Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17531-9 - The Invention of Sacred Tradition Edited by James R. Lewis and Olav Hammer Index More information Index Abenragel, 193 credibility of scholars refuting, attempts to A˚berg, Einar, 83, 84 undermine, 107 Abu Mashar, 167 discovery of evidence of, 101, 107, 109–12 accretions of material discovery of process of, 101, 104–7 in Hebrew Bible, 260 empirical evidence refuting, 105–7 treasure revelation in Tibetan Buddhism, 219 critical theory approach to, 97 Acephalians, 251 deprogramming, 109–12 ACM. See anti-cult movement differentiation of NRMs from legitimate Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 89 religions, 103, 107–9 Ahmadiyya group, 11 discovery Ahura Mazda¯. See Zoroastrianism and of NRMs separate from traditional Zoroastrian corpus organizations, 101–4 A˚kerman, Susanna, viii, 8, 158 as process of invention, 98 al-Attiyah, Dr., 92 of subversive qualities of NRMs, 101, 102–3, al-Qaeda, 91 107–9 alchemy. See under Rosicrucians families as motivation behind, 98, 100, 108, Alexander the Great, 184, 259 110, 113 Alexandrinus codex, 147 against The Family International allegory, 38, 47–51 (formerly Children of God), 100, Alliance Israe´lite Universelle, 78 101, 104, 110, 130 Alruna, 161, 162 against ISKCON (Hare Krishnas), 6, 100, 104 Also Sprach Zarathustra (Nietzsche), 178, 195 mystification of social constructions in, 97, 98 American Family Foundation (now International NRMs (New Religious Movements) as target Cultic Studies Association), 101, 107. See of, 6, 97, 99–100 also anti-cult movement against Scientology, 18, 26, 29, 30 American Indian spirituality. See Castaneda, social construction of, 97, 100–1 Carlos, and Don Juan Matu´s subversion ancestors, baptism of, in Mormonism, 67–70 discovery of NRMs’ subversive qualities, Andreae, Johann Valentin, 158 101, 102–3, 107–9 Andrews, Lynn, 46 as ideology of movement, 98 Anglicanism, change and tradition in, 59 against Unificationism (See Unificationism) Ankerberg, John, 134 against Urantia Book, 208–12 anonymous authors wider societal alliances, failure to generate, 114 authoritative figures, authorship of Hebrew anti-Semitism. See Judaism; Protocols of the Bible projected back on to, 2, 7, 260 Learned Elders of Zion in biblical world, 259 anti-Zionism vs. anti-Semitism, 92 misattribution of texts of, 3 Antiochus IV, 272 texts misattributed to later figures, 3, 141 apocalypticism Anthon, Charles, 63 Daniel, 273 anti-cult movement, 96–114 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion brainwashing and, 85–7 291 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17531-9 - The Invention of Sacred Tradition Edited by James R. Lewis and Olav Hammer Index More information 292 Index apocalypticism (cont.) Barker, Eileen, 48, 52 in Bureus, 160 Barkun, Michael, 76 in first manifestos, 158 Barruel, Augustin de, 80, 81, 93 recognition of origins in, 159 Barthes, Roland, 255 Scientology texts, epistemological end time Basil of Caesaria, 245 created by, 25, 31 Beck, Roger, 189 Apocryphon of John, 191 Beek, Gottfried zur (Ludwig Mu¨ller von Apollinaris, 245 Hausen), 82 apostolic authorship belief and skepticism regarding invention of New Testament, as canonical criterion for sacred tradition, 12–15. See also critical in antiquity, 142–5 self-analysis late antique doubts regarding, 149–50 Ben-Itto, Hadassa, 76, 77, 85 in Middle Ages, 150 Ben Sira, 258, 261 of Pseudo-Dionysius, 251, 254 Berger, Peter, 96, 97 Appel, Willa, 105 Berossos, 9 Arbatel, 162 Berry, Harold J., 129–30 Aristeas, Letter of, 265 Besold, Christoph, 158 Aristophanes, 242 BeWISE, 88 Aristotle, 3, 10, 242 Bharati, A., 50 Arnobius, 190 Bible. See also Hebrew Bible; New Testament artifacts biblical criticism, 12, 206, 211, 275 as invention of sacred tradition, 16 as divinely inspired, 148, 258 in Tibetan Buddhism, 228–32 in Mormonism, 57, 59, 61, 65, 67, 68, 69 Asatru, 15. See also paganisms, modern as single sacred book, 147–9 astronomy/astrology Unificationism’s Divine Principle and exotic misattribution of origins of, 9 canonical status of Divine Principle, 133–6 Rosicrucians, 160, 164–8 unbiblical nature of revelations of Rosicrucians and, 160, 164–8 Moon, 133 Zoroastrianism and Zoroastrian corpus, 178, Bible Believers, 88 192–4 Bidez, Joseph, 186, 189, 192 Athanasius, 244–5 Bjornstad, James, 129–30 Auge´, Marc, 73 Blain, Jenny, 285 August of Anhalt, 159 Blavatsky, Madame, 39, 50, 205 Aum Duk-moon, 123 Boissard, J. J., 162 authorship of texts. See also misattribution of Bonewits, Isaac, 281 texts; pseudepigraphy Boniface VIII (pope), 253 anonymity. See anonymous authors Borrichius, Olaus, 169, 171 apostolic. See apostolic authorship Bowman, Marion, 204, 287 in Bible. See Hebrew Bible; New Testament Boyer, Paul, 86 copyright issues and divine authorship, 206–8 Brafmann, Jacob, 78 in Greco-Roman vs. Middle Eastern world, brainwashing. See under anti-cult movement 261–2 Breen, Mike, 125, 126 Pseudo-Dionysian corpus. See Pseudo- Bromley, David G., viii, 6–7, 96 Dionysius Bronner, Stephen, 77 in Scientology. See under Scientology Brooke, John, 64 Urantia Book’s lack of authorship, significance Bruner, Emile, 42 of, 205–6 Bry, Theodore de, 162 automatic speaking/writing, rejection Buddhism. See also treasure revelation in Tibetan explanation of production of Urantia Buddhism Book, 201, 203 historical Buddha, attribution of divergent Avalokites´vara, 221, 222 traditions to, 7, 12 Avesta, 179, 185 Mahayana Buddhism, 3, 12 Nyingma Buddhism, 12, 214, 217–25 Bab Bathra, 263 revealed texts in, 12 baptism of the dead in Mormonism, 67–70 ‘‘soteriology of the senses’’ in, 229 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17531-9 - The Invention of Sacred Tradition Edited by James R. Lewis and Olav Hammer Index More information Index 293 Budowec, Vaclav, 165 Charles the Bald of France, 252, 253 Buerger, D. J., 65 Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosencruetz, The, Bureus, Johannes, 160–4, 165, 167 158, 164 Ch’eongsugyo (‘Pure Water Church’ or Israel Cajetan, Thomas Cardinal, 151 Monastery), 120–2 Calvin, John, 152 Children of God. See Family International canonical texts China in New Testament. See New Testament re-education efforts and brainwashing, in Scientology, 21–2 104, 106 Unificationism, canonical status of Divine revival of religion in Tibet since invasion by, Principle in, 133–6 234–6 Zoroastrian corpus, scripturalization of, 183–5 Choi Sun-kil, 121 Carrithers, Michael, 50, 52 Choi Won-pok, 124 Casaubon, Isaac, 3 Chokgyur Lingpa, 220 Castaneda, Carlos, and Don Juan Matu´s, 5, 38–52 Cho¨wang, 224, 231 academic views of, 26–9 Christadelphians, 130 ancient tradition, presented as, 47, 52 Christensen, Dorthe Refslund, 19 charisma, rhetoric, metaphor, and allegory, Christian Science, 130 use of, 38, 47–51 Christianity, 7–9. See also Hebrew Bible; New drug use associated with, 41, 42, 45, 48, 50 Testament fact vs. truth in, 42, 47 biblical criticism, 12, 206, 211 human transmission of tradition, primary exoticism in, 8–9 interest in, 2 fundamentalist/evangelical initial presentation as ethnography and Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and, 86 eventual exposure as hoax, 40–2 Unificationism and, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137 mythical role assigned to Castaneda, 46, 48–9 Gnostic texts, 189–91 New Age and, 40, 42, 44 Korean Christians’ dislike of Moon and popular response to, 45–7 Unificationism, 126 shamanism modern paganisms and, 277, 280, 283 Castaneda’s work viewed as presentation Mormonism and, 57, 59, 61, 65, 69, 72 of, 42–5 Neo-Platonism reworked in terms of, 241, neo-shamanism, 46, 51, 52 247–9, 251, 252. See also Pseudo-Dionysius Western fascination with, 38 new texts, means of introducing, 10–11 tension between Western rationality and desire Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and, 76, for alternate reality, 38, 39, 40, 45 82, 84–9 trickster elements of, 45, 51, 52 skepticism and belief in, 12, 13, 14, 15 Cecco d’Ascoli (Francesco degli Stabili), 193, 194 spiritual counterfeit, concept of, 129–31 Central Church of Christ, 130 Unificationism and. See under Unificationism chain of memory, religion as, 33 Urantia book and, 207–8, 210–11 Chalcedonian controversy in Pseudo-Dionysius, Zoroastrianism and, 183–4, 189–91 243, 244–7, 251–2 Christina of Sweden, 168, 169, 171 Chaldean Oracles, 195 Chronicles (biblical books), 266 Chandler, Michael, 63 Chryssides, George D., viii, 7, 118 change and tradition, reconciling Chryssolaras, Immanuel, 160 in Anglicanism, 59 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. See in Mormonism, 58–60 Mormonism in Scientology, 26–9, 32–3 Church of Scientology. See Scientology channeling as method of reception of Urantia Church Universal and Triumphant, 11, 102 Book, 203–5, 211 Clarke, C. J. S., 43 charisma and invention of sacred tradition classical world. See also New Testament Castaneda, Carlos, and Don Juan Matu´s, 38, authorship in, 261–2 47–51 exoticism in, 9 Sadler, William, and Urantia Book, 203 pseudepigraphy in, 262 treasure revelation in Tibetan Buddhism, 216, Pseudo-Dionysius. See also 228–32 Pseudo-Dionysius © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-17531-9 - The Invention of Sacred Tradition Edited by James R. Lewis and Olav Hammer Index More information 294 Index classical world (cont.) Daniel, book of, 272–3 imperial/ecclesiastical power vs. Frankish/ Darius III, 184 French power and, 252–4 David, 260, 268–70 as mediator between Hellenism and Davidson, Ronald, 220 Christianity, 243, 247–9 Davies,
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