Index Note: Names and page numbers in bold denote main entries in the encyclopedia. Works have only been included under their author where they are mentioned in other entries Abbot, George 862–3 Addled Parliament 114–15, 509, 1073 Abraham 201 Adelman, Janet 238 Abraham and Lot (Anon) 73 adiaphora 569 absolute monarchy 127, 167, 252, 462, 809 Admiral’s Men Acarisio, Alberto 952 Chapman 178 The accomplish’d lady’s delight 1073 Day 257, 258 accretion tradition 445 Dekker 261, 262 Acheron, Lord 438–9 Drayton 294 Achinstein, Sharon 599 Heywood, Thomas 486 Aconcio, Jacopo 79, 1036 Kyd 572 acrostics Middleton, Thomas 682, 683 Davies, John 254 at Rose Theatre 73 Fage 328, 329 Shakespeare 868 Herbert, George 471 see also Prince Henry’s Men Howell, Thomas 518, 519 Advancement of True Religion, Act for Major 635, 636 (1543) 17, 44 Sutcliffe 942 advice literature 114, 1018 actors Adwalton Moor 160, 169 comic 873, 1059 Aesculapius 424 female 148, 798–9 Aesop’s fables 174, 324, 748 males as females 873 agrarian law proposals 440 tragic 655, 683, 873,COPYRIGHTED 1029 Agricola, MATERIAL Rudolph: De inventione see also cross-dressing dialectica 1062 Acts of Apostles 241 Agrippa von Nettesheim, Henry Adams, David 750, 751 Cornelius 1001 Adams, Eleanor 605 Vanity of sciences 197 Adams, John 732 Ahern, Sheila 211 Adams, Robert Martin 233 Ainsworth, Henry 73, 802 The Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature, First Edition. Edited by Garrett A. Sullivan, Jr and Alan Stewart. Ó 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2012 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 1090 INDEX Ajax, as pun 434 medieval tradition 387, 796 Alabaster, William 1–3 Middleton, Thomas 686 conversion/reconversion 1 More, Henry 704 ‘Over the brook Cedron’ 75 Peend 776 sonnets 468 political 664, 673 Alamanni, Luigi 1087, 1088 Quarles 809 Alasco, Albertus 771 Ralegh 818 Albala, Ken 828 Southwell, Robert 902, 903 Alberti, Leandro: Descrizione di tutta l’Italia 498 Spenser 910, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917 Albertus Magnus: Treatise of adhering to God 276 Strode 938 alchemy 1001 Tourneur 961 Alciato, Andrea 1044, 1045 Tyndale 980–3 Emblematum liber 323, 1045 Vaughan, Thomas 1002 Alcott, Louisa May: Little women 133 Walwyn 1020 Alcuin: De dialectica 1062 White 1043 Aldrich-Watson, Deborah 951 Whitney 1045 Alexander, Gavin 370, 885 Allen, J. W. 571 Alexander, William 72, 416, 802 Allen, Thomas 275, 1036 Alexander the Great 629 Allen, William 3–5 Alexis of Piedmont: Secreti 828 and Sander 851 Alfield, Thomas: A true report of the death and and Verstegan 1011 martyrdome of M. Campion 1010 Allestrye, James 162 Alford, Stephen 397 Alleyn, Edward 725, 772 Alfred, King 104, 316 Allison, W. H. 1036 Ælfric Grammaticus 605, 606 Allott, Kenneth 417 Algonkian Indians 442, 443 Allott, Robert: Englands Parnassus 179, 207, 208, Alison, Alexander W. 1014 329, 400, 402, 413, 726–7, 773, 774, 870, Alison, Richard: An howres recreation in musicke 1008 apt for instrumentes and voyces 957 Allse, Edward 99 Allde, John 720, 795 Almasy, Rudolph P. 506–7, 571 Allegiance, Oath of 6, 138, 306, 336, 337, 538, Alpers, Paul 917 838, 1075 Alternative Service Book 87 allegory Alunno, Francesco 952 Browne 115 Amadis de Gaul 977, 1077 Bunyan 132, 133 Ambrose, St 768, 810 Chapman 180 American Revolution 127 Christianity 391 American Shakespeare Center 489 Cowley 224 Ammianus Marcellinus: Romaine historie 504 Crowley 240 Amyot, Jacques 994 Douglas 286 Anacreon 480 as dream-vision 132, 460 Anacreontea 109 Dryden 301 anagrams 328, 329 Ferrers 342 anatomy 236–7, 237–8, 457 Fletcher, Phineas 353 Ancrene wisse 606 Ford 358 and Katherine of Aragon 927 Hawes 460–1 and Queen’s Ladies 963 Marvell 664 Andre, Bernard 893 May 673 Andreadis, Harriet 785 INDEX 1091 Andreae, Johann Valentin: Christianopolis 449 Donne 278 Andrew, Thomas: Unmasking of a feminine Drant 291 Machiauell 84 Fairfax 330 Andrewes, Lancelot 5–7 Fenton 340 and Crashaw 231 Foxe 365–6, 367, 368 and Greville 404 Googe 390, 391 and Hooker 506 Hakluyt 421, 422 sermon on Spanish Armada 862 Humphrey 525–6 Angel, Philemon 505 Knox 570 Anger, Jane 7–8 Lupton 626 Jane Anger, her protection for women Munday 720 7–8, 11 Norton 746 Anglesey: see Annesley, Arthur Painter 760 Anglicanism 5, 57–8, 76–7, 155, 187–8 Preston 795 see also Church of England Prynne 799 Anglicus, Bartholomaeus: De proprietatibus Rich 831 rerum 173 Ross 325 Anglo, Sydney 397 Scot 856 Anglo-Dutch Wars 532, 534, 666 Stubbes 939 Anglo-Protestant literary-historical tradition 45 anti-clericalism 429, 494 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 606 anti-masque dances 1043 Anglo-Saxon studies 604–5, 1011 anti-theatrical stance 812, 813–14 Anglo-Welsh literature 783 Antichrist 365 Anna of Denmark xliii Antilia community 448–9 and Clifford, Anne 197 antinomianism 53–4, 212, 948, 1019 dedications to 578 antiquarianism 140–4, 1011 Florio 355 see also Society of Antiquaries and James VI and I 554 Apius and Virginia (R. B.) 795 masque for 1043 apocalypse 76, 239–40, 969 and Russell, Lucy 848 Apocryphal stories 71 Anne of Cleves 229, 318 Appleby Triptych 197, 200 ‘Anne Wallens lamentation’ 107 Appleton, William W. 64 Annesley, Arthur 528 Apsley, Allen 272, 528, 529 anonymity 8–12 Aquinas, St Thomas conventions of 10 Summa theologica 1075 criticised 10 Summae 204, 1075 genres 9 Arber, Edward 649, 733, 1007 as ventriloquism 10–11 The arbor of amorous devices 102 Anselm, St 763 Arcadian drama 333 Anselment, Raymond A. 650 Archer, Edward 684, 843, 961 anti-Calvinism 5, 6 Archer, Ian 933 anti-Catholicism Archer, Jane 803 Baldwin 39 architecture 550–1, 1013, 1016 Bale 41, 42, 43 archives 1003, 1004 Baxter 55 Arden of Feversham (Anon) l, 107, 488, Benlowes 67 575, 872 ÃDavies, Eleanor 256 Aretino, Pietro 653, 800, 1088 Dekker on 261, 262 Argentine, Richard 29 1092 INDEX Ariosto, Lodovico 957 Ascham, Anthony 12, 494 Orlando furioso 136, 176, 253, 308, 433–4, 913, Ascham, Margaret 13 958, 1077 Ascham, Roger 12–16 Satyres 958 and Cheke 183 I suppositi 377 commendatory poem 79 Aristophanes: Plutus 820 and Cox 227 Aristotle humanism 182 and Bacon, Francis 34, 36 letter to Mary Basset 51 and Browne, Thomas 117 works dialectical principles 1062 Report and discourse ... of the affaires ...of and Digby 276–7 Germany 715 essence/existence 965 Disertissimi viri Rogeri Aschami 594–5 and Gosson 394 The scholemaster 12, 13–16, 564, 628, 760, and Harvey, William 458 769, 926 Harvey brothers on 455 Ash, Eric H. 80 hubris and character 871 Ashburnham, John 737 as influence 629 Ashmole, Elias 120, 601 logic 35 Askew, Anne 17–21 on medicine 136 Examinations 17–20, 42 one sex model 237–8 executed 17, 241 physics 385 and Latimer 583 political theory 928 male editors 19, 20 works metrical psalms 801 Categories 757 paratexts 18–19 ÃDe anima 255 Aspinwall, William 157 Nicomachean ethics 914, 1075 Astley, John 15, 79 Poetics 500, 573 Aston, Walter 333 Rhetoric 812–13, 814 Aston-Thimelby circle 951 Armada literature 772 Astons of Tixall 950 Armin, Robert 268, 563, 873 astrology 455–6, 544, 719, 720 Arminianism 54, 231 astronomy 211, 441, 1057 Armitage, David 422, 494 Athanasius, St 763 Army Council 864 atheism 243–4 Army Plot 113 Athenae Cantabrigienses 1026 Arnaldus de Villanova 769 Atherton, Ian 736 Arnold, Jonathan 203 Atkinson, Colin B. 1038 Array, Martin 510 Atkinson, Jo B. 1038 ars moriendi tradition 877 Atkinson, Nigel 506 The art of rhetoric, with a discourse of the laws of Atkinson, William 60 England 339 Atlantic Monthly 1049 Artaud, Antonin 359 atomism 164, 165, 276, 443, 704, 1001 Arthurian legends 174, 501, 520, 587–8, 608 Atterbury, Frances 1017 Arthus, Gothard: Dialogues in the English and Attey, John 287 Malaiane languages 420 attribution patterns 9–10, 1006 artisan and merchant classes 269 Attridge, Derek 926 Arundel-Harington manuscript 431, 432–3, Atwell, Robert 844 515, 1002 Aubrey, John 21–2 Ascensius, Jodocus Badius 286 on architectural styles 21 INDEX 1093 on Beaumont and Fletcher 61 marginalia 637–8 and Browne, Thomas 120 metrical psalms 802 on Chaloner 177 prose style 75 on Davenant 249 Puritans 548 on Drayton 293 Rainolds 812, 814 on English place names 22 Tyndale’s influence 980 on folk customs 22 authorship on Harrington 437–8 and anonymity 10, 11 on Harriot 442 attributions 9–10, 1006 on Harvey, William 457 Bale on 41–2 on Herbert, Mary 474 Cavendish, Margaret 162 on Hobbes 492 collaborative 11, 159 on Massinger 671 disguised 9 mathematical works 22 Elizabethan culture 726 and Petty 781 female 9, 10–11, 900, 906, 1025, 1048, 1077 on Suckling 941 Foucault 11 and Waller 1014, 1016, 1017 originality 41–2 and Wilkins 615, 1058 Renaissance 11 works autobiography 425–6, 970, 1053–4 Brief lives 22, 586 see also spiritual autobiographies ‘The wits’ 941 Avebury 21 Auden, W. H. 896 Avery, Elizabeth 24–6, 156 Audland, John 23 Scripture-prophecies opened 24–5, 837 Audland/Audley, Anne 22–4 Avery, Timothy 24 Audley, Lord and Lady 99 Aves 211 Audley, Thomas 423–4, 728 Avicenna 128 Augustine, St Axton, Richard 822 Burton on 136 Ayers, Philip: Emblemata amatoria 324 and Colet 203 Aylett, Robert as influence 998 Divine and moral speculations 73 and More, Thomas 711 Susanna 74 and Quarles 810 Aylmer, John 26–8, 456, 650 and Tyndale 980 Ayton, Robert 858 works City of God 43, 151, 197, 851 Babb, Lawrence: Sanity in Bedlam 137 Confessions 2 Babington, Anthony 956 Twelve sermons 768 Babington Plot xlix, 416, 955, 1040 Augustine, St, of Canterbury 1011 Back, John 106 Ausonius 564 Bacon, Anne (Cooke) 8, 29–30, 31, 737 Auspicante Jehova, Maries exercise 102 An apologie or answere in defence of the Churche Austen, Gilian 377, 378, 379, 974 of Englande 30, 543 Austin, J.
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