0 Presentation & Action Department: Emergency Management A2enda Date: Category: Consent Agenda Item February 5, 2008 Contact: Brent Jones IPhone: 775-727-2456 IContinued from meeting of: Return to: I Location: I Phone: Action requested: (Include what, with whom, when, where, why, how much ($) and tenns) Approval to accept a contract between Nye County Emergency Services and DirecTV. Installation ofthe receivers was approved and paid for out ofthe Emergency Services budget, at a total of$2,463. The monthly service charge is $56.94 and is budgeted. Complete description ofrequested action: (Include, ifapplicable, background, impact, long-tenn commitment, existing county policy, future goals, obtained by competitive bid, accountability measures) Use ofthese services with DirecTV allows Emergency Services to remain informed ofcurrent situations across the country. These channels also help Emergency Services plan and prepare for any situations/emergencies that may anse. Any information provided after the agenda is published or during the meeting ofthe Commissioners will require you to provide 20 copies: one for each Commissioner, one for the Clerk, one for the District Attorney, one for the Public and two for the County Manager. Contracts or documents requiring signature must be submitted with three original copies. Expenditure Impact by FY(s): (Provide detail on Financial Fonn) Monthly fee is budgeted in the Emergency Services budget. [J No fmancial impact Routine: & Approval (Sign & Date) 1. Dept Date 6. IDate 2. Date 7.HR Date Date 8. Legal Date 4. Date 9. Finance Date 5. Date 10. County Manager C!f(w'/B1Place on Agenda Board ofCounty Commissioners Action l:1 Approved l:1 Disapproved I l:1 Amended as follows: I /"'). .. 1/ Clerk of the Board Date I ITEM I "'l~ AGENDA FINANCIAL FORM Agenda Item No.: 1. Department Name: Emergency Services 2. Financial Contact Person: Tammy Otero 3. Personnel Contact Person ------------- Direct Phone 4. Was the Budget Director consulted during the completion ofthis form (Y or N )? No 5. Does this item require a budget adjustment to be made (Y or N)? No 6. Account Number Data: (Complete for all revenue and expenditure lines and for all fiscal years that are impacted. Budgeted: ¥=¥es, N=No, A=Absorbed in budget (state how under "Comments" section below.) FY Budgeted Fund Dept # Function Object $ Amount 08 Y 101 1700 532 31-11 $56.94 7. Comments: Completed by: _M_M_o_l_t_fo_r_B_r_e_nt~J_o_n_e_s Date: January 22,2008 Signature NYE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: February 5, 2008 File No: Staff Recommendation: Approval to accept a contract between Nye County Emergency Services and DirectTV. Prepared By: MMolt for Brent Jones GENERAL INFORMATION SUMMARY Agenda Item: Approval to accept a contract for services between Nye County Emergency Services and DirecTV. Use of these services with DirecTV will enable Emergency Services to remain informed of current situations across the country. It will also help Emergency Services plan and prepare for any situations/emergencies that may arise. Requested Action: Approve attached contract. RECOMMENDATION/FINDINGS APPLICABLE REGULATIONS RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Attachments: cc: R.C. Communications 5340 Cameron Street # 15 Las Vegas. NV 89118 Tel.: 702-795-8787 Invoice Fax: 702·795-4481 Invoic:e# 832 775-910-1003 Date 10/212007 Page 1 Sold To Nye County Emergency Services Ship To Nye County Emergency Services 250 N. Hwy 160 Suite 7 250 N. Hwy 160 Suite 7 Pahrump, Nevada B9060 Pahrump, Nevada 89060 - ,, C...__PO__# T_enn__s s_al_es_per_so_n S_hi_p_v_ia Sbip_"_D_a_te F_,_O_.B_, ) C.O.D. Bob Covarrubias 10/212007 '. .fte~' '. 'O~lat'l~j~y 'Ol'l~t Des~riptf<m' TX unii',Prf.ee - - 'Am6-unt . ~___ .,~ " •. :·M' ... -, 'I .,' -'-:Ij, _ _-,- 0- • ......:1 _ ~~~ \1~5~'L.- L\1'~O \ $2,463.00 Comments Thank You For Your Businass... $0.00 $0.00 $2,463.00' $0.00 $2,463.00 12/06/2807 13:68 71327954481 RC COMMUNICATIONS PAGE 61 ( Private Office Viewing lJ Ordennglnsbuctions DIRECTV FOR IUSINESSft Private Office VIeWing: DtREc;rve programming that is viewed in areas not ac:ee8Sible to the public or clientele, do not include common areas and food 8I'1d drinks are not sold tOr fl'lm.ediate consumption. Examples include oIfic8s and conf.-ence rooms. Select the programming that you wish 10 receive by completing the appropriate entries on 1 the Private Office Viewing Order. Fonn. Sign the Order FG~rm, Commercial 'lrewing Agreement and Customer Information Form. You or your authorized Commercial Dealer should forward the fodQWing paperwork and 2 payment (as appliCable) 10 DIRECTV: CI Private Qffioe Vrewing Order Form (Pages 7). o DIREClV Commercial Vrewing Agmement (Pages 8 &9). a Commercial Customer Information Fcnn (Pages 10). Q Payment by check, VISA, MasterCard, Optima, American Express or Discover Card. ( u.s. Mail Overnight DeliVery DIRECTV Business 88m. Center DIRECTV BU8I....ftervk:e Center P.O. Box 53$2 , 50S NW 1fr7'" street MiamI, FL 33152-5392 Miami, FL 33169 Phone: 1-888·200-4388 FAX: 1.aoo..933-4631 3 Call the DJREClV Business Service Center at 1-888-200-4388 tds activate your account. For services that do not require advance payment, you will receive a statement within 10 days of your initial account authoriZation. Once we have received all of the requested materials, jrn;luding prepayment when required, your account will be established automatrcaDy with-in 24 hOUrS. ~I... note that muffipreJ:eqWers a~&on the .....e~~nt mutt oW conttntl9U1y CODnectId to tbespre Isnd-basedJZborre line to rec.eim SporlllJH'W.fi1rnR!fnq ... B,. mirror programming. .... F'logrammil1l. prIc:Ing. femlIllI1d ~ UIjf:d IP dIIInge........ _ Pliljji_liI'i1!1 ~ -.,. ~~.may very in AI_a and HnIaIi. 02007 DIRECTV, Jnc.I;lIREcrv atld ttIe ~ DaIgnIogo ed heIM'MI.ot , ItIC:- ( P-sJe l' of 10 12/06/2007 13:08 7027954481 RC COMMUNICATIONS PAGE 02 I!J DIRECTve PRIVATE OFFICE VIEWING DIRECTV PACKAGES AND RATES FOR BUSINESS" Access to DIRECTV HD progranfJrnit,g l'€(p.dras C3 DIRECTV HD ReG']! 'er, HD televisIon cq~JiPI11'.?~1t an(l ~n HD Access tee of 510.99 per rnmlt;~, OFFICE CHOICe- Our I'/'iOllf ~I ~tIf~ iilbmation and (lJ.taRlfJlefltoorp9YOU_~S:t8p aheatf of~compeli'­ tion. The OFFICE CHOIce-package Jndudes ~ buIiness netwcHhs sudlar CNN. CNBC, Fax News~~TeIeYision. TheweatfIer Channel ~ morel A&E(H01 Q'lIC ABC Family ~Ctwnrl Amel1C1l1't MOllie 0..". CAMe) Sd-R ChInIM (li0") Animal PI8net (HO") SdImltcr.nnel (HO") SBC An'leI'ica Sfld\ 111lI Big Ten NlItwu~ (HO") 80IIlPnIIt -me SIOgr.lphy Ch:n1IlI BplIIItlV SJ8dc 91IeIfa1nmenl T~ (SET) 8pcR1Suu1\' SJQOfllDerg T.le\IiIlon ~nWGN Boomerq TCT~ etP:t(H)") TBS(HO') carcoon ~ (HD") TNT(HD") CNBC(HD") Toon~ CNOCWorIcf ~CI--' CNN (HD") ~B1""""lIflk1t\111i)J'k Comedy Carmi T~ C'-Ic:MOIIIIS (TGM) CounlI)' Mush: TellIVlIIon TV GYdlt ChannlI Court TV TVlJInd C·$P'AN TV OM Co$PAN2 UnIIIfIian CurreMTV USA~(HO") DiSOOWIIY ChannIII (HOO) \'H1 018OClVe1Y HD ThMI!r(HD") vma-lc ( DillOO\"efY Keellh (:hann!I The \'\WIer et.-l,Htl") DitCOUel'J ..~ flWS .".,....(HD? DiSCOVtl'J Kids t:hmulel """"'"'...... Moo1hIy Fee••••••.••.$67.99 Annuf.l Fee.••..••.•.ssIS..oo OFFICE ENTERTAINWIEN'r' A gnS choice rorin-otJiceenterl8inmenl Peifect forthe mecr. and ~ industries, this ~ focu8es on enlBltainment prog.amming while _n pnMdlng key ~ 8ndlllb,,""" c:t.tane.... ME (/'to,? IJi!lCOllery Hell*' C*-nneI 1lIlt ItIfOtJ ChInneJ (l1o, Sd-FI ChtmneIltfD') ABC Family IJisnl!yCft8IwIel (Eatand W!sI) Hum8 & G8nIen T....(HD") $tll'IlB TV Amen*, Mo\ie C1enica (AMe) EI Entmllmlentteletrilicln Hame SfIapp/fIg ~ , TBS (HD") Animllt Planet (HOI) Foocf NaMOl1t (HO") 'Rle L.mJngChlnnet (tLC) (W") TNT (HI')") ElSC ArherfCe FOK MIMe CJlamer UI'I!IIIM Toon Diwley BIa~ EI ilefl8inlnenl Tete¥iIiOn (BET) FcJrI( ......ChBmd MSNBO Twner CIIMir: McMI!Il BloombelV TeleVision FUR M1V (Tal) B~ (HD") FX (HD") MTW 1VlcnI CeltOOn NelWoIIt (HD") G4 vIdeDgIme lY NallDnaI GIoyiaplllCCl*lnel (PC") 1'Vone ComMyC8llnd G8IaviSiOo NllWu-JlM~ at Nile (EaIIJ UnMIIon Country MUIIc TefnIsIon GOO TV Nh:heIudeul...,.,litf(iIe ~ USA NIIIMxtI (HD"1 OlaCOVllfy Channel (HO,? GrellAmeIleIn ClU1Cry NIl:llfOafS Nelwortl VH1 QSN; the ~tot,.,... QVC Fcc••••••.••..$44.99 ~ , .$539.00 0f1~ for iJl,.()1ft:e-enfertainment Perfect for the medta encf c:onmunialtiohs . .on enter1ilIinment P"Qgf8mmtng whle stiI pnMcing kay nl!WS Iib1d _,foe n..lion c:hIhl1'els. B100mbefg Television Court TV r:CIt News Q1er1nef MIlNBC CNBC (HD") c-.sPNC FOlC~CIl8MeI (HD") T~~ CNBCWOIfd C-SPAN2 G4 ~Ie tv 1lwWllllllwrCMrnl{HJn CNN(11D") ~lV GSN: lhe~for~ ~ HNIltI ChInIBI HMdIMe Ne\llIS M.onthIy Fee.••.••••••$29.99 AnnafI Fee.••••••.•.$3S9.GO ·.. -lft....,.lIIl D. -.t~ """1I> """"'.1 ,.,,... -IJ01l;tnIJ~ .. d1I8'II" "tit!: ~d HOdIIlnlft....1lnId on ,....1KtIan.1'lSft IOMd__byilliJlllllJ, L..t"pdolld11~ Pogt2llf10 12/06/2007 13:08 7027954481 RC COMMUNICATIONS PAGE 03 $qUizz-XL !Ut1162 1lIItSysIBm Top 20on 20 TopTl1Icb lheTortih tJ.Pop USCvunIry VIIIrr The \IIIeg'e VIYI"* vOX ~1lllIkn WorII:IZ­ XCOUn!lY XMClIM XMcttJI XMClassk:s XMHIIlIst XM FCId. XMPopc XMU MontlIly Fee.......$27.95 AmmaI: F_•...•.• $335,00 NFL SUNDAY TICKET11f Exd~ I'raIII DlAecTV. Tum SandIIy InIo Game DIY lIIld..,.. yOUr weel'cend' butille85li1R1Wl G8'! h biggest ~eotion of 9'rnesavaJabls ~Ihlvugt10ul tfIe %OG7 ~.r -un.t.ocaI ~ ItIIes BPPfY. PIbi!! bCll'JC!d Oft ~CO. Fee Is 1lO~1JIe. "'pwuaBon NFL SUNDAY TICKET- SuperFan Mclfl:lYUWaMngewll'ltnlSoplIOnII-.on to~IIIiindIIId NFlSUNDAY 'J1CKET1III tI8dl8ge. NFL SUNDAY TlCl<J:T1M ~ fi9tUIe$ up to) 110 NFL SUNDAY T1CJ<ETW pqesIn HigIJ DeIimon, plus NFL SUNDAY TlCICE'l'W RId ZClna Clftmnel. NFL SUNDAY ~ Game MlXD1 N~SIJIlIOAYTICJ<ETW SbmtOlls. (Must RlbsalWtu1lleSllmd8Rl NFL SUNDAY 1iCKEfTli ~1DbP.eftglIIfe1o IUbsabI to NFL SUNDAY 11C1<ET'" ~"" Idd-C11 pIIdaIgIIl.) TrfpIIIlNB mu1114lIf dWl.
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