APPENDIX C WILDLIFE Wildlife Species of Cheyenne Mountain State Park Compiled by Colorado State Parks, 2001 Codes *Imperiled species are those with Partners in Flight (PIF) Tot=>21 or Covers =>38; or Colorado Natural Heritage Program (CNHP)=< S3 (PT= Population Trend- Birds with high scores for PT are more demonstrably in need on conservation action than are birds with low scores; AI= Area Importance- =>3 indicates greater conservation value.) **Federal or CO Status: E= federally endangered; T= federally threatened; PT= Proposed Threatened; C= Candidate; DM= Delisted Taxon, Recovered, Monitored first five years; SE= State endangered; ST= State threatened; SC= State species of concern; FS= Sensitive (identified by the regional forester); BLM= Sensitive (found on public lands, similar to C). **CNHP Status: G= Global; S= State; B= Breeding Status; 1= critically imperiled because of extreme rarity; 5= demonstrably secure; N= Non-breeding status; SH= historically known but not verified for an extended period of time; SZ= migrant, occurrences too irregular, dispersed or transitory; T= trinomial rank used for subspecies **Source codes: AF= Peterson Air Force Base; CH= Cheyenne Mountain State Park; FC= Fort Carson Army Base; FL= Florrissant National Monument; DM= Distribution Maps for El Paso County; EP= El Paso County Species Lists; N= NORAD Air Force Facility **Likelihood to be Present codes: 1= Animal or animal sign observed onsite; 2= Suitable habitat present and animal is very likely; 3= Some suitable habitat present and animal could be present; 4=Limited suitable habitat- animal not likely, but if present may use area for food (potentially important food source); 5= Migrant- may fly over or pass through area, but does not stay. C-1 Wildlife Species of Cheyenne Mountain State Park Compiled by Colorado State Parks, 2001 Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Scores Sensitive Federal Colorado CNHP Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status Ranking Mammalia Marsupalia Oppossum Didelphis marsupialis AF 2 16 Insectivora Least Shrew Cryptotis parva AF 2 or 3 24 Masked Shrew Sorex cinereus AF 4 34 Merriam's Shrew Sorex merriami AF 3 33 Northern Short-tailed Shrew Blarina brevicauda AF * * Montane Shrew Sorex monticolus N 3 30 Chiroptera Plecotus townsendii Townsend's Big-eared Bat pallescens CH 2 68 BLM G4T4/S2 Myotis thysanodes Fringed-tail Bat pahasapensis N 2 57 S3 Lagomorpha Black-tailed Jack Rabbit Lepus californicus AF 2 24 Eastern Cottontail Sylvilagus floridanus AF,CH 1 4 Rodentia Spermophilus 13-lined Groundsquirrel tridecemlineatus AF 2 16 G5T3/S3 Spermophilus Spotted Groundsquirrel spilosoma AF 2 or 3 18 G5T4/S1 C-2 Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Scores Sensitive Federal Colorado CNHP Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status Ranking Abert's Squirrel Sciurus aberti N 4 28 Tamiasciurus Red Squirrel hudsonicus N 2 17 Fox Squirrel Sciurus niger AF 4 15 Reithrodontomys Plains Harvest Mouse montanus AF 3 31 G5T3T4/SH Reithrodontomys Western Harvest Mouse megalotis AF 3 24 Peromyscus Deer Mouse maniculatus AF 2 8 White Footed Mouse Peromyscus leucopus AF 4 21 Perognathus fasciatus Olive-backed Pocket Mouse infraluteus AF 2 or 3 44 G5T?/S2? Hispid Pocket Mouse Chaetodipus hispidus AF 3 12 Perognathus Plains Pocket Mouse flavescens flavescens AF 2 24 G5T4/SH Silky Pocket Mouse bunkeri Perognathus flavus ssp. bunkeri AF 3 49 S4 Onychomys Northern Grasshopper Mouse leucogaster ssp. AF * 16 House Mouse Mus musculus AF * * Ord's Kangaroo Rat Dipodomys ordii AF 4 21 G5T4T5/S3 Prairie Vole Mycrotus ochrogaster AF 3 6 Black-tailed Prairie Dog Cynomys ludovicianus AF,CH,N 1 40 C G4S4 Plains Pocket Gopher Geomys bursarius AF,CH 1 30 Carnivora, Suborder Fissipedia Coyote Canis latrans AF,CH,N 1 2 Swift Fox Vulpes velox CH 3 51 SC G3T?Q/S3 Urocyon Gray Fox cinereoargenteus N 2 14 S4 Red Fox Vulpes vulpes AF,CH,N 2 22 C-3 Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Scores Sensitive Federal Colorado CNHP Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status Ranking Black Bear Ursus americanus AF,CH,N 1 5 Raccoon Procyon lotor AF,N 2 6 Badger Taxidea taxus AF,CH 1 6 Long-tailed Weasel Mustela frenata AF 2 19 Striped Skunk Mephitis mephitis AF,N,CH 1 4 Conepatus mesoleucus Hog-Nosed Skunk figginsi N 3 38 G4/SH Mountain Lion Felis concolor AF,CH,N 1 11 Bobcat Lynx rufus CH,N 1 11 S4 Artiodactyla Mule Deer Odocoileus hemionus AF,CH,N 1 4 White-tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus CH 4 6 Canadian Elk (Wapiti) Cervus elaphus AF,CH 1 3 Pronghorn Antelope Antilocapra americana AF 4 18 BIRDS M= Migrant, W= Winter residents, R= Year-Round resident, B= Breeding/Nesting Site, S= Summer resident with no information on breeding/nesting sites. Loons (Gaviidae) Wetland species that may not be present at Cheyenne Mountain, but is found nearby. Common Loon- M Gavia immer FC 5 * 22 Grebes (Popicipedidae) Wetland species that may not be present at Cheyenne Mountain, but are found nearby. Pied-billed Grebe- R Podilymbus podiceps FC 5 13/3/2 37 Horned Grebe- W Podiceps auritus FC 5 * 22 Eared Grebe- R Podiceps nigricollis FC 5 13/3/2 36 Aechmophorus Western Grebe- R occidentalis FC 5 20/3/3 33 Clark's Grebe- S Aechmophorus clarkii FC 5 20/3/3 45 Comorants (Phalacrocoracidae) Wetland species that may not be present at Cheyenne Mountain, but is found nearby. C-4 Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Scores Sensitive Federal Colorado CNHP Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status Ranking Double-crested Comorant- S Phalacrocorax auritus FC 5 13/3/2 31 Herons (Ardeidae) Wetland species. that may not be present at Cheyenne Mountain, but are found nearby Great Blue Heron- B Ardea herodias AF,FL,FC 5 13/1/3 34 American Bittern- B Botaurus lentiginosus FC 5 17/3/2 51 Great Egret- M? Ardea albus FC 5 * 40 Snowy Egret- S Egretta thula FC 5 13/3/2 36 G5/S2B,SZN Green-backed Heron- S Butorides striatus FC 5 * * Black-crowned Night-Heron-S Nycticorax nycticorax FC 5 13/2/2 37 Ibises (Threskionithidae) Wetland species that may not be present at Cheyenne Mountain, but is found nearby. White-faced Ibis- S Plegadis chihi FC 5 16/3/3 45 FS,BLM G5/S2B,SZN Geese, Ducks (Anatidae) Wetland species that may not be present at Cheyenne Mountain, but are found nearby. Mallard- R Anas platyrynchos AF,FL,FC 5 11/3/1 10 Gadwall- R Anas strepera AF,FL,FC 5 14/3/2 28 American Wigeon- M Anas americana AF,FL,FC 5 16/3/3 17 Canada Goose- R Branta canadensis FL,FC 5 13/3/3 2 Green-winged Teal- B Anas crecca FL,FC 5 14/3/3 12 Blue-winged Teal- W Anas discors FL,FC 5 14/3/2 14 Cinnamon Teal- W Anas cyanoptera FL,FC 5 18/3/3 22 Bufflehead- M Bucephala albeola FL,FC 5 17/3/2 18 Hooded Merganser- B Lophodytes cucullatus FC 5 19/3/2 44 Common Merganser- W Mergus merganser FL,FC 5 15/3/3 11 Red-breaasted Merganser- W Mergus serrator FC 5 * 9 Tundra Swan- W? Cygnus columbianus FC 5 * 22 Greater White-fronted Goose- W? Anser albfrons FC 5 * 17 Snow Goose- W? Chen caerulescens FC 5 * 28 Wood Duck- R Aix sponsa FC 5 16/3/2 15 Northern Pintail- R Anas acuta FC 5 13/3/2 43 C-5 Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Scores Sensitive Federal Colorado CNHP Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status Ranking Northern Shoveler- R Anas clypeata FC 5 14/3/2 13 Canvasback- R Aythya valisineria FC 5 18/3/2 36 Redhead- R Aythya americana FC 5 20/3/3 15 Ruddy Duck- B Oxyura jamaicensis FC 5 18/3/3 17 Ring-necked Duck- R Aythya collaris FC 5 19/3/3 10 Lesser Scaup- R Aythya affinis FC 5 16/3/3 47 Common Goldeneye- W Bucephala clangula FC 5 * 15 Rails, Coots (Rallisae) Wetland species that may not be present at Cheyenne Mountain, but are found nearby. American Coot- R Fulica americana AF,FC 5 12/3/3 13 Black Rail- M Laterallus jamaicensis FC 5 24/3/2 57 Virginia Rail- R Rallus limicola FC 5 16/3/3 42 Sora- B Porzana carolina FC 5 14/4/2 40 Cranes (Gruidae) Wetland species that may not be present at Cheyenne Mountain, but is found nearby. Grus canadensis Greater Sandhill Crane- B? tabida FC 5 * 56 ST FS G5T4/S2B,S4N Plovers (Charadriidae) *indicates wetland species that may not be present at Cheyenne Mountain, but is found nearby. *Black-bellied Plover- M? Pluvialis squatarola FC 5 * 35 Charadrius Semipalmated Plover- M semipalmatus FC 4 * 33 Killdeer- B Charadrius vociferus AF,FL,FC 2 * 38 Mountain Plover- B Charadrius montanus FC,CH 2 28/2/5 65 FS,BLM PT SC G2/S2B,SZN Stilts, Avocets () Wetland species that may not be present at Cheyenne Mountain, but are found nearby. Himantopus Black-necked Stilt- B mexicanus FC 5 15/3/2 35 G5/S3B,SZN Recurvirostra American Avovet- B americana FC 5 21/3/3 41 Sandpipers (Scoolopacidae) Wetland species that may not be present at Cheyenne Mountain, but are found nearby. C-6 Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Scores Sensitive Federal Colorado CNHP Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status Ranking Spotted Sandpiper- B Actitis macularia FL,FC 5 13/3/3 20 Common Snipe- R Gallinago gallinago FL,FC 5 13/1/4 12 Greater Yellowlegs- M? Tringa melanoleuca FC 5 * 14 Lesser Yellowlegs- M? Tringa flavipes FC 5 * 11 Solitary Sandpiper- M Tringa solitaria FC 5 * 8 Catoptophorus Willet- M? semipalmatus FC 5 * 15 Whimbrel- M? Numenius phaeopus FC 5 * 47 Long-billed Curlew- B Numenius americanus FC 5 23/4/3 54 FS,BLM SC G5/S2B,SZN Marbled Godwit- B? Limosa fedoa FC 5 18/3/1 44 Sanderling- M? Calidris alba FC 5 * 18 Semipalmated Sandpiper- M Calidris pusilla FC 5 * 20 Western Sandpiper- M? Calidris mauri FC 5 * 21 Least Sandpiper- M? Calidris minutilla FC 5 * 13 Baird's Sandpiper- M Calidris bairii FC 5 * 15 Pectoral Sandpiper- M Calidris melanotos FC 5 * 37 Stilt Sandpiper- M Calidris himantopus FC 5 * 44 Limnodromus Long-billed Dowitcher- M scolopaceus FC 5 * 13 American Woodcock- ? Scolopax minor FC 5 * * Wilson's Phalarope- B Phalaropus tricolor FC 5 20/3/3 24 G5/S4B,S4N Red-necked Phalarope- M Phalaropus lobatus FC 5 * 10 Gulls, Terns (Laridae) Wetland species that may not be present at Cheyenne Mountain, but are found nearby.
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