A GREATER MEDIA NEWSPAPER The Register SERVING EATONTOWN, FAIR HAVEN, LITTLE SILVER, RED BANK, RUMSON, SEA BRIGHT, SHREWSBURY AND TINTON FALLS ^JANUARY 2,1991 25 CENTS VOL.^113 . 14 New Red Bank mayor Ed McKenna is one of several public officials being sworn in this week in local municipalities. Here. Borough Clerk Carol Vivona helps McKenna prepare for the Borough Council's organization meeting, which was to be held Tuesday. For more information about appointments for the new year in Red Bank, see Page 3. )"nond. — HPa ? 10 ** public Photograph by Martin Pettrchak 2 JANUARY 2.199t, THE R CLASSIC GRAND Peter Pan Is The Perfect OPENING Holiday Gift! easim Only ilfiden $21" HAZLET Suggested Retail Price K-MART CENTER ROUTE 35 SOUTH 888-8121 Hours: Sun.-Thurs. 10-10 Fri.& Sat. 10-11 NOWYOUCAN * Widen RENT THE FILM EVENT s FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP OF THE YEAR! SAYREVILLE Sayrebrook Towne Center Two thumbs up! 727-5005 EATONTOWN The picture is Victoria Commons 542-0305 MANALAPAN extraordinary!' Easy Video Center Rte9South 303-8609 ' FREEHOLD ^mummnmm Barclay Squaw Rte 9 South MrfalsaiUMMI mm mt m im t uiiBBa 577-4909 Hours: Sun.-Thurs. 10-10 Fri. & Sat. 10-11 Robo Pomier Is Back tad Irt Bigger And Bener TIUNI Ever ivaaoaa 781-1*0 EDISON miwGnM The sizzling sequel to the sci-fi blockbuster 561-77M ' brings back "The Future of Law Enforcement," FRANKLIN PARK FranWn Pvfc TownOnW RoboCop, to confront his greatest challenge ever. LAWRENCEVILLE 520-9683 Peter.Weller returns as the half man/half machine PISC AT A W A Y Wcawwy Towfla CanMr to fight the evil drug syndicate and destroy 981-1090 RoboCop 2, the evil super-robot designed to PLAINSBORO Town Cwttr destroy and replace him. SOMEROALE UorwhMd Plau SOMERSET CadvOrovaCanttr 805-9191 TOMS RIVER mow HMd Plaza 244-4778 WALL Plaza 36 S. 881-2800 Mm ••MMriu«Mrlfr-m**1ttLr lnKr»ted In Opsnino AnEasyVkleo Call 248-1550 Hours: Sun.-Thurs. 10-10 Fri. A Sat 10-11 THE. REGISTER. JANUARY 2, 1991 3. Local mayor Sworn in Eatontown Councilmen Edward wants taxes Storaisski and Jobs Cottins were to be sworn in Tuesday during die an- to remain low SEEPAGE* By Garry Wasko RED BANK — According to newly Manson retires elected Red Bank Mavor -Ed McKenna. the Dorothy Blair Maasoa, who is re- two new faces on the Borough Council will tiring this week ms mayory»f not translate into new faces among current Shrewsbury Borough, says she ia- municipal appointees, as the- new all-Demo- joyed her 12 years is the position, ^sj cratic council takes over this week. "As long as someone is competent and S€£ PAGES 14-18 professional, they will keep their jobs. We just want good people for Red Bank." said McKenna. as he prepared to take over as Guitars of plenty mayor after 12 years of rule by Republican Lunch Break in Red Bank received Michael J. Amone. who declined to run in canned goods test week as a result of November's race. % „ two soid-outBon Jovi concerts. Red Bank Regional High %;hoel teacher SEE PAGES 1«-17 Joseph P. McGmty and rear estate agent John T. Ulmensee were to assume the coun- cif posts they earned in the November Dem- ocratic blitz that left the borough with its To call The Register first-ever all-Democratic governing body. Advertising »„. 542-4000 Despite the one-sided council. McKanna. OrcuMton 254-7000 who has served on the Borough Council CtaaaMed „„,. _ .. 542-1700 since 1986. said that the municipal appoint- News/Sports _.... 542-4000 ments were made without political consid- eration. Many borough officials who were to News releases or advertising copy have been reappointed at the Jan. 1 reorga- may be mated or brought to The Re- nization were originally tabbed for their gMar bidding at One Register Plaza, posts by the Arnone administration. Shrewsbury. N. J. 07702-4320. Among thosexscheduled to be reap- pointed Tuesday were Borough Attorney Richard T. O'Connor and Borough Engi- neer Richard Kosenski. both longtime bo- rough officials. Municipal Court Judge Wil- Photograph by Ch»t Gordon liam Himmelman. Municipal Prosecutor THE ARTS .1* A NEW DAY Robert Susser and Borough Auditor Carlton AUTOMOTIVE 4*-47 Raymond "Bucfcy a——a-^ m^^^ fc.1— annnlni-. •••I hnnfc ir\ nr« MBUMI for Me new G. Thistle were expected to be reappointed BUSNESS 31 tOQKM vWr nn •ppoffiuTvwm DOOK HI pci as well, according to McKenna. CLASSIFIED 36-45 post aa the mayor o« Shrewsbury. Mass, an independent was to be sworn In Tuesday with Ms mnoinQ fnett, MtcfiaMl B#N, who WM ••rv# on council* Borough Clerk Carol Vivona and Bo- CLUB NEWS m COMMUNTTY CALENDAR 30-31 rough Administrator Sally Levine were also HEALTH CALENDAR ... » expected to be back, McKenna Said. He explained that the council's first order LETTERS .5 Mass believes government of business is the straightening up of the OSTUARCS 23 borough's finances. "We're gotfig to do ev- OFFBEAT ...5 OPNKJN 4 erything we can to make sure put taxes in should 'serve the people' this borough remain as low as humanly pos- ARA NUGENT 26 By Mary Elen McCsndtoss chief will pay off. One of my jobs is to try to_ sible," McKenna said. POUCE BEAT ... 32 He saM that the newly formed regional PROPERTY LINES .... .31 direct council and the community and keep harmony. It is going to be hard, because I council of mayors, which consists of mayors CHARLES RUBINSTEIN 19 SHREWSBURY — Raymond "Bucky" from 12 mtrreunjiing municipalities, will be Bti-SANDFORD » Mass. who was to be sworn in as the bo- have no party affiliation and (the Republi- cans) feel offended, because they have been a catalyst in the new spirit of regionalization SOCSALSCENE 39 rough's new mayor Tuesday, firmly believes which has sprung up in the area. McKenna SPORTS 33-34 that government should serve the people, in control for 22 yean. But now things are liable to change." said that the more towns that work together LWDAMcK STEWART 23 and is determined to keep the mayor and to regionalize some services, the greater the YESTERYEAR ... ....* council responsive and responsible. Mass said he is also concerned about con- tax savings will be far residents. Mass, an independent, won a four-year trolling taxes, and would like to "trim the "We met in December to discuss combin- term as mayor in November against Repub- fat from the municipal budget. ing some of the obvious things like garbage lican Councilman Dr. Carl W. Gardiner. "We hare people oa fixed incomes in pickup, utilities and other services that all The Register Abo scheduled to be sworn in for two-year town, people with no incomessand people these towns duplicate," he said, adding that terms on the Borough Council were Mass' who make a decent living." he commented. the council of mayors will reconvene in Jan- Found*** W7t running mate, Michael Bell, who will serve by John M. Cook and Henry Oay "When you consider the people, you^should uary to further discuss regionalization. as the only non-Republican voice on the consider them all equally. We haveto stay The revitalization of the borough's down- six-member governing body, and Republi- QAVS3 THALER within our income, and that ts going to town area is also high on McKenna's list of can incumbent Louis G. Ferraro. hurt- goals for the new year, but not at the risk of Mass, a resident of Sickles Place, moved Mass is anxious to begin his term as rrtyy- weakening the residential areas which, be to Shrewsbury from Newark in 1934. He or. and is pleased that a man he admi said, are the lifeblood of the community. served on the borough Police Department agreed to perform the swearing-in ceremj Further consideration of the proposed Spe- for 36 years, 30 of them as chief, before for bothtiimself and Bell. cial Improvement District (SID), which is retiring in 1988. He has said that in addition intended to benefit retail and professional jWLUAM PETERSON "I am-anxious to start the new year." he to bringing accountability, a balanced bud- said. "I fed very privileged to have former properties, will be on the agenda in upcom- get and credibility to borough government, ing meetings, reflecting the council's deter- RICHARD M P< Monmouth County Prosecutor Judge Alex- he would like to allow residents to become ander D. Lehrer swear me in. I have worked mination to address the downtown district's more involved in the governing body's deci- problems. VNCENT J GRASSA with him and under him, and have always sion-making process. admired him." \ The anst noticeable changes at council "I weald like to see government serve the meetings for 1991. besides the expected new BeU, Trafalgar Ptfcce. is the general man- spirit of togetherness among the council people," Mass said. "I get frustrated when ager of Caremark Home Care Co., a divi- 'government doesn't serve the people. Gov- members, just may be those in the meeting' JUDfTHMqSEEFgENEY sion of Baxter Health Care. He has said that room itself. The council room, which was ernment was never intended to serve poli- his first priority when he takes office is to last refurbished in the late 1960s, has been tics. MARKR.ROSMAN "look at areas in which we can tighten our undergoing renovations to bring the room "I am going to make sure those on the belts." up to present fire codes and improve the council are responsible for their commit- Ferraro. North Park Avenue, owns and appearance of the third-floor meeting room.
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