67356 Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 219 / Thursday, November 13, 2014 / Rules and Regulations and promptly construct if authorized. Commission amends 47 CFR Part 73 as ■ 1. The authority citation for 48 CFR Substituting channel 11 for channel 21 follows: parts 217 and 219 continues to read as will further the Commission’s goal of follows: clearing UHF spectrum for new uses PART 73—RADIO BROADCAST SERVICES Authority: 41 U.S.C. 1303 and 48 CFR and allow WPXS to provide improved chapter 1. service to viewers, which serves the ■ public interest. 1. The authority citation for part 73 PART 217—SPECIAL CONTRACTING continues to read as follows: DATES: This rule is effective December METHODS 15, 2014. Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 334, 336, and 339. ■ 2. Revise section 217.207 to read as FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: follows: Joyce Bernstein, Joyce.Bernstein@ § 73.622 [Amended] fcc.gov, Media Bureau, (202) 418–1647. ■ 2. Section 73.622(i), the Post- 217.207 Exercise of options. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a Transition Table of DTV Allotments (c) In addition to the requirements at synopsis of the Commission’s Report under Illinois is amended by removing FAR 17.207(c), exercise an option only and Order, MB Docket No. 143–139, channel 21 and adding channel 11 at after determining that the contractor’s adopted October 30, 2014, and released Mount Vernon. record in the System for Award October 31, 2014. The full text of this [FR Doc. 2014–26796 Filed 11–12–14; 8:45 am] Management database is active and the document is available for public BILLING CODE 6712–01–P contractor’s Data Universal Numbering inspection and copying during normal System (DUNS) number, Commercial business hours in the FCC’s Reference and Government Entity (CAGE) code, Information Center at Portals II, CY– DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE name, and physical address are A257, 445 12th Street SW., Washington, accurately reflected in the contract DC, 20554. This document will also be Defense Acquisition Regulations document. See PGI 217.207 for the available via ECFS (http:// System requirement to perform cost or price fjallfoss.fcc.gov/ecfs/). This document analysis of spare parts prior to may be purchased from the 48 CFR Parts 217 and 219 exercising any option for firm-fixed- Commission’s duplicating contractor, price contracts containing spare parts. Best Copy and Printing, Inc., 445 12th Defense Federal Acquisition Street SW., Room CY–B402, Regulation Supplement; Technical PART 219—SMALL BUSINESS Washington, DC 20554, telephone 1– Amendments PROGRAMS 800–478–3160 or via the company’s AGENCY: Defense Acquisition Web site, http://www.bcpiweb.com. To 219.201 [Amended] Regulations System, Department of request materials in accessible formats ■ 3. Amend section 219.201 by Defense (DoD). for people with disabilities (braille, redesignating paragraphs (d) and (e) as ACTION: large print, electronic files, audio Final rule. paragraphs (c) and (d) respectively. format), send an email to [email protected] SUMMARY: DoD is making technical [FR Doc. 2014–26599 Filed 11–12–14; 8:45 am] or call the Consumer & Governmental amendments to the Defense Federal BILLING CODE 5001–06–P Affairs Bureau at 202–418–0530 (voice), Acquisition Regulation Supplement 202–418–0432 (tty). (DFARS) to provide needed editorial This document does not contain changes. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR information collection requirements subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act DATES: Effective November 13, 2014. Fish and Wildlife Service of 1995, Public Law 104–13. In addition, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. therefore, it does not contain any Manuel Quinones, Defense Acquisition 50 CFR Part 17 information collection burden ‘‘for Regulations System, OUSD(AT&L)DPAP(DARS), Room [Docket No. FWS–HQ–ES–2014–0055; small business concerns with fewer than 4500030113] 25 employees,’’ pursuant to the Small 3B941, 3060 Defense Pentagon, Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, Washington, DC 20301–3060. RIN 1018–BA63 Public Law 107–198, see 44 U.S.C. Telephone 571–372–6088; facsimile Endangered and Threatened Wildlife 3506(c)(4). Provisions of the Regulatory 571–372–6094. and Plants; Adding 20 Coral Species to Flexibility Act of 1980 do not apply to SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: the List of Endangered and Threatened this proceeding. This final rule amends the DFARS as The Commission will send a copy of follows: Wildlife this Report and Order in a report to be 1. Directs contracting officers to AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, sent to Congress and the Government additional procedures and guidance by Interior. adding references at 217.207 to DFARS Accountability Office pursuant to the ACTION: Final rule. Congressional review Act, see 5 U.S.C. PGI 217.207. 801(a)(1)(A). 2. Corrects paragraph designation at SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and 219.201. List of Subjects in 47 CFR Part 73 Wildlife Service (Service), in List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 217 and accordance with the Endangered Television. 219 Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act), are amending the List of Endangered Federal Communications Commission. Government procurement. Barbara A. Kreisman, and Threatened Wildlife (List) by Chief, Video Division, Media Bureau. Manuel Quinones, adding 20 species of corals: Boulder star Editor, Defense Acquisition Regulations coral (Orbicella franksi), lobed star coral Final Rule System. (Orbicella annularis), mountainous star For the reasons discussed in the Therefore, 48 CFR parts 217 and 219 coral (Orbicella faveolata), pillar coral preamble, the Federal Communications are amended as follows: (Dendrogyra cylindrus), rough cactus VerDate Sep<11>2014 15:19 Nov 12, 2014 Jkt 235001 PO 00000 Frm 00044 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\13NOR1.SGM 13NOR1 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with RULES Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 219 / Thursday, November 13, 2014 / Rules and Regulations 67357 coral (Mycetophyllia ferox), Acropora palmata) and staghorn coral (Acropora to the List of Endangered and globiceps, Acropora jacquelineae, cervicornis)) already listed under the Threatened Wildlife at 50 CFR 17.11(h). Acropora lokani, Acropora pharaonis, Act. NMFS solicited public comments The public would not be served by Acropora retusa, Acropora rudis, on the proposed rule through March 7, delaying the effective date of this Acropora speciosa, Acropora tenella, 2013. On September 20, 2013, NMFS rulemaking action. Anacropora spinosa, Euphyllia published a notice of 6-month extension Required Determinations paradivisa, Isopora crateriformis, of the deadline for the final coral Montipora australiensis, Pavona species’ determinations because of National Environmental Policy Act substantial disagreement regarding the diffluens, Porites napopora, and We have determined that an sufficiency and accuracy of the data and Seriatopora aculeata. These environmental assessment, as defined analyses relevant to the proposed listing amendments are based on previously under the authority of the National determinations (78 FR 57835). published determinations by the Environmental Policy Act of 1969, need National Marine Fisheries Service On September 10, 2014, NMFS published a final rule (79 FR 53852) to not be prepared in connection with (NMFS) of the National Oceanic and regulations adopted pursuant to section Atmospheric Administration, list 20 of the 66 proposed coral species as threatened species. The listing of the 4(a) of the Act. We outlined our reasons Department of Commerce, which has for this determination in the Federal jurisdiction for these species. 20 species was effective October 10, 2014. In that same rule, NMFS also Register on October 25, 1983 (48 FR DATES: This rule is effective November 49244). 13, 2014. Applicability date: The 20 determined that elkhorn coral and coral listings were applicable as of staghorn coral did not warrant List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17 October 10, 2014. reclassification from threatened to endangered. However, we revise the Endangered and threatened species, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: elkhorn coral and staghorn coral listings Exports, Imports, Reporting and Douglas Krofta, Chief, Branch of in this rule to make the information in recordkeeping requirements, Endangered Species Listing, U.S. Fish the Historic Range column consistent Transportation. and Wildlife Service, MS–ES, 5275 with the other coral entries; the listing Regulation Promulgation Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041– status of threatened remains unchanged 3803; 703–358–2171. for these two species. Accordingly, we amend part 17, SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the September 10, 2014, final rule subchapter B of chapter I, title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set forth Background (79 FR 53852), NMFS addressed all public comments received in response below: In accordance with the Act (16 U.S.C. to the proposed rule. By publishing this PART 17—[AMENDED] 1531 et seq.) and Reorganization Plan final rule, we are simply taking the No. 4 of 1970 (35 FR 15627; October 6, necessary administrative step to codify ■ 1970), NMFS has jurisdiction over the 1. The authority citation for part 17 these changes in the List in 50 CFR continues to read as follows: marine and anadromous taxa identified 17.11(h). in this rule. Under section 4(a)(2) of the Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361–1407; 1531– Act, NMFS must decide whether a Administrative Procedure Act 1544; 4201–4245, unless otherwise noted. species under its jurisdiction should be Because NMFS provided a public ■ 2. Amend § 17.11(h) under Corals by: classified as an endangered or comment period on the proposed rules ■ a. Revising the entries for ‘‘Coral, threatened species. NMFS makes these for these taxa, and because this action elkhorn’’ and ‘‘Coral, staghorn’’ to read determinations via its rulemaking of the Service to amend the List in as set forth below; and process. We, the Service, are then accordance with the determination by ■ b. Adding 20 entries in alphabetical responsible for publishing final rules to NMFS is nondiscretionary, the Service order for: ‘‘Coral, [no common name]’’ amend the List in title 50 of the Code finds good cause that the notice and (15 entries); ‘‘Coral, boulder star’’; of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR public comment procedures of 5 U.S.C.
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