: :: Victorian Cichlid Society Incorporated Certificate of Incorporation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oss Socolof’s passing has taken so you can do a better job. Great, let me &(# long to register. He passed away in know and the job is yours. October in his 84th year. I was fortu- keeping and trading of all undesirable nate to meet him and he was an unas- species. The PIAA is still in consulta- suming, knowledgeable, witty and tion with the authorities over this bi- friendly human being. He will be must thank Daryl for his elcome to the “Teenies”. zarre and disastrous option. sadly missed, but so many people assistance or this would have been As we have survived the “Noughties” Each and every cichlidophile has two have such fond memories of this even a paler imitation of the great we should look forward with opti- options. The first and most obvious is “giant” of the aquarium hobby. issues that he presented for us. mism to a time of growth. Remember to throw our hands in the air and call how you loved those teenage years. the bureaucrats all the names under GRAHAM. the sun….and give up! The second and most logical thing is ell that’s it. I hope you to throw your weight behind the PIAA enjoy this issue and have decided that believe that everyone present and other concerned hobbyists who at the AGM felt that Daryl loved the are fighting this “Big Brother” ap- Editor’s job so much he was only kid- proach. One small part of this is to ding when he indicated that he wanted show you are a genuine, environmen- a break. When the truth became obvi- tally concerned hobbyist by being an ous, I put up my hand to fill the gap active committed member of your until the rest of you reassessed your local Aquarium Societies and talking priorities. and writing about the pleasure you Hopefully enough time has passed for have received and the knowledge you some concerned member to recon- have gained by observing your finny sider and let the committee know you pets’ behaviour. want the job. n this time of instant commu- ichlid keeping is still in dan- nications, it is surprising that news of ger of being legislated out of exis- tence. The ban on importation of cich- lids due to the Iridovirus scare is still )*+&'&, possible. Even after John Dawes has shown, on behalf of PIAA, that the 8 9*+. ! “scientific” proof that showed Murray (! ! C A Cod were infected by exposure to * 8 J “diseased” fish was skewed fatally so . 8 !!! ! : 6 ; there was only one possible result. ! B J The attempt to find a way to deal with 8 G :! (! J the “Grey List” has resulted in the I 8 : : ! ! Strategic Approach looking at options < ! = ! J for the management of these E 8 J “undesirable” species. They assessed , 8!: ! J nine options and discarded eight as 8 ! ! " unworkable. This leaves banning the & @A : : :: !" # $% !&' ( !"#$%"#&'% )*+,! -($#)*"%&+, %./ !,) -+*. 0)*1 */0'* $)##/* @A :: :: reprint of Vern Smith’s “Heros efas- great stories, but not one is origi- ciatus—The Turquoise Severum”. nal.Wally Cox explains all about Our next invitation is in Superfish for “Apistogramma baenschi” reprinted October—December and we are with from July 2008 issue of Finformation, the Queensland Cichlid Group. publication of the Greater Pittsburgh Mal Lincoln dissects Labidochromis AS. By chisumulae for our benefit and Tony Rolf Mader details the joy of keeping Graham Rowe Sunderland does likewise for Tro- “ The Firemouth Cichlid, Thorichthys pheus duboisi. meeki” in a reprint from March-April Welcome aboard for our first flight of Dr Adrian Lawler, a retired Aquarium 2009 issue of Cichlidae Communique, the “Teenies”. We have a new innova- Supervisor at J. L. Scott Aquarium in publication of the Pacific Coast Cich- tion this year: In Flight Movies, but Biloxi Missouri, details “Tank Secu- lid Association. more on that later. rity” in an article in Aquarticles. The final epistle is from our very own Our first invitation is to Perth Cichlid Mike Keiser has “A Recipe for An- Peter Robinson reprinted from March Society via the invitation in their un- gels” that originally appeared in The 2009 TCM, publication of the VCS dated newsletter. Erica also known as Calquarium Volume 39 Number 8 , explaining how his resistance was “newfish” relates her enthusiastic published by Calgary Aquarium Soci- worn down and he was “Coming love of fish keeping. She makes me ety and reprinted from Aquarticles. Back.”Now we can enjoy our in flight envious as she completed her ad- Again from Aquarticles we find Karl “movies”. vanced Scuba qualifications and Schwarze’s “Melanochromis jo- Firstly Missouri AS’s Darter for No- swum and fished the Amazon in Peru hanni.” This originally appeared in vember December is on screen.Gary and the Pantanal in Brazil when she June 1999 issue of Monthly bulletin McIlraine explains “Spawning Tho- had very little interest in fish!! There of the Hamilton and District Aquar- richthys ellioti and Patrick A. Tosie is also Part 3 of the Charles Family ium Society. Senior extols the virtues of Benito- visit to UK Fishkeepers. Real travel- The final article is “Apistogrammas chromis batesi “Pouma”” lers ; must catch the next PCS mem- My Way” by Don Zilliox from Some We find through January Fins N Tales ber to visit Melbourne and regale us Things Fishy from the Tropical Fish that the Kitchener-Waterloo AS is a with their fishy tales. Club of Erie County. dedicated and active group and have Next stop is the New South Wales Our next invitation takes us across the some marvellous shots of cichlids. Cichlid Society in Volume 38 No- Tasman to Federation of New Zealand The Hamilton & District AS Bulletin vember issue of Cichlid Circular. Aquatic Societies via “New Zealand for November has Part III of Joe Bas- Scott Falzon talks of his love affair Aquarium World”. tianpillai’s “Discus Made Easy”. with Copadichromis borleyi kadango Rob Thomson from Upper Hutt AS We have two non cichlid invitations “Red Fin” and his attempts to make tells all and sundry how they can to glance at as we come in to land. this beauty more popular. breed “Apistogrammas” just as suc- Finchat for November from the Norm Halliwell records the “final cessfully as he. Aquarium Society of Victoria and notes on 2/10/09 meeting in Canberra Over the sea to Skye oops sorry to Fishtalesfor October from Eastern on noxious fish”. Cleveland to be guests of Great Lakes Districts AS. Lionel Gomez proclaims “My love for Cichlid Society in response to their Until our next flight, the Pundamilia nyererei.” invitation in the October/November Cheers. They round out the magazine with a Cichlid Evening Post. They have three Graham. @A :: :: From `Nekton’, journal of the Saskatoon AS, January 2004 LEFT: Adult Uaru amphiacanthoides. ABOVE: Some very young Uarus. Spawning financial considerations at the time ant of each other and the pair will Uaru amphiacanthoides allowed me to buy only four fish. clear everyone out around the spawn- Long experience with cichlids since ing site. I had no information as to the By Dana Allan then has taught me whenever possible age of my fish, however, after housing to obtain at least eight individuals per them for only a few months I was species with 10 or 12 being optimum. happy to discover two of the fish This number ensures (usually) that guarding a batch of pearl-coloured Several species are on my wish list to the colours intensify and the fish are you will have enough healthy males eggs laid horizontally on the flat sur- spawn and the Uaru was always one quite beautiful. and females to get a viable pair. As it face of a rock near the back of the of them. These South American cich- The fry during the first few days of turned out I lost one of the group as tank. lids are often referred to as the Poor free-swimming, like Discus, will feed soon as I got home. The remaining Man’s Discus due to similarities in off of secretions from their parent’s Excitement turned to disappointment three were housed in a 340-litre their body shape and fry raising tech- skin. however as by the next day all of the wooden tank, with a group of niques. The fish are disc-shaped with eggs had turned white and were sub- Breeding without the parents is said to Acarichthys heckelii and Satanoperca a heavy, olive green colour and have a sequently eaten by the parents. be almost impossible. Needless to say leucosticta ( jurupari ). Uaru are a large black crescent in the lower cen- The two fish spawned again within this is the way I had to raise mine. schooling species and typically very tre of their bodies. They are chame- two weeks with the same results. I I purchased my first group of Uaru peaceful to each other and other tank leon-like in colour and will turn al- assumed at that point that I had an several years ago from a pet shop in mates except during spawning at most completely to a dull shade of immature or inexperienced male.
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