US007285183B2 (12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,285,183 B2 Kajander et a]. (45) Date of Patent: *Oct. 23, 2007 (54) MAKING FOAM COATED MATS ON-LINE (56) References Cited (75) Inventors: Richard Emil Kajander, Toledo, OH U_S_ PATENT DOCUMENTS (US); Alan Michael Ja?ee, Bowling _ Green, OH (US); Glenda B. Bennett, i ?che“? let 31' i i ng e a. Toledo’ OH (Us) 4,018,647 A 4/1977 Wietsma (73) Assignee: Johns Manville, Denver, CO (US) 4,028,158 A 6/1977 Hipchen et a1. _ . 4,049,491 A * 9/1977 Brandon et a1. .......... .. 162/101 ( * ) Notlce. Subject‘ to any dlsclalmer, the term of this 4,073,997 A 21978 Richards et a1‘ Patent 15 extended or adlusted under 35 4,081,318 A * 3/1978 Wietsma ................ .. 162/1573 U-S-C- 154(1)) by 15 days- 4,169,915 A 10/1979 Heitmann et al. This patent is subject to a terminal dis claimer. (Continued) (21) Appl. No.: 11/503,614 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (22) Filed: Aug. 14,2006 EP 960864 A1 * 12/1999 (65) Prior Publication Data (Continued) US 2006/0283565 A1 Dec. 21, 2006 Primary Examinerilosé A. Fortuna Related US. Application Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiRober‘t D. Touslee (60) Continuation of application No. 11/062,980, ?led on Feb. 22, 2005, noW abandoned, Which is a continu- (57) ABSTRACT ation of application No. 10/378,438, ?led on Mar. 3, _ _ 2003’ HOW Pat NO_ 6,875,308’ which is a division of Anew foam coated nonWoven ?brous mat havlng proper‘tles application No_ 09/923,932’ ?led on Aug 7, 2001, partlcularly su1ted for a facer on gypsum Wallboard, laml nOW Pat NO_ 6,723,670 nates made therefrom and the method of making the mat is disclosed. The mat preferably contains a major portion of (51) Int. Cl. glass ?bers and a minor portion of a resinous binder. The D21H 19/70 (2006.01) foam coating is permeable and reduces ?ber dust and D21H 19/44 (2006.01) abrasion experienced in the past With relatively coarse, (52) us. Cl. .................... .. 162/135; 162/169; 162/145; relatively inexpensive glass ?bers in the mat Contrary to 162/156; 427/3897; 427/391; 427/395 previous methods, the foam coated ?brous mat is made (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ...... .. 162/1004101, ill-line en 9 Wet mat forming Preduetien line by applying a 162/135i137’ 183i185, 169’ 145’ 156; 427689], Wet foam binder OHIO a Wet, ?brous Web fOllOWed by drying 427/391, 395, 385.5, 389.9, 393.6; 428/4375, and Curing ill-line 428/297.4, 426, 440; 442/333, 149 See application ?le for complete search history. 34 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets ///////7//////\ | ‘.llpll / 33 39 43A 841N143 US 7,285,183 B2 Page 2 US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,261,679 B1 7/2001 Chen et a1. 6,365,533 B1 4/2002 Horner et a1. 4,184,914 A V1980 Jenkins 6,432,482 B1* 8/2002 Jaffee et a1. ........... .. 427/385.5 4,186,236 A V1980 Heitmann 6,500,302 B2* 12/2002 Dwiggins et a1. ......... .. 162/101 4,200,488 A * 4/1980 Brandon et a1. .......... .. 162/101 6,548,155 131* 4/2003 Jaffee __________ u _ 428/297‘4 4,245,689 A * 1/1981 Grard et a1. .............. .. 162/134 6582555 132* 6/2003 CapiZZi et a1‘ ____________ __ 162/112 4283457 A 8/1981 K91_S1<y er a1~ 6,607,783 B1 8/2003 Vander Heiden et a1. 4293378 A 10/1981 Kleln 6,723,670 B2* 4/2004 Kajander et a1. 442/374 4348251 A * 9/1982 Pauls er a1~ --------------- -- 156/500 6,797,116 B2* 9/2004 CapiZZi .................... .. 162/135 4,512,849 A * 4/1985 Brandon eta1~ -~ - 162/1571 6,797,319 B2* 9/2004 CapiZZi .................... .. 427/179 4571360 A 2/1986 Brown et 91- 6,875,308 B2 4/2005 Kajander et a1. 4581254 A 4/1986 Cunningham er 91- 6,883,575 B2* 4/2005 Jaffee ....................... .. 156/495 4,596,737 A 6/1986 Werbowy er a1~ 2002/0066544 A1* 6/2002 Dwiggins et a1. ......... .. 162/158 4,597,831 A 7/1986 Anderson 2002/0092635 A1* 7/2002 CapiZZi ....... .. 162/158 4606944 A 8/1986 Lauchenauer 2003/0031854 A1* 2/2003 Kajander et a1. ...... .. 428/304.4 4,637,951 A V1987 Gill eta1~ 2003/0032350 A1* 2/2003 Kajander et a1. ........... .. 442/76 4,681,798 A 7/1987 Gill er a1~ 2003/0032351 A1 2/2003 Horner et a1. 4,690,859 A 9/1987 Porteret 81- 2003/0085009 A1* 5/2003 CapiZZi et a1. ............ .. 162/101 4,822,435 A 4/1989 Igaue er 91- 2003/0113526 A1* 6/2003 Jaffee .......... .. 428/297.4 5,089,296 A 2/1992 Bafford er 81- 2003/0139111 A1* 7/2003 Kajander et a1. 442/370 5,102,728 A 4/1992 Gay 9M1‘ 2003/0221808 A1* 12/2003 CapiZZi . 162/135 5,112,678 A 5/1992 Gay 9M1‘ 2003/0224106 A1* 12/2003 CapiZZi .427/244 5219620 A 6/1993 Potter 91 81- 2003/0232135 A1* 12/2003 CapiZZi .427/244 5,366,161 A 11/1994 P9991 er a1~ 2004/0266304 A1* 12/2004 Jaffee .442/386 5,501,895 A 3/1996 Flnley eta1~ 2005/0112374 A1* 5/2005 Jaffee eta. 428/375 5,514,417 A 5/1996 Matthews eta1~ 2005/0136241 A1* 6/2005 Kajander et a1. 428/316.6 5,527,598 A 6/1996 Campbell 9M1‘ 2005/0142348 A1* 6/2005 Kajander et a1. .. 428/316.6 5,578,363 A 11/1996 Finley er 91- 2006/0099870 A1* 5/2006 Garcia et a1. 442/374 5698302 A 12/1997 Brandon er a1~ 2006/0105662 A1* 5/2006 Jaffee ....... .. 442/333 5698304 A 12/1997 Brandon er 91- 2006/0240236 A1* 10/2006 Bland et a1. ........... .. 428/292.1 5,955,013 A 9/1999 Grinshpun et 31. 5,965,030 A 10/1999 Williams et a1. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,965,257 A 10/1999 Ahluwaha EP 1174541 A2 ,1 H2002 5,981,406 A 11/1999 Randall EP 1283299 A2 ,, 200% 6,008,147 A 12/1999 Jaffee JP 2002088627 A ,, 3/2002 6,093,485 A * 7/2000 Jaffee .................... .. 428/317.1 JP 2003183999 A ,, 700% 6,139,941 A 10/2000 Jankevics et a1. W0 W0 0076932 120000 6,187,697 B1 2/2001 Jaffee et a1. 6,251,224 B1 * 6/2001 Dong ....................... .. 162/145 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent 0a. 23, 2007 Sheet 2 0f 6 US 7,285,183 B2 yam./.. \ f/ ‘2a...\. \mmQJ/Qmmt EQ @HLHHIN U.S. Patent 0a. 23, 2007 Sheet 4 0f 6 US 7,285,183 B2 U.S. Patent 0a. 23, 2007 Sheet 6 0f 6 US 7,285,183 B2 US 7,285,183 B2 1 2 MAKING FOAM COATED MATS ON-LINE There still exists a need for a nonWoven ?ber glass mat that has better ?ame resistance, loWer cost and good hand This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. lability (?exibility and non abrasive/non irritating to the 11/062,980 ?led Feb. 22, 2005 noW abandoned, Which skin). application Was a continuation of application Serial No. 10/378,438 ?led on Mar. 3, 2003, now US. Patent No. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 6,875,308, Which Was a division of application Ser. No. 09/923,932 ?led on Aug. 7, 2001, and now US. Patent No. It is an object of the present invention to provide a foam 6,723,670. or froth coated nonWoven ?brous mat useful as a facer on gypsum insulating board of the type described in US. Pat. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION No. 4,647,496 having one or more of improved handling characteristics, improved ?ame resistance, improved ?ex ibility and product that produces less, or less irritating, dust The present invention involves a process of coating a When the faced gypsum board is cut than the mats used non-Woven ?ber glass mat With foam or froth on the same heretofore for facing insulating gypsum board. Wet process line used to make the mat, as an intermediate It is a further object of the present invention to provide step in the mat manufacturing process, and the foam coated ?exible mats containing a major portion of less expensive ?ber glass mat products that result. These coated mats have chopped glass ?bers that can be used for facing gypsum Wall many uses, but are especially useful as a facing on a gypsum board and other products. Wallboard for exterior application and on Which stucco is applied. 20 It is a further object to provide a loW cost method of making a foam faced ?brous non-Woven mat on a Wet Fibrous non-Woven mats are often formed into a Wet mat process line Without having to coat a dried mat either in-line from an aqueous dispersion of ?bers such as glass and/or or off-line and Without having to dry the mat a second time. synthetic organic ?bers can include other ?bers such as The present invention includes a method of making a cellulose ?bers, ceramic ?bers, etc. and can also include 25 foam coated ?brous non-Woven mat Where the ?bers are particles of inorganic material and/or plastics. Usually a preferably, but not necessarily, bonded together With a solution of urea formaldehyde resin, usually modi?ed With conventional mat binder comprising using a Wet process to a thermoplastic polymer, or one of many other knoWn resin form a Wet non-Woven Web from a loW concentration binders is applied to a the Wet non-Woven Web of ?bers and aqueous slurry folloWed by partially deWatering the mat, then, after removing excess binder and Water, the bindered 30 preferably, but not necessarily, adding an excess of aqueous Web is dried and heated further to cure the urea formalde resin binder, removing some but not all of the binder, then hyde resin or other resin binder to form a non-Woven mat applying an aqueous foam or froth having a high air content product.
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