MARCH 1955 ONE WORLDISM and the UNITED NATIONS Robert S. Byfield Chesly Manly John Chamberlain W. L. McGrath W. H. Chamberlin Frank S. Meyer W. M. Curtiss Raymond Maley John T. Flynn Edmund A. Opitz F. A. Harper Cy Peterman Frank E. Holman William H. Peterson Suzanne La Follette Dean Russell Charles Callan Tansill • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • "Now here's a • • • • • • difference I can feel I. .. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••• •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • ~hat Full-time PO"'Ner Steering •• • this • • • I"~ • • does for me at the "'Nheel • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • THE FORIIVARD LOO~ does things for you no other cars can do! For instance, power steering that works the instant you move your wheel! Even if you've tried other power steering, you'll feel the big difference at once! With other kinds, you have to exert 5 pounds of pressure before the power cuts in. Chrysler Corporation's exclusive Coaxial power steering requires less wheel motion ... fewer wheel turns ... and gives you unmatched control over rough roads, soft shoulders, tracks, ruts and sand. After a full day of driving and parking, you feel fresh as a daisy. Only Plymouth, Dodge, De Soto, Chrysler and Imperial have this and many other wonderful new features. See and drive THE FORWARD LOOK at your dealer's soon! PLYMOUTH • DODGE • DE SOTO • CHRYSLER • IMPERIAL CHRYSLER CORPORATION "CHEAP" TOOLS SHACKLE INDUSTRY AND TRADE J~ , I~ ~~r~ '0'0J) Use of "cheap" metal-cutting tools proves the adage of "Penny Wise, Pound Foolish." Their performance is unreliable and inconsistent. Sound, durable cutting tools are worth the Kennametal* tools in their ability to reduce price. A few pennies additional cost will save over-all costs for tooling and production­ dollars of ultimate cost-in grinding, tool and do this consistently. Kennametal has an inventory, set-up time, and idle machine extra measure ofvalue. Exclusive processing, time, with the result that production is scientifically controlled, assures maintenance reliable and sustained. of a sound physical structure having trust­ Innumerable performance records con­ worthy properties of high hardness and great tinue to demonstrate the superior worth of strength. Use of cheap money tools has likewise proved to be "Penny Wise, Pound Foolish." Their purchasing value is uncertain and erratic. Sound money is a trustworthy tool of meas­ money tool and made it untrustworthy. A urement that serves to evaluate accurately return to the historic honest dollar will have the relative worth of goods and services in a stabilizing effect on our economic life. all sorts of exchange activities. With a The right to redeem currency for gold will help stabilized currency an individual knows keep America free ... ask your Senators and assuredly the worth of his earning and re­ Congressman to work and vote to restore the serves-savings, insurance, pensions. A busi­ Gold Coin Standard. 5911 nessman is able to make firm, fair contracts, meet current and future obligations with certainty, and engage safely in creative ventures. Innumerable historic examples have proved that the convertible Gold Standard is the most useful money system ever de­ vised. Managed currency, initiated 22 years ago in the United States, has impaired our * Registered trademark While you are waiting for the return of 100 cent dollars, Kennametal tools, of premium value, are waiting for you. They are one technological development that can help mitigate the ill effects of inflation. One of a series of advertisements published in the public interest ~~~ Q «l :J ®~ MINING, METAL AND WOODWORKING TOOLS ABRASION, CORROSION-RESISTANT PARTS ~ UiUti~1jjWJ ~~@n WEAR AND HEAT-RESISTANT PARTS PERCUSSION AND IMPACT PARTS THE A Monthly The Writers The names of most of the contributors to this For special issue of the FREEMAN will be recognized by our readers, not only because they have reeman Libertarians previously appeared in our table of contents, but because they have graced the pages of other Editor FRANK CHODOROV publications as well as the flyleaves of books. Managing Editor MABEL WOOD The roster reads like a page from a Who's Who Business Manager JAMES M. ROGERS in libertarianism. It was a pleasure to work with these authors. They took to their several assignments in the MARCH 1955 VOL. 5, NO.9 spirit of volunteers, putting aside other com­ Contents mitulents in order to do their bit in a worthy cause. Each essay was dO'ne con al11,Ore. Editorials Sometimes they overdid it, as when in their One Worldism 334 eagerness to nail down their arguments they Interventionism 18 War 336 made use of lengthy documentary evidence; space limitations made deletions necessary. A bigger problem was repetition-one writer us­ Articles ing facts to support his thesis which another How We Got Where We Are CHARLES CALLAN TANSILL 337 writer found necessary to support his. This was Alone In the UN ROBERT S. BYFIELD 342 unavoidable, for the "source book" of any criti­ Hist.ory's Greatest Breach of Promise CHESLY MANLY 345 cal analysis of the United Nations, from any The Wages of Hissism SUZANNE LA FOLLETTE 349 point of view, is the record of its activities. UNdermining the Free Economy RAYMOND MOLEY 352 Wherever possible, the repetitions were deleted, Stockpiles of Money FRANK CHODOROV 355 but sometimes the argument called for the reiterated facts, and the blue pencil could not To Save the Constitution FRANK E. HOLMAN 359 be used. The reader may accept these repeti­ Union by Freedom Only DEAN RUSSELL 363 tions with less annoyance than did the editor. UN Versus US WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN 365 In accordance with custom, we identify here­ Two Rackets of the UN JOHN T. FLYNN 368 with only the few authors who have not pre­ The Omelet Has N'o Rights F. A. HARPER 371 viously or recently had articles in the FREEMAN: They Sell UN to the World CY PETERMAN 374 CHARLES CALLAN TANSILL is Professor of His­ The Real UNESCO FRANK S. MEYER 378 tory at Georgetown University. He is best Religious Propagandists for the UN known for his latest book, Back Door to War. REV. EDMUND A. OPITZ 381 It is not exactly correct to list SUZANNE LA FOLLETTE as a "new" contributor. She is, in ILO: Pipeline t.o Socialism W. L. MC GRATH 383 fact, deeply rooted in the FREEMAN tradition, A Tale of Two Leagues WILLIAM H. PETERSON 387 having been an integral part of the first pub­ Trade Under a World Government W. M. CURTISS 389 lication of that name, edited by Albert Jay Nock, and one of the editors when the FREEMAN Books was revived as a bi-weekly. The monthly FREE­ A Reviewer's Notebook JOHN CHAMBERLAIN 391 MAN is proud to list her as a contributor. Modern Barbarism FREDA UTLEY 393 RAYMOND MOLEY is the well-known contribut­ Government vs. Liberty LUDWIG VON MISES 394 ing editor and columnist of Newsweek. w. L. MC GRATH is President of the William­ Out of Their Own Mouths E. MERRILL ROOT 396 son Heater Company. From 1949 through 1952 Precise Prophet SAMUEL B. PETTENGILL 400 he was employer adviser at the annual confer­ The UN Adds to World Tension ences of the International Labor Organization, C. DICKERMAN WILLIAMS 400 and at the 1954 conference he was U. S. Em­ Well-Tried Failure PAUL L. POIROT 401 ployer Delegate. He is a member of the ILO If They Only Would c. O. STEELE 401 Governing Body. World Affairs Reading List BETTINA BIEN 402 For nearly nine years, IVAN H. (CY) PETER­ MAN "covered" the United Nations for the Philadelphia Inquirer, in which paper his col­ Washington, D.C•................... FRANK C. HANIGHEN 357 umn appears regularly. BETTINA BIEN is one of those vital though unpublicized factors of an editorial office-the THE FREEMAN is published monthly. Publicatit1ll Office, Orange, Conn. Editorial and General Offices, Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y. Copyrighted in the United States, 1955, indefatigable and uncontrovertible research by The Irvington Press, Inc. Leonard E. Read, President; Fred Rogers Fairchild Vice worker. President; Claude Robinson, Secretary; Lawrence Fertig, Treasurer; Henry Hazlitt and Leo Wolman. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Orange, Conn. Rates: Fifty cents the copy; five dollars a year; nine dollars for two years. The editors cannot be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts unless return postage, or The FREEMAN is devoted to the promul. better, a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed. Manuscripts must be typed gation of the libertarian philosophy: the double-spaced. Articles signed with a name, pseudonym or initials do not necessarily represent the free market place, limited government and opinion of the editors. the dignity of the individual. Printed in U.S.A. by Wilson H. Lee Co., Orange, Conn, Keeping America on the GO...with I TIMKEN@I Tapered Roller Bearings Where 1,995,672 farmers disappeared without a trace HILE you weren't look­ today's fewer farmers produce Timken bearings are designed W ing, almost two million 40% more crops, feed 17 mil­ to roll true, and they're made American farmers have been lion more Americans. with microscopic accuracy to quietly dropping out of sight. Today's farmer is the most live up to their design. We even In 1940, there were 8,833,324 mechanized in the world. And make our own steel to further farmers. Today, at latest re­ his tremendous output depends insure quality. No other U. S. port, only 6,837,652. Where upon the trouble-free operation bearing maker does. did they go? And who's been of his machines. That's why That's why farm machinery feeding our growing population every make of farm tractor uses manufacturers choose Timken in the meantime? Timken® tapered roller bearings; bearings to help keep America Farm help of a different sort why more and more implements on the go.
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