Environmental Monitoring Report Bi-annual Report January – June 2018 December 2018 Armenia: North-South Road Corridor Investment Program – Tranche 1 and Tranche 2 Prepared by “Transport Projects Implementation Organization” State Non-Commercial Organization for the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies and the Asian Development Bank. This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. s n urJ u'n n n su3nrJtr uil:l: nft 13 n hL >> T D I m " Ll'""$lt""""ti'unTHnHSl ff I T I E "TRANSPORT PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION ORGANIZATION" STATE NON-COMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION (ulluuLnulir <urlnurqbunrplnrl, bphul 0010, SfqpuL LIb6f 4,7 Tq hup! N 4^139 tha. +374 112) 2010 09, 20 10 l0 4 Tigran Mets Str , 7 th floor, Yerevan 0010, Republic of Armenia .'// , /2 zarc Iel: +374 (12) 2A-10-09, 20-10-10 alpb. ftinfuu (bpg To: Mr. Thomas Herz Sprutr uq npr,n fr rluuburqhur Transport Specialist u2p ADB ttn,r,qnh hufrup' 42145 Project number: 42145 (ur;ruum ufu ' (;nLu[ru - hupurr[ Armenia: North-South Road Corridor 6ruturuquphuqftu dhgutugph trbp4pnLrftulftr Investment Program, Tranches 2 and 3 6nuqhn,Sputu2hp2L3 ftlhrlu' gfruwtllu!ur1ftr pLuquhqLuLuL!utr Subject: Bi-annual Environmental Monitoring dntrfr pn p irLqfr h u2Llhm L[n Lp1 n LLtr bp, h n Ltr{u p - Reports January - July 2018 for North-South Road hnLfiu 2018p. (lnrufru - hurpuL{ 6LuLuqLuphulirL Corridor Investment Program, Tranches 2 and 3 dfgutrgpir Lbp4pnLdu'1frL 6nuqhn, SpuL2bp 2 L 3 huu LIU p (upqbfi qurnnq, Dear Sir, !ftg tbp rifLnuLp!LIuLLU nL hwumuumLIuLL bLI For your review and approval please find attached Lhp!uLluLgtrnLd 2018p. hnrL{up - hnLl[u Bi-annual Environmental Monitoring Reports for du.r Llurtr Lu ! Lu hu Ln L-[Lu6[ lfruutllLnllur'1f tr January - July 2018. The ADB National and pLuqLuhr4rutrulLUl dnL|pnp[Lqir International Environmental Consultants have htu2LlbmL{nLplnLLfrbpp: UQP uqqurl[L U reviewed the reports and all their comments have dfigwqqu4fb FLurquLhqutrulurtr been addressed. funphpquLnnLtrbpp {bpuLulh1 blr hu2L[bLn{nLpynLlLbpp l-L hpbLg pntnn ur nurgur p ! n Lpl n LtrL hptr n r ryfr r"n n r1n Lpl nrlrtrbpp hu2L{f hL unL{r.u6: (rupqrutrpn{' Best regards, q_. qbsnn V. Petrosyan 9urp.' 9. U$;utr erep ay: G. Afyan LI. llhnu1uL M. Tevosyan Table of Contents Part I Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5 1. Construction Activities and Project Progress During Reporting Period ............................................ 6 1.1 Tranche 2 Ashtarak-Talin M1 road (PK 29+600-PK 71+500): ................................................. 6 2. Environmental Safeguards Staffing................................................................................................ 7 2.1 Environmental Safeguards Staff of TPIO ................................................................................ 7 2.2 The Environmental Safeguards Staff of the PMC/Engineer .................................................... 8 2.3 The Contractor’s Environmental Unit ...................................................................................... 8 Part II Environmental Management .......................................................................................................... 9 3. Environmental Safeguards Program .............................................................................................. 9 3.1 Compliance with National Safeguards .................................................................................... 9 3.2 Compliance with ADB Safeguards .......................................................................................... 9 3.3 Contractor’s Compliance with the EMP ................................................................................. 10 3.4 Approvals of the Site-specific environmental management plans for Quarries, Borrow Pits, Blasting works, Excavated Material Dumping, Topsoil Stockpiling, Concrete Batching Plants and Historical monuments ...................................................................................................................... 10 3.5 ADB Mission ......................................................................................................................... 10 3.6 Trainings and awareness raising orientation ......................................................................... 10 3.7 Archaeological Works Program ............................................................................................ 11 3.8 Grievance redress mechanism and Consultations ................................................................ 12 3.9 Communication .................................................................................................................... 14 Part III Environmental Monitoring ........................................................................................................... 15 4. Monitoring .................................................................................................................................... 15 4.1 Monitoring of the Compliance with EMPs in Tranche 2 (Ashtarak-Talin road Section). ......... 15 4.2 Instrumented Measurements and Monitoring of Environmental Parameters of Air Quality, Noise and Vibration, Water Quality. ................................................................................................ 16 4.3 PPMS Indicators ................................................................................................................... 16 4.4 Non-compliance Notices ....................................................................................................... 17 Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................................................................... 17 ANNEXES ANNEX A: The Status of Topsoil Stockpiling and Excavated Unsuitable Material Dump Sites in Tranche 2 ANNEX B: Summary Table on Status of Archaeological Excavations ANNEX C: Minor Non-Compliances Detected During Monitoring Visits in Reporting Period ANNEX D: Status of Measurements on Dust, Noise, Water Quality And Vibration in Jul-Dec 2016 ANNEX E: Status of environmental permits and licenses List of Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank CEMP Contractor’s Environmental Management Plan EMP Environmental Management Plan EIA Environmental Impact Assessment IEE Initial Environmental Examination IES International Environmental Specialist NES National Environmental Specialist MNP Ministry of Nature Protection MOTCIT Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies MoC Ministry of Culture SEMP Site Specific Environmental Management Plan TMP Traffic Management Plan TPIO Transport Project Implementation Organization” SNCO EMR Environmental Monitoring Report Part I Introduction This Bi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report covers the time period from January to June of 2018. The Report was prepared with close cooperation with Project PMC/Engineer, which is the joint venture of French “Safege” and Spanish “Eptisa” companies for T1 and T2. 1. The RA has selected the Bavra-Yerevan-Agarak route as the North-South Road Corridor to be rehabilitated, reconstructed and expanded. The North-South Road Corridor Investment Program is implemented by “Transport Project Implementation Organization” SNCO (TPIO) of the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies (MOTCIT) to co-ordinate the work. The Program is funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) under a multi-tranche funding facility (MFF). 2. The MFF is designed to rehabilitate and upgrade national north-south roads to form a new, upgraded and expanded North-South highway. The main objective is to widen the existing 2-lane roads to become 4-lane divided roads along existing alignments wherever possible or to construct new alternate 2-lane roads where a single 4-lane road would not be feasible. 3. Tranche 1 Project is to improve two road sections of the North-South Corridor, namely, the M-1 section of road north from Yerevan to Ashtarak from km 18+370 to km 29+773 (Section 3 in the contract with Contractor) and the M-2 section of road south from Yerevan to Ararat from km 9+312 to km 47+400 (Section 2 in the contract with Contractor). 4. The Tranche 2 Project starts at km 29+600 in Ashtarak and end at km 71+500 close to Talin (Section 1 in the contract with Contractor). Two bypasses will be constructed in Agarak starting at km 29+934 to km 32+600, and in Ujan from km 36+600 to km 40+300. The Project will also have a new road alignment (8.95 kilometres) at Katnagbyur starting from km 59+950 to km 68+900 that will be located on the left side of the existing highway to join the existing alignment in Talin. Figure 1. Tranche1 and Tranche2 of North-South Road Corridor 1. Construction Activities and Project Progress During Reporting Period 1.1 Tranche 2 Ashtarak-Talin M1 road (PK 29+600-PK 71+500): Construction works were implemented by “Corsan Corviam Construction” S.A. Armenian Branch and its subcontractors AAB LLC, Aparag LLC, Betonica LLC, Dental Import LLC, Hydroenergetica
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