DOI: 10.1111/ede.12325 EDITORIAL Biases in the study of developmental bias In November 2018 the Santa Fe Institute hosted a two‐ workshop, why should we call it developmental bias, when day workshop titled Developmental Bias and Evolution, all we mean is development? funded by a grant from the John Templeton Founda- Brigandt (2019) responds to this challenge by positing tion. Involving 34 participants and 22 talks, the that even if we cannot agree on exactly what we mean by workshop covered a wide range of approaches toward developmental bias, including its distinctness from the study of bias exerted by developmental systems in development per se, the term, and its study are the production of phenotypic variation, the impact worthwhile and timely because they are able to motivate such bias might have on evolutionary dynamics, and a valuable research program. He argues that concepts the methods that exist to assess the nature and such as novelty or evolvability likewise carry with them consequences of this impact. Talks included historical some ambiguity, such that they mean different things at retrospectives, philosophical examinations, and a great different levels of biological organization, and to different diversity of empirical treatments of the subject. practitioners. What makes them valuable, however, is, Significant discussion and debate followed each pre- according to Brigandt, that they establish a shared sentation, and creative tensions emerged around key intellectual identity across disciplinary boundaries that issues that characterize the diversity of perceptions of motivates investigation, exchange, and a collective what, exactly, constitutes bias in developmental sys- advancing of an explanatory framework. The same can tems, when or how such bias may be evolutionarily be said for developmental bias, whose many manifesta- relevant, and at the most basic level, whether the tions may be differentially nuanced by different research- concept of developmental bias is itself useful in fueling ers and disciplines, yet coalesce around a shared under- a productive research program. This special issue is standing that developmental bias shapes, and is shaped meant to capture this diversity of viewpoints, and to by evolution in ways that have the potential to greatly provide a collection of perspectives that will inform impact our understanding of why and how develop- and motivate the next round of research, and the next mental evolution unfolds as it does. generation of researchers. Hordijk and Altenberg (2019) in turn emphasize that the idea that phenotypic variation could ever be unbiased is simply a historical artifact, resulting from a mindset WHAT IS DEVELOPMENTAL BIAS? that treats genetic and its associated phenotypic variation akin to “a gas that can fill any selective phenotypic Developmental processes transduce diverse genetic and bottle.” But everything we know about the nature of environmental inputs during phenotype production, development teaches us that the processes that produce causing some phenotypes to arise more frequently than organisms and their traits will also structure the others (Uller, Moczek, Watson, Brakefield, & Laland, phenotypic variation that emerges as a result of variation 2018). The resulting phenotypic variation is thus not in genetic and environmental inputs. To Hordijk and isotropic, but biased in certain directions. At the extreme Altenberg unbiased phenotypic variation is thus as end of this scenario stands the complete inability of sensible as the idea of unstructured development. Instead, development to produce a conceivable variant, and it is at they posit that the questions that need to be asked should this point that the bias inherent in organismal develop- not stop at if development biases phenotypic variation, ment becomes synonymous with the narrower notion of but rather, how development structures variation, with “developmental constraint.” But if bias is an inherent what consequences for evolutionary processes, and how feature of all of development, if very nature of develop- the structuring imposed by developmental bias may itself ment is to channel phenotypes towards preferred out- evolve. Using a cellular automata model of ontogeny comes, is a term such as developmental bias needed? Or their contribution then seeks to address precisely these to paraphrase the title of Salazar‐Ciudad’s talk at the and related questions. Evolution & Development. 2019;1–4. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/ede © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 1 2 | EDITORIAL DEVELOPMENTAL PLASTICITY, FROM CONSTRAINT TO DEVELOPMENTAL BIAS, AND FACILITATION: THE DEEP TIME EVOLUTIONARY CONSEQUENCES OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIAS Developmental plasticity is the ability of an individual to adjust patterns of phenotype expression in response The second half of this special issue is then devoted to to environmental changes (Pfennig et al., 2010). diverse case studies on the significance of developmental Developmental plasticity, and related phenomena such bias in micro‐ and especially macroevolution. This as phenotypic accommodation (the mutual adjustment includes the second foray into deep time through a of multiple traits in response to perturbations) and contribution by Jablonski (2019), who discusses how the genetic accommodation (heritable changes in the study of present‐day species and their development may regulation of an environmentally induced trait) are be leveraged to predict developmental bias in the fossil increasingly considered relevant in the initiation and record, and, conversely, how analyses that begin with the structuring of phenotypic variation, including the fossil record may be used to predict developmental bias in origin of phenotypic novelties (Moczek, 2012). The extant lineages. resulting possibility of plasticity‐led evolution is the The significance of learning as a potential source of bias subject of five contributions to this issue. Uller, Feiner, in the production of evolutionarily relevant phenotypic Radersma, Jackson, and Rago (2019) explore how variation is the focus of a contribution by Laland, assumptions meant to simplify the starting point for a Toyokawa, and Oudman (2019). Learning does many conceptual framework set the stage for what counts, things for organisms: It may help solve problems and and what does not, as an evolutionary explanation, increase adaptive fit, it may solve novel problems and hence and why prevailing idealizations prevent an integration introduce novel phenotypes into phenotype space, and if of the role of development in general, and plasticity learning occurs via observing other individuals it may fuel in particular, in evolutionary theory. Parsons, the nongenetic inheritance of acquired traits. Laland et al. McWhinnie, Pilakouta, and Walker (2019) then (2019) explore the different types of biases that may explore how developmental plasticity may contribute manifest along the way, and when and how they may to developmental bias, and how the resulting biased affect adaptive evolution, evolutionary rates and outcomes, variation may echo past adaptations that reflect the and evolvability. Behavior also features prominently evolutionary history of a lineage, or alternatively, in a contribution by Wilkins (2019), which examines the serve to initiate evolution when environments change. role of developmental bias in facilitating the domestication The contribution by Levis and Pfennig (2019), in turn, of a select subset of mammalian species. Here, the term focuses on the gaps in our knowledge of the mechan- "domestication syndrome” refers to a suite of behavioral, isms and consequence of plasticity‐led evolution morphological, and physiological traits that all underwent regarding the developmental mechanisms, traits, or concerted evolutionary change during domestication taxa most affected by it, and provide suggestions for events, even though none of them were selected deliber- future research approaches to address these short- ately, thereby providing a particularly compelling example comings. Draghi (2019) then examines the evolution of developmental bias in evolution. Among others, Wilkins of, and through, plasticity by using a modeling (2019) reviews how selection for tameness alone may be approach that incorporates developmental noise to sufficient to fuel the domestication syndrome and the explore the competitive and evolutionary relationships significance of the regulation of neural crest cell develop- of specialist and generalist genotypes inhabiting a ment and the nature of neuroendocrine systems in that heterogeneous landscape. These models show not only process. Another major evolutionary transition is the how plasticity may arise in the context of specializa- subject of a contribution by Gilbert (2019), namely the role tion, but also how developmental noise may help a of developmental symbioses in the multiple origins of mutant with imperfect plasticity compete successfully herbivory. Gilbert’s contribution echoes key points stressed against its ancestor, thereby providing an evolutionary by other authors as well, such as the significance of path through which subsequent mutations can refine plasticity‐led evolution, where the facultative acquisition of plasticity toward an optimum (Draghi, 2019). Finally, symbionts precedes the evolution of features that ensure Jackson (2019) extends our conceptualization of reliable transmission across individuals, and how, like plasticity‐led evolution into deep time and explores learning, if transmission of symbionts
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