NATIONAL 35C How to Get What You EN Want From Others innuary 23, 1979 30585-2QUIRE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN AMERICA PAGE 41 JFK ASSASSINATION CULT LEADER IS NO. 1 SUSPECT Tips to Help You Lose Weight - And Keep it Off page 8 * * * Elvis' Death Has Left His Father A Broken Man page .5 * Watching TV Can Help You Cope With Life's Problems page 6 * * * The Strange. ESP Powers Of 'Taxi' Star page 55 * * Fantasies Reveal Your Personality page 43 /MP a EXCLUSIVE STORIES AND PHOTOS 0 Convicted killer Ervil LeBaron is the tap suspect in the JFK tied to the Kennedy case by once-secret FBI and Secret assassination. LeBaron — shown in Mexican police mug Service documents. Former Dallas Police Chief Jesse 7 d 95 shots taken after his arrest far cult murders — has been Curry says flatly: "LeBaron is the major suspect." (P. 36.) After Govt. Panel Concludes There Was Probably a conspiracy Cult Leader Is No. Suspect in JFK Assassination The Number One suspect in the JFK assassination is a murderous 1 . cult leader known as the "Avenghw Angel." His name is Ervil LeBaron — and he heads a cruel killing cult that has painted the Southwest red with blood. LeBaron's major involvement in the JFK murder has emerged fast on the heels of the House Select-Committee on Assassinations' stunning con- ENQUIRER elusion that John Kennedy . EXCLUSIVE "was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy" — a finding which came aftermany years of offi- cial denial. In a once-secret FBI document — obtained by The ENQUIRER throygh the Freedom of Information Act — FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover admitted that LeBaron's sect "is believed to have been responsible for President Kennedy's death," That shocking document, and other papers once kept under lock and key by the FBI and Secret Service, link the brutal cult leader straight to the assassination. LeBaron, 53, is now on the run from both the FBI, which wants him on another murder charge, and the FUGITIVE Ervil LeSnron (second from right), Secret Service, which wants to question him about with three of his brothers — death threats to President Carter. Verlan, Floren and, at right, Joel, whom Ervil was convicted of murdering. "LeBaron is the major suspect (in JFK's as- Squad for the Georgia Bureau of In- death. It reported that stock clerk Bob sassination). He should be tracked down and ques- vestigation, told The ENQUIRER: Cone of Salt Lake City had tipped of tioned." declared former Dallas Police Chief Jesse "The theory that he (Flynt) was shot agents about a murder plot being Curry, who was present when Kennedy was shot. because of what he had discovered on hatched by the Church of the Firstborn "I was never convinced that Lee Harvey Oswald the Kennedy assassination is a valid of the Fullness of Times — whose mem- acted alone. The committee's findings confirm what I one. I certainly wouldn't rule it out." bers called one of their leaders, Ervil have always felt — that a second gunman was In- Contacted by The ENQUIRER, Flynt LeBaron. the "Avenging Angel." volved" refused to discuss LeBaron. "I still fear Cone told agents that his close friend, U.S. Rep. IL Joel Deekard (R.-Inda, who has re- for my life because of the facts I un- cult follower Ralph Higbee, "since July searched the assassination for more than 10 years, covered on Kennedy's assassination," 1963, has made statements to Cone in- agreed: "LeBaron must be considered the prime sus- he said. dicating members (of) this church have pect. He should be arrested and questioned." While the FBI won't publicly admit been plotting assassination of top gov- The fanatic also is suspected of. masterminding it's seeking LeBaron in connection with ernment officials in order that (the) the attempted assassination of publisher Larry Flynt Flynt's shooting, it says he's wanted for church can take over government ... last year — allegedly to keep him from revealing new BROTHER Alma Le- "unlawful flight to avoid prosecution" In Headquarters (of the cult) are in El information on the JFK murder, an ENQUIRER in- Baron warns Ervil is connection with the murder of a rival Paso, Tex., and leaders are brothers vestigation reveals. Flynt is now so scared that he on a killing spree. cult leader. named Joel and Ervil LeBaron " won't talk about the case. Next day a second FBI memo re- The power-crazed LeBaron and his on March 6, 1978. He was left paralyzed A team of ENQUIRER reporters un- earthed further evidence of the link be- ported: "Cone believes this group was followers are not only believed respon- from the waist down. responsible for President Kennedy's sible for JFK's assassination — they Freelance writer Seri Mitchell, who's tween LeBaron and JFK's slaying while sifting through thousands of once-classi- death ... " also have threatened the lives of other preparing a book about LeBaron, told Veteran FBI agent William Geier- Presidents since Kennedy, and are be- The ENQUIRER: "FBI agents were fied FBI and Secret Service documents in Washington. mann, who headed the Salt Lake City in- lieved to have committed a string of here asking me what I knew about Ervil. vestigation in 1963, recalled in an EN- murders since JFK's death. They told me he's a prime suspect In the One FBI message from the Salt Lake QUIRER interview that Cone "seemed "Ervil wants to take over the world - shooting of Larry Flynt." City office, marked "Urgent," was sent rather agitated" when recounting what and anyone who gets in his way will be And Robert Ingram, commander of to FBI headquarters in Dallas on Nov, he'd learned of the feared cult's plans. eliminated," the fugitive cult leader's the Organized Crime and Fugitive 26, 1963 — four days after Kennedy's "Cone told me that from July 1963, brother, Alma LeBaron, told The EN- Higbee had been telling him that the QUIRER in an exclusive interview. LeBaron church had been plotting the "He's been killing people for years. assassination of top government offi- He'll keep telling his followers to go out The FBI Wants cials," said Gelermann, and kill people•as long as he can keep "Cone was concerned because this doing it. church, even then, was wild and radi- "Ervil has his followers convinced You to Help cal." he's going to rule the earth, that he's a Another FBI document said Secret great prophet and that he's doing the Service agent Robert Grube, then in wiltwill of God. But he has become a servant charge of the Salt Lake City office, has of Satan." Find This Man been instructed to make a "full in- Added an investigator: Ervil LeBaron now is being sought vestigation" into the cult. But when The "The Presidency Is a natural target by the Federal Bureau of Investigation ENQUIRER contacted Grube, he said for Ervil since he feels he should right- on a charge of murdering a rival cult he couldn't recall making such an in- fully occupy that office." leader — and the FBI is asking that vestigation. The bizarre link between LeBaron you, our readers, help find him, On Jan, 27, 1964, FBI Director J. and the JFK assassination surfaced si- Said an FBI spokesman: Edgar Hoover fired off a memo to the multaneously on two fronts: during a "Any ENQUIRER reader having in- agent in charge of the Salt Lake City of- probe into the attempted assassination formation which might assist in locat- fice, directing him to obtain the results of Hustler magazine publisher Larry ing Ervil LeBaron is requested to of the Secret Service's Investigation, Flynt, and in a close scrutiny by The notify immediately the Director of the Hoover said that LeBaron's cult "is be- ENQUIRER of once-secret federal Federal Bureau of Investigation, lieved to have been responsible for Pres- documents. Washington, D.C. 20535 — or the spe- ident Kennedy's death." Flynt, who had became deeply em- cial agent in charge of the nearest FBI Incredibly, at the very time that top broiled in the search for JFK's real field office," secret document was sent, the FBIalnd killers, told The ENQUIRER he was The spokesman warned that LeBar- Hoover were publicly insisting there just about to release new evidence when on "should be considered armed and was no conspiracy and that only Oswald he was gunned down on a Georgia street dangerous," and that "extreme cau- was involved in JFK's assassination. tion" should be used in dealing with ERVIL LeBARON: Early photo of According to people who were close to NATIONAL him. the mart sought by the FBI. Page 36 eNQUIRER (Continued on next page) 4isit ti. 'FBI Documents Show Ervil LeBaron Considered Prime Suspect in JFK Slaying' (Continued from preceding page) the FBI believes LeBaron was involved LeBaron in 1963, he hated Kennedy. He In the JFK shooting," said Lane. "They considered the Catholic President "a clearly show that, despite the official beast coming out of the sea" and feared line that there was no conspiracy, the "there would be a Roman Catholic gov- FBI was investigating a conspiracy - ernment" if JFK stayed in power. and that Ervil LeBaron was a prime suspect." The newly released federal docu- Where is LeBaron now? Authorities ments cast a shocking new light on the believe he's in Mexico, but makes fre- JFK case, declared attorney and as- quent forays into the United' States. sassination investigator Mark Lane, Some day soon, when he crosses the author of the best-selling "Rush to border, they hope to nab the "Avenging Judgement." Angel" — and find out, once and for all, "These documents clearly show that who really killed JFK.
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