15SIO 06£ i 36 j 6 VOL. 610 NO.2 JUNE 12, 1992 THIS ISSUE COMPLETES VOL. 610 Bibliography Section JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY INCLUDING ELECTROPHORESIS AND OTHER SEPARATION METHODS EDITORS U. A. Th. Brinkman (Amsterdam) R. W. Giese (Boston, MA) J. K. Haken (Kensington, N.S.W.) K. Macek (Prague) L. R. Snyder (Orinda, CA) EDITORS. SYMPOSIUM VOLUMES. E. Heftmann (Orinda. CAl. Z. Deyl (Prague) EDITORIAL BOARD D. W. Armstrong (Rollo. MO) W. A. Aue (Holifo,) P. Botek (8.00) A. A. Boulton (Saskatoon) P. W. Cmr (Minneopolis. MN) N. H. C. Cooke (San Ramon. CAl V. A. Davankov (Moscow) Z. Deyl (Progue) S. Dilli (Kl~nsington. N.S.W.) F. Ern! (Basle) M. B. Evans (Hatfield) J. L. Glojcl, (N. Billerico. MA) G. A. Guiochon (Knoxville, TN) P. R. Haddod (Kensington. N.S.W.) I. M. Hais (Hradec Kralove) W. S. Hancock (San FranCISCo. CAl S. Hjerten (Uppsalo) Cs. Horvinh (New Haven. CT) J. F. K. Huber (Vienna) K.·P. Hupe (Woldbronn) T. W. Hutchens (Houston. IX) J. Jonak (B.oo) P. Jandera (Pardubice) B. L. Kmger (B05<on. MA) J. J. Kirkland (Wilmington. DE) E. sz. Kovats (Lausanne) A. J. P. Mortin (Cambridge) L. W. McLoughlin (Chestnut Hill. MA) E. D. Morgan (Keele) J. O. Pearson (KrJlamazoo, MI) H. Poppe (Amsterdam) F. E. Regnier (West Lafayette. IN) P. G. Righetti (Milan) P. Sclloenmakers (Eindhoven) R. Schwarzenbach (Dubendor!) R. E. Shoup (West Lafayette. IN) A. M. Siouf!i (Mo,seille) D. J. Strydom (Boston. MA) N. Tonaka (Kyoto) S. Terabe (Hyogo) K. K. Unger (Mainz) R. Verpoorle (Leiden) Gy. Vigh (College Station. TX) J. T. Watson (East Lansing. Ml) B. D. Weslerlund (Uppsal(}) F.DITORS, BIBLIOGRAPHY SECTION z. Deyl {Prague)..J. Janak (Srno). V. Schwarz (PriJgue) !. ~ '. ELSEVIER JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY INCLUDING ELECTROPHORESIS AND OTHER SEPARATION METHODS Scope. The Journal of Chromatography publishes papers on all aspects of chromatography, electrophoresis and related meth­ ods. 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Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences. the Publisher recommends that independent verification of diagnoses and d.rug dosages should be made. Although all advertising material is expected to conform to e"thical (medical) standards. inclusion in this publicat'ion does not constitute a guarantee or endorsement of the quality or value of such product or of the claim,S made of it by its manufacturer. This issue is printed on aciit·free paper. Printed in the Netherlands VOL. 610, NO.2 JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY JUNE 12, 1992 CONTENTS Bibliography Section Liquid Column Chromatography · BI85 Gas Chromatography . · B277 Planar Chromatography · B311 Electrophoresis .... · B327 Journal of Chromatography, 610 (1992) B185-B359 © 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved Bibliography Section Liquid Column Chromatography 1 • REVIEWS AND BOOKS 1621 Jones, K.: A review of biotechnology and large scale affinity chromatography. Chroma­ toqraphia, 32 (1991) 469-480 - a review with 1611 Balke, S.T., Thitiratsakul, R., Lew, R. and 68 refs.
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