I Am Explaaatioft.- . Shirt Protector. An alienist came wandering through [ When a man buys a dress shirt nowa- ¬ on Insane asylum's wards one day. He THE WEEKLY days he can depend on the bosom be- ¬ Women came upon a man who sat in a brown ing absolutely spotless , since , owing te- Avoid PINK DR. WILLIAMS' PILLS study on a bench- . a new device that has been thought of, FOR STOMACH TROUBLE. " - . ."How do you do , sir ? said the dlien- th * shirt is protected from the touch erations " r Convincing Evidence Supported by a Ist.. "What is your name , may I ask ? 8 of soiled fingers that so often were "My name ?" said the other , frowning wont to leave their mark on. the fair When a woman suffering from Guarantee That Must Convince "female trouble is told oper-- The Most Skeptical. fiercely. "Why , Czar Nicholas , of- surface. that on atiqn( ia necessary , it, of course , / Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills are a doctor's course. ." This new style of protection consists " , ¬ "Indeed , said the alienist "Yet of an envelope of transparent paper °* prescription used by aa eminent prac- - - onght the hospital , titioner, and for nearly a generation the last time I was here you were the that Is large enough to hold the shirt, the ojreratlnj' table and the knife " " known as a reliable household remedy Emperor of Germany. keep it absolutely clean , and yet en- ¬ strikes teritor to her be'ait- . " .It is quite ¬ throughout the United States. Need- ¬ "Yes , of course , said the other , abling one to see the size numbers true that these troub- le* may reach where an ope- less to say , no advertised medicine could quickly , "but that was by my first through it. Without adding much to a'stage ration is the only resource , but a fcetain popular so " Argonaut , ¬ favor for long a period wife. the cost the envelope is a great econo- great many women have Been cured tonthout liaving great merit and it is the my to the dealers and makers , since by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Invaluable curative properties of the pills TIEED BACKS. with its use there is never any cause Compound after an operation has that have made them a standard remedy The kidneys have a great work to- for the return of shirts to the factory been decided upon as the only cure. 1SS ROSE .MOORE in every civilized country in the "world-. flo In keeping the blood pure. When that have been soiled iu the handling The strongest and most grate'ful \ .lA.dded to this is the absolute guarantee they get out of order statements possible to make come from women who by taking ' as there is in the case of collars an- pills no drug , it causes backache , that the contain harmful cuffs. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound iopiate , narcotic or stimulant. A recent headaches , dizziness , evidence of their efficacy is found in the languor and distress- ¬ Blood Gets Sour.-. made from native roots and herbs , have escaped serious operations , as- evidenced'by Miss Rose Moore's case , 307 W. 26th . Btatement of Mrs. N. B. "Whitley , of- ing urinary troubles. At this time of year , says a well- of St. N. Y. She writes- tBoxley : Dear Mrs. Pinkham-'Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , Ark.vho says Keep the kidneys well known authority , the Kidneys become has ¬ me , suffered good many years suffer- cured of the very worst form of female trouble and I wish to express "I had for a and all these weak , clogged and inactive , failing to from stomach trouble. For a long time ings will be saved to you my deepest gratitude. I suffered intensely for two years so that 130G Robert Bruce crowned King ol- filter out the poisons and acids, which was I -was subject to bad spells of faintneas- you. Mrs. S. A. Moore , I unable to attend to my duties and was a burden to my family. I Scotland. sour the blood , causing not only facial ind lack of breath accompanied by an ¬ doctored and doctored with only temporary relief and constantly objecting proprietor of a res- , by d- < and bodily eruptions but the worst to an operation which was indescribable feeling that seemed to taurant at Waterville , 1512 Florida discovered Ponce I advised to undergo. I decided to try Lydia forms of Rheumatism , Nervous and E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ; Start in my stomach. "Whenever I was Mo. , says : Leon. it cured me of the terrible trouble "Before Stomach troubles , Backache and pain- ¬ and " little run-down or over-tired , these - I am now in better health than have been many years. using Doan's Kidney Pills I suffered 1549 Thomas Seymour, lord high nd- I for ipells would come on. They occurred ful , annoying Urinary afflictions- . This and other such cases should encourage every woman to try Ly¬ everything a of England , and be frequently but did not last very long. from kidney troubles for. iniral attainted .It is worth any one's tune now to dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before she submits to an operation. year and a half. pnin in the headed.- . ' "I was confined to my bed for ten I had get from some good prescription phar- ¬ Mrs. back and head , and almost continuous published , Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women T7eeks one time and the doctor pro- - 15G3 Pacification of Amboise macy the following ingredients : Fluid Women suffering any ¬ In the loins weary all time.- . from form of female weakness are invited to oounced my trouble chronic inflamma- and felt the granting toleration to the Huguenots. Extract Dandelion , one-half ounce ; A promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn , Mass. From the stomach and bowels. Since few doses of Doan's Kiduey Pills , ; Com- ¬ tion of the 1632 Canada and Acadia restored to Compound Kargon one ounce symptoms given , brought great relief , and kept on tak- ¬ the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest that time I have been subject to the I France by the treaty of St. Germain- pound Syrup Sarsaparilla , three way of recovery advised. spells flut- ¬ ing them until in a short time was fainting and at other times to I enLaye. ounces. Mix by shaking well iu a bot-¬ tering of the heart and a feeling as cured. I think Doan'B Kidney Pills ¬ tle and take In teaspoonful doses after though I was smothering. My general are wonderful. " 1076 Indians under King Philip at- Provi- ¬ your meals and at bedtime. Siealth was very had and I was weak and For sale by all dealers. oO cents a- tacked and nearly destroyed Not What He Wanted.- . MOTHER ORATS This simple home-made mixture will , trembling- . box.. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , dence , R. I. "Yes ," said the specialist to the portly force the Kidneys to normal , healthy SWEET POWDERS ."I load seen Dr. Williams' Pink Pills N. by fol- , "you 1687 La Salle assassinated his , caller are at least a hundred de- ¬ action so they will filter and strain all mentioned in the newspapers and Y.A heavy. di- ¬ CHILDREN , lowers. uric acid and poisonous waste matter pounds too If you follow my FOR cided to try them. When I began taking New York life insurance company ol- can guarantee 1694 Incorporation ot the Bank , rections I to reduce your ¬ from the blood and expel this in the fche pills I was so run-down in strengtli- hold ? ?S,000,000 worth of Russia's rail- flesh fifty pounds inside of three months." ithat could hardly do auy housework.f- . England. urine , at the same time restoring the piaorders , I way securities. "But I dou't want my flesh reduced , " Hulher Gray- . fiTow could walk ten miles necessary. 1697 Hannah Dustin of Haverhill , "full blood count" that is, 95 per cent, Worraa. Ther I if answered the caller, irritably. "All I .Narso In Child- Both my husband and myself think Dr-. Mass. , her twelve Indian red blood corpuscles which Is abso- ¬ ren'n Simple mailed FREE. Artdrw * Garfield Tea is for those who desire an killed want is to get rid of this superfluous KowY kO& oy"iM- .Williams' Pills the best medicine escaped. lutely indispensable to perfect health.- . A. S. OLMSTED. L Pink is simple , pure , mild guards and " atnade and wo always recommend the ideal laxative ; it fat. ; liyer 1719 Spanish fleet intended for the in- S. C. X. TJ. - - Xo. 1 1907. " and potent it regulates the and HOTV . Drills to our friends. o- lie Knew.- , overcomes constipation and vasion of England dispersed by Dr. Williams' PinkPills actually make kidneys A witness was being examined as to brings Good Health. is guaranteed storm. pew blood and giy strength and tone to It the sanity of one of the inmates of the under the Pure Food and Drugs Law. Tryon destroyed salt works al- very part of the body. They have 1779 Gen. asylum. "You hold that this inmate is loured serious disorders of the blood and Horseneck , Conn. STIFFNESS , STITCHES , LAMENESS , , . " "I- CRAMP , The Donbtfnl Citizen.- Insane , do you ? a lawyer asked. ierves, such as rheumatism sciatica , Onlr 1793 The English , under Gon. McBride, TWISTS AND TWITCHES , ALL DECAMP WHEN "Everybody Is telling exactly what do ," was the firm response. "Why are insemia , nervousness , headaches , partial took possession of Ostend. YOU APPLY paralysis , locomotor ataxia. St. vitus' you will do if you are elected to of-¬ you so sure ?" "The man ," the witness 1794 Denmark and Sweden concluded dance and many forms of weakness in " , "goes asserting he is fice.
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