% h~ '-CASS cITY CHRONICLE <~ VOLUME 26, NUMBER 12. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1931. EIGHT PAGES. i SEED HOME SCENE OF July the Fourth MISS REED WILL 100 AT BI HAM ! PRETTY WEDDING IUS OLA' VALLIATIO TEACH MUSIC HERE 1 ! A very pretty wedding was solem- Miss Geraldine Reed of Orion has S HO L Eij iON nized Sunday afternoon, June 28, at been engaged as music instructor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George LOW[RID $1,534,203 the Cass City Schools to succeed Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gowen, who Seed in Elkland township when their Ione Hamman, who recently resigned spent the winter in Florida and the Fourth Annual Gathering Cele- daughter, Alethea Catherine, became Supervisors Accept the Report from that position. spring months on their farm in No- the bride of Walter Kilpatrick of Miss Reed attended the Michigan vesta township, have returned to Case Court House State Teachers' College at Ypsilanti brated with Fine Program Pontiac. of Building City and resume~ the management of and Dinner. Peonies and roses formed a beauti- Committee. and holds a B. of M degree from the their ice cream parlor on Wednesday ful setting for the ring ceremony University of Illinois. She has done morning. which was performed by Rev. T. S. special work in the~ field of art at Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McBurney, son, The Tuscola county board of super- Muncie, (Ind.~ University. Miss Reed (From Gagetown Correspondent). Bottrell, pastor of the Cass City Wesley, and daughters, Luella and visors, on June 25, the closing day of was music and art supervisor at Orion About 100 former pupils, teachers ~Methodist church, in the presence of Mavis, of Case City and Miss Elsie the June session, accepted the report for five years and at Redford the past and residents with their friends at- i the immediate family. They were at- Morse of Gagetown spent Sunday with of the committee on equalization who i tended by Donald Seed, brother of the year. Morton McBurney at Milford. tended the fourth annum school re- placed the valuation of the county's bride; and Miss Betty Phillips of union held Saturday at the Bin~ham real estate and personal property at Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Dubarnes and VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL school. The crowd began to gather i Pontiac. $29,497,197. This is approximately son, Robert, of Perry were guests at early in the morning and greetings i A dainty luncheon was served at five per cent less than the 1930 valua- CLOSED WITH PICNIC the W. 0. Stafford home Wednesday were exchanged. At noon, tables close of ceremony. the the tion which totalled $31,031,400. The and Thursday. Mrs. Dubarnes is a were spread under the beautiful map}e i Mrs. Kilpatrick is a graduate of the niece of Mr. Stafford. following table gives the valuations A very successful term of two weeks Cass City High SchooI with the Class trees and all did ample justice to the of the 23 townships for the years of of Daily Vacation Bible School con- Mrs. S. B. Young entertained a of 1922 and received her life certif- pot luck self-serve dinner. 1930 and 1931. ducted at the Baptist church by l%ev. number of friends Thursday evening" Mrs. E. A. Livingston presided at icate from Ypsilanti Normal. She has Akron ................ $1,992,000 $1,893,000 W. R. Curtis and his assistants closed in honor of Mrs. William Straube of a business meting. The fbllowing offi- been employed at the Waite Depart- on Friday with a program in the eve: Ann Arbor. Bridge was played at cers were elected: Mrs. E. A. Living- ment Store in Pontiac for some time. Almer ................ 1,531,000 1,454,450 Arbeta ................ 788,000 748,000 ning. Many parents and friends three tables. Refreshments were , ston, president; Mrs. Chas. Randall, Mr. Kilpatrick is employed by the were in attendance and the children• served. vice president; Miss Mary Wald, sec- Fisher Body Co. in Pontaic. Columbia ............ 1,959,000 1,861,050 presented drama depicting Bible sto- Miss Thelma Yakes and Orville retary; Chas. Seekings, treasurer; After a quiet week's vacation, they Dayton .............. 825,000 783,750 Denmark ........... 2,335,000 2,218,250 ries. Besides congregational singing, Morris, both of Port Huron, were Sun- Mrs. Nellie Bradley, program commit- will make their home in Pontiac. in an app~eciable decrease in the t0:00 a.m. Sunday School at 11:00 Elkland .............. 2,074,000 1,970,300 the music consisted of a violin solo by day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. tee. number of forest fires. Children are Russell Ragan and a two-part song by Edward Buehrly. Phyllis Schriber, Mrs. Kate Roblin, chairman of a.m. Prayer service on Wednesday Ellington ............ 761,000 722,950 being taught how to properly extin- at 8:00 p. m. five girls, iwho had spent the week at the homes program committee, took charge fol- Elmwood ............1,509,000 1,433,550 guish a camp fire. They are being James, Pastor. Articles made by the pupils were: of Edward Baehrly and Mrs. Cather- lowing the business session. Harry J. H. Fairgrove ..........2,106,000 2,000,700 cautioned against setting any fire in ............ 950,760 on display and were much admired. !ine Yakes, returned to her home in Gordon, pupil, Fremont 1,000,000 a former now of Holly, the woods. They are being asked to Gilford .............. 1,588,000 1,508,600 On Saturday, a picnic was enjoyed Port Huron with Miss Yakes and Mr. Mich., gave the first talk which was caution their fathers against throw- WM. MURPHY PASSED Indianfietds ........ 2,870,000 2,640,422 in the wood~ on the farm of Miss'Morris Sunday evening. intermingled with poetry, humor, and ing away lighted tobacco or matches. Juniata ~ .............. 1,081,500 1,027,0.00 Florence Smith near Gagetown. wit. Nearly all his schooImates' names AWAY AT GAINES i Deputy Sheriff Williard Craig, a Boys' and girls' camps should in- Kingston ............ 886,500 842,175 were mentioned either in a joke told i representative of Sheriff Kirk's de- elude in their educational curricula a William Hedley Murphy passed Koylton ............ 871,000 827,450 of them, an incident connected with H~PE~IN~ l~ ~H[ ipal~ment, will be at the Pim~ey State course in forest fire prevention and Millington ........ 1,314,000 1,241,060 school days, or otherwise. Mrs. C. P. Meet :at East Lansing for away Tuesday, June 30, at the home Bank at Case City on Friday, July 3, control. of his daughter, Mrs. Herbert Frut- Novesta .............. 716,400 680,580 Hunter gave a reading and Ira Butler, Thirteenth Annual Cham- ° to receive personal applications for chey, at Gaines, Mich., at the age of i Tuscola .............. 1,451,400 1,378,830 automobile operators' and chauffeurs ~ a recitation. Miss BirdelI Sprague, Vassar ................ 1,267,000 1,314,000 now principal in Jackson school, gave pionship Contests. 73 years. Death was due to a com- licenses. This i~ a convenience to Tus- NO WONDER GAS plication of diseases after an illness Watertown ........ 968,600 920,170 a few remarks regarding her early Wells ................ 500,000 475,000 cola county residents in the Case City school days which began in this school. STATIONS ARE NUMEROUS of eight months. community which is extended to them There are at least 600 Michigan Wisner .............. 637,000 605,150 Mr. Woolman, the first teacher and Funeral services will be held at the by Sheriff Kirk. boys and girls who are going to How 'much gasoline did your auto- Totals ............ 3] ,031,400 29,497,197 Carefully Selected from inter- who has always attended this reunion, not Presbyterian church at C~ss City on' let any superstitions interfere with mobile Use in 1930? If you are an Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaufman of ' compared education in his early years Friday, July 3, at 1:30 p. m. The supervisors accepted the report • esting Exchanges for Chroni-. their efforts to attend the thirteenth average Michigan driver, you ppur- Detroit spent Sunday in Case City. and now. Mrs. Frank Burgess gave a Mr. Murphy was. born May 13, 1858, of the court house buildi~ag committee annual boys and girls club week held chased 501 gallons during the year, ~in London Township, Ontario, and : cle Readers. Mrs. Etta Kaufman, who has spent vocal solo and Mrs: Henry Paul re- and approved their action, in the fol- at East Lansing, July 6 to 10, for the according to figures deparG ~came to Michigan with his~ parents in some time with her sister, Mrs. H. S. ~ viewed her early school years. Wm. of the lowing resolutions which-were adopt- purpose of choosing sectional cham- meat Of state, i1869. They located in the vicinity of Wickware, returned to Detroit with aMiller of Detroit greeted old school- ed unanimously: Mayville business men are planning pions to represent their section of the In computing this figure, however,.l Case City and Mr. Murphy lived in them to spend the week there. Mrs. mates, this being his first return, and "Resolved that we ratify and ap- for a Feul~h of July celebration and State in the contests held at the no allowance was made for excessive this community until he went to Mildred Bucklin, daughter of Mrs. Et- in his interesting talk, he spoke of prove the acts of the special court in connection the Methodist church Michigan State Fair next fall. Gaines eleven years ago. ta Kaufman, of Washington, D.
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