St. Colman St. John Fisher St. Jude the Apostle `1R"Q`Q0VJ%V V11J:JV V 1J$.Q%V0VJ%V %` CV`VV@5 R .%`H.1CC5 1CIV`R1J$5 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 4, 2019 : .V` `:J@ .8 CI:RV5 RI1J1 `: Q` Weekend Mass Schedule : .V` :` 1J 8 0:`@1J5 VJ1Q` :`QH.1:C 1H:` : %`R:71$1C : .V` CGV` 8 VICV`5 &VJ1Q`:`QH.1:C1H:` : .V` V`VI7 8 Q.CV`5 :`QH.1:C 1H:` 7 88888888888888888 8 Q.J 1.V` .%`H. 7 88888888888888888888888 8 QCI:J .%`H. .V:HQJ QV]. 8 .Q%$.V` 7 .V:HQJ 1V1 . 28 1QJR`1H. %JR:7 .V:HQJ 3V`G 48 51CV75 : Q`:C QH1: V 7888888888 8 %RV .V ]Q CV .%`H. 7888888888888888888888 8 QCI:J .%`H. 7888888888888888 8 Q.J 1.V` .%`H. 7 88888888888888888888888 8 QCI:J .%`H. Weekday Mass Schedule QJR:7:JR%VR:7 788888888888888888888888 8 QCI:J .%`H. VRJVR:7:JR.%`R:7 788888888888888888 8 Q.J 1.V` .%`H. `1R:7 7888888888 8 %RV .V ]Q CV .%`H. Confession Schedule CQ%]QJ`V_%V Q`:]]Q1J IVJ QJR:7 7T 7 88 8 %RV .V ]Q CV .%`H. VRJVR:7 7T 788888888 8 Q.J 1.V` .%`H. : %`R:7 7T7888888888888 8 QCI:J .%`H. Bulletin Deadline CC G%CCV 1J :` 1HCV I% GV %GI1 VR 1J 1`1 1J$ Q` G7 VI:1C Q =%RV .V:]Q CV0V`1<QJ8JV G7 7 :I QJ QJR:78 Page 2 St. Colman, St. John Fisher and St. Jude the Apostle Staff and Contacts : .V``:J@ 8 CI:RV5RI1J1 `: Q` Sacraments: : Q` HV` :1JC7 Q QJV Q` Q%` %JR:7 :V8 :] 1I : .V`:` 1J8:`@1J5 VJ1Q` :`QH.1:C 1H:` `1Q` Q .:01J$ 7Q%` H.1CR G:] 1<VR5 : .V` CGV` 8VICV`5 VJ1Q` :`QH.1:C 1H:` GQ . ]:`VJ I% : VJR : ]`VR : .V`V`VI78Q.CV`5:`QH.1:C 1H:` G:] 1I:C VI1J:`8 CV:V HQJ :H V:HQJQV].8 Q%$.V` 7 .V ]:`1. 1J 1.1H. .V H.1CR 1 Q GV V:HQJV1 .8QJR`1H. G:] 1<VR8 V:HQJ V`G!8"1CV75: Q`:C QH1: V VJ:JHV QJR:77 7V 7 ]8I8 8QCI:J.%`H. 8 %RV .V ]Q CV `1RQ`Q0VJ%V[%` CV`VV@5 R VRJVR:77 7T 7 .%`H.``1HV R R 8 Q.J 1.V` .%`H. ! R R : %`R:77 7T7 $ R R 5V6 8 8 QCI:J .%`H. 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VVJ . %JR:71J `R1J:`71IV 7* 8 Q.J 1.V` 51H.:`R 9RRQ .V:_%:CV :I1C7 7* 8 QCI:J CC D101J$ .VHV:VR Q` Q%` :`1. *QJ8%$% VV@R:7 7* 8 QCI:J QJJ1V Q`VJ<1 31$. H.QQC D%JH. `1VJR %V8%$% .V `:J`1$%`: 1QJ 7* 8 QCI:J †Marian Fiorenno Welsh :RQJJ: Q%1J Q` .VQ`R VR8%$% VV@R:7 7* 8 Q.J 1.V` D%1$1 :CHQ :I1C7 .%`8%$% :1J QI1J1H5 7* 8 Q.J 1.V` †Charles Schibauer :I1C7 !`1V -`18%$% VV@R:7 7* 8 %RV .V ]Q CV J QJ1Q =`:01:JQ =`:01:JQ :I1C7 7* 8 Q.J 1.V` 3VCVJ 5Q.:CC 1 H.1VCC :I1C7 &: 8%$% 1$1C: 7* 8 QCI:J V:J EQC:J 3%G:JR5 Q.J EQC:J _ V V` ]V`:J<Q _ .1CR`VJ 7* 8 %RV .V ]Q CV _ .VHV:VR IVIGV` Q` Q` :<<Q _ :I1C7 :I1C7 &%JR:75 %$% "1JV VVJ . 7* 8 QCI:J D:%`1V 3VJ@VC `1VJR :I1C7 %JR:71J `R1J:`71IV 7* 8 Q.J 1.V` =.V D101J$ :JR .VHV:VR VIGV` Q` Q%` :`1. 7* 8 QCI:J QJJ1V Q`VJ<1 .V:_%:CV :I1C7 Page 4 St. Colman, St. John Fisher and St. Jude the Apostle Faithful Chronicles By Father Frank D. Almade Last week many parishioners attended the “meet native of Homestead. He attended Point Park College and the clergy” socials in three parishes. In the coming weeks receive his theology degree from St. Francis Seminary in and months we clergy will have many more opportunities Loretto. Father Barkin served as a parochial vicar in West to get to know parishioners in all seven of our grouping Mifflin, Canonsburg, Coraopolis, and Plum, before parishes. To help you learn a little more about us clergy, becoming pastor of St. Susanna Parish, Penn Hills, in here are thumbnail sketches of the three deacons and four 1998. Seven years later he also took on the pastorate of priests who serve our parishes. St. Gerard Majella Parish, Penn Hills. Last October he was assigned as senior parochial vicar to the three parishes Deacon Keith G. Kondrich was ordained a of St. Jude, Wilmerding, St. Colman, Turtle Creek and St. deacon by Bishop David Zubik on June 11, 2011. He is John Fisher, Churchill. He resides at St. John Fisher married to Helen, with four children. He has been serving rectory. Along with his parish duties, Father Barkin has in our cluster of parishes since ordination, first at Word of been a longtime master catechist in the diocesan adult God and Madonna parishes. Keith works for a not-for- education program, and has assisted in the Marriage profit organization to help Allegheny County Jail inmates’ Tribunal Office as an assessor and defender of the bond. transition after incarceration. Keith has been involved in scouting as a leader for many years. He is a friend and fan Father Albert J. Semler was ordained a priest by of Joe Grushecky, local rock band legend, and has a Bishop John Wright on May 13, 1967. He has served in a special place in his heart for ministry to men in prison. wide variety of assignments throughout his 52 years of priestly ministry. Parochial vicar, director of the vocations Deacon Herbert E. Riley, Jr., was ordained in office, director of the missions office, director of clergy the same class as Deacon Keith. He is married to Cheryl, personnel, member of the priest council and college of with three children and five grandchildren. Herb is retired, consultors, dean, and pastor in several parishes: St. after a long career in the Global Trade Compliance field, Philomena, Beaver Falls; St. George, Hilltop; SS. John & focused on import and export policy and procedure for Paul, Franklin Park; and St. James, Sewickley. Father Al several large corporations. Herb is a life-long member of came out of retirement to pastor Good Shepherd Parish, St. Colman Parish, Turtle Creek, and has served as a Braddock for six years, before joining our grouping on deacon there since ordination. Herb has ministered in July 1 as senior parochial vicar. He resides at Sacred hospitals, nursing homes and now in our grouping as Heart rectory. deacon-of-all-trades. I was ordained by Bishop Vincent Leonard on Deacon Joseph M. Dougherty was ordained by September 30, 1978, after studying at Duquesne Bishop Zubik to the diaconate on June 15, 2013. He is University (and living at St.
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