} 2014 { VOLUME 28, No. 3 {2014} VOLUME 28, No. 3 VOLUME 28,No. — CS4 CS4 CS5 Photos vérifiées Photos R.-C. CD/DVD FTP Date : Date : 13.02.2014 InDesign InDesign 100 % du format 100 final 100 % du montage 100 % Commentaires ANGLAIS Montage à ATTENTION Le « trapping» estLe à faire « par Épreuve à Small Coverx 10,5” 7,5” (fermé) Épreuve à finale Impression l’imprimeur selon ses propres specs. Correction d’épreuves EXPLORING SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE WINES PORTUGUESE AND SPANISH EXPLORING Perforation Réalisateur PMS 285UPMS Client THE NEW WAVE Service à la la clientèle Direction artistique PMS 032UPMS Directeur de création de Rédaction D107579A_CV_Espagne_Portugal_SmallCover SAQ_100202406 20/02/14 PG 1 ÉPREUVE 1 PAGE DD107579A_CV_Espagne_Portugal_SmallCover.indd107579A_CV_Espagne_Portugal_SmallCover.indd 1 22014-02-20014-02-20 009:529:52 DD107579A_CV_Espagne_Portugal_SmallCover.indd 2 1 0 7 5 7 9 A _ C V _ RED AGING POTENTIAL E ST Signature Team - Mark out of 100 s WINE Drink now p a P Peñín - Mark out of 100 The aging potential is the potential lifespan of a wine if kept in favourable g n storage conditions. The year that is indicated for each wine represents 000 Drink now or keep e WS Wine Spectator - Mark out of 100 _ until year indicated P WHITE the year in which the wine will peak and display its full complexity. Quantity of bottles available o WA Wine Advocate - Mark out of 100 Favourite r Of course, depending on your personal taste, you may fi nd a wine is ready t WINE Drink during the indicated u g IWC Stephen Tanzer - Mark out of 100 to drink well before the year indicated here. period of maturity a l _ S m a l l C o v e r . i n d d 2 No. BODEGA OTAZU No. BODEGAS VEGA SICILIA 22 PALACIO DE OTAZU ALTAR 2005 45 VALBUENA 5° 2008 No. VIÑEDOS DE PÁGANOS No. BODEGAS VEGA SICILIA 23 EL PUNTIDO 2009 46 ÚNICO 2003 JUVÉ Y CAMPS HERDADE DA No. GRAN JUVÉ Y CAMPS No. VIÑEDOS SIERRA CANTABRIA No. AALTO BODEGAS Y VIÑEDOS No. MALHADINHA NOVA 01 GRAN RESERVA BRUT 2008 24 FINCA EL BOSQUE 2010 47 AALTO PS 2010 68 MALHADINHA BRANCO 2012 GRAMONA No. BODEGA CONTADOR BODEGAS ALEJANDRO HERDADE DA No. 02 LUSTROS III GRAN RESERVA 25 LA CUEVA DEL CONTADOR 2010 No. FERNÁNDEZ TINTO PESQUERA No. MALHADINHA NOVA BRUT NATURE 2006 48 JANUS GRAN RESERVA 2003 69 MALHADINHA TINTO 2010 BODEGA CONTADOR RECAREDO No. BODEGA CARMEN No. 26 CONTADOR 2010 No. CORTES DE CIMA 03 TURÓ D’EN MOTA No. RODRÍGUEZ MÉNDEZ 70 TOURIGA NACIONAL 2008 RESERVA BRUT 2000 49 CARO DORUM SELECCIÓN ESPECIAL 2008 No. BODEGAS RODA RODA I RESERVA 2007 No. JOÃO PORTUGAL RAMOS RAVENTÓS I BLANC 27 MARQUÊS DE BORBA RESERVA 2011 No. MANUEL RAVENTÓS No. BODEGAS Y VIÑEDOS PINTIA 71 PINTIA 2009 04 GRAN RESERVA PERSONAL 2007 BODEGAS RODA 50 No. No. LUÍS PATO 28 CIRSION 2010 72 VINHA BARROSA 2009 No. TORRES No. BODEGA NUMANTHIA 05 MILMANDA 2011 51 NUMANTHIA 2008 No. BODEGAS MUGA No. ANSELMO MENDES 29 ARO 2009 73 PARCELA ÚNICA 2011 No. ÁLVARO PALACIOS No. BODEGA NUMANTHIA 06 FINCA DOFÍ 2011 52 TERMANTHIA 2009 No. BODEGAS Y VIÑEDOS ARTADI No. NIEPOORT 30 VIÑAS DE GAIN 2010 74 REDOMA RESERVA 2011 No. ÁLVARO PALACIOS No. TESO LA MONJA 07 L’ERMITA 2011 53 VICTORINO 2010 NIEPOORT No. BODEGAS Y VIÑEDOS ARTADI No. 31 PAGOS VIEJOS 2010 75 OMLET 2010 No. CIMS DE PORRERA No. TESO LA MONJA 08 SOLANES 2007 54 ALABASTER 2010 No. NIEPOORT No. BODEGAS Y VIÑEDOS ARTADI 76 CHARME 2010 32 VIÑA EL PISÓN 2010 No. CELLER MAS DOIX No. DOMINIO DE TARES 09 SALANQUES 2010 55 TARES PAGO 3 2008 No. NIEPOORT No. FINCA ALLENDE 77 BATUTA 2010 CELLER MAS DOIX 33 MÁRTIRES 2011 No. No. BODEGAS ESTEFANÍA DOMINGOS ALVES DE SOUSA 10 DOIX COSTERS DE 56 TILENUS PIEROS 2003 No. VINYES VELLES 2010 No. MARQUÉS DE MURRIETA 78 QUINTA DA GAIVOSA 2008 34 DALMAU 2007 DESCENDIENTES DE J. PALACIOS No. MAS MARTINET No. No. DOMINGOS ALVES DE SOUSA 11 CLOS MARTINET 2009 COMPAÑIA DE VINOS 57 MONCERBAL 2011 79 ABANDONADO 2009 No. TELMO RODRÍGUEZ 35 MAISON M. CHAPOUTIER No. CLOS FIGUERAS EL TRANSISTOR 2011 No. DESCENDIENTES DE J. PALACIOS No. 12 FONT DE LA FIGUERA 2009 58 LAS LAMAS 2011 80 PINTEIVERA 2011 COMPAÑIA DE VINOS No. TELMO RODRÍGUEZ PRATS & SYMINGTON No. CLOS FIGUERAS 36 No. DESCENDIENTES DE J. PALACIOS No. 13 CLOS FIGUERES 2010 PEGASO GRANITO 2009 59 LA FARAONA 2011 81 CHRYSEIA 2009 COMPAÑIA DE VINOS No. QUINTA DO PASSADOURO No. CLOS MOGADOR No. No. BODEGA VIÑA NORA PASSADOURO RESERVA 2010 NELIN 2011 TELMO RODRÍGUEZ 82 14 37 PEGASO BARRANCOS DE PIZARRA 2010 60 NORA DA NEVE 2009 No. QUINTA DO POEIRA CLOS MOGADOR ADEGAS VALMIÑOR No. No. BODEGAS MAURO No. 83 POEIRA 2010 15 MANYETES 2010 38 MAURO 2010 61 DÁVILA L-100 2010 No. QUINTA DO VALE MEÃO No. CLOS MOGADOR ADEGA PAZOS DE LUSCO 84 QUINTA DO VALE MEÃO 2011 CLOS MOGADOR 2009 No. BODEGAS MAURO No. 16 39 TERREUS 2009 62 PAZO PIÑEIRO 2010 No. QUINTA DO VALLADO No. COSTERS DEL SIURANA BODEGAS AVANTHIA 85 QUINTA DO VALLADO RESERVA 2011 CLOS DE L’OBAC 2005 No. BODEGAS VIÑAS DEL CÉNIT No. 17 CÉNIT 2009 63 AVANCIA 2009 40 No. QUINTA DO VALLADO L’INFERNAL 86 SOUSÃO 2011 No. (COMBIER-FISCHER-GERIN) No. BODEGAS EMILIO MORO No. FINCA SANDOVAL 18 RIU 2010 41 MALLEOLUS 2010 64 FINCA SANDOVAL 2008 No. QUINTA VALE D. MARIA 87 VINHA DO RIO 2011 No. MAS IGNEUS No. DOMINIO DE ATAUTA No. MARQUÉS DE GRIÑÓN 19 MAS IGNEUS FA 104 2012 42 VALDEGATILES 2008 65 EMÉRITUS 2008 RAMOS PINTO No. 88 DUAS QUINTAS 22014-02-20 09:52 CELLER DOSTERRAS BODEGAS LUZÓN RESERVA ESPECIAL 2004 0 DOMINIO DE PINGUS No. No. No. 1 DOSTERRAS 2010 FLOR DE PINGUS 2011 ALMA DE LUZÓN 2005 4 20 43 66 - 0 2 - ESPECTACLE BODEGAS EL NIDO 2 DOMINIO DE PINGUS No. No. No. 0 ESPECTACLE 2010 EL NIDO 2008 COMMANDE.SAQ.COM 21 44 PINGUS 2011 67 0 9 MARCH 24 AT NOON : 5 2 Perforation ANGLAIS PMS 032U PMS 285U Small Cover 7,5” x 10,5” (fermé) InDesign CS4 CS5 D107579A_CV_Espagne_Portugal_SmallCover PG Montage à 100 % du format final SAQ_100202406 PAGE 2 Épreuve à 100 % du montage 20/02/14 ÉPREUVE 1 Impression finale à 100 % Photos vérifiées R.-C. Rédaction Directeur Direction Service à Client Réalisateur Correction Commentaires de création artistique la clientèle d’épreuves ATTENTION CD/DVD Le « trapping » est à faire par FTP l’imprimeur selon ses propres specs. Date : 13.02.2014 STARTING MARCH 24, 2014 AT NOON COMMANDE.SAQ.COM 04 0 INTERVIEWS 1 ÁLVARO PALACIOS 08 MAKE YOUR SELECTION FROM MARCH 24, AT NOON TO APRIL 2, 2014, AT NOON TELMO RODRÍGUEZ 20 02 RECEIVE YOUR ORDER CONFIRMATION APRIL 4, 2014* 03 3 PICK UP YOUR ORDER 4 IN STORE INTERVIEW MID-JUNE 2014 DIRK NIEPOORT 38 Please keep a copy of your order form as well as a proof of transmission. Under no circumstances may products ordered by one customer be transferred to another customer. The SAQ will send all customers an order confirmation by email after their payment has been processed. From that moment on, neither reimbursements nor exchanges will be accepted. Please be advised that the various in-store promotions and discounts are not applicable to the products on sale in this Courrier vinicole. The complete conditions of sale and terms of product allocation are available online at saq.com/courriervinicole-en. * Limited quantities. If the demand exceeds the offer, a computerized draw among all orders received will be held before noon on April 2, 2014. Orders cannot be received between noon on April 2 and noon on April 4. DD107579A_CV_Espagne_Portugal_Cover.indd107579A_CV_Espagne_Portugal_Cover.indd 1 22014-02-20014-02-20 009:129:12 PMS 032U PMS 285U ANGLAIS CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK Cover 9,75” x 12,375” (fermé) InDesign CS4 CS5 D107579A_CV_Espagne_Portugal_Cover PG Montage à 100 % du format final SAQ_100202406 PAGE 1 Épreuve à 100 % du montage 20/02/14 ÉPREUVE 1 Impression finale à 100 % Photos vérifiées R.-C. Rédaction Directeur Direction Service à Client Réalisateur Correction Commentaires de création artistique la clientèle d’épreuves ATTENTION CD/DVD Le « trapping » est à faire par FTP l’imprimeur selon ses propres specs. Date : 13.02.2014 DD107579A_CV_Espagne_Portugal_Cover.indd107579A_CV_Espagne_Portugal_Cover.indd 2 22014-02-20014-02-20 009:129:12 PMS 032U PMS 285U FRANÇAIS CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK Cover 9,75” x 12,375” (fermé) InDesign CS4 CS5 D107579A_CV_Espagne_Portugal_Cover PG Montage à 100 % du format final SAQ_100202406 PAGE 2 Épreuve à 100 % du montage 20/02/14 ÉPREUVE 1 Impression finale à 100 % Photos vérifiées R.-C. Rédaction Directeur Direction Service à Client Réalisateur Correction Commentaires de création artistique la clientèle d’épreuves ATTENTION CD/DVD Le « trapping » est à faire par FTP l’imprimeur selon ses propres specs. Date : 13.02.2014 F EATURE For the first time in its more than 25 years of existence, Le Courrier vinicole has prepared a catalogue entirely dedicated to the Iberian Peninsula. This collection offers Spanish and Portuguese wines that are greatly sought-after by wine lovers from around the world. Find a top-of-the-line selection based on wine producers that are already well established in Quebec. They have shared their best wines, the latest releases and cherished rarities. Several regions are featured including some of the best known in Spain such as PENINSULAIBERIAN Catalonia and its well-reputed appellations including Priorat with its sparkling Cavas, the Rioja and its eponymous appellation, Castile-Leon for its well-known Ribera del Duero and a growing number of other regions waiting to be discovered, such as Bierzo for its Mencia varietal.
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